French husband: Who is he, is it worth it to get married? Marrying the Frenchman - what kind of French men have character, relationship, children, mentality: characteristics

French husband: Who is he, is it worth it to get married? Marrying the Frenchman - what kind of French men have character, relationship, children, mentality: characteristics

In this article, we will tell you whether it is worth marrying a Frenchman’s man and why.

Many women dream of marrying a foreigner and going to live abroad. Often they think that there is a fairy tale that no man in their homeland is able to give them there. However, is that so? We decided to find out what it feels like to marry a Frenchman and how to live with him.

French husband: Who is he, is it worth it to get married?

Marry the Frenchman
Marry the Frenchman

Usually, having read beautiful novels, having seen enough beautiful landscapes and may even be in France - everyone falls in love with it. And indeed, this country is very beautiful and awakens love for each of its house and every street.

Therefore, it is not surprising that women want to marry a Frenchman. It is for him, not another foreigner. After all, many want to live in France, and if there is still a family there, then it is doubly more pleasant. Although, some women are looking for relationships only to get citizenship.

If you ask any woman about what they are French men, then immediately the image of a gallant, beautiful and loving man wakes up in my head. What exactly from this is true that - no, let's find out.

Marry a Frenchman - what is the character?

The nature of the French
The nature of the French

If you naively believe that all the French are romantics, then you are very mistaken. Yes, undoubtedly, they show similar feelings, but this is very rare. For example, on a first date, he will show you romanticism, and then he can stop showing it. This is due to the fact that in reality the French are pragmatic and do not consider it necessary to make constantly romantic evenings in order to charm their lady.

Despite this, it is interesting to communicate with French men, as they by nature have great eloquence, and many of them have a good education, which makes conversations with them even more interesting. In addition, throughout their lives, the French do not stop studying and always develop their horizons.

But, do not be surprised if in ordinary life a person turns out to be a real bore. He loves to talk on political topics and laws, constantly protects his own interests and is unlikely to refuse to take part in a strike or demonstration.

They also talk about the frivolity of the French, but this is not true. They are cheerful and harmonious, and they are not used to worry about trifles and create problems from an even place. It is also important to note that the French are in no hurry to marry, many like the usual way of life.

So only an interesting and educated woman will be able to conquer the heart of an avid bachelor of the Frenchman. These men have many positive qualities, but restraint and prudence are especially distinguished.

The French themselves are used to living calmly and measuredly, and therefore passion in relations is not inherent in them. They always smooth out conflicts, seek compromises in quarrels and try to reconcile others. It is always nice to communicate with them, because they can’t occupy goodwill. It is also noted that the French behave diplomatically not only in politics, but also in household issues.

Marry a Frenchman - what is he in a relationship?

The French are in a relationship
The French are in a relationship

Undoubtedly, in relations, the French manifest themselves as gentlemen. They respect their partner and consider her equal. If the Frenchman begins to praise his girlfriend, then he will highlight her mind and talent, and not beauty and attractiveness.

Of course, such men are pleased when a girl takes care of herself and it's nice to look at her. But they are more important than not the appearance, but what it is.

Together with such a man, you can feel like a bright person, and not a defenseless princess. The French never make a goddess from a woman and do not bow to her. In addition, they are not inclined to idealize relations.

Many girls are wondering if French men compare their compatriots with Russian women. Yes, of course, and even draw their own conclusions.

They believe that Slavic girls are more beautiful and not even just because they are such by nature. The fact is that they spend more efforts and means on this than women in their homeland.

The French women like natural beauty, and they do not even try to do anything to attract a man. Moreover, they behave regardless of men, their own comfort and career are more important to them. But Russian women are happy to devote themselves to children and the family.

It is believed that the French are too stingy. This is due to practicality and prudence. French boyfriends will never be greedy if they want to choose a good perfume for their lady, but flowers will not give often.

Marry the Frenchman - how do they care?

How do the French take care of?
How do the French take care of?

In Russia, girls are used to the fact that men give them flowers as a sign of attention or on holidays. But in France they usually buy many colors to decorate their own home.

So, when a Frenchwoman buys products for dinner, he can take a beautiful bouquet with him to please him with the look of all the home. For a Russian girl, this tradition is considered wildness - why should she buy flowers for herself?

Even in France, girls often pay for dinner in restaurants and not only for themselves. For example, if you called your loved one on a date, then you also pay. A very strange approach, but these are the concepts of another country.

