The first things for the newborn: a list for summer, spring, autumn, winter - quantity, can I buy in advance?

The first things for the newborn: a list for summer, spring, autumn, winter - quantity, can I buy in advance?

The joyful minutes of expectations and excitement associated with the upcoming birth is already behind - the baby was born, took the first inhalation and published his first cry. And in what clothes and other things does he need?

Now this is a little man who requires not only care and care, but also many things. Which ones? This will be discussed.

Can I buy things in advance for a newborn?

  • The famous sign says that in advance for a baby who has not yet been born, nothing can be bought-neither a scumbag-dowry, nor strollers-beds. Many adhere to such views to this day, although more and more young mothers try to acquire everything that may be needed in the first days of life in advance.
  • Moreover, During pregnancy There is time to make a leisurely and thoughtful choice, and not buy in a fever and hurry, often grabbing the first thing that falls by the arm, and not at all what is really needed.
  • But it may happen that future parents still they believe in signs And they decided to play it safe. Then it is still better for them to determine in advance to all the goods that the baby needs. They can not be bought, but compose a detailed list of things for newborns, View the sites of online stores, determine the price range, which is simply necessary in order to understand what amount is required to provide a “dowry” for the baby. You yourself can order your things after childbirth, having issued delivery to the house.
Do you buy in advance?
Do you buy in advance?
  • Similar sign when you can buy things for a newborn It has many explanations. One of them is connected with the believe that if the clothes are not put on for a long time, then evil spirits can be moved into it and somehow complicate the flow of childbirth, negatively affecting the condition of both the woman in childbirth and the baby.
  • A more realistic interpretation signs why not buy things in advance for a newborn - In the old days, in the absence of specialized children's stores, they did everything with their own hands at home, and a cradle for a baby, and sewed clothes. In addition, given that then there were many children in families, things from the elders were left “in reserve” for future babies. Therefore, purchases for newborns as such were not accepted at all.
  • Today, psychologists say that In advance purchases positively affect the psycho -emotional state of the future mother, Since in this way she is preparing for her new role, gets used to her, learns to care and care for the baby.

What does a newborn child need for the first time?

  • First of all, of course, clothes. If we are talking about the first year of life, then, depending on what time of the year the baby was born, you should choose two or three things of the corresponding sizes for each of the seasons. You should not buy a larger amount, because it is not known how the child will gain height and weight, but for the first case, the “reserve” should be - you will buy the rest as necessary.
  • Sliders, vests, overalls, hats, socks - All this should be selected, focusing on the indicated size. Often on children's things they write and ageFor which they are intended, so it will be easy for you to navigate what size at what time you might need.
Things for the baby
Things for the baby
  • Of the necessary things, which the baby cannot do without life, it should also be noted diapers (diapers). It is better not to stock up on them for the future, but to buy several pieces of different companies to determine which are the most comfortable for the baby, not causing skin irritation, Conveniently and tightly fastened. When you decide on the brand, you can buy a larger number, the main thing is to monitor the correspondence of the size and cross the next time.
  • From the first days of life, the baby must have its own the crib, in which there must be a mattress (preferably with an orthopedic function), and of course, bedding - blanket, sheets, diapers, oilcloths Under them.
All for a wonderful sleep
All for a wonderful sleep
  • The pillow of the first year of life is not needed yet, it will be needed later, so you should not include it in the list of primary necessity for the newborn.
  • Singing the baby is much more convenient for solid and even changing table - This is more comfortable for both the baby and mother, since it is much more convenient here than on the bed, change the diaper, change your child, apply the cream or perform other hygienic and medical actions.
  • Since it came to hygiene, then one cannot but say about bath “You can’t do without it either.” You can buy both ordinary and one in which a special slide is already built in, where you can lay the child safely.
Take care of the purity of the baby
Take care of the purity of the baby
  • In water procedures, you will need first Decoctions of medicinal plants (best of all, a series and chamomile), later - children's soap, Even later - children's foams, gels, shampoos, lips, etc.
  • Do not forget about creamsthat remove diaper rash, wet napkinsnot containing alcohol, cotton wools and protozoa antiseptics: peroxide, green, potassium permanganate.
  • From the first months you will need and stroller. It is better to choose her mother herself, because it is she who most often will have to drag her on the steps, carry the baby in her, enter the elevator, etc.
The stroller should choose mom for convenience
The stroller should choose mom for convenience

Things necessary for the newborn in the first month: quantity

  • We have already called the necessary things for the newborn in the first months. Now more about how much and what clothes are useful to the newborn in the first month of life.
  • Previously, mothers had to wash daily. But with the advent of diapers, such a need has disappeared, and today it is quite possible to have 5 things of different destinies in a house as a necessary minimum. Two will be in washing, two more - either at drying or on ironing, another on the baby.

