How women live in Africa: customs, traditions, lifestyle, education, marriage and motherhood, law and participation in politics, style and beauty. How are women of Africa live: facts and photos of African women

How women live in Africa: customs, traditions, lifestyle, education, marriage and motherhood, law and participation in politics, style and beauty. How are women of Africa live: facts and photos of African women

In this article, we suggest you get to know the women of Africa better. We will tell you how they live, dress, what women care and dream of in exotic and beautiful Africa.

How are women of Africa live: facts about African women

Africa is huge and colorful. This continent attracts many tourists from all over the world with its identity and exotic. In this article we want to tell you about women who live in Africa.

Within the framework of one article, it is impossible to tell about all aspects of the female fate in Africa. After all, there are a lot of peoples, everyone has different customs and rules of life. For example, the life of women in Egypt and the life of women in wild tribes of Kenya or Ethiopia is very different.

Despite the fact that women in Africa are very different, they are united by one thing - they have very little right. Gender inequality in Africa is especially noticeable compared to other countries.

Important: in 1962, July 31 in Tanzania approved the Day of the African woman. We want to tell you about these strong, smiling, loving, caring, happy and unhappy women of Africa.

Facts about Africa women:

  • Tuarean - The people in which matriarchy reigns. Here men, not women are forced to cover their face. Women own lands, money, values. Here a woman can divorce a man, while a man leaves the house. Since childhood, girls are studying literacy.
  • Women of the tribe mursi Forced to wear disks in the lips. They serve not only as a decoration, but are also a sign of status in society. A woman with a disk lip deserves a good relationship from her husband, they give a good ransom for such a bride. A woman without a disk does not even have the right to look at her husband and sit with him at one table.
  • Women of the tribe hamer They wear iron hoops on the neck that the husband puts on them. Beaters of the wife here is a normal phenomenon. On certain days, a man should beat his wives, so he expresses his love. The more scars on the woman’s body, the stronger her husband loves her.
  • Women of the tribe khimba retained their identity. They are very beautiful and graceful. They have special hairstyles. They apply a special mixture of ocher and fat to their body. Women here do not know how to write, the tribe lives outside civilization.
  • A woman from the tribe bushmenov He kills his child if it was born ahead of schedule.
  • Women from the tribe nUBA They themselves choose their grooms during the holiday. After that, the groom must build a house for a future wife. Even if during this time the couple had a child, this does not give the right to be considered a husband and wife to them. After the wedding, the spouses do not eat together for a year, only separately.
  • In the kingdom Swaziland Every year, virgins from all over the kingdom dance for the king a special dance. So the king chooses his next wife. One of the kings of Swaziland had 90 wives.
Woman from the Tuareg tribe
Woman from Masai tribe
The most beautiful women are the women of the Khimba tribe

How are women of Africa live: lifestyle, traditions, customs

The life of women in Africa is different from the usual life. In Africa there are countries with different living standards. More than 1 billion people live here, more than 60% of the population are rural residents.

In Africa there are cities where women are different from the life of rural women. Also in Africa there are rich women, whose life is also not at all the same as that of rural ones. But still, most of Africa inhabit the poor population. Poverty, hunger and illness reign on this continent.

The life of an ordinary average woman is very complicated if you look at it with the look of a European, accustomed to the benefits of civilization. However, women in Africa do not despair, they are happy and glad of the life that is given to them.

  • Traveling in Africa, you can see the walking women and men. Wherein there may be heavy loads on women's head. The man will go nearby without offering help to a woman. It seems terrible to us, but for Africans it is a common occurrence. If a woman offers help, she will be offended and consider it an insult.
  • A woman in Africa is constantly working. On her shoulders lies work around the house, care for children, cooking, she is engaged in cattle breeding and growing food crops. At the same time, it is worth knowing what works for a woman should cook food. To get water, many women of Africa are forced to walk several kilometers a day, and then carry water on their shoulders. Lingerie is erased by a woman in Africa with her hands, not in a washing machine. It does not cook on an electric or gas stove, but on a wood furnace. To cook food, you must first get firewood, flood the stove, and then cook food.
  • The main income in families is provided by a man. A woman on the land allocated to her is conducted by the farm, It can sell excess products and receive a little money for this.
  • Enterprising women in Africa trade in the market everything they can. Young go to neighboring villages and sell their goods there.
  • Some women in Africa are engaged in healership and healing.
  • Since childhood, a woman in Africa is accustomed to work. She rarely sits idle. Africa women are not used to complaining to husbands about their fatigue or weakness.

