Gestosis of pregnant women: causes, symptoms, treatment

Gestosis of pregnant women: causes, symptoms, treatment

From this article you will learn what gestosis of pregnant women is.

Pregnancy is a happy time for a woman, but it can overshadow various diseases and ailments. Among which gestosis is especially often distinguished.

What is this pathology and what is it dangerous? Gestosis, or as it is also called late toxicosis, is a pathology in which the functionality of vital systems and organs is disrupted. There are about a quarter of pregnant women and can cause serious complications. Read more about such a complex disease that occurs during pregnancy, read below.

Toxicosis and gestosis of pregnant women in obstetrics-what it is: the difference between early and late gestosis, ICD-10

Toxicosis and gestosis of pregnant women in obstetrics
Toxicosis and gestosis of pregnant women in obstetrics

Toxicosis or early gestosis of pregnant women in obstetrics occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy and lasts up to 18-20 weeks. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the placenta cannot yet neutralize metabolism products that the fetus produces, since from 9th to 16th week Only its formation occurs.

Here is the difference early gestosis from late:

  • This leads to the formation of a woman’s body response. Basically, this is nausea and vomiting.
  • Also, the features of the female body in the manifestation of toxicosis can be increased salivation.
  • It is an accompanying factor in vomiting, but it can be an independent symptom. With increased salivation, a pregnant woman can lose before 1 liter of liquid per day.
  • Another common satellite of early gestosis can be the so -called itching of pregnant women. Itching can spread throughout the body, causing a woman irritability and sleep disturbance.

Late gestosis:

  • Diagnosed approximately from the 25th week pregnancy.
  • The woman’s body does not cope with the task of providing the fetus with nutrients and oxygen.
  • Late gestosis is a consequence of negative changes in the body precisely during pregnancy. This is a hormonal failure, a pronounced spasm of all blood vessels, a violation of blood circulation.
  • Late gestosis is manifested in the form of edema of varying severity, which occur due to pathological retardation of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Blood pressure may increase due to the formation of blood clots inside the blood vessels.
  • Also, a serious violation of the woman’s body with gestosis is the presence of protein in the urine.

Classification of this disease MKB-10-020-029- "Mother's diseases associated with pregnancy."

What is the dangerous gestosis of pregnant women: who is at risk?

Gestosis of pregnant women is dangerous for both mother and child
Gestosis of pregnant women is dangerous for both mother and child

Developing gestosis negatively affects the health of a woman and the state of the unborn child. Why is this disease dangerous in pregnant women? Here are a few important aspects:

  • Prolonged vomiting for toxicosis can lead to dehydration of the body of a pregnant woman.
  • With late gestosis, the expectant mother can suffer from violations in the work of the kidneys and nervous system, vision can worsen.
  • A spasm of blood vessels, a violation of blood circulation, the formation of small blood clots can provoke a stroke, followed by the development of a coma state.
  • Gestosis threatens with the possibility of developing heart failure, the development of pulmonary edema in a pregnant woman.
  • With this phenomenon, the probability of detachment of the placenta, the beginning of premature birth, oxygen starvation of the unborn child is high.

The risk group for the development of gestosis includes:

  • Pregnant women with overweight, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, liver diseases, kidneys.
  • Pregnancy with more than one fruit.
  • Pregnant younger than 18 and older than 30 years.
  • Women with a hereditary tendency to gestosis.
  • Girls who give birth for the first time.
  • Giving birth often, with short gaps between childbirth.

The danger of gestosis of the pregnant woman is that the products of the child’s metabolism penetrate the blood of the expectant mother. Therefore, it is important for the health of the mother and the child, to make a timely diagnosis and begin treatment. Read about the signs and symptoms of this pathology below.

Gestosis of pregnant women: symptoms, signs, how to determine?

Gestosis of pregnant women
Gestosis of pregnant women

This disease is dangerous that it has practically no symptoms and can be detected by examinations and analyzes. However, each obstetrician-gynecologist knows that if the pregnant woman begins to dramatically gain weight, then this may be the first symptom of gestosis. The weight in this case is gained at the expense of edema. A woman can feel great, but her tests indicate the development of a disease that threatens health and even life, both her and a child.

