Basic diseases of cucumbers: description of diseases, photos, videos

Basic diseases of cucumbers: description of diseases, photos, videos

Cucumbers are the most commonly grown vegetable culture. If you want them to fruit the whole summer, and even autumn, you need to be able to treat cucumbers from diseases. And what are the most common diseases? How to treat them? We find out in this article.

What are the most common diseases in cucumbers?

Most often, cucumbers can get sick:

  • Diseases associated with fungi: powdery mildew, peronosporosis, black leg, root, stem, white and gray rot, brown spotting, anthracnosis
  • Diseases associated with bacteria: bacteriosis
  • Viral diseases: mosaic
  • Lack of minerals
  • Excess salts

Cucumbers' diseases: peronosporosis

Peronosporosis Cucumbers are ill in the open air and under the film. The disease may appear at the very beginning of the growth of bushes of cucumbers: when 3-4 leaves grow.

Signs of the disease:

  • The leaves are covered with small yellowish-brown spots located between the veins.
  • Then the stains increase, turn gray or blacken, and the leaves dry out.
  • On such bushes, cucumbers are poorly tied, and the ensuing have a light green color and tasteless.
  • After 2 weeks, a sore plant is completely dry.

The causes of the disease of cucumbers with peronosporosis:

  • Cool weather and rains
  • Bushes of cucumbers are densely planted
  • Cold water for watering

Folk methods of destroying peronosporosis:

  1. Sodom-soil solution. Mix 25 g of baking soda and 1 tsp. Liquid soap, pour heated water (5 l). Let the solution cool. We spray the bushes of cucumbers and the land around them once a week. Such sprayings need 2-3.
  2. A decoction of the husk of a bow. 300 g of husks from onions, pour 1 bucket of water in the pan, let it boil, then insist 1 day, filter and spray the cucumbers.
  3. The infusion of ash. We pour the 0.5 liter jar of ash 3 liters of water, let it brew for 2-3 hours, filter, and spray over the cucumbers.

Biological products against peronosporosis:

  • "Fitocide" and others.

Chemicals against peronosporosis:

  • "Acrobat"
  • "Charivnyk"
  • "CHICHOCHES of copper" and others.

Hybrid cucumbers do not suffer from peronospor:

  • "Chrispin F1"
  • Sparta F1
  • "Jero"
  • "Caesar F1" and others with F1
The disease of cucumbers with peronosporosis

Diseases of cucumbers: powdery mildew

Powdery mildew Cucumbers growing on the field can get sick and indoors.

How does the disease manifest from the very beginning?

  • First, light rough spots form on the leaves on the bottom.
  • Then small spots become large, darken, and the leaves are twisted.
  • Then young shoots and tied cucumbers are covered with a fungus. Due to the illness, they cannot grow large, but only twist, and they are usually bitter.

What are the causes of powdery mildew?

  • Cool rainy weather
  • Cold water used for watering
  • Earth infected with disease, if this year you plant cucumbers in the same place as in the past

Attention. Cucumbers can be sown in their former place only after 4 years.

Folk remedies for destroying powdery mildew:

  1. A solution of potassium permanganate. Dissolve 5 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water. We abundantly spray the patients in the initial stage of the plant.
  2. Dairy mixture. We dilute 1 liter of milk, you can serum after cooking cottage cheese, 10 liters of water.
  3. Soap-zill infusion. We pour half a bucket of ash with 7 liters of hot water, let it cool, pour in the infusion of 2-3 tbsp. l. Liquid soap, stir and spray abundantly on plants that began to get sick.

If folk remedies do not help, then you need to use biological products against fungal diseases or chemical prescription:

  • "Fundazole"
  • "Colloid sulfur" and others.

Varieties of hybrid cucumbers resistant to illness:

  • "Componist F1"
  • "Pasalimo F1" and others.
Disease of cucumbers powdery mildew

Cucumbers' diseases: Black Leg

Black leg Cucumbers are ill with a film or other material. On the stem near the roots, the seedlings, then the seedling dries. The seedlings of cucumbers gets a black leg if it was planted in cold weather, and in waterlogged soil.