Based on such calculations, in the first month for the child you will need 5 pcs.:

  • "Bodikov"
  • kombinazonchiks-"men"
  • up-coffee
We need 5 pcs. every thing
We need 5 pcs. every thing

All things should be different densities, because the temperature in the room can fluctuate. In addition, the baby will need cHIPS caps, which are enough 3 pcs., And about 3 pairs of socks. They are also better to purchase different - thin and warmer.

The first things for the newborn: list, autumn

  • If the baby comes into life in the autumn period, then his clothes, in addition to the one that has already been acquired by you as basic set, should include things more dense texture.
  • This applies to both the things that are designed to go outside and those that will be used at home. Mandatory should be purchased combineson from insulated fabric. It will come in handy to the baby on the street when it is not very cold, but you can put on it with a light Body or an ordinary scaling shirt.
  • The size of the overalls should be slightly larger, since other “outfits” will be worn under it, and if the overalls are quite insulated, in which the child will be worn in the insignificant first cold, then you can take the 68th size, which is quite significantly higher than the usual sizes of newborn .
  • But the rest of the things - sliders, body, blouses - You need to take it exact size. Do not forget about hats, it is better that they are with ties to reliably cover the ears and head of the baby.
The kid will be born in the spring
The kid will be born in the spring
  • And for the fall, it is indispensable regarding thin blanket. You will need it for walking in a stroller. Syntephopfrom which such blankets are usually made, and terry lining - A very convenient option for the child to feel comfortable while walking.

The first things for the newborn in the summer

  • The summer months are good in that the need to urgently purchase warm clothes that are more expensive. While the baby will flaunt light new newly, parents have time to take a closer look at winter things and prices.
  • The first necessary things for a newborn list in the summer It is worth starting to consider with body, which became just a wand-rush: they are easy to put on, fasten the baby’s skin without risk, this clothing does not constrain movements. And the variety is huge: T -shirts, T -shirts, including with a long sleeve. For the summer - the best option, especially if you buy a couple of pieces of each species.
  • Swings They slowly go into the past, but in the summer they continue to be a comfortable and appropriate clothing season. Moreover, they can also be bought and more tight, in case of winds and cooling, and more lungs - If a high air temperature is held on the street and in the room. Swings are good in the summer, since they are not equipped ties, buttons, buttons, And they do not make difficulties when dressing, do not interfere with the child. If you purchase 3-4 covers - Summer for your baby will become comfortable.
  • The legs of the baby are simply created for retrzunkov - Both ordinary and equipped with straps. Given that the diaper is not always a one hundred percent guarantee, it is better to buy slider a little more - 4-5 thin and denser.
For the birth of summer crumbs
For the birth of summer crumbs
  • In addition, the baby will be useful overalls (2-3 pcs.), light socks (also 2-3 pairs) and caps In the same amount, without which the child should not be taken out in the sun. You need to choose clothes from natural fabrics, avoiding synthetics.

The first things for the newborn in winter

  • A list of things to a newborn for the first time in winter suggests a "doubled" set of clothes: insulated for walking and more thinWhen the child is in the room.
  • Let's start with overalls - This is simply necessary for the winter period, since they can be the main clothing in which the baby is dressed and put on from above on light swings and sliders, If the room is cool. Therefore, provide the baby for the winter with a set of 6 overalls: bike and thinner.
  • Also on the street you need Warm overalls (you can replace it envelope), under which it is better to put on another overalls - fleece. And for frosts you need to purchase dense blanket which cover on top or wrap the baby.
A warm overalls is required
A warm overalls is required
  • It will be convenient to put on them under them body, especially since they can be both long and with short sleeves, and you can choose the appropriate depending on the air temperature. Take pieces 3 - you will not need more, because until spring the baby will grow out of them.
  • Alternative to overalls The traditional ones perform sliders and blouses on the buttons Or just smelling. For winter, they are enough in the amount 3-4 pcs.
  • Do not do without hats (Better with ties), a light cap for a home environment, especially after the bath, will not hurt.
  • A pair of warm fleece or woolen socks There should also be in the winter wardrobe of the baby.
  • Especially relevant in the winter are diapers - It is better if the child is in them not only on the street, but also at home. Take them off for half an hour or an hour, giving the baby the baby to breathe. On the street, without a diaper in winter, you should not appear.