Signs of gestosis are directly related to the degrees of development of dropsy (edema):

  1. Light edema - First, only swelling of the feet and legs appear. Then swelling of the abdomen, face and hands are added. As a result, if treatment is not prescribed, generalized edema throughout the body occurs.
  2. Nephropathy - In addition to edema, protein appears in the urine. Therefore, it is so important to do analyzes during the time. The pressure rises to 130/80.
  3. Preeclampsia - A more serious condition. Flies appear in front of the eyes, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches, there is heaviness in the occipital area of \u200b\u200bthe head, sleep and memory are disturbed. Pressure can increase to 155/120.
  4. Eclampsia - The most serious degree in which the retina, placenta can exfoliate. A large risk of stroke, strangulation of the fetus, edema of the lungs and brain.

As a result, if you do not prescribe treatment, coma and death in a timely manner.

Here are the main symptoms of pregnant women gestosis, which help to accurately determine the presence of a disease in different stages of its development:

  • Increasing blood pressure - more than 130/80 mm Hg. Art.
  • Deviations in a biochemical blood test - a decrease in platelets and coagulation indicators.
  • Deviations in biochemical and general urine analysis - an increase in the amount of protein.
  • Swelling of the limbs.
  • A sharp increase in weight.
  • Vision of vision, emergence of vomiting and nausea.

With a severe course of the disease, there may be a loss of consciousness, which is accompanied by seizures. When these and other symptoms appear, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

Rare forms of early gestosis during pregnancy

Gestosis during pregnancy: jaundice of pregnant women
Gestosis during pregnancy: jaundice of pregnant women

Currently, there are mainly only two main types of gestosis - early and late. However, in medical practice, many more rare forms of early development of gestosis during pregnancy, for example:

  • Acute fat hepatosis, symptoms can be external and internal bleeding, the appearance of vomiting reflexes and severe edema, a decrease in urine. This type of gestosis can also develop into other species.
  • Development of chores - The appearance of spontaneous movements, mental deviations and emotional imbalance. In the light stages, it can end with ordinary births, and after childbirth gradually disappear.
  • Jaundice of pregnancy -It appears mainly in the 2nd trimester. It is accompanied by severe itching, can cause a miscarriage during pregnancy. Almost always manifests itself with new pregnancies.
  • The state of aunt - There is contractions of muscles, pain in the limbs. It can also lead to a miscarriage. Depends on the level of calcium in the blood.
  • Dermatoses in various types - rashes that spread throughout the cover of the skin. Insomnia and imbalance may develop.
  • Osteomulation -violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. It is treated by prescribing vitamin D. If the symptoms of such a pathology remain after childbirth, then this is an indication for stopping breastfeeding.

Some doctors call such conditions gestosis, others attribute to other, independent diseases.

Gestosis of pregnant women: causes of 1 and 3 trimester, diagnosis

Gestosis of pregnant women: diagnosis
Gestosis of pregnant women: diagnosis

Gestosis, often found in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, as a rule, does not differ in insidiousness and does not pose a danger to the health of a woman and her child. Late gestosis arising in the 3rd trimester is particularly alarming.

  • With this pathology, changes appear in the endothelial layer of the vascular wall, subsequently leading to generalized vascular cramps.
  • The general circulation of blood is disturbed, which contributes to the formation of dysfunctional symptoms.

Despite the fact that the main causes of gestosis are still not detected, the only fact is not in doubt: the problem creates a fruit acting as an alien agent in the mother’s body. Here are the additional factors that make the appearance of gestosis very likely:

  • The presence of chronic diseases.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Cases of gestosis observed in close relatives.
  • Excess weight that was before pregnancy.

For the diagnosis of gestosis, a series of clinical studies is carried out. Definitely confirm the diagnosis:

  • Hypertension, stably increased diastolic pressure - exceeding the norm for 20 or more mm Hg.
  • Decreasing the number of platelets - thrombocytopenia.
  • Reducing the level of lymphocytes - Lymphopenia.
  • Increase in blood viscosity - A noticeable increase in the stoop rate.
  • The appearance of protein in the urine.

During a visual examination in a pregnant woman, swelling is found - when pressed with a finger on the skin, a white trace remains for a long time.

Pathogenesis and classification of gestosis of pregnant women: degree

Pathogenesis and classification of gestosis of pregnant women
Pathogenesis and classification of gestosis of pregnant women

During pregnancy, the organs and systems of women work, as they say, "at the limit." Often in a pregnant woman, chronic diseases of past years are aggravated. However, even more often, expectant mothers are diagnosed with gestosis. The classification of gestosis takes into account the time of the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

  • Early gestosis inherent in the initial period of pregnancy. A woman is worried about nausea, sometimes vomiting, abundant salivation.
  • Late gestosis For the first time, he declares himself in the middle of pregnancy with a classic triad: edema, hypertension, nephropathy.

