Basic diseases of tomatoes: description of diseases, photo

Basic diseases of tomatoes: description of diseases, photo

From this article you will learn what kind of diseases tomatoes most often get sick.

At first glance, it seems that tomatoes are unpretentious plants: frequent watering, sunlight - and the crop is provided, but this is not so. Tomatoes have many diseases. Which ones are the main ones? We find out in this article.

The main diseases of the tomatoes

Tomatoes influence, and they can get sick, the following factors:

  • Fungi
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • There are not enough useful substances or their excess

Tomatoes can get the following diseases:

  • Fitophthrosis
  • Mosaic leaves
  • Spotting: brown, white
  • Bacteriosis
  • Morosporiosis
  • Rotten: gray, brown, vertex
  • Necrosis
  • Blackleg

Tomato diseases: late blight

Fitophthrosis - Tomato disease: leaves, stems and fruits, both in open and closed ground. The disease is caused by fungi. Most often, it appears if rains are installed, and in the greenhouse - with high humidity, 90%close. The disease is expressed by dark and rusty spots on top of the leaves, from below the leaves are covered with whitish coating. The tied tomatoes are also covered with brownish spots.

Attention. Phytofto) most often suffer from tomatoes that grow on lime soil - natural or created specifically.

The disease of late blight is very difficult to treat, it will be easier to prevent the disease, making prevention from it in time.

Folk Prevention:

  1. Infusion of garlic with potassium permanganate. We take 1 cup of crushed garlic, 1 bucket of warm water and 1 g of potassium permanganate, mix. We spray the tomatoes after the third twig of tomatoes bloomed.
  2. Ido-milk mixture. We take 1 liter of a jar of milk, 20 drops of iodine, 10 liters of water, mix and spray the tomatoes if frequent rains are charged.
  3. Kefir mixture. 1 l of a can of kefir or yogurt we mix with 1 bucket of water. Spray by tomatoes, a session after 1-2 weeks.
  4. A horsetail decoction. We take 100 g of dried horsetail grass, pour 1 liter of water, cook with a weak boil for half an hour, cool, dilute with water (5 l), and spray into tomatoes for preventive purposes.

Biological drugs:

  • "Pseudobacterin"
  • "Fitosporin"
  • "Gaupsin"
  • "Fitocide"
  • "Farmayod"

If after folk remedies and biological products tomatoes still got late) we use chemicals. Of these, it is best for the prevention and treatment of late blight are suitable:

  • Pills "Oxich." The drug must be used before flowering tomatoes. How to apply? We take 2 tablets for 1 bucket of water, stir and spray the tomatoes.
  • "Ridomil Gold"
  • "Acrobat"
  • "Kuproxat"
  • "Blue Bordeaux"

Attention. The following varieties of tall tomatoes (“raspberry bear”, “Vizier”, “Tolstoy F1”) and small tomatoes (“Kendras F1, Semyon F1, Sagan F1, Zinulya) are resistant to late blight.

Tomato disease with late blight

Tomato diseases: mosaic

Mosaic -The disease caused by viruses, when yellowish-green spots similar to mosaic are formed on the leaves. Then the leaves are twisted, yellow and dry. Most often, greenhouse tomatoes get sick with this disease, but those that are planted in open ground can also get sick. Especially the virus spreads if summer heat is installed. If the tomato bushes fell ill with mosaics, they can no longer be saved, so preventive measures must be taken on time.

What is the prevention from the disease?

  • We soak the seeds before sowing in a 1 percent solution of potassium permanent for half an hour.
  • We cut off the tomato leaves affected by the disease and burn.
  • Every 10 days we spray the tomatoes with such a mixture: 1 liter of milk with 10 liters of water, add 1 tsp. urea.
  • We use biological products: “Fitolavin” and others.

Attention. The following varieties of tall tomatoes (“Mamston F1”, “Gravit F1” and others with F1) and small varieties (“Rosalite F1”, “Red Red Riding Hood”, etc.) are resistant to this disease.

Disease of leaves and tomatoes mosaic

Tomato diseases: brown spotting

Brown spotting Call fungi. This disease is mainly ill with greenhouse tomatoes.

Causes of the disease:

  • Watering plants with cold water
  • Low temperature in the greenhouse
  • High humidity (above 95%)
  • Lack of light

How to find out that the plant got sick?

  1. Round yellow spots appear on the lower leaves.
  2. Then these spots are connected into one large rusty spot.
  3. A brownish velvety plaque appears on the bottom of the leaves - fungi.
  4. The next stage: the ensuing tomatoes are painted in a dark brown color, become soft and dry out.

Preventive measures from the disease:

  1. We tear down the sick leaves and fruits and burn.
  2. We spray with biological preparations: “Pseudobacterin-2” and others.

