How to remove waterproof makeup: methods, folk remedies. The best remedy for removing waterproof makeup: the best rating, reviews

How to remove waterproof makeup: methods, folk remedies. The best remedy for removing waterproof makeup: the best rating, reviews

In this article, we will talk with you what means will help to remove waterproof makeup.

Women, to look more attractive, use decorative cosmetics. Most prefers waterproof cosmetics. They become especially relevant in the summer, and when traveling at sea.

However, such makeup has a certain drawback - it cannot be washed off with simple water and soap, no matter how hard you try. To easily remove waterproof cosmetics without harm to the skin, it is important to choose the right product. Let's find out how you can remove cosmetics and what means to prefer it better for this.

How to remove waterproof makeup: methods

Waterproof mascara
Waterproof mascara

To remove waterproof makeup, it is not at all required to wash the skin until severe irritation. Today there are a huge amount of good means that can easily remove cosmetics and will also give additional care for the skin.

  • The first way to remove cosmetics is oil. It is suitable even for oily skin. In the texture, the product is such that it seems that it will not remove the dirt. But only fears are groundless. At the same time, oil can remove even the most persistent and dense makeup. It is easy to use it, it is enough to apply the product for a couple of minutes and it will absorb pollution. You need to remove it with a cotton pad.
  • The second remedy is micellar water. It is considered the most popular. The product works delicately and at the same time does not cause any irritation on the skin. The composition usually does not have alcohol and harmful substances. The secret is that the main component is micelles (microscopic compounds that form surface-active substances (surfactants) with a certain concentration in water). They remove all pollution and fat particles.
  • The third way is milk to relieve makeup. It is used like oil. Just do not apply it to the disk. Milk has a more careful effect on the skin. It relieves cosmetics well and does not cause any irritation.
  • The fourth method is a washing gel or gel scrub. If you have too sensitive, or dry skin, then the product can cause irritation. However, with gels, makeup is also well removed. Only after use, apply a moisturizer, because the skin will be tightened.
  • The fifth way is napkins. Very convenient because they can be taken with you. They have micellar water, and therefore they are no worse. It is enough to make a couple of movements with your hands and the face will be cleared.

Micellar water for removing waterproof makeup: Features

Micellar water
Micellar water

Micellar water is a transparent liquid. It somewhat reminiscent of a tonic. Only in contrast to it contains a special component-microscopic particles of surface-active substances. This component is called micelles. They absorb water and tie fats. This allows them to attract pollution and remove them. From the skin, the product can be washed off with water.

The remedy from others is distinguished by the fact that there is no soap, fragrances, parabens and silicones, which many are so afraid of. As the product develops, additional vitamins, oils and other substances are increasingly added to it. By the way, micellar water allows not only to relieve waterproof makeup, but also to correct it.

To remove waterproof makeup, it is recommended to use a tool that contains oils. Others before persistent cosmetics will simply be ineffective.

It may seem that it is easy to use micellar water, but only it has certain rules:

  • Start removal from your eyes. Otherwise, the remnants of cosmetics will be smeared on a clean face
  • In order to quickly remove the mascara and not smear it around the eyes, a cotton pad saturated with micellar water, apply for 20 seconds to the eye. In no case do not triple it, but you need to remove cosmetics in circular movements
  • Wipe the face with a moistened disk. Pay special attention to areas where the pores are most clogged
  • In conclusion, wash yourself with gel or foam

A lot of controversy raises the question of the need to wash off micellar water. However, every dermatologist claims to do this. Although the tool itself is safe, it can form a film and dryness and irritation will occur from this.

Napkins for removing waterproof makeup: features, review of the best

To remove waterproof makeup, it is quite possible to use special napkins. Although they have micellar water in the composition, they will not be able to completely replace it. However, you can quickly remove makeup with them, and besides, it is convenient to wear them, because they do not proceed.

A huge amount of funds that can be used is presented in the cosmetic market. Let's look at the best of them:

  • Estee Lauder, Long Wear. The American remedy, characterized by high quality. Napkins will be very welcome. They are created in the style of the brand, but only in compact packaging. The impregnation has a delicate and easy consistency. She will quickly remove absolutely any makeup. The plus to the fact that the product removes makeup, it is able to relieve oily shine, refresh and moisturize the skin. At the same time, after application, there is no sensation of tightness.
Estee Lauder, Long Wear
  • Demi-Wipes, M.A.C. Napkins cope not only with everyday makeup. They are often chosen by makeup artists who need to remove a professional make -up. Napkins have vitamin E in the composition of vitamin E. It moisturizes the skin and makes the cells regenerate, so they give additional care. There is no fatness left from them, and therefore you can not wash off anything.
Demi-Wipes, M.A.C
  • Charcoal Exfoliating, Sephora. Contain activated carbon. They do not just remove makeup, but also give a peeling effect. All pollution is removed even from the deep layers of the skin. The product prepares the skin very well for further care, therefore, after applying it, it is not necessary to wash it off. It acts as a base for makeup.
Charcoal Exfoliating, Sephora
  • Skin Expert, L’Oreal. Also, in addition to removing cosmetics, additional care is given. After application, the skin becomes fresh, and you feel more lightness. With frequent use, the skin becomes radiant, all peeling and inflammation disappears. Moreover, the tool acts soothingly and makes the cells regenerate. At the same time, sensitive skin is not irritated.
Skin Expert, L’Oreal
  • Be Gone Makeup, Nyx Professional. Created according to a special formula that makes them universal. That is, regardless of the type of your skin, you can use them. At the same time, napkins are a good remedy for additional care.
Be Gone Makeup, Nyx Professional
  • Make-up Remover Wipes, Klorane. Great for removing makeup. They are even allowed to use in the morning as additional care. Then you will not have to apply any creams. The ideal option to save time.
Make-up Remover Wipes, Klorane
  • Milk & Tonic Makeup, Inglot Inglot. A worthy competitor to the rest. Each napkin uses a special emulsion, which is designed to moisturize the skin. Even the most sensitive this tool is ideal. At the same time, removal is carried out carefully and the skin calms down after their use. A feeling of tightness disappears, and a fat film does not form.
Milk & Tonic Makeup, Inglot Inglot

