How to collect and harvest your own, hybrid tomatoes? How to store seeds correctly? Preparation of tomatoes for planting for seedlings. How to plant tomatoes for seedlings, in open soil?

How to collect and harvest your own, hybrid tomatoes? How to store seeds correctly? Preparation of tomatoes for planting for seedlings. How to plant tomatoes for seedlings, in open soil?

To enjoy delicious tomatoes in the summer you need to prepare the seeds correctly.

In taste, tomatoes occupy a leading place among other vegetable crops. Tomatoes are considered thermophilic, therefore, they must be grown through seedlings. You can also get an excellent result of the house if you find out exactly how to properly plant tomatoes for seedlings.

An important step in growing tomatoes is a breakdown of seedlings. Start it with the preparation of seeds. Sowing material begins to skip unevenly. Here everything will depend on the size of the seeds, their density, the level of maturity, hereditary indicators, and so on. Therefore, you will have to pre -prepare the material so that the germination increases significantly, as well as the productivity of the plant itself.

How to collect and harvest your own tomatoes?

The difference between home -made tomato seeds and purchased is significant:

  • Home material has an increased percentage of germination.
  • Seeds are slightly larger in size.
  • The resulting seedlings from home seeds tolerates diseases better.
  • Their productivity is also better.

The process of collecting seeds is as follows:

  • First, decide on the variety, the seeds of which you will collect.
  • Choose strong, with a large number of fruits, tomato bushes.
  • Collect seeds from an absolutely ripe fetus. Rub the tomato, put it in a warm but also dry place, for example, on the windowsill.
  • When the tomato becomes soft, this means that it has completely ripe.
  • Cut the tomato, collect the pulp and seeds using a small spoon.
  • Add water to the pulp so that tomatoes can be able to separate from the pulp faster.
  • Then rinse the seeds, dry, pack it on bags. To rinse the seeds, use small sieve or gauze. Prepared packages sign when the material was collected, the name of the variety.

How to store tomatoes?

If you use the purchased planting material, you should know that it undergoes special processing, so that the future seedlings grew faster.

With proper storage of home seeds, you can get excellent germination for 4 years. Therefore, if you yourself are harvesting tomato seeds, then you must know how they need to be stored.

  • Keep the seeds in the room where the air temperature is approximately +24 ° C.
  • Humidity should be no more than 70%. Due to strong humidity, the seeds will begin to germinate.
  • Select a dark, dry place, and store the seeds themselves in a closed bag.
Storage is important
Storage is important

You must know that the change of hybrid varieties is undesirable to collect, since they do not retain the qualities of the variety. Also be careful when you collect 2 or 3 varieties of tomatoes so that their seeds do not mix.

Preparation of tomatoes for planting for seedlings

If you want to get a large crop, then take care in advance about the quality of the seeds. In order to grow tomato seedlings, use purchased or your own planting material. Start preparing it from the end of February. This is necessary so that the seedlings for planting in the ground on the street become stronger, grown and is able to resist the disease.

If you perform all the points that are listed below, the number of the crop will increase significantly. The quality of the future crop will also improve.

The main preparatory stages of sowing material are divided into the following subcategories:

  1. Sorting

This is necessary to sort bad, weak and empty tomato seeds. Many professional gardeners know the method of how easier to choose such seeds. To get started, prepare a special solution. Stock up for him:

  • Warm water - 100 ml
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

The process of preparing the solution:

  • Mix the water thoroughly by adding salt to it.
  • Add the seed to the prepared composition.
  • Leave the seeds for about 20 minutes.
  • When the time passes, all the weak seeds will pop up.
  • Such material is considered unnecessary, so throw it away.
  • Rinse the remaining tomatoes, dry, wait for them to dry well.

Strong seeds do not pop up due to their own severity, since they have a lot of nutrient components. But there are situations when even strong seeds begin to come up. Therefore, before throwing the seeds, sort them out well. If you find good ones among this material, then take them away.

