Basic anti -edges in makeup: the most relevant list

Basic anti -edges in makeup: the most relevant list

If you follow fashion and new trends, you want this year to keep up with fashionable stars and look stunning, you just need to know the main anti -edges in makeup for this year.

Having studied in detail all the points of the article, you will know how to apply makeup to look stylish and fashionable.

Basic antitrands in makeup

  • So, let's talk about antitrend in makeup. This year is completely not fashionable to use tonal cream for the whole face. Therefore, forget about the tight layer of the tonal, at least if you do not have problematic skin, which must be tinted without fail. Sections that require adjustments, disguise The concealer is point Leave the rest of the skin without foundation and do not worry about an ideal tone - now it is not in fashion.
  • Matte tone. If before any shine of the skin perceived ambiguously, now it is a sign of healthy and natural beauty, Therefore, in no case do not use matting primers.
  • Contouring the face. Fashion for contouring the face also remained in the past. It is permissible to practice this procedure only for evening makeup.

Minimum tone and contour

  • Facial sculpture by highlighter - Antitrend in makeup this year, so it is recommended to postpone it until better times. If the love of highlighter is very strong, use it, but mainly to create an evening make -up.
  • Brows. This year is completely not fashionable thick and wide eyebrows, actually, like broves-nits. Therefore, we recommend that you adhere to the golden mean.
In fashion - natural beauty
In fashion - natural beauty
  • Also not in fashion perfectly even eyebrows. Do not make yourself perfectly even eyebrows, where each hair lies exactly one to the other and exactly in the circuit. It is enough just to trim your eyebrows, tint it as necessary and lay a brush with a gel.
  • Explited and too thick eyelashes. The time has passed when the extensive, overhead eyelashes were in fashion. Moreover, even their eyelashes are not in fashion, but too much painted in mascara.
This year, their eyelashes are in fashion
This year, their eyelashes are in fashion
  • Matte lips. Of course, mean matte lipsticks for the lips. Fashion for such lips was held for several years, however, this year, lipsticks and shine with a radiant effect will again be in fashion.
  • Dark lip pencil. The contour of the lips with a dark pencil is no longer in fashion. It is worth saying that a clear contour of the lips in the new season, in principle, ceases to be fashionable.
  • Volumetric lips. Another trend that haunted many representatives of the fair sex. This year you can not worry that your lips are too thin and not at all chubby. The natural volume of the lips will be more fashionable. If even despite this you want to make your lips more voluminous, use the methods that will do it as naturally (for example, expand the contour of the lips).
  • Too a lot of cosmetics. You can be beautiful and without a ton of cosmetics on your face - this is the main idea that you should remember to look stylish and fashionable this year. No complex makeup, foundation, etc.

Main antiprends in makeup: reviews

  • Irina, 32 years: Even from his youth, she was used to leaving the house only painted, but this takes so much time that she decided to change something. It turns out that this year the “complete” make -up is not in fashion, apparently this is a sign, I will only learn to emphasize the necessary places.
  • Alexandra, 25 years old: Finally, bright brilliant, shining shine, and not just matte pencils and lipsticks will be in fashion. With such shine and lipsticks, it will be possible to make images much brighter and more attractive.
  • Sofia, 40 years: It is a pity that this year the anti -depth in makeup is an extensive eyelashes. After all, it is very convenient, many women are already accustomed to such beauty.

Knowing the trends in makeup this year is very important. Do not try to radically change anything in your appearance, remain an individual and only emphasize your beauty.

Interesting articles about makeup:

Video: Makeup - how can you be painted?

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