Clinique - remedy for removing waterproof makeup: Features

Removing waterproof makeup allows the remedy for the brand Clinique. It is suitable not only for the eyes and removal of waterproof mascara, but also calmly removes lipstick. Its feature is that the skin is not required. It is enough to make a cotton pad for a short time and remove the pollution.

By the way, additionally gives the skin for the skin. So the skin is necessarily moistened and receives additional meals.


Loreal - remedy for removing waterproof makeup: Features

Suitable in order to remove waterproof makeup from the eyes and lips. It is characterized by high efficiency and softness. The product consists of two layers. The first, dark. It has soft oils in the composition and can carefully remove waterproof makeup. And the second layer is already light. This is a soft skin care lotion. As a result, cosmetics from the face are very quickly removed and there is no fat film.

An ideal remedy for sensitive eyes. It can be used even if you use contact lenses.

Loreal napkin for demackia
Loreal napkin for demackia

To remove waterproof makeup of Aven: Features

A great remedy that is great to remove waterproof makeup. It is ideal for sensitive skin and for those who use contact lenses. In itself, it combines the effectiveness of a two -phase formula. At the same time, it does not have aggressive cleaning substances.

The composition of thermal water Avene is also included. It soothes the skin and relieves irritation. The oil and water phase effectively remove any makeup from the eyelashes and at the same time strengthen them.

Aven for demague
Aven for demague

The best remedy for removing waterproof makeup: the rating of the best

As we have already said, to remove waterproof makeup, you can choose a huge number of different means. At the same time, girls have their own favorites. Let's find out about them.

  • 8th place.Express Lotion 2-B-1, Garnier. Perfectly removes waterproof mascara and at the same time still strengthens the eyelashes. The product contains Arginine, which nourishes the hairs deep. The effect becomes noticeable in a month.
Express Lotion 2-B-1, Garnier
Express Lotion 2-B-1, Garnier
  • 7th place. Diademine. This lotion will appeal to those who do not like smells of care funds. There are no perfumes in this. Even sensitive skin takes well the product. It can even be used when wearing contact lenses.
  • 6th place. Cleaning cream Elizabeth Arden Pro. It distinguishes a creamy texture, and when used it becomes a foam. The product cleans the skin and makes it soft. The composition includes a complex of lactic acid and vitamins-antioxidants A, C, E and provitamin-A. It is best to use it at night, because after use it does not require additional care.
Cleaning cream Elizabeth Arden Pro
Cleaning cream Elizabeth Arden Pro
  • 5th place. Thirsty Cleanse, Glamglow. Suitable for daily care. The main component is yellow Brazilian clay. If you add water, it will become a delicate foam that removes makeup and excess skin fat without problems. The composition contains substances that do not dry the skin.
Thirsty Cleanse, Glamglow
  • 4th place. Mineralize Charged Water Cleanser, M.A.C. Created on the basis of mineral water. A little complicatedly removes waterproof makeup, but in general it is able to cope with it. At the same time, it does not need to be washed off. Well, after application, the skin becomes more fresh.
Mineralize Charged Water Cleanser, M.A.C
  • 3rd place. L’Oreal Paris. A two -phase product, that is, consisting of two layers. It carefully cleanses the skin and takes care of it.
L’Oreal Paris
  • 2nd place. Les Thermes Marins de Saint-Malo. Milk is created on the basis of algae of Atlantic makeup. The composition also includes additional products that not only remove makeup, but also moisturize the skin. After use, you can not wash off.
Les Thermes Marins de Saint-Malo
  • 1 place. Facial Cleanser, Revaleskin. It has a light and air texture. The aroma is natural without any fragrances. Thanks to him, not only makeup is removed, but the skin is also cleaned. At the same time, it is able to relieve inflammation, and even gives an anti -aging effect. It can be used in the morning as the first stage of care.
Facial Cleanser, Revaleskin

How to remove waterproof makeup at home yourself: folk remedies

Girls can not always remove waterproof makeup using special tools. In this case, you can always use folk remedies that are created with your own hands. In general, to remove waterproof mascara, you can use sunflower oil, and preferably olive. But if it is not, then it will completely come down and simple. But it is better not to use it constantly. If once, then it is still quite possible to use.

Here are some more tips that will help remove makeup and give the skin care:


Cleaning the skin using natural products should be used to those who are allergic to chemicals. It is easy to cook each of them, it is enough to take products that are at hand. Makeup should always be removed before bedtime. If you choose the right product, then the skin will always be beautiful and healthy.

Remedy for removing waterproof makeup: reviews

To remove waterproof makeup, many girls use special products. Often they share their impressions of use on forums. Someone likes the means, someone is not very good. In any case, it is important to choose it correctly and there will be no problems.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

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