Chemical drugs for the treatment of brown spotting:

  • "Bordeaux mixture"
  • "Zaslon"
  • "Barrier"

Attention. The following varieties of tall tomatoes (Melanet F1 and others) and low tomatoes (Rosalite F1, Zinulya) are resistant to brown spotting.

Disease of tomatoes brown spotting bushes

Tomato diseases: white spotting

The spotting is white The fungus is caused if hot weather and frequent rains are established.

Signs of the disease:

  1. The lowest sheets of tomatoes bushes are first covered with light spots with dark edges.
  2. Then, in the middle of the spots, black dots are formed, and then one large spot, the leaves become brown, and dry out.
  3. Further in spots there will be leaves in the middle and above, and stems.
  4. The disease is also striking tomatoes: they are covered with spots, in the middle of the light with a pronounced boot, the fruits ripen ahead of time, without accumulating nutrients.

Preventive measures:

  1. If the first sick leaves appear, we tear them off and burn them.
  2. We spray the remaining, not sick with tomatoes with one of the chemicals: “Copper chloros”, “Tsineb”, “Horus”, “Fitosporin”, “Kazumin”.

Folk Prevention:

  • The infusion is garlic. We soak 0.5 kg of garlic shooters in 1 bucket of water, insist 1 day - and you can spray the tomatoes.
  • Ido-milk solution. We dilute 0.5 liters of milk in 5 liters of water, 15 drops of iodine - the solution is ready.

Attention. The following varieties of tomatoes “Ataman F1”, “Orange Plus F1”, “DO-RIM F1”, “Manin F1”, “Rock-Roll F1”, “Hali-Gali F1”, “Winner” are resistant to white spotting.

Disease of tomato leaves white spotting

Tomato diseases: bacteriosis

Bacteriosis It is caused by bacteria. They act very quickly - in one day the whole plant can disappear. In a sick bush, a void forms inside the stem or it is filled with liquid. If the plant is ill, it is already impossible to cure it, you only need to burn it.

Are there any preventive measures?

  • If you find on their site, the tomato bushes are bacteriosis, then they need to be removed, and neighboring bushes are sprayed with a 1% solution of the phytolavin biological product. Under each bush you need to pour at least 200 ml.
Disease of tomato stems by bacteriosis

Tomato diseases: macrosporiosis

Morosporiosis It is caused by a fungus. Most often, leaves and stalks of tomatoes are sick of them, if the weather lasts long, over 29 degrees Celsius. First, the lower leaves are sick on the bush: they are covered with brownish-lobby spots, then merging into one large. Shoots and stems are also covered with oblong brown spots, then turning into dry rot - and the plant dies.

Attention. So that the tomatoes do not hurt, they need to be planted after planting on the previous year of onions, legumes or grass, but in no case potatoes - from it tomatoes can become infected with macrosporiosis.

Preventive measures:

  1. If the heat has been installed, we spray the tomatoes with drugs with copper.
  2. Sodomal mixture. We dissolve in 10 liters of water, 30 g of soda soda calculated and grated, spray on the bushes of tomatoes.
  3. Solution of ash. Stir 1 liter of a jar of ash in 10 liters of water, let it brew for 1 week, spray the tomatoes.

For a preventive purpose, you can spray tomatoes biological drugs:

  • "Serenade"
  • "Fitocide"
  • "Fitosporin"
  • "Trikhodermin"

What to do if the disease appears?

  • We remove and burn the sick plants, and we spray the tomatoes around the tomatoes chemical drugs “Skor”, “Ridomil Gold”, “Acrobat”, “Champion”.

Attention. After treating tomatoes above chemicals, at least 2 months should pass, and then tomatoes can be eaten.

The following varieties of tall tomatoes (“Dimersa F1” and others) and low tomatoes (“Linda F1”, etc.) are resistant to macrosporiosis.

Disease of tomatoes bush by macrosporiosis

Tomato diseases: Gray rot

Gray rot The bushes and fruits in tomatoes in late summer or early autumn are getting sick when it rains. The disease begins: the damaged stem is covered with brownish spots with a gray fluff, and tomatoes are whitish spots.

Attention. It is advisable to remove stepsons and sick leaves from the tomato bushes in the morning, and when the sun shines, so that the damaged part of the stem has managed to dry out in a day.

Prevention from the disease:

  1. We spray on tomato bushes garlic tincture (1 bucket of water, 30 g of cloves of garlic or shooter, insist 2 days).
  2. A weak solution of iodine. We drip in 1 bucket of water 10 iodine drops, stir. We spray the tomatoes once per week.
  3. Ash-meat solution. Mix 250 g of chalk and ash after burning branches, 1 tsp. copper sulfate, dilute with 10 liters of water. We process tomatoes.