Things for the newborn for the first time in the spring

  • The first necessary things for the newborn - the list in the spring In many ways, it is similar to the autumn set. The same light and denser overalls and body, The same sliders with blouses and dumplings. Perhaps the only difference between these seasons is that you prepare in advance winters of a larger size or summer.
  • If the baby was born in the summer and already managed to “pass” the autumn season, then, quite possibly, one of the things will still be in size (although, most likely, from the most part he will grow), because you bought the same overalls “for growth” ". If your child is “winter” or “spring” - things that correspond to the autumn list, exactly what is necessary.
Things to spring are very similar to autumn sets
Things to spring are very similar to autumn sets

The first washing of children's things for newborn

  • Experts recommend washing even newonly purchased in the store things for newborns. And then any children's clothing needs to be as frequent as possible. It is unnecessary to say that this needs to be done using exclusively children's washing powders or children's soap. And the water temperature should be high - order 90 ° C.
  • If you are used to using air conditioning for linen, It should be purchased as it is intended specifically for children's things, because chemical compounds in household chemicals are far from always safe, and in children's means this norm is respected. The use of "adult" powders or air conditioners can lead to irritation delicate skin of a child, rash, allergies.
  • After washing, do not forget about the need ironing. This is not just an aesthetic aspect - at high temperatures that the hot iron and steam gives from it, bacteria die, who could remain in the clothes of the baby.
You need to wash things only using children's funds
You need to wash things only using children's funds

When is it better to buy things for a newborn for the first months, the first year of life: tips

  • To begin with, for the first month of life, things for a newborn are divided into two categories: Clothing and everything else. The "rest" includes crib, stroller, first -aid kit, bath And other household items that will serve the child for at least a year, or even two or three. Therefore, it is better to buy such things in advance, even before childbirth, carefully choosing in many ways, the main of which is environmental friendliness and safety.
  • As for clothes, before giving birth, you should not completely purchase the entire wardrobe, which will come in handy during the first months and the first year of life. How the child will develop, in which of the seasons he will reach certain indicators growth and weight - Nobody can predict.
  • Based on this, it will be most reasonable to purchase several necessary for the first month of life of a baby of things -Literally one or two things. In the first month, the child will begin to gain weight and you can decide how this process goes and when it reaches certain sizes. The same applies to the growth of the baby.
  • Buy your child only from natural fabrics - let them cost more, but the most expensive there is no irritation, redness, rashes and other allergic reactions on sensitive children's skin. Synthetics of security in this regard cannot guarantee. By the same criterion, attention should be paid to that the seams on the clothes are external, things are quite spacious.
Things should be made of natural fabrics
Things should be made of natural fabrics
  • Do not buy children's clothing in markets from unfamiliar sellers, as a rule, it does not have quality certificates and other documents that could confirm its compliance with the standards.
  • Do not take bright, colorful things - They can irritate the already completely completely not formed vision of the baby - it is better to dwell on plain things or combined in the same color scheme, preferably delicate, pastel-beige, pink or blue. The same recommendations are applicable when choosing bedding for a crib.
  • And the last advice, do not buy everything in a row. Refrain from buying clothes that the baby will have to wear through the head - This is definitely inconvenient for such a crumb. The same applies and to fasteners on the back - It is on it that the baby lies almost all the time, and his sensitive skin will be subjected to additional stimuli. Do not buy clothes of the same size in large quantities - the baby simply does not have time to impress in it.
  • But nipple It is better to buy several, so you can understand what form is the product and from what material, silicone or latex, More suitable for your baby.

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Video: What does the newborn need in the first month?

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