The fact is that French men are not used to when their generosity is perceived for granted. Everyone will be pleased if the girl sometimes paid for dinner. For them, this is a manifestation of care and love. And in the family, couples can pay in turn.

Married a Frenchman - Relations in marriage: Features

The Frenchman is married
The Frenchman is married

As we have already said, men in France behave in relation to women on equal terms. All household chores are divided in half. The spouses should even raise children together. French women, as a rule, do not sit for a long time at the decree and try to go to work faster.

Children become independent very quickly, and parents have no habit of limiting them in some endeavors. Undoubtedly, this is good on the one hand, but on the other, they do not have a special attachment to parents.

There are very few women housewives in France. Each is trying to realize and take place. In addition to work, women often meet with girlfriends and spend time outside the house. If the Frenchwoman closes from everyone and will not go anywhere, then for her it is very bad, first of all, for herself.

The advantage of relations with the Frenchman is that his parents will never climb with advice and moralizing. They live their own lives and they simply do not have time to distribute advice.

That's just the grandmother will not constantly sit with the grandchildren. They have a lot of their affairs. And by the way, if you file for divorce, it is likely that the court will leave the child with your father. This is one of the most insidious situations for a Russian woman.

France is a rich and civilized country, where there are a lot of opportunities for development. But not every woman can get used to the difference in mentality and accept them.

Marry a Frenchman - how to adapt in a foreign country?

How to get used to a foreign country?
How to get used to a foreign country?

And so you met the Frenchman - the man of his dreams, he fell in love with you and you are ready to get married. But how to get used to life in a foreign country? After all, there are completely different people, and indeed another mentality. There are several practical tips that will help you quickly join the life of this country.

  • Start actively studying French

Ideally, it is worth finding a Russian -speaking teacher who lives constantly in France. This will allow you not only to delve into the tongue itself, but also to adapt in different trifles. So come to the choice of a teacher carefully. He should help you deal with French culture, as well as give sensible advice.

It is worth taking care of group classes that are constantly held in the city hall. Such courses are always required for immigrants and allow you to comprehend the basics of the language. Do not be afraid that you will not succeed. Believe me, even the weakest people in training, master French, so you definitely succeed.

  • Respect the customs of the country and unobtrusively introduce your own

Russian and French families are very different, at least even relations between generations. We have already said that they do not sacrifice their personal life and you must understand this. Therefore, if you have no one to leave the child with and needs the help of relatives, then you should agree on it in advance. It is not even customary to visit France unexpectedly, and even more so to ask for something. This is considered impolite and can offend a person.

If necessary, it can always call a nanny, but only this should not be a young and pretty Frenchwoman. Practice shows that Portuguese women are considered the most reliable. And then you decide for yourself.

  • A woman should work
Woman at work
Woman at work

Even despite the fact that you and your husband are enough or you have very young children, you should still work. This is a relic of feminism. If you are not ready for this, then bring significant arguments. And when you go to work, you must distribute all the duties of the house. Otherwise, you will cross all the same problems of Russian families.

The French are independent and perfectly conducting economy. So they are brought up from childhood. So why not use such a gift of fate? Just do not forget that like all men, they will not mind getting rid of duties if there is a woman ready for anything.

Since you have such a chance, then they should not exchange and create a Russian family with a Frenchman. Did you want this? It is better to gently distribute responsibilities, and even if he does something bad, then praise it anyway. You noticed that next time he will definitely do everything better.

  • French husband is ideal for a Russian girl

The French are open, loving, simple and sincere. You can give a bunch of examples, as well as the stories of girls who claim that they are the best lovers. In the family, men prefer comfort and tranquility.

In women, the French like sophistication and education, the ability to support any conversation regardless of the topic. So how well you speak the language, your comfort as a whole will depend.

Moreover, you must be a wife in the most literal sense of the word - to provide coziness, to be calm, desirable and simply reliable. This is the most important stage of the adaptation process that should be overcome.

  • Learn to enjoy life
Be an optimist
Be an optimist

The French are different in that they are optimists in life. They are always sure that everything will be fine. Often they are not even important for them, but simply a good attitude to business and a positive mood. In general, life in France is built on the culture of pleasure. Here everything should be done with pleasure and you will always be asked if you are satisfied with everyone.

The transition to such a state means to work less, not rush and not fuss. Learn to remove from the pressing things completely and surrender to the pleasure of rest.

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