School makeup 13, 14, 15 years: description, photo, tips

School makeup 13, 14, 15 years: description, photo, tips

Thank God, there were times when the teacher could drive out of the class for a colorless varnish on the nails, and if the lips are also slightly summed up-here you can’t do how to drink, without a director and calling parents, you can’t do to school. Now young fashionistas are less limited in the ability to emphasize their fresh beauty, and most importantly, not to overdo it.

In order for the person to remain as natural as possible, but at the same time all winning elements were emphasized on it - study several rules for approaching school makeup.

Light school makeup

  1. How to make light school makeup? No need to dwell on tonal creams of a dense structure that mattress the skin. The skin should look natural, even - so we choose the same light explosives. The same rule applies to lipsticks, shadows, eyeliners - nothing fat, bright, color and matting.
  2. Focusing attention is most profitable before our eyes. Just do not need to think about oily eyeliners or brilliant shadows! For the school enough enough slightly tinted eyelashes And, as a maximum, a few shades for the eyelids of light shades: beige, pastel, pink, gray. This will make the look more expressive and will not look vulgar.
  3. Try to observe the same naturalness in relation to forms of your eyebrows. You do not need to artificially sophisticate them into a thread or fall into another extreme, giving them a density of the "Brezhnev eyebrows", as well as actively scoop up. Use eyebrow gel, just making them even, moderately thick and fluffy.
  4. Do not use colored mascara for school makeup - Still, this is not an entertainment institution. Take black if you treat brunettes, or brown, if you are fair -haired. This approach will visually add volume to the eyelashes and will not cause a feeling of their alien. High school students can unobtrusively emphasize the expressiveness of the gaze with a thin arrow made by a soft pencil.
  5. Choose cosmetics that corresponds primarily to your skin. Very carefully approach the choice of the components of a tool, because often a girl may not even assume that her skin will respond with irritation or allergies to the cream, say, with bee wax. Then, instead of moisturizing and radiance, you will get a small rash all over the face. The same with the selection of creams and powder - they must match the tone of your skin, not your mother, aunt or sisters. Otherwise, your face will seem alien to the neck and hands.
  6. If a The skin is problematic, You should select for her such a tool that will additionally care for it. Consult with a consultant which component is more necessary for your face: aloe, propolis, chamomile, series, tea tree, etc. If you regularly cleanse the skin with their help, it will attract attention with its silkiness and even without applying decorative cosmetics.
  7. For lips We also choose naturalness, achieving only their moisture, and giving them a natural light shade. No vulgar bright shades for both lipsticks themselves and pencils themselves do not need to be applied, especially since they will have to be constantly updated, which is hardly appropriate at school. Therefore, it is better to give preference to hygienic care products, which, firstly, are easily and quickly applied and are also updated if necessary, and, secondly, they do not paint their lips, but only give them a shade.
We adjust the disadvantages
We adjust the disadvantages
Not bright
Not bright
The emphasis is on the eyes
The emphasis is on the eyes

School makeup in a few minutes

Most girls like to sleep in the morning, sometimes until the time of leaving the house, and in a hurry pulling backwards backwards, the lips of the first lipstick that came to hand are smeared. Therefore, probably, you should get up for a few minutes early to leave the house fully armed.

School makeup in a few minutes:

  • Step one: skin care. Adolescence - the peak of problems with the skin and their increased fat content, many girls suffer from acne or acne. Therefore, start school makeup It is necessary precisely with cleansing the skin of the face: washed, cleared additionally with a tonic or any other remedy, moistened with a cream suitable for your skin type.
  • Step two: With a light foundation, align your face tone and work on imperfect areas. Distribute the cream with a sponge that do not forget to carefully care for, keep it clean in order to prevent the appearance of bacteria on it, and, therefore, irritation of the skin and rashes on it. We mask noticeable shortcomings and problem areas with a corrector, and then apply a thin layer of light, close to natural, blush on the cheeks.
Cleanse the skin and level the tone of the face
Cleanse the skin and level the tone of the face
  • Step third: We lay the eyebrows with a brush and fix them with a gel with a light shade or transparent. If you decide to use the shadows, we apply them completely throughout the mobile eyelid, using light beige shades close to natural color. Now a little carcass on the cilia. The main thing is not green or purple! Limit with a respectable black or brown color, so that it does not stick together in lumps, but emphasizes the length and density of your eyelashes.
  • Step fourth: The last bar is a brilliance that emphasizes the beauty of the lips. The color of the peach will be very appropriate for a young girl. Everything, you can go to school, feeling fully armed!

School makeup: tips

  • If your skin is clean, without stains and rashes, it makes sense to resort to the help of powder, applying it with a fluffy brush on top of a moisturizer. So you will achieve uterine skin, And at the same time, its coating will be easy.
  • Refusing lipstick in favor of a tinted balm of translucent consistency, you can not only be able Moisten your lips, but also use it like blush. Due to his transparency, it is difficult to abuse such a balm.
  • The rashes or the presence of red spots should not be hidden with tonal cream - this will only make it worse. Better take it first green corrector, Which will act as a neutralizing color for red, and apply it to reddened areas. And only then distribute the foundation evenly over the face.