Of the folk remedies, cucumbers affected by the disease are processed:

  1. Soda solution (1 tsp. We stir the baking soda in 1 glass of water).
  2. The infusion of onion husks (200-300 g of husk we pour 1 bucket of water).
  3. Sprinkle around plants ash.

Bi of the black legs:

  • "Baikal"
  • "Pseudobacterin"
  • "Fitosporin" and others.

From chemicals:

  1. We water the earth after sowing seeds dissolved according to the recipe "Previkur Energy".
  2. In the same solution, you can pour cucumbers the day before planting them in the ground.

Hybrid cucumbers are resistant to a black leg:

  • Rodnichok F1 and other varieties with F1
Disease of seedlings of cucumbers with a black leg

Cucumbers' diseases: root rot

To the root rot Such diseases include: Petium, Fuzarium, and Razoctonia.

The first signs of diseases:

  • There are still roots over the roots.
  • Then the newly formed roots begin to rot, and thickening forms at this place - fungi settled.

The reasons for the development of root rot:

  • Cool rainy weather
  • Cold water for watering cucumbers
  • The salinity of the soil

Folk remedies for the destruction of root rot:

  1. We sprinkle cucumber bushes chalk, can ash.
  2. Ido-cell mixture (per 1 liter of serum 30-40 drops of iodine).
  3. Soda solution (In 1 bucket of water, stir 2 tbsp. L. baking soda).

Biological products:

  • "Troundwormmin" and others.


  • "Fundazole" and others.

Varieties of cucumbers resistant to diseases of the root rot:

  • "Presto F1" and others with f1
Cucumbers of root rot.

Cucumbers' diseases: black stem rot

Black stem rot The entire ground part of the greenhouse cucumbers is affected.

Signs of the disease:

  1. First, yellow and brown spots appear along the edges of the leaves, they dry out, and then fall out.
  2. On the stems, grayish-green spots appear, turning into one large spot. The sick stem cracks and breaks.
  3. Cucumbers are covered with rusty spots, first under the spot, the cucumber is solid, and then it blackes and rot.

The causes of the disease of black stem rot:

  • Hot wet weather
  • Temperature difference
  • Too frequent and abundant watering
  • Thickened plants
  • Poor care for cucumbers
  • Damage to the bushes of cucumbers

Preventive measures:

  • Damaged stems are sprinkled with chalk

Treatment of cucumbers from black stem rot with biological products:

  • "Troundwormmin" and others.


  • "Colloid sulfur"
  • "Bayleton"
  • "Quadris"
  • "Stark" and others.

Varieties of cucumbers resistant to stem rot:

  • "Relay F1" and others.
Black stem rot.

Cucumbers' diseases: white rot

White rot Cucumbers in closed rooms and in open air can get sick. Most often, a white fluff (this is white rot) covers the cucumbers themselves and the basal part of the plant.

The reasons for the occurrence of white rot:

  • Cool weather and frequent rain
  • Cucumbers are very thickened
  • Poor care for cucumbers
  • Growing cucumbers along with tomatoes, green salad, herbs

You can cure cucumbers if you use folk remedies, biological products and chemicals are the same as with root rot.

Brows of cucumbers with white rot

Cucumbers' diseases: Gray rot

Gray rot It affects the stems of cucumbers, leaves and tied cucumbers under the film.

Signs of gray rot:

  • The leaves and stems are covered with brown wet spots.
  • Then, the ensuing cucumbers are covered with gray spots, later they become watery, in a gray gun, and rot.