  1. Checking the germination of tomato seeds

Before planting the seeds, germinate a little.

We advise you to perform the following manipulations:

  • Put a piece of gauze in the plate.
  • Wet the material.
  • Distribute evenly along the seed gauze.
  • The liquid should cover a little seeds.

If you want to use cotton wool, then cover the material for sowing with a thin wet layer of cotton wool. Thus, all seeds will remain wet and cannot dry out. Also make sure that they do not drown in the liquid. Since microbes and rot can begin to develop in strong humidity, as a result of which the seeds will all die. The most ideal germination temperature is 23 ° C.


If desired, cover the plate with a film, leaving a small hole so that the air circulates well.

  1. Awakening of seeds

Soaking tomato seeds is necessary so that they swell and germinate faster. For this process, take any dishes, it is desirable that it be flat. Place the seeds in a gauze bag, put it between cotton layers. Vata does not allow the planting material to dry out, holding the necessary moisture.

Soak the seeds for about 12 hours, you can a little more. The water temperature should be 23 ° C. Change water every 4 hours.

In addition, take out the seeds from the liquid so that they can get the required amount of oxygen. If you do not change water, then the seeds will die. When they swell thoroughly, plant the material in the ground.

  1. Processing of tomato seeds with bioactive drugs

To significantly increase the yield of seeds, dispose of them using nutrients. After such a procedure, the development and formation of sprouts will be carried out faster.

For fertilizer, use the following ways:

  • Mix potato juice and aloe juice in equal proportions.
  • For 500 ml of water, take 0.5 tsp. Humata sodium. Mix the composition thoroughly.
  • For 500 ml of water, take 0.5 tsp. wood ash.
  • Take the drug "Epin". Dilute it as indicated in the instructions,

Having chosen the most acceptable option and preparing the solution, place the seeds in a bag of gauze, send them to the composition for 12 hours. After time, remove the seeds, dry. Do not rinse under water.

  1. Barboting of tomato seeds

Barboting is a fairly important preparatory stage. During this process, the seeds receive a lot of oxygen, as a result of which the development of the plant increases. In order to carry out this process, take the banks. Pour water into the dishes (2 \\ 3 containers), lower the compressor into the bottle. Turn it on so that oxygen bubbles begin to enter the water.


We note that such a process affects the seeds better than air. Since it has much less oxygen. During barbotics, mix the seeds periodically, change the water, make sure that oxygen enters the water well. This procedure will take you no more than 18 hours. At the end of the procedure, dry tomatoes dry, prepare for another stage.

  1. Time of tomato seeds

Since the weather changes very often and frosts are in the spring, we advise you to harden the seeds.

Tomatoes are considered thermophilic cultures, and therefore they prefer a warm air temperature. Therefore, prepare them in advance for cool days. In addition, due to hardening, plant immunity increases, their resistance to different diseases.

Scientists were able to prove that such planting material previously germinates, and the crop increases significantly. The germination of seeds is reduced by about 7 days.

It is important to harden
It is important to harden

The hardening process is as follows:

  • Place the seeds of tomatoes in moist gauze, send it to the refrigerator, where the temperature is +10 ° C.
  • Do this before bedtime, and take the planting material in the morning, warm up to 20 ° C.

Repeat this procedure at least 3 times. You can also harden swollen seeds. In this process, reduce the temperature in the refrigerator to +1 ° C, and in the daytime increase to +20 ° C.

When the seeds germinate, you can harden them too. This procedure will allow you to plant seedlings if the temperature on the street is at least +10 ° C. In this case, you will begin to harvest much earlier.

  1. Warming up tomato seeds

Carry out if your seeds were lying in a cool place for a very long time. Start the process with a room temperature of at least +20 ° C. It is at such a temperature regime that heated for 3 days.