Many women in African villages dream of leaving for the city and “live like white” to work in an office with air conditioning. But for most of them, this dream remains unrealistic. Those few who leave their native village do not have education and illiterate. Such women can find the work of a nanny or housekeepers. They do the same work that was done in their village: they cook in the backyard on the stove to save electricity; Emerate with their hands.

City women of Africa also have many problems. In addition to citywide problems, this is: expensive and inaccessible contraception, sexual harassment at the workplace and on the street, high cost and low wage. The average city woman with education would like to have no more than 2-3 children.

Women in Africa
Life of women in Africa
African life
Mother and child in Africa

How do women Africa live: education

Important: in Africa, about 20 million children of school age do not attend school. Of this number 2⁄3 girls.

Born by a girl in Africa, this means early to become a wife and mother. Many girls do not at all at all at all. This is due to the poverty of the population. Some parents cannot pay for all school contributions, so the children do not go to school. There are paid schools where the cost is not so high, but even low payment for education is not available to many families. Even if parents want children to study, they do not have such an opportunity.

However, many African tribes are completely illiterate. Here people do not know how to read and write, there are no schools. Here is only one school - a survival school.

School in Africa

In many African families, it is believed that a girl is better to get married than to study at school and get an education. And they get married here very early. In some African countries, girls become brides at 8 years old. According to statistics, 39% of African girls get married up to 18 years old.

Life expectancy in Africa is low, it is believed that Africa is a country of young people. Dying from diseases and a low standard of living. When parents die, grandfathers and grandmothers, uncles and aunts, as well as other relatives are not able to pay for the training of an orphaned child. The only way out of the situation is to marry the girl. Even if before that the girl went to school, her education ends after marriage.

After a while, the girl gives birth to a child and she no longer has the opportunity to study. Because all the duties of the house are falling on her shoulders. Adults here become very early. Children's marriages generate further poverty.

Girl teenager

Education here is preferred to give the boy more than a girl. The boy, when he grows up, will be able to get a job. And the girl cannot do this. Since even women with education do not have the opportunity to find a job, payment for which will feed the family. In addition, the boy is not so scary to let one into school.

The situation for girls from wealthy privileged families develops a little differently. Girls who are lucky to be born in wealthy families have every chance of getting an education and developing professionally. But even having received an education, a woman has to make much more effort than a man to advance in the service or prove her professionalism. This is due to the fact that society is patriarchal.

Pupils of the 11th grade in Sowo, South Africa

Video: The problem of children's marriages in Africa

How are women of Africa live: marriage and motherhood

Important: traditionally, a woman in Africa is perceived as a mother and keeper of a family hearth. African women give birth to many children. For the most part, this does not happen because children are very fond of there, but due to inaccessible contraception. On average, each family has 5-6 children.

Africa has a high natural increase. Mothers here become very early. If a woman lives in a village, she starts work as soon as she moves away from childbirth. Often here you can see a woman with a baby behind her back. Children are usually suspended behind their back so that the hands remain free. So a woman will be able to do work.

Khimba women sorry
African mother and child
Mother feeds the child while collecting salt

If a woman lives in the city and works for hiring, then she is laid for maternity leave. In some countries it lasts 3 months, in some 6 months.

The upbringing of children is completely entrusted to a woman. Older children usually help their mother, look after younger children. Children in Africa are instilled in respect for the elders. But difficult living conditions determine the level of development of these children.

Often barefoot children are left to themselves. They themselves find entertainment on the street, often they have no toys. Africa’s mothers are forced to suffer a lot, since often their children die. The fault of high mortality of children is hunger, low living standards, various diseases.

