Why do you need a concoor in makeup? How to use an eye for the eyes, faces, from acne: step by step, tips, photos before and after, reviews. The best concoor for the face from bruises and dark circles under the eyes: Rating

Why do you need a concoor in makeup? How to use an eye for the eyes, faces, from acne: step by step, tips, photos before and after, reviews. The best concoor for the face from bruises and dark circles under the eyes: Rating

Consilery is one of the most popular face cosmetics. In our article we will tell you how to choose this tool correctly and use, as well as list the best concealers according to girls.

Each modern girl should be able to apply high -quality makeup. Usually, ladies spend a lot of efforts and means to achieve an ideal effect for themselves. The latter are offered by the cosmetic market in a wide variety. It is possible to create good makeup based on a uniform face tone. It allows you to make the skin look perfect. Previously, the foundation and other means were used to eliminate the shortcomings. Among them, a special place is occupied by a concealer. This tool, despite its long -term existence, is only gaining popularity. We will tell you about what the means and how to use it correctly in our article.

Why do you need a concoor in makeup?

Using a concealer
Using a concealer

Before you find out how to use a concealer, you need to understand why it is generally required. In fact, he removes unwanted pigmentation from his face and hides some shortcomings. There are several formats of the product, and it is usually used to create the effect of shadow and volume on the face, masking bruises under the eyes and inflammation with pigmentation.

In general, many will say that you can do one tonalist at all, but only it does not always give the desired effect. The fact is that the concealer hides most of the shortcomings, for example, wrinkles, pigmentation, scratches.

What to apply first - concealer or foundation?

For many, when the question arises, how to use a concealer, another arises - what is applied first? Of course, it is worth using these means together, because one hides the other, but it is important to know in what order this is done. So, first a concealer is used. The fact is that if you do the opposite, then the face can be covered with multi -colored spots.

First of all, the skin is cleaned and the base is applied to makeup and only because everything else can be done. Already in the next step, you can align the tone of the face. If you want to solve any specific skin problems, select the color of the concealer correctly. Then no defects will be visible.

Is it possible to use concealer as a foundation?

Conceler with foundation
Conceler with foundation

Of course, on the question of how to use a concealer, it is important to know that it, to some extent, can be an alternative instead of a foundation. But this is not too economical, because after all, the tone is cheaper. In addition, this does not affect the skin very well.

However, there are situations when there is no foundation at hand. Then you can use the concealer, but you just need to know how to do it correctly:

  • Application should be point, and not on the whole face. Do this with driving movements to those places that are planned to be adjusted. Leave it for a short while on the skin without shading. Let the product soak into the skin. You will only have to shade the boundaries. This will allow you to hide peeling and align the skin relief. In this case, the shade of the concealer must coincide with the color of the skin.
  • Mix a little concealer with a moisturizing cream. You will get a tender tool for a tender texture. It can be completely applied to the face and you will not have a mask effect.

How to use a concealer and apply correctly to a step by step: instruction

When the question of how to use a concealer is decided, it is important to understand what it is applied according to certain rules. Otherwise, you risk simply spoiling your appearance. In any case, you can do everything again, and if you already do not have time? Now we will introduce a means of applying the product for you. It is simple, so you remember it without any problems.

So, the concealer is applied as follows:

  • Before use, the skin is necessarily cleaned. At least treat it with tonic or micellar water
  • The next step will be the base for makeup. If you do not use it, then some moisturizer will come down. This will allow the concealer to go to bed better. At the same time, to hide wrinkles, the cream needs to be taken tonic
  • Further, using a brush, apply a concealer to the desired areas and blend it with your fingers. Do not forget that it is done with driving movements
  • On top of the finished product, apply a foundation cream so that nothing is noticeable

How to use a dark concealer: application schemes

Often, girls are interested in how to use a dark -colored concealer. Basically, it is used to adjust the oval of the face. But for this procedure you will need a light -colored product. So, let's look at the application by the example of a round face. Usually it seems too wide and therefore visually wants to make it less.

Dark concealer
Dark concealer

So, the dark color of the concealer is used not for the whole face, but only for some areas. With its help, sculpture is carried out. For this, it is applied to whiskey, cheeks and chin on the sides

  • But the forehead and area under the eyes are already processed with light shades
  • If the face is oval, then it must be rounded. This is easy to do, it is necessary to apply the product along the hair growth line, on the forehead and chin. Well, cheeks and cheekbones are already made dark.