The patient's condition is usually evaluated by the degrees of gravity of gestosis:

  • Light.
  • Medium severity (stable).
  • Heavy (progressive).
  • Preeclampsia - the emergence of various neurological deviations and dropsy and edema of different parts of the body.
  • Eclampsia - The appearance of convulsive seizures and edema of the whole body.

In addition, gestosis is divided into:

  • Cleannot burdened with chronic diseases.
  • Combined, a weighting course of diseases that was in pregnant woman before the process of conception and bearing a child - hypertension, kidney pathology, obesity.

As mentioned above, the pathogenesis of this pathology has not been fully studied. Professors of medicine around the world continue to put forward theories that shed light on the mechanism of the formation of this disease. The following is reliably known: with gestosis, certain disorders are recorded in each organ of the woman.

Treatment of gestosis of pregnant women: how is gestosis in pregnant women?

Treatment of gestosis of pregnant women: to relax more and not worry
Treatment of gestosis of pregnant women: to relax more and not worry

Treatment of gestosis of pregnant women takes place in the hospital, its duration depends on the complications caused by the disease, and may last from 2 weeks until the end of pregnancy. First of all, the treatment process is aimed at eliminating and preventing complications of disorders in a woman and fetus, as well as normalization of the condition:

  • Establishing the activities of the central nervous system With the help of means that are acceptable during pregnancy: the use of soothing herbal teas, proper nutrition, relaxation and rest.
  • Blood coagulation - with the help of drugs, water use in the required amount.
  • Observation of the state of the cardiovascular system - The purpose of the ECG - 1 time per month Or even more often.
  • Normalization of blood pressure - Using the means safe for pregnancy.
  • Bringing to the norm of water-salt balance - minimizing salt use, drinking regime.
  • Observation of the condition of the fetus with ultrasound, dopplerography, CTG.

What else is treated with gestosis in pregnant women? Here's what is recommended:

  • Bed rest
  • Long sleep
  • Avoiding different irritants and experiences
  • Sedding means: valerian, motherwort
  • Proper nutrition
  • Consuming fruits and vegetables

Important: At the first signs of malaise at any stage of pregnancy, urgently consult your obstetrician-gynecologist.

If treatment does not bring results, and the condition of the woman worsens, doctors can decide on early delivery. Usually it passes with a cesarean section. For delivery, naturally it is necessary that all indicators of analyzes of a woman and child be within normal limits. But since gestosis is often observed with fetal hypoxia, doctors are inclined to conduct surgery.

Gestoses of pregnant women - clinical recommendations: diet, menu, therapeutic protocol

Gestoses of pregnant women - diet, menu
Gestoses of pregnant women - diet, menu

The most important thing for gestosis of pregnant women - food should be easily absorbed in the stomach of the future mother. The use of fried, fatty dishes and sweets in large quantities is not allowed. Food should be different, and contain a large number of vitamins in its composition. In order for the woman’s body to be saturated with proteins, foods should include such foods as:

  • Low -fat varieties of meat - birds, rabbit, veal
  • Red and white fish
  • Egg
  • Milk, cottage cheese and other sour -milk products

It is worth remembering: If the urine of the pregnant woman has protein, then the use of all the above products should be minimized. You should consult a specialist about the necessary diet.

The use of marine products has a great positive effect. These include foods such as: mussels, shrimp, squid, sea cabbage, fish fat. They contain an extended spectrum with trace elements and vitamins. They include oils of the highest category. Saturation by vitamins is achieved due to the inclusion of vegetables and fruits in the menu, raw, and in the form after processing. You can make drinks out of them.

Below you will find a few more clinical recommendations. Pregnant women should be excluded from their menu, the use of such food:

  • White bread
  • Baking from the dough
  • Fatty meat
  • Meat varieties with the presence of fats - pork, lard
  • Canning and smoked products
  • Sausage products
  • Fat varieties of fish
  • Types of sharp and smoked cheeses
  • Fast snack products
  • Condensed milk
  • Casteful and sweet cheese

Here is an approximate menu for one day:

  • Breakfast2-3 tablespoons boiled oatmeal in milk without sugar, 1 egg Pashot or boiled soft, a glass of tea.
  • Lunch1 apple.
  • Dinner - soup on chicken broth with potatoes and vegetables, pasta - 2 tbsp. tablespoons, cutlet made of chicken, compote made of fresh or frozen berries.
  • Afternoon snack 1 apple.
  • Dinner2-3 tablespoons buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese - 100g, coffee drink with milk.
  • The second dinner1 cup kefir.