Biological products for prevention:

  • "Serenade"
  • "Fitocide" and others.

Chemical drugs for the destruction of gray rot:

  • "Sweat"
  • "Salto"
  • "Strobi"
  • "Rock"
  • "Champion"
  • "Topsin M"
Disease of tomatoes bush with gray rot

Tomato diseases: brown rot

Brown rot Fruits are sick at the end of the season, when the temperature is less than 20 degrees Celsius. Usually near the stalk we notice a small spot rot, and inside the tomato is already all rotten.

Preventive folk remedies:

  1. You can not fertilize tomatoes with fresh manure.
  2. A solution of potassium permanganate with soda. Spray the whole plant.
  3. A decoction of pine branches. We take 600 g of pine needles, pour 6 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes, add 3 tbsp. l. Sugars, let it cool and spray the tomatoes once a week, while tomatoes are fruit.

Attention. Tomatoes get sick with brown rot if there is not enough phosphorus and nitrogen in the ground.

Prevention with biological drugs:

  • "Fitosporin" and others.

Treatment of brown rot with chemicals:

  • "Bordeaux mixture"
  • "Skor" and others.
Tomato disease with brown rotten

Tomato fruit diseases: Verse rot

Vertex rot Standing tomatoes are sick.

What is the disease expressed?

  • The top of the tomato is covered with a black spot.

The causes of the disease are as follows:

  1. Irregular watering.
  2. Lack or excess calcium, when tomatoes are tied.
  3. Disadvantage in the soil of manganese, phosphorus and nitrogen

Preventive measures:

  1. In order to prevent the diseases of the tomatoes by the vertex rot under the tomato bushes, pour chopped eggshells.
  2. You can prepare a mixture of eggshells and husks of onions, and sprinkle with this mixture around the tomatoes bushes.
  3. Drink a dolomit flour to the tomato bushes.

How to treat vertex rot in tomatoes?

Biological means:

  • "Fitocide"
  • "Farmayod"
  • "Kazumin" and others


  • We remove damaged tomatoes, and the bushes on which sick tomatoes grew are sprayed with a solution (0.5-1%) of nitrate calcium or calcium nitrate
  • Processing of tomato bushes with a solution "Metronidazole"
  • "Bordeaux mixture"
  • "Blue Bordeaux"

Attention. The following varieties of tomatoes ("Upgrade F1" and others with F1) are resistant to vertex rot.

Disease of tomatoes vertex rot

Tomato diseases: necrosis

Necrosis of the stems It is caused by a virus. The disease can appear a few days after the planting of tomatoes. At first, greenish cracks appear on the stem with peels peering from them. Then the bush will fade.

Where did the disease come from?

  • The cause of the disease may be infected seeds or soil.

Preventive measures:

  • We remove and burn the sick bushes, and the soil where they grew, water with a 0.2% solution of the drug "Fitolavin".

Attention. The following varieties of tomatoes “Red Arrow F1”, “Resento F1”, “Maeva F1” are resistant to necrosis of the stems.

Disease of tomato stem necrosis

Tomato diseases: Black Leg

Black leg mainly greenhouse tomatoes, if any related diseases factors:

  1. The temperature “jumps”: either hot, then cold.
  2. Plants are densely planted.
  3. Very wet in the greenhouse.

The disease with a black leg begins like this: the tomato bush at the base of the legs turns black, becomes thinner, and begins to rot, after 4-6 days the bush dies.

Attention. So that the tomatoes do not get sick with a black leg to plant them after sunflower or peas.

What to do to prevent the disease ( preventive measures):

  1. We spray on healthy bushes permanganate solution (5 g of potassium permanganate in the powder is stirred in 1 bucket of water).
  2. Soda solution. In 1 liter of water, stir 2 tsp. Food soda, spray the tomatoes.
  3. The infusion of onion husks. 0.5 kg of onion husks pour 3 liters of hot water, let it brew for 1 day, spray the tomatoes after 3-4 days.
  4. We sprinkle the tomato bushes with small sand.
  5. I ventilate the greenhouse.
  6. We loosen the earth more often, and add chalk to it.

Biological drugs:

  • "Fitocide"
  • "Guapsin" and others.


  • We soak the tomato seeds before sowing in the diluted TMTD preparation.
  • We water the soil after sowing tomatoes, and then after planting tomato bushes in the ground, one of the drugs: “Previkur Energy”, “Energodar”, “Magnurkh Energy”.
Disease of tomato seedlings with a black leg

So, we figured out what diseases tomatoes most often get sick.

Video: tomato diseases and ways to fight

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