How to wash makeup brushes and sponge: useful tips and recommendations

How to wash makeup brushes and sponge: useful tips and recommendations

There are few women in the world who do not use cosmetics at all. Both a professional makeup artist and a woman who applies a make -up in everyday life, it is necessary to know the ways of cleaning cosmetic supplies, in particular, brushes and sponge for applying makeup.

In this article, we will give advice, how often it will be necessary to wash or clean them, and talk about which means is best to use at the same time.

Why wash brushes for makeup and sponge?

  • Brushes and sponges need to be washed, first of all, for reasons of hygiene - after all in them bacteria accumulate, which can damage the skin of the face and neck.
  • It is especially important that professional makeup artists are constantly supported by the cleanliness of the tools, because microflora and particles of skin fat have the ability to transfer from one person to another.
  • But those women who are tinted themselves should also remember that the visual aid tools should be periodically eliminated from bacteria, whose whole colonies settled in a humid tonal basis of sponge and in the pile of brushes.
  • It must also be understood that the excess amount of cosmetics on the villi of the tools does not allow you to apply on the skin uniform smears of dry or creamy textureAnd because of this, makeup will not look complete.
Wash brushes regularly
Wash brushes regularly

How often to wash brushes and sponge?

  • Here, first of all, you need to take into account the frequency of use of brushes. In the event that you apply makeup only for yourself, then the brushes designed to use funds with dry textures can be washed every 30 days.
  • The brushes you apply creamy textures, You can use it without fear for only a week. Then it follows wash brushes. With sponge, the situation is much more complicated - wash the sponge from the foundation It is necessary every time after applying makeup.
  • Makeup artists should arrange a flushing of their tools at least once a week. There are professionals who wash brushes and sponges every time they use - this is great, given only hygiene, but the natural pile of tassels will quickly become unusable.
It is advisable to wash at least once a month
It is advisable to wash at least once a month

How and how to wash brushes and sponge?

  • Home remedies - ordinary soap or shampoo, It is impossible to ensure full care for the vile part of the tools. It is worth buying for this purpose Professional tool And use, for example, with special soap.
  • For example, at "Beautyblender" There is a line that includes cleansing agents in the form of special soap, gel and mittens "", through which you can easily and quickly wash brushes and sponge.
Use special tools
Use special tools
  • Many professional makeup artists use soap to wash their tools, which includes olive oil or tea tree oil.
  • If you decide clean the brushesdo not use for this hot waterIn order to prevent the glue holding the villi in the pole, to melt. You can put the brush under the crane by turning on warm water - at the same time you need to ensure that it does not pour the glued part of the tool too much. Better yet - use shallow dishes, In which water is poured - so the glue is guaranteed not to get wet.
  • Using circular movements, should be soaped with the villous part of the brush, and then wash it well from the soap. It will be great if you use for this purpose mini-gear. Due to its ribbed texture, more fast and high -quality effect. Do not forget to pay more attention to the brushes with which you apply the tone - after all, it is in them that it accumulates excessive cosmetics, and therefore they should be washed with special care.
You can use special gloves
You can use special gloves
  • Washed brushes follows squeeze and place them on a piece of fabric (towels or napkins are also suitable for this purpose).
  • Fluffy and large brushes - the very place in brash Gard (in a special net for the preservation of the shape of the vile part of the brush during its drying, storage and transportation). It will be good if you use the air conditioning for maximum care for natural pile - it will give the hairs smoothness and at the same time strengthen them.
  • The brushes are enough for drying for 5-6 hours, after which they can already be used again. In no case should you wipe the brushes on the towel or dry them with a hairdryer - they will quickly become unusable from this.
  • After using the sponge, it should be soaked, and then squeezed under the tap until the foam disappears. Try to unnecessarily harsh movements not to harm it with a delicate texture or break it off.
  • By the way, it will not be superfluous to use for disinfection quartz lamp - Sponges should be quartz for 2 minutes. 2-3 times for a week. Of course, not everyone has such a lamp. In this case, you can spon the sponge for half an hour under the sun's rays - the effect will be the same.

How to quickly clean makeup brushes?

  • If you do not have time to thoroughly peel, then in this case you can use cleaning products. Of course, they are not an alternative to full washing, but with their help it is quite possible to contain brushes in its pure form for some time.
  • To wash makeup brushes, it will be convenient to use napkins for brushesthat can clean the tool even from waterproof textures, while they will disinfect the pile.
  • One such napkin will allow you to clean 10 brushes, preventing the pile of wet. Thanks to their mini-format, a place is saved in the suitcase if you are often traveling or traveling on business trips.
Express brushes
Express brushes
  • If you decide to use express-cleansers, then know that they work even during the application of a make-up. In this case, it is worth using a paper towel with a layer of cleaner applied to it, and further with the help circular movements Clean brushes.
  • And you can also apply a special sponge for these purposes - thanks to its pronounced relief, it will easily remove the powder from the face, neck and section of the neckline, and from the eyelids - shadows. The pile will remain dry, which at any second will allow you to use a brush again.

How to dry makeup brushes correctly?

  • After you washed the makeup brush, you should not squeeze very much when spinning - better rinse it with massaging movements in whipped soap foamand then rinse.
  • If you spread the pile in the middle, then you can immediately determine how well the brush was washed from soap.
Dry makeup brushes should be correctly
Dry makeup brushes should be correctly
  • And then it remains only to dry the makeup brush, shaking it well or wetting the tissue of the brush, leave it in the limbo (the pile should be below).

We advise you to read:

Video Council: Proper washing of makeup brushes

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