If gestosis proceeds with serious complications, then doctors may prescribe a pregnant nutrition for a therapeutic protocol. In this case, it is prohibited:

  • All dairy products
  • Fatty varieties of meat
  • Sugar and all products from it
  • Smoked meats
  • White flour in any form

It is possible in unlimited quantities:

  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Porridge, except manna
  • Poultry or rabbit
  • It is useful to drink unsweetened compotes, herbal teas and other drinks, except for coffee

The exact menu for the therapeutic protocol is prescribed only by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and the well -being of the pregnant woman.

Risk factors for the development of late gestosis of pregnant women

Diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for the development of late gestosis of pregnant women
Diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for the development of late gestosis of pregnant women

An increase in blood pressure in pregnant women is much more common than not pregnant women. According to recent years, gestosis has been 4th placeas a cause of maternal mortality. Also, this pathology can lead to disability of women in labor and their children. Therefore, the problem of late gestosis is still relevant.

What is the main risk factor for the development of late gestosis of pregnant women? There are a lot of predisposing risk factors for the development of this pathology. Here are the main ones:

  • A history of gestosis in pregnant women.
  • Premature birth (from 22 to 34 weeks of pregnancy) is a history of pregnancy.
  • Chronic kidney pathology.
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus in a pregnant woman.
  • Thrombophilia inherited.
  • Diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 types.
  • Chronic arterial hypertension in pregnant women.
  • The first pregnancy.
  • If more than 10 years have passed between subsequent pregnancies.
  • Another man has a woman.
  • Medical technologies used in infertility - extracurporeal fertilization, surrogate motherhood, the use of donor sperm.
  • If late gestosis had relatives (mother, sisters).
  • Excessive weight gain during pregnancy.
  • Infectious diseases of a pregnant woman.
  • A large number of pregnancies in the history.
  • Old -born (40 years and older).
  • Ethnicity: South Asian, black, Scandinavian, Pacific regions.
  • The diagnosis of obesity was diagnosed at the first visit to the gynecologist (BMI 35 kg/m2 or more).
  • Arterial pressure above 130 /80 mm Hg Art.
  • The permissible level of triglycerides in blood test when planning pregnancy is exceeded.
  • Cardiovascular diseases in close relatives-mother, father, brothers, sisters.

Even a low socio-economic standard of living of a pregnant woman can lead to gestosis. Therefore, the future mother should be kept in good conditions, eat qualitatively and walk a lot in the fresh air.

Prevention of gestosis of pregnant women: recommendations

Prevention of gestosis of pregnant women
Prevention of gestosis of pregnant women

Usually late and most dangerous gestosis begins after 25-34 weeks pregnancy. To prevent the development of this disease, it is necessary to adhere to a diet, follow all the recommendations of a doctor who observes pregnancy. It is also recommended for the prevention of the development of gestosis:

  • To establish proper drinking and diet. Fatty, salty and spicy food should be avoided.
  • Perform physical activity allowed by the doctor, for example, swimming in the pool, simple fitness exercises.
  • Long walks in the air of at least two hours a day.
  • Body weight control.
  • Regular observation by specialists.
  • Submission of the necessary tests.
  • Daily control over blood pressure.
  • A doctor may prescribe vitamins.

If during the first pregnancy the woman did not observe the development of late toxicosis, then its appearance during the second pregnancy is almost zero.

Complications of late gestosis of pregnant women in the late stages in 3 trimester: edema, what pressure for gestosis?

Complications of late gestosis of pregnant women in the late stages in 3 trimester
Complications of late gestosis of pregnant women in the late stages in 3 trimester

The consequences of this disease are very severe, therefore, control over the condition of a woman and fetus is so important - this will help diagnose late toxicosis in its early stages. Among the consequences of gestosis can be distinguished:

  • Violation in the development of the fetus.
  • Oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  • The fatal outcome of the mother and fetus.
  • HELP syndrome, which may be accompanied by accumulation of blood in the liver (hematoma) or rupture of the liver. The laboratory manifestations of this condition are the intravascular destruction of blood red blood cells, a decrease in platelet levels, take -off indicators of liver enzymes such as asatdehydrogenase, alatdehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and bilirubin.
  • Acute renal failure - It manifests itself in the form of a high level of protein in the urine more than 5 grams per liter per day or more than 3 grams per liter in two portions of urine, the interval between which is 6 hours.
  • Swellingthat appeared suddenly and progressed generally all over the body.
  • High level of creatinine in blood serum.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • The detachment of a normally located placenta.
  • Hemorrhage, detachment of the retina in a pregnant woman.