The causes of cucumbers of gray rot:

  • Reinforced humidity in the room
  • Bushes of cucumbers are densely planted
  • Wolled with cold water
  • Hot during the day, and at night it is cold

For the purpose of prevention, we use folk remedies:

  • Garlic infusion(500 g of garlic insist 1 day in 5 l of water).
  • Mustard solution. We stir 50 g of dry mustard in 1 bucket of water, insist 2 days. Pour another 1 bucket of water, stir and spray into the bushes of cucumbers at the very beginning of the disease.
  • Iodine solution (10 drops of iodine per 1 bucket of water). So far, cucumbers have not got sick with gray rot, spray them once a week with this solution.

You can cure a gray rot with drugs from the above rot.

Varieties of cucumbers are not afraid of gray rot:

  • "Nezhinsky" and others with F1
Cucumbers of cucumbers gray rot

Cucumbers: Brown spotting

Brown spotting Most often formed on cucumbers in closed rooms. The disease begins like this:

  • First, small spots of brownish color appear on the leaves, then the spots increase and reduce, the leaf dries along the edges. On the bottom, small web hangs from the sheet.
  • Cucumber stems are also covered with yellowish-gray scratches, and then dry out.
  • The ensuing cucumbers are covered with oily recesses, they twist and stop growing.
  • The disease develops rapidly: with high humidity (more than 85%) and heat, in 4-5 days the entire crop of cucumbers can disappear.

From folk remedies, for the purpose of prevention from brown spotting, we use:

  1. Jumper diluted with water. 1 l serum dilute with 10 liters of water. We spray such water through the bushes of cucumbers affected by brown spotting at the initial stage.
  2. Yeast mixture. Weave 30 g of yeast in 5 liters of water.
  3. A horsetail decoction. 100 g of dried horsetails pour 6 liters of water, bring to a boil, wait for when it cools down, and spray the cucumbers.

Buildings from brown spotting:

  • "Fitocide"
  • "Trikhodermin"

Chemical prescription:

  • "Quadris" and others.

Varieties of cucumbers, not afraid of brown spotting:

  • "Mernga F1"
  • Atlantis F1
Brown spotting cucumber disease

Cucumbers' diseases: anthracnosis

Anthracnosis Cucumbers get sick under the shelter and without it.

How to find out that cucumbers fell ill with anthracnosis?

  1. On cucumber seedlings, dark dents appeared closer to the roots, the plant becomes fragile, and breaks.
  2. Small brownish and yellowish spots can also appear on the leaves of cucumbers, then they increase, and the leaves dry out.
  3. If cucumbers have started on a sick plant, they are also covered with brownish recesses, and bitterness.
  4. The growth of the plant ceases, the following cucumbers are not tied, and it dries.

Causes of anthracnosis:

  • Bushes of cucumbers are densely planted
  • Little light
  • Poorly ventilated rooms
  • Not enough potassium and phosphorus
  • Excess nitrogen
  • High humidity

Folk remedies for anthracnosis used for a preventive purpose:

  1. Soda solution. Stir in 10 liters of water 1 cup of ordinary kitchen soda, pour 1-2 tbsp. l. liquid soap, spray the cucumber bushes at the very beginning of the disease with anthracnosis.
  2. Enough garlic. 500 g of garlic shooters pour 5 liters of heated water, close the vessel with a lid, let it brew at night, pour 2-3 tbsp. l. liquid soap and spray the cucumbers.

Biological products to destroy anthracnosis:

  • "Fitocide"
  • "Trikhodermin"


  • "Bordeaux mixture"
  • "Acidan" and others.

Varieties of cucumbers, not afraid of anthracnose:

  • "Stinger F1"
  • "Royal F1" and others.
The disease of cucumbers with anthracnosis

Cucumbers: bacteriosis

Bacteriosis The greenhouse cucumbers are affected in the beds if the summer was rainy. Bacteriosis in cucumbers is very similar to fungal diseases of cucumbers, the only difference is that with bacteriosis there is no gun on the leaves.

Signs of bacteriosis:

  • The leaves are covered with brown spots, then they increase, the upper side of the sheet becomes slippery, and the lower sticky.
  • The ovation of cucumbers is covered with watery spots, cucumbers grow curves, and wither.