And the owners of the square face need to “pull out” its shape. To do this, the jaw, forehead and cheekbones are treated with a dark concealer, and the center of the forehead, chin and back of the nose, as well as the area under the eyes, are highlighted.

And the owners of the square face need to “pull out” its shape. To do this, the jaw, forehead and cheekbones are treated with a dark concealer, and the center of the forehead, chin and back of the nose, as well as the area under the eyes, are highlighted.

Concealer of different colors - how to use: application scheme

Application of colored concealers
Application of colored concealers

Very often the question of how to use a concealer arises due to the fact that the product has different shades. At the same time, girls doubt the correct use of color means. Yes, and it seems that they are completely useless. In fact, this is a wrong opinion, because it is color remedies that largely help eliminate skin imperfections.

So, the remedy coral, orange, pink and yellow color is used only for the eyelids, lilac Color helps to highlight the lips by applying it around the mouth, and green - Around the wings of the nose.

U orange There are two pigments - yellow and red. They allow you to effectively hide the dark circles around the eyes. So, even after a hard working day, the complexion will remain fresh. Its application is carried out on the inner part of the lower eyelid, because in this area veins and blood vessels stand out the most. If required, then you can apply completely under the lower eyelid.

By using lilac color A yellowish skin tint is hidden. It usually appears when the skin is dry in the zone. With help uy mint shade The vessels around the nose are easily hidden and areas are slightly whitened.

Sometimes under the eyes you can apply pink Corrector to hide the blue or grayness of the skin. This is due to the fact that the pink color has a cold underon, and therefore it greatly brightens the skin. And this does not look good on every girl.

Why do you need a green face concealer?

Green concealer
Green concealer

Often, girls are afraid of a green concealer. And this is not surprising, because the color can really confuse. In fact, the main thing is to know how to use a concealer of this color. In most cases, girls try to choose a different color, but still do not refuse it.

If you carefully look at the spectral color circle, it will become noticeable that the green is located opposite the red. This means that he neutralizes this tone. Accordingly, when there are some redness on the face, they can be disguised as a green tool.

Today, manufacturers produce several shades of green - from light to darker. Such a color scheme is made for a reason. This is due to the fact that each girl has a different color type of appearance and someone needs a darker color or vice versa, light.

Why do I need a purple facial concealer for?

The purple color, as we have already said, helps to get rid of yellowness. So, on the question of how to use the concealer, it is important to take into account this moment. So, cosmetics of lavender shades help to improve complexion. The same applies to primers.

The concealer helps to eliminate pigmentation, even hide freckles so that they are not so noticeable. In addition, the product will hide moles.

Some makeup artists use such means to eliminate dark circles, but here the tool is already working due to density and light shade.

Liquid face concealer - how to use?

Liquid concealer
Liquid concealer

No less questions are caused by how to use a liquid form. In fact, it is suitable for any type of skin, but not for very dry. In the latter case, it is better to use cream. The liquid agent is easier to apply and shade, especially since it is the easiest in texture, and therefore it does not clog pores so much. It allows you to hide acne and wrinkles.

Please note that such tools can have various “fins”, for example, a means with a matte effect will be more persistent, and the tools with a satin “finish” give a natural appearance in the heat.

Conceler from dark circles and bruises under the eyes: Features

Girls and women who have skin problems often ask how to use a concealer? After all, he is able to help them to hide all the shortcomings. Just keep in mind that the problem will not be solved, it will simply be disguised.

In addition, makeup artists argue that even a means of antibacterial effect from severe inflammations cannot be used, because you can only harm. Well, just hide pimples is quite possible.

Keep in mind that the product will be applied not pointwise. It is necessary to apply a concealer around the acne and gently shave in the direction to the center. And so the disadvantage will be hidden.

The triangle is drawn from the circles under the eyes and then the product is superimposed on the lower eyelid. Bushing is carried out down.

The best concealers for the face he is bruises and dark circles under the eyes: Rating

The best concealers
The best concealers

The question of how to use a concealer, of course, is very interesting, but what funds are the best today? Let's find out.