In Africa in most countries, there is officially polygamy. One husband can have many wives. As a rule, girls from poor families or women in tribes agree to be the second, third or fourth wife. In order not to be a burden for their family, these women believe that they will be able to gain financial stability by getting married, albeit not as a first wife.

Citizens with education do not want to share their spouse with someone else. They warn about this in advance.

Women in Africa tribes do not mind that her husband will take another wife. Firstly, they do not have the right to be against. Secondly, the second wife helps first divide the duties in the house, life and conduct leisure.

Divorces in Africa are practically not found. If a woman got married once, she belongs to a man forever. A woman can almost never initiate a divorce. However, in some African countries this is possible. In this case, a woman can leave the house with what can take with her (as a rule, these are jewelry).

Divorce can initiate a man. In many tribes, a wife abandoned by her husband is doomed to be an outcast. Her children will not be accepted in any family, no one will marry her.

An unmarried woman in Africa is considered a lower variety. A woman acquires her social significance only after the marriage and birth of children.

African wedding
Wedding in Africa
Pregnant woman in Africa

How do women of Africa live: how do they take care of themselves, how they dress?

The beauty of women in Africa is very diverse. Women who live in civilization have access to the Internet, television, can buy clothes and jewelry. Women living in civilized settlements or cities dress and look familiar to us. Do not think that in all the corners of Africa women walk only in a goat's skirt.

African style is special. Fashionable couturier constantly draw inspiration in the African style. It is characterized by bright colors, various prints, massive jewelry.

Tribal women have various concepts of beauty. African beauty is sometimes frightening to us. For example:

  • In the Masai tribes, women knock out her teeth. This is considered beautiful.
  • In the Mursi tribe, women wear huge discs in their lips and ears.
  • In the Khimba tribe, women braid her hair in braids, and then cover it with a special mixture. They also rub their body with a special mixture that protects from the sun.
  • In some tribes, they decorate their body with a spray. The more scars on the woman’s body, the more beautiful she is. Girls begin to rummage the body, starting from the age of five.

There are such tribes where women lead a “glamorous” lifestyle. They will weave jewelry and take care of themselves all day. They do it by improvised ways. Some rub the skin with ash, others with fat.

If you pay attention to the teeth of many African women, then their whiteness can be noted. The teeth are cleansed in villages and tribes using twigs and plants that have antibacterial properties.

A woman in Africa always watches herself. She does this with improvised means. Especially here they love jewelry. There are special jewelry specifically for holidays, and there are those that are designed for everyday life.

Even girls begin to show themselves early in Africa. At an early age, they pierce their ears, decorate the body.

However, there are such countries in Africa where the beauty of women is completely different. They do not flaunt their body, instead put on a burqa. They can demonstrate their beauty only at home in front of their husband.

African beauty is very multifaceted. In the photo below, we suggest looking at beautiful women in Africa.

Women of Egypt
Women Morocco
Woman with jewelry from the Masai tribe
Fashion in Africa
Fashion in Africa tribes
The beauty of African tribal women
Woman in the market, Senegal
Famous African braids
Beautiful women in Africa

Video: Beauty of African women

How are women of Africa live: rights and participation in politics

The problem of African women is their lawlessness. Gender non -enlightenment in Africa is most pronounced.

Western countries financially encourage and support programs to promote women in power in Africa. Prizes and grants are allocated to this. However, this is valid only for women from very influential and wealthy families.

For an ordinary African woman in life, little has changed, despite the loud statements that every year the life of African women is getting better.

There is still no well in her village, and she is forced to walk tens of kilometers to the source of water with a bady on her head. In her village there are no elementary means of hygiene and contraception. She cooks food on the stove, breathing caustic smoke. Every year she gives birth to another child and in fear thinks that he may not live up to five years of age.

Life of African Woman

But despite all everyday difficulties, African women do not consider themselves unhappy. They value and love their life, because they have no other. Write in the comments if you liked this article.

Video: Life of African women

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