The next 3 days increase the temperature to +50 ° C. Then increase 5 degrees every day so that ultimately it is +80 ° C.

  1. Disinfection of tomato seeds

All seeds require disinfection so that future bushes do not get sick. Most of the planting material is already infected, for example, they get sick during improper storage of seeds. Therefore, process them from various infections.

To disinfect, prepare the following solution:

  • Take the potassium permanganate.
  • Prepare a solution of 1%from it.
  • You can replace the potassium peroxide with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Washed the seeds for 20 minutes.
From infections
From infections

If you use peroxide, then heat the solution to +45 ° C in advance. Place the seeds in it for 8 minutes. Then place the seeds in ordinary water, soak 24 hours.

How to prepare hybrid tomatoes?

Such planting material is not needed harden and disinfect. All because such plants have increased immunity to different diseases.

But you will have to sort seeds, barbotics, nourish, soak, check for germination. Process hybrid seeds with the same method as you used for ordinary planting material.

How to plant tomatoes for seedlings?

You can grow good tomato seedlings using the following methods:

  • Plant the seeds of tomatoes in pre -prepared cups. First, put the seeds in separate boxes, then copied seedlings in other tanks.
  • Wrap the seeds in diapers. Put a strip of bag, toilet paper on it, moisten with warm water, put the seeds, put the paper again, ripe the package with a roll. Put the resulting roll in a container of water.
  • Put the seeds in open ground, covering with a film.

In order to understand which of these methods is better, plant an experimental variety.


Next, follow the following manipulations:

  • Plant each seed in a peat tablet. As a result, the roots of the plants will not be injured during the transplant.
  • Sowing tomatoes from the 3rd decade of the last winter month before the beginning of April.
  • Choose the most ideal seeds.
  • Choose dishes for seedlings. Consider the fact that initially the seeds should be planted in a separate box, and then transplant seedlings into separate containers with a volume of at least 200 ml. For such purposes, you can take boxes from juice, plastic bottles with a cropped top, wood boxes. For diving, take cups, the volume of which is from 200 to 500 ml.
  • When select the dishes, pick up the soil. Choose that soil that is loose enough, has mineral additives. Ideal soil is a store. If you do not want to buy the soil, prepare it yourself, mixing peat with garden soil and sand.
  • Prepare the seeds carefully.
  • Pour sprouted seeds into the container, moisten the soil. When excessive liquid disappears, make trenches in the ground, the depth of which is at least 0.5 cm. Put the tomatoes in the resulting trenches. There should be a distance of 2 cm 5 mm between them. Sprinkle the seeds with soil.
  • Do the diving of tomatoes when you notice 2 real leaves. Soak the ground thoroughly, carefully remove the seedling, transfer to a separate cup. Carry out the procedure as quickly as possible so that the seedlings do not die.
  • Next, you will only have to care for seedlings. Water it regularly, but moderately so that the soil does not rot. Put the seedlings in a sunny, warm place. As a result, the plants will not be stretched. Turn the box with seedlings by different sides to the sun so that the seedlings are not one -sided.
  • Do not fertilize the plants, because during the period of location of seedlings in the glasses the earth itself does not have time to grow old.
  • Before you plant tomatoes on the street, harden them. Good seedlings should be green, have 6 real leaves and a height of not more than 20 cm.

How to plant tomatoes for seedlings in open soil?

To plant seedlings under the open sky in time, count 65 days ago from the moment when it can be done. For example, in your region it is allowed to plant tomatoes in early May, then start sowing in early March for seedlings.

  • For open soil, plant seeds of tomatoes for seedlings no earlier than February 25.
  • If you plan to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, then plant the seeds on February 20.
In the soil
In the soil

Sit the seeds no later than April 1. Since, if you do this a little later, your tomatoes will begin to stretch, as a result of which you will not get a crop. Especially this period applies to those people who live in the northern regions of the Russian Federation.

Video: sowing tomatoes for seedlings

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