The reasons for the development of bacteriosis:

  • Low temperature at night, and high day
  • Water drops of water on plants at an unfavorable temperature

Attention. Dry hot weather for several weeks in a row can stop the disease with bacteriosis.

From folk remedies for prevention, we use a decoction of onion husks.

Biological products for the treatment of bacteriosis on cucumbers:

  • "Serenade"
  • "Fitocide"


  • "Barion"
  • Metronidazole and others.

Varieties of cucumbers, not afraid of bacteriosis:

  • "Lyutoyar F1"
  • "Competitor"
  • "Stinger F1"
  • "Nezhinsky"
  • "St1 stuntman"
The initial stage of the disease of cucumbers bacteriosis

Cucumbers: Mosaic

Mosaic disease It begins no earlier than 1 month after the cucumbers have risen. The usual mosaic is expressed on cucumbers by the fact that pale spots that resemble mosaics form on the leaves. The ensuing cucumbers are also covered with spots similar to mosaics, sick cucumbers with strong pimples.

The causes of cucumbers of mosaics:

  • Weak lighting
  • Excess in the ground of phosphorus and nitrogen
  • Low temperature at night

The disease is very difficult to treat, so it is necessary to take preventive measures: to spray the plants in advance by the pharmacy biological product in order to prevent the disease.

Varieties of cucumbers, resistant to mosaics:

  • "Circus F1"
  • Zozul F1 and others with F1
The disease of cucumbers mosaic

Cucumbers: Lack of nitrogen

Lack in nitrogen soil expressed on cucumbers with the following signs:

  • Legs from below cucumbers yellowish
  • New leaves grow slowly
  • Stems, especially at the top, are thin
  • The ovary of cucumbers disappears, and which remained, small and crooked

How to help cucumbers?

  • To feed plants with nitrogen fertilizers: urea, ammonium nitrate, “master”.
  • To feed plants with organic fertilizers: manure, bird droppings.
Lack of cucumbers of beneficial substances

Diseases of cucumbers: lack of phosphorus

With a lack of phosphorus The leaves of cucumbers become bluish in color, small, and the ovary crumbles.

How to help cucumbers?

It is necessary to feed the bushes of cucumbers with one of the fertilizers:

  • "Plantafol"
  • "Master"
  • Phosphorus
Lack of microelements cucumbers

Cucumbers' diseases: potassium lack

With a lack of potassium Cucumber leaves acquire a dark green color, concave inward, and a light tub along the edges, little ovaries.

How to help cucumbers?

  • Feed the cucumbers with chemical fertilizers: potassium chloride, potassium sulfate
  • Feed by organic fertilizers - a solution of wood ash

Diseases of cucumbers: Lack of magnesium

With a lack of magnesium Leaves of cucumbers become pale with dark green veins. If the leaflets are yellow or even brownish, then severe magnesium starvation in plants. Cucumbers appear little, and grow badly.

How to help cucumbers?

  • From chemical fertilizers, feed the cucumbers with Kalimagnesia and other magnesium -containing cucumbers.
  • Of organic fertilizers, the infusion of ash is well suited for feeding.

Diseases of cucumbers: excess salts

Harm a good harvest of cucumbers and salt in excess.

How to find out that there is a lot of salts in the soil?

  • Cucumber leaves are small, hard, dark green
  • The bush of cucumbers is low, few shoots
  • Bushes have a sluggish look during the day, even if they were recently watered

How to help cucumbers?

  • Change fertilizers. For example, if you have a lot of chlorine and sodium in the soil, then calcium and phosphorus will not be absorbed by plants.
  • We do not use chlorine fertilizers.
  • Water rainwater, and for some time we do not apply any fertilizers.
  • We often water cucumber bushes.
  • More often we loosen the soil around cucumbers.

So, now we know about the most common diseases of cucumbers, and how to treat them.

Video: The most dangerous diseases of cucumbers. How to save cucumbers from diseases

We learn more about the proper cultivation of cucumbers:

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