How to hide bags under the eyes with makeup: step -by -step instructions, recommendations of stylists, photos

How to hide bags under the eyes with makeup: step -by -step instructions, recommendations of stylists, photos

Bags under the eyes arise very often, and even the youngest and most beautiful are not safe from their appearance. After all, we are not sleeping from time to time, we get tired - namely, these reasons are the main ones, if we talk about the occurrence of bags.

The ideal option for eliminating bags under the eyes is to exclude the reason why they arose - to completely spill out, fully rest, do not overload vision, etc. But when you need to achieve the result as quickly as possible, simple procedures will come to the rescue.

How to remove bags under the eyes at home: recommendations of stylists

  • Start with skin care - This is the first rule that should be carried out strictly, regardless of whether you are aimed at long -term recovery or an immediate effect.
  • Always adhere to the next scheme: clean, tone, moisturize. This is a win -win option, and if you complement the scheme by applying a refreshing mask or using hydrogel patches in the eye area, it will be generally wonderful.
  • Use creamhaving a drainage effect - the content of caffeine in it slightly levels the skin in the eye area, reduces the size of the swelling and Removing bags under the eyes. There are also products that are applied around the eyes equipped with a metal tip, which has a massaging effect.
  • Your "friend" should become concelerwhich hides skin errors. If it is necessary to eliminate the bags - the best choice will be a matte corrector. It is better to distribute it with a brush of the corresponding size. You can also “call for the rescue” bronzer, only without the presence of reflective particles. Also work perfectly for refreshing priners for concealer, "Working" with light and making its effect optimal.
  • Concerning powns, it should become a final chord, which will polish all possible flaws, will smooth out the remaining bumps.
  • And one more advice: do not forget to correct the makeup, especially when the heat is on the street and it, as they say, “floats”, apply corrector for the eyes And patting, achieve its uniform distribution.

How to quickly remove bags under the eyes: cosmetics

  1. To remove the bags under the eyes, you first need, of course, conceler. As already mentioned, it should be matte, and its structure should be soft enough. A dry pencil can let down, cracking and creating a mesh of wrinkles at the most inopportune moment. The closer its color to the color of the skin, the better you can handle bags. In addition, depending on the color, the concealer is aimed at removing various pigmentation: peskov - You will cope with blue circles, orange - With the dark, yellow neutralizes redness, and sand-beige Shades will add shine eyes.
To start
To start
  1. Choosing the basis for makeup, it is also better to dwell on matte rather than mother -in -law primers, which additionally “illuminate” the skin, emphasizing, and not hiding defects. Start by squeezing a little money (best to hand), leave it for a short time to oxidize in the air. This is how its concentration will increase. Then, gradually apply to all parts of the face and distribute with a brush or sponge, you can also with your fingers. In particularly problem areas, it is possible to apply a remedy not in one layer.
The foundation
The foundation
  1. CreamA drainage effect tones the skin, as it often contains caffeine. If you keep it in the refrigerator and apply it in chilled form, the effect will increase.
  2. A tool designed to care for the area around the eyes equipped with a metal tip, you can also reduce swelling, since the tip has a cooling effect.
  3. You can also use it bronzer, emphasizing the area of \u200b\u200bcheekbones. If there are no reflective elements in it, the cheekbones will attract attention, taking it away from edema in the eye area.
We highlight the cheekbones
We highlight the cheekbones
  1. As an option - a stick with a cooling effect if it does not contain alcohol and contains caffeine.
  2. Another know-how- red lipstick. Carefully apply it under the eyes with a thin layer and gradually hide the bruises under it. Then clutch the redness with a concealer with a sponge. Put a layer of transparty powder on top.

How to remove bags under the eyes: step -by -step instructions

  1. Take it conceler, corresponding to the tone of your face, and apply it throughout the field of edema under the eyes.
  2. Now take a concealer, the tone of which is lighter to one position, and apply it with a brush or a corrector to the fold formed under the edema.
  3. Wait for two or three minutes and shave, leaving a lighter tone in the folds to Remove the bags under the eyes.
Colors and use
Colors and use
  1. Apply powder with a brush, covering the entire area under the eyes. Make it easy.
  1. Now refresh your face with a highlighter, applying it in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheekbones, the back of the nose and under the eyebrows - this focuses on them.

How to remove bags under the eyes: tips

So that you do not have to hide every morning backs under the eyes With the help of cosmetics, follow a few simple recommendations that will help get rid of the causes that cause swelling.

How to remove bags under the eyes:

  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours.
  • Eat more fiber and products containing it: carrots, bran, apples, legumes.
  • Enrich the diet at the expense of bananas, asparagus and celery, as well as iron (we are talking about apricots, seaweed, spinach).
  • Try to change the pose in which you usually sleep - best lying on your back, this prevents stagnation of the liquid. Try to take a second pillow.
  • Use regularly lymphatic drainage glasses, contributing to the outflow of lymph and patchesfor radiance and better condition of the skin. You can find out how to use patches here.
The rescue
The rescue
  • Drink enough water per day, but not before going to bed.

Video: How to forget about bags under the eyes?

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