"The World": a story about the profession of parents

The story about the profession of parents should be informative and fascinating. It is important to write about the features of the specialty of mom or dad.

A lot is said about the importance and irreplaceability of all types of professions. Each profession is needed and necessary in society. From an early age, children need to develop an adequate attitude to almost all known professions, with some exceptions.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The World": How to make a family tree? ".

About where and by whom mom and dad work, children are always told with pleasure and delight. In this article you will find several works on the topic of the professions of mom, dad and other relatives. Read further.

A plan for a story about the profession of parents in the "surrounding world"

Before you make any story, you need to write a plan. So it will be easier to represent the project and you will not miss anything. For example, here is a plan for a story about the profession of parents in the “surrounding world”:

  1. Introduction
  2. The story of the profession of mom
  3. The story of the profession of dad
  4. A story about the profession of other relatives: grandparents, aunts, uncles
  5. Conclusion or conclusion

The introduction can reflect the general information that all professions are good, but parents have the most interesting and demanded, etc. Now that the plan is drawn up, you can proceed with the preparation of the project itself. Read further.

"The World": a story about the profession of mom

Professions of parents
Professions of parents

Moms have always interesting professions. Women often work in important areas of life. Here is a story about the profession of mom in the "surrounding world":

« My mother has been working as a primary school teacher for many years. Still, being a little girl, she was distinguished by a great love for children and dreamed of choosing a profession associated with teaching babies. Having graduated from perfectly 11 classes, she, without hesitation, submitted documents to the pedagogical college. Having studied for five years, her mother returned to the walls of her native school, already as a teacher.

It is believed that the profession of a teacher is one of the most noble and disinterested, since the work of a teacher is a contribution to the development of society and the future children. Teaching new generations and enriching their knowledge helps children find themselves as adults.

The teacher should be endowed with an unshakable and persistent character, fulfill many responsibilities: develop a curriculum, teach subjects, prepare children for control work and provide a student with the necessary emotional support. This is what my mother is doing.

She enjoys great authority in the educational institution, young teachers who have only recently learned this profession and are still gaining experience turn to her daily for the advice. My mother has released a huge number of classes, many of her students have been working for a long time and have their children, who also study in her class. ".

"The World": a story about the profession of dad

Dads have no less exciting profession. Some of them work in dangerous industries, others protect people, guard, etc. But there are professions that are related to money and calculations. This is also necessary, and if a man has a talent in mathematics, then he will definitely come in handy in the profession. Here is a story about the profession of dad in the "surrounding world":

« My dad works as an accountant in one large company. This work, despite simplicity, is quite difficult and painstaking. The responsibility of the accountant includes: timely and reliable accounting, calculation and payment of taxes to the budget, settlements with personnel and clients. Often dad even have to take home work.

Having spread the pieces of paper on the table and turning on the computer, the father begins to engage in calculations. At such moments, it is better not to interfere with him. After all, an incorrectly introduced figure can lead to an undesirable final calculation result.

While still a schoolboy, his father’s favorite lesson was mathematics, he easily allowed to work with numbers and liked to solve various problems. After graduating from school, dad already knew that he should certainly enter an accountant-economist.

My father is a valuable and respected employee in the company. Skills and experience play a key role. In the end, the quality of financial accounting of the company depends on the professionalism of the accountant. Errors, defects and violations of legislative norms can lead to irreversible consequences for business. Therefore, the father is always focused in terms of work ".

Professions of other relatives - grandparents

The professions of other relatives in the family are no less important. For example, grandparents play a huge role in raising a child, and can tell a lot of interesting things from their life experience, profession.

Here is a story about the profession of grandparents:

« My grandmother lived all her life in rural areas, it was there that she met her grandfather - the best tractor driver and enviable groom in the area. By profession, grandmother is a nurse and a doctor in one person. Every day people with completely different diseases come to her medical center. Grandmother will write a grandmother and pills, and he will do an injection, and a referral to the district center will give out if the patient needs the help of a specialist in any particular field.

People involved in nursing are indispensable in the care and treatment of patients. It is very profitable to have a physician among relatives. When we lived in the village, at the first signs of the disease, we called our beloved granny. Even now, being in a big city, I, with any ailments, first of all I call my grandmother, and only then I go to local doctors to reception.

My grandfather’s profession is also very necessary and useful, especially for rural areas. A tractor driver of agricultural production is a person who drives various tractors, and sometimes freight vehicles. The main task of a specialist in this profession is to grow and harvest agricultural crops. It is worth noting that the duties of the tractor driver also include the repair of the failed agricultural machinery ".

The profession of aunts and uncles: "The world around us"

For many kids, aunts and uncles are authority. Especially, this happens if the child is brought up in the family of these relatives. But sometimes in ordinary families, the opinion of the sisters and the brothers of parents, is of great importance. Therefore, you can also tell about their profession.

This story on the "surrounding world" about the profession of aunts:

« My aunt works on a profession in demand and necessary in the modern world - she is a seller. Most of her life, Aunt worked in a shelter -type store. However, for a couple of years she has been working in a hypermarket, in the finished food department.

The seller performs one of the best and most important works in the world, influencing the choice of others and encouraging them to purchase goods or services they need. Sellers help private individuals and companies buy goods, which naturally brings income to the store and helps its development.

“Melt the ice” in the heart of the client is the task of a real professional in the field of sales. The best way to gain a buyer's trust is to create an emotional connection between both sides. My aunt copes with this perfectly».

The story of the profession of uncle:

« My uncle works as a guard in a warehouse. He has to go to work at night, however, the leadership can call to work during the day. The uncle works in shifts. In total, the organization has three guards. This work likes my relative by the fact that he has the opportunity to go about his business all day in free schedule.

The profession of a guard requires special responsibility, because it is people of this profession that trusts the most valuable: protecting the lives of people, property, objects or assets. The security services industry is extremely important and necessary, so there is no shortage of proposals about work in this specialty.

Most of the guards are hired by private companies seeking protection for themselves or the alleged object. Regardless of which part of the world you live, always and everywhere there is an acute need for protection. My uncle enjoys special respect. Thanks to his vigilance, several times the warehouse was saved from the penetration of strangers to its territory, with the aim of theft».

My future profession

The child must dream and understand his interests. He must think now about who he will become when he grows. Here is a story on the topic "My future profession":

« When I grow up, I dream of becoming a programmer. My favorite lesson at school is computer science. I am well versed in computers and computer programs.

The programmer develops applications using existing software for the basics. As a rule, professionals prefer to specialize in a certain field, such as: mobile application, graphic design, video games, financial programs and others.

Programmers work in agencies and companies specializing in the design and development of computer programs and applications. On the other hand, although there is no standard branching of this area, many companies divide their teams of programmers into three specializations: analysts, designers and testers.

I gradually study this profession, read a lot about it and even take the first steps in computer programming and, as many say, quite successfully».

Conclusion: watching people of different professions, I understand that each of them is needed and important in its own way. An involuntarily recalls a rather famous expression: "Choosing a profession to your liking, you will never work."

Video: Project on the world grade 2 - "The story of the profession"

Video: Parents classes | The world around the grade 1

Video: Project "Professions of my parents"

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    Haha, I'll tell you the story shorter. My child at school had such a task to tell about the profession of parents. What my baby said about me: thanks to my mother, I pronounce the letter P, because she was a speech therapist and finished courses! Haha)) is meager. By the way, the courses are really finished here https://rostbk.com/catalog/povyshenie-kvalifikacii/logopediya-pk/ I advise))

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