School makeup for September 1: Ideas

  • We begin preparations for makeup, as usual, cleansing the face, applying tonic and moisturizing with cream. Then we proceed to applying the basis of light BB-cream or powder. We pre -processes problem areas conceler. We do not abuse the processing of the eyes and eyebrows - we act in the same way as described above.
  • Since the day of September 1 is still festive, you can afford to “highlight” a little face highlighter, applied to the areas of the face that protrude forward in relation to the rest. Thus, it should be shaved on the back of the nose, cheekbones and in a triangle on top of the upper lip.
  • With lips We also work carefully, giving a balsam preference. But if you really want to look like this day not as usual, you can take lipstick. The main thing is that its tones should also be neutral beige, and it is better to apply with the help of fingertips. This will highlight the lips on the face, leaving them as natural as possible.

School makeup for September 1:

A little brightness
A little brightness
The shine is brighter
The shine is brighter
Restraint is important
Restraint is important
On holiday
On holiday

School makeup for girls 13 years old: tips, photo

  • This is an age when endocrine changes in the body can affect the condition of the skin, leading to rashes and redness. Therefore, it is better not to use the tonal base at the age of 13, but without fail to use skin cleansing and concealer, applying it to those areas where problems are observed.
  • For school makeup of the eye Girls of 13 years old is better to use pastel shadows, and for eyelashes - mascara with vitamins that has a therapeutic effect.
  • It is definitely not worth abuse of lipstick, but if you use it, then it is better to choose persian tones or apply universal shine with transparency.
You can a little carcass
You can a little carcass

School makeup for teenagers 14 years old: tips, photo

  • Again, the tonal base is replaced by applying conceler in problem areas, and on top - light mineral powder.
Without tonal
Without tonal
  • Eyes It is possible to shade not only with pastel colors (cream or light brown), but also with light blue or green. You can make a transition from the healing to a light decorative carcass, the main thing is not to apply it densely, but with a light single layer, for a more expressive look, it is enough to apply the product only to the upper eyelashes.
  • We take for lips lipstick of the same peach or pale pink tonesand do not forget that a universal solution for school makeup Still remains balm.
To school
To school

Makeup in a school for teenagers 15 years old

  • This is an age when a girl already feels almost an adult, and right now it is important do not cross the border separating the sense of proportion from vulgarity.
  • Using the foundation, do not apply it with a thick layer so that the face does not turn into a mask. In addition to shadows and carcass for eyelashes, it is permissible to emphasize the eyes and eyebrows with a brown pencil, applying light soft lines, avoiding clear sharp strokes.
  • But the eyes in the style of Smokey-Ace at this age are inappropriate, especially at school. As for lipstick, you should not choose bright rich tones, since they contrast sharply with the young face, making it vulgar.
  • Makeup in a school for teenagers 15 years old:
Do not cross the line
Do not cross the line
Add a little pencil
Add a little pencil

Light school makeup for adolescents in stages

  • The first step is to study the topic school makeup for teenagers, and cosmetics: Selection of books and magazines, manuals on this topic, watching video lessons. So the girl will be able to understand what type her skin belongs to, what winning features her appearance has, what cosmetics and tools for applying makeup she needs. The role of mother, who should suggest, orient and help, is important here.
  • The main subject of attention for a girl A well -groomed clean skin should become, and to achieve this, the necessary means of therapeutic cosmetics should be available, selected taking into account the type of skin and a possible tendency to rashes, redness, and fat content.
Follow the condition of the skin
Follow the condition of the skin
  • Having selected makeup relevant tones and tools for their application, the girl should master the proper care of them, since a dirty tool can become a source of skin irritation or even her inflammation.
  • Any cosmetic procedures should begin from facial cleansing. To do this, foam or gel, scrub or mask are used (the latter can be made from the corresponding components that are useful for this type of skin).
  • Start off the basis of the base is better from compact powder And only a few years later go to use tonal cream, if it is necessary to align the problem areas of the face or dark circles under the eyes. In addition, the foundation should be selected taking into account the color of the girl’s skin.
  • You can also emphasize the eyes, lips, eyebrows on the face, without being carried away excessively. About how to do it, what tones to use is written above.
  • Application of makeup should not take much time, therefore, starting to such procedures, it is worth it to practice in their free time, so that in the morning do not rush headlong into school, late and bringing the discontent of teachers.
  • Makeup of a schoolgirl intended for other events (evenings, discos, entertainment programs, etc.) allows the use of brighter shades. The main thing is to feel the measure and not turn yourself into a colorful bird, causing not admiration, but a sympathetic smile.
On holiday
On holiday
Bright accents
Bright accents

And one more, very important point that is not “cosmetic”, but directly related to the condition of the skin is proper nutrition. A teenage girl needs as many fruits and vegetables, dairy products, porridge and boiled (not fried!) Meat and fish as much as possible in the diet. But fast food, soda, like flour with sweet, is something that can be abandoned without damage, and most importantly, with the benefit of the figure and condition of the skin.

Video: Makeup to school

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