To avoid this, it is recommended to undergo treatment in a timely manner and under the supervision of specialists.

Nursing care for a pregnant woman with severe gestosis, care for a pregnant house with early gestosis: how is it?

Nursing care for a pregnant woman with severe gestosis
Nursing care for a pregnant woman with severe gestosis

Treatment of early gestosis can be carried out at home. If a pregnant woman has a severe form of this disease, then you need to urgently contact the hospital.

It is worth remembering: In the case of a severe course of the disease, strict medical control is necessary and taking prescribed drugs. Popular treatment methods can only aggravate the situation.

If any complications occur, seek medical help. How is the care of a pregnant house with early gestosis? This is what the future mother is shown:

  • Walking in the fresh air at least 2 hours every day.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Observance of cleanliness in the house and personal hygiene. It is important to clean the skin and external genitalia clean.
  • Correct water-salt balance: minimization of salt, drinking mode.
  • In order not to be sick, you can drink on an empty stomach water with lemon, tea with mint or lemon balm. Juices and fruit drinks also help in the treatment of gestosis at home. Such a drinking regime favorably affects the work of the kidneys.
  • It is recommended to use fermented milk products.
  • With a significant separation of saliva, You should caress the mouth with decoctions of sage or oak bark.
  • A pregnant woman needs to follow a strict diet. Do not eat spicy, fatty foods.
  • Portations should be evenly distributed for the whole day.
  • It is forbidden to overeat and load the digestive tract.
  • Treatment at home should also be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

With nursing care for a pregnant woman with severe gestosis, such events are added:

  • Creating emotional peace. It is important in the chamber the absence of sick women with the same pathology.
  • Daily ventilation of the chamber, elimination of any extraneous odors.
  • The nurse should provide assistance In maintaining the hygienic condition of the skin and external genital organs of a pregnant woman.
  • Performing the prevention of face skin maceration in the lip with salivation.
  • If a woman has constant vomiting not only for food, but also for liquid, then such patients are prescribed nutrient enemas from chicken broth, milk, raw eggs.
  • The nurse should control the diuresis of the pregnant woman. This will help draw conclusions about the body's water-salt state.

If a pregnant woman is worried about the further development of pregnancy and delivery, it is necessary to calm her and instill confidence in a good outcome. If all measures on the treatment regime and emotional rest are observed, the woman will be able to successfully endure and give birth to a child.

Gestosis: Pregnant reviews

The correct lifestyle is a great prevention of gestosis of pregnant women
The correct lifestyle is a great prevention of gestosis of pregnant women

If you have been diagnosed with gestosis, then do not despair, especially since experiencing in this state is harmful. Read the reviews of other pregnant women, as well as those who were diagnosed, but they have already successfully gave birth:

Maria, 25 years old

I had gestosis during my first pregnancy. I did not even know about my problem. Everything happened literally in an instant at home - it turned sharply, darkened in my eyes and I fell. My husband called an ambulance, I was taken to a hospital. The blood pressure was measured immediately - 170/100 mm. RT. ST, a protein was detected in the urine - 5 grams per liter. I'm in shock, everything was fine and suddenly that. The term was only 37 weeks, and the pressure did not decrease. As a result, emergency cesarean. Doctors say that I was very lucky. The child was born healthy, and everything is in order with me.

Alena, 29 years old

For a period of 37 weeks there was gestosis, severe preeclampsia. Every day, over the past month, the weight gain was 500 grams. My gynecologist cursed for me, said that she had less drank and eat. But I already ate almost nothing, as I was constantly sick. The pressure was measured, it was 130/90 mm. RT. Art. As a result, the next day she entered a maternity hospital with blood pressure at 170/100. The diagnosis was made - gestosis. Early conducted an operation. Thank God that everything is fine with me and my child. But the pressure after childbirth during the year could not return to normal.

Amina, 32 years old

My pressure during pregnancy rose to 240/180 mm. RT. ST, hemoglobin 68 grams per liter, and the protein indicator is 4 grams per liter. They translated the resuscitation and proxy. It was probably saved that I was in the hospital then. The doctor brought me by the hand to the resuscitation. The daughter was born weak, but this is still a miracle. The operation was in the evening. Therefore, I can say with confidence that gestosis is serious, not a joke.

Video: Gestosis during pregnancy. Preecxpsy of pregnant women

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