How to make eyes to make eyes more visually: instructions, stylist recommendations, photo

How to make eyes to make eyes more visually: instructions, stylist recommendations, photo

Makeup allows a woman to try on new images, maintaining attractiveness and mystery. Interaction with the outside world occurs with the help of visual contact, so it is important that the natural beauty of the eye is harmoniously combined with cosmetics.

If you are overcome by doubts how to make your eyes more with makeup, then use the following recommendations of stylists below.

How to make makeup with makeup more visually: effective ways

  1. We mask traces of fatigue.
  • How to make your eyes more with makeup? Parous areas around the eyes visually conceal their size.
  • Any deviations from the uniform tonality of the skin are leveled by a concealer.
  1. Add the look of clarity and vigor.
  • We emphasize the inside of the century with a soft pencil of white color.
  • A bright arrow will be a continuation of the eyeball, which will make the eyes visually more.
  • As an alternative, you can use a pencil in pale pink tonality.
  1. A combination of light and shadow for an expressive gaze.
  • The correct combination of light and dark shadows allows you to make the eyes more visually using makeup.
  • To increase the natural shape, we apply shadows of dark shades along the inner fold and on the outer corners.
  • Light tonality is distributed in the central part of the century.
  1. We expand the boundaries of the eyes with the help of lines.
  • When forming the arrows to enlarge the eyes, we retreat from natural boundaries, lengthening and expanding natural lines.
  1. We apply mascara on the eyelashes every day.
  • Mascara on the eyelashes will make a look more soulful, pronounced and open.
  • Ecle twisting will become an additional plus for a visual scale of the eyes.
  1. Point lightening for visual volume.
  • Lightening near the arranged corners of the eyes, the skin area under the tip of the eyebrows, the pronounced line of cheekbones visually opens the eye.
  • Light correction is performed by radiant shadows or highlighter.
  1. We expand the boundaries with eyebrows.
  • Timely and qualitatively adjusting the shape of the eyebrows.
  • A beautiful eyebrow line is a beautiful framing of female eyes.
  • Moderately an inflated curved line opens the eye.
We adjust the eyebrows
We adjust the eyebrows
  1. Smoking eye frame.
  • We enlarge our eyes with the help of blended arrow.
  • From the center of eye sockets, draw the arrows from above and below and erode the boundaries with a soft brush.
  • A light haze will distract attention from the natural section of the eyes.
  1. We place bright accents.
  • Emphasize the active eyelid with a bright arrow.
  • For example, a blue arrow with similar eyes will add depth to the look and visually increase the eyes.
  1. Natural beige shades.
  • Light and beige shadows for eye eyeliner visually expand the boundaries and are a simple alternative to a large number of shadows.
Light shades
Light shades

How to make eyes more visually with makeup: the rules of perfect makeup

Correct makeup technique allows you to independently make the eyes more visually. For large expressive eyes, we will analyze the rules of perfect makeup step by step.

How to make eyes more with makeup:

  • A clear line of eyebrow geometric shape. Color the eyebrows with a close tint to the color of the hair. We use eyebrow paint and pencils of various shades. The hair growth line is fixed with a liquid agent.
  • Long volumetric eyelashes. Several layers of mascara are applied to the upper eyelashes. The lower cilia are stained with a bracematic once. Too short cilia is complemented by increased or invoices. Colored mascara to enlarge the eyes is useless.
Clear eyebrows and long eyelashes
Clear eyebrows and long eyelashes
  • Pencil framing. Extended lines enlarge round eyes, blurry lines adjust the almond -shaped shape, the contour from the center of the eyes opens the deep -set eyes. The ends of clear lines should not come into contact.
  • Shadow palette. For a harmonious look, the shade of shadows should echo with eye color. Nude shades are applied stepwise - from light to dark. Mercenary colors are combined with dark shadows.
  • Flickering effects. The radiant shining overflows increase the eyes due to additional depth. Apply to the upper eyelid to the eyebrows translucent bronze haze or peach mother -of -pearl. Lightly emphasize the lower eyelash line with the same color. The technique is ideal for daytime makeup.

How to enlarge eyes with makeup in stages - makeup for the eyes so that they seem more: description

You can bring the size of the eyes to the European form without the help of a makeup artist. To enlarge eyes with makeup at home, we stock up on the cosmetics of several shades and follow the phased instruction:

  1. From the center of the eye on the active eyelid we draw an arrow, a little thickening it to the tip. Too thick angular lines weight their eyes and are an obstacle to visual increase in the eyes. The clear circuit is carefully blurred by a brush. Direction of shading from the center of the face to the temples.
Thickening of the arrow
Thickening of the arrow
  1. To make makeup with makeup more visually You will need a palette of three close shades. We give preference to pastel, gray, mother -of -pearl colors.
  • For gray and brown eyes Choose a tone of gold or chocolate.
  • Blue eyes Sound in silver and lilac.
  • For green eyesstop tonality from golden to brown.
  • On the oily skin type, it is necessary to first apply a fixing tonal base.
  1. At the beginning of the eyes we apply light shadows, closer to the center we go to the middle tone and at the end we shade the dark tint. You can take a white, peach or pale pink tone as a basis. Shadows with shiny intersperses cannot be applied to mature skin. Use dark tones for evening makeup. In daylight, reincarnate natural shades.
  2. We highlight the small eyelid with a light pencil that visually increase the size of the eyes. White pencil can be used as a basis for pastel and bright shadows. Dark lines on the lower eyelid reduce the eyes.
Light frame
Light frame
  1. We twist the cilia and apply volumetric mascara. Light shadows should be harmoniously combined with cilia, so adjust the amount of layers applied. Ideally, 1 layer is applied to small cilia and on the top in 2 layers.
We twist
We twist
  1. We align the line of eyebrows, eliminating all the extra hairs. We go to the line with an average thickness and a natural bend. The shape of the eyebrows is selected to the shape of the face, the tonality to the color of the hair and eyes.

How to make eyes to make eyes more visually: Smoky Eyes technique

The main tool for this technique is a fluffy brush and a palette of shadows from a light shade to a dark one. The correct game of flowers will help to visually enlarge the eyes. The vulgarity adds too dense a layer of shadows, so high -quality shading is important to with makeup, make the eyes more visually.

  • We draw an elongated arrow in the large century. From clear lines we move on to smooth blur. Gray eyes can be expressed with a dark gray eyeliner. We emphasize the lower mucous membrane and the inner corner.
  • For the classic Smoky Eyes we use a gray palette. The metallic effect will be an additional plus. From the beginning to the tip of the eyes, we apply a light haze with a gradual obscenity. The lower eyelid from the middle of the pupil to the outer corner is emphasized by a dark shadow arrow.
  • For other options for Smoky Eyes technology, you can use the recommended palitra - from milk to bitter chocolate, from turquoise to lilac, from golden to chocolate.
  • We emphasize eyelashes black Brazmatik. The lower cilia can not be stained.

Smoky Eyes eye makeup is combined only with perfect eyebrows and dim shadows. The smoother the general tone of the skin will be, the more contrast and more expressive your bewitching look will be. An important condition is the use of salon cosmetics and compliance with the recommendations of professionals. Experiment with us, and we will help to additionally reveal the beauty of your eyes, maintaining natural naturalness.

Video: step -by -step makeup to enlarge eyes

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