  • HD Consler Cache CERNES. It differs in that it is convenient to use. Many girls believe that for them this is an ideal tool, because he does a masking of circles under the eyes perfectly. But for those who already have the first wrinkles and even more so if there are deep ones, it is better not to use the product at all. This is due to the fact that it will highlight this lack of skin.
  • Radiant. Regardless of the severity of the circles around the eyes, the product will eliminate them, but not quite, but simply hide. If there are wrinkles, then it can be used. The concealer has a fairly good texture, it does not settle in wrinkles at all, and even during close consideration, nothing will be noticeable. So after applying about him, you can simply forget and not think about the appearance.
  • Dream Lumi Touch Highlighting Conceale. He does not have a very ordinary texture. It in consistency resembles a cream and emulsion in one bottle. It is also effective for eliminating circles under the eyes, but at the same time it additionally gives nutrition for the skin.
  • Perfect Teint Concealer. He is loved for the fact that he is not felt on his face, that is, he does not cause severity. And besides, it is not at all noticeable.
  • Dermablend Cosmetique Corrective. In principle, its action differs little from previous funds. In general, the brand differs in that it releases high -quality cosmetics, so you should pay attention to it.
  • Lift Lumiere. This tool is ideal for women in adulthood when wrinkles are already appearing. It has a lifting effect, and therefore is able to smooth out small folds. So thanks to this concealer, the problem is not only visually hiding, but also treated.
  • Lift Concealer. It contains many components aimed at protecting and rejuvenating the skin around the eyes. Thanks to the use of the product, wrinkles are not only masked, but also smoothed.

Camouflage Classler/Camouflage: Reviews

When solving the issue of how to use a concealer, it is important not only to know, but also how to use. One of the means of camouflage/Camouflage should be considered separately. It differs in that it is produced in several colors and is considered universal. It can be used for different parts of the face. Girls note that it has a delicate structure and goes well with the tonalist. At the same time, he has been on his face for a long time.

Conceler Camouflage Review 1
Conceler Camouflage Review 1
Concealer Camouflage Review 2
Concealer Camouflage Review 2

How to choose a concealer: tips


You can transform your appearance and hide all the disadvantages using a concealer. We have already analyzed how to use a concealer, but how to choose it, so far remains incomprehensible. Let's find out what to look for when choosing this tool.

  • Texture. All funds differ in texture. Here we must take into account your own needs. Liquid concealers are easiest to use girls with dry skin, because they give good moisture and there is no sense of tightness. Pencils are more suitable for spot use, for example, hide a pimple or pigmented spot. The sticks are somewhat reminiscent of pencils, but they are intended for large zones. They hide them very well.
  • Color. An ideal concealer should be the same in color as the skin. That is, it is selected under natural color. This is true, but do not forget about color concealers. We have already talked about them above. Be sure to take into account your problems and features of each for more efficient use.
  • Type of skin. Not all funds are universal. So, liquid and cream products are suitable for dry skin, and it is better to choose dry products for oily and combined. Any products are suitable for normal skin, but here you need to take into account specific problems.
  • Appointment. Many means are usually used for all goals, but sometimes brands create means for certain problems, for example, only for the zone under the eyes. So, light products are produced for dry skin. Relatively recently, the market was replenished with lip remedies. They are ideal for those who use nude shades. Concealer reduces the severity of a natural shade.
  • The form. There are whole concrete palettes. They include several popular shades at once. Typically, such products are chosen by professionals, and products are suitable for ordinary inhabitants if it is planned to make makeup with contouring. So if you just want to periodically paint something, then it makes no sense to buy them. It is enough to choose a one -color remedy.
  • Compound. Always see that your product includes additional useful components. With them you will not only hide the problem, but also eliminate it. So be sure to pay attention to this.

Remember that you always need to test the purchased shade, and do it with natural light. Think right away how it is more convenient for you to apply the product and choose a suitable consistency.

Photo before and after a concealer: reviews

Often, girls are interested in not only how to use a concealer, but also what the effect in the finished form looks. Here is what effect after applying the product:

Photo 1
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 5

Face concealer, under the eyes: reviews

Girls often share on the Internet how to use a concealer and leave their reviews about how effective the tool is. Someone is very pleased, and someone does not see the proper effect. The latter, most often occurs with incorrectly applying and choosing a product. But in general, concealers help to solve many problems, at least to disguise them. We suggest you familiarize yourself with several reviews:

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: How to apply a concealer correctly?

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