Signs and memo so that there is no fire for children - the world around them: rules, questions and answers

Signs and memo so that there is no fire for children - the world around them: rules, questions and answers

If on the topic “so that there is no fire” around the world, you were asked to describe the rules and answer questions, then read the article. It has all the necessary information for homework.

You are no longer kids who need constant supervision have become more adult and independent. You can leave you alone at home or let go for a walk, and not worry. To do this, you need to fulfill several important and simple requirements of adults.

One of the main points is compliance with fire safety rules. The surrounding world is often set up homework about fire safety rules. To make it easier for you to fulfill it, read below.

So that there is no fire - the world around him: rules

So that there is no fire
So that there is no fire

At school, children of grade 2-4 teachers talk a lot about the rules so that there is no fire. For this, a whole theme is allocated around the world. These are the rules should be described in the workbook:

  • Matches for children are not a toy!Even an accidentally lit match can lead to a huge misfortune - fire, burn, spoilage of things.
  • Fun with fire is banned. It is important to remember in any case. It is especially dangerous to indulge with fire next to wooden buildings, sheds, in attics.
  • Do not experiment with heating different objectsthat can explode or easily ignite.
  • Do not light the gasplites, do not drown the stoves. These matters can only be done under the supervision of adults.
  • Carefully handle the electrical appliances, they must be working. If you leave the room, be sure to turn off all the electrical devices. Left on included, they can become a source of fire.
  • Do not give in to the calls of peers or young children to play with fire. You must firmly say about the danger of such pranks. And tell friends that the fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish.
  • If in the dark, you need to illuminate the space or room, use electric lanterns, and not with open fire. One accidentally flying spark can cost life.
So that there is no fire
So that there is no fire

 Actions in case of fire:

  • Do not try to conceal if a fire occurred, and the fire spreads further and further.
  • Do not wait for everything to go outShout loudly about the fire, immediately call the adults.
  • Call firefighters and rescuers by calling "101" or "112", provide complete information about yourself - the name and surname, the address of the fire and your age.
  • Quickly leave the place of smoke, smoke brings more harm to health than fire. He will penetrate any crack.
  • When you fire the clothes, do not run, do not wave your hands. Go to the floor or on the surface of the earth and turn over, knocking down the flame. If possible, throw off your burning clothes, jump into a pond, flow in water.
So that there is no fire, do not play with matches
So that there is no fire, do not play with matches

Fire rules of conduct in nature:

  • Dilute the fire in a strictly designated place for this. Before breeding fire, prepare it - carefully remove the surface layer of the soil, then to return it to your former place.
  • Do not make a bonfire in dry weather when a strong wind blows. The flame can spread to a large territory.
  • Do not throw packaging, banks, bottles, unfamiliar objects into the fire. An explosion may occur.
  • Remember that the soil spoils under the place of breeding the fire, and plants and living creatures die. Do not dilute the fire in fire hazardous places, for example, on peat.
  • Before you get away from leaving the firing place, Carefully extinguish the bonfire, there should not be a single smoldering piece of wood.
  • Do not use flammable liquids- gasoline, kerosene, solvent and other similar ones. Inaccurate treatment of these substances can cause burns.
So that there is no fire
So that there is no fire

Fire rules in the premises:

  • Do not include several powerful electrical appliances in one extension cord, it can overheat and ignite.
  • Do not leave the iron and kettle on without supervision, they can cause a fire.
  • Do not use wax and paraffin candles without adults.
  • If you already got a fire, try to leave the apartment through the door, covering it well behind you. Remember that when igniting premises, it is forbidden to use the elevator. His movement can stall, and you will stuck in it, being in the west.
  • If the fire happened on the loggia or on the balcony and the fire spreads very quickly, close the door to these rooms well and call firefighters. Do not forget to warn your neighbors from above about what happened to you.
  • If it is not possible to leave the room through the door, run out onto the balcony and call for help.
  • Do not try to hide, hide. Do not climb under the bed, bath, wardrobe. Even if you are very scared, gather strength and declare yourself loudly. So adults or rescuers will be easier to find.
  • If you could not get out of the smoky room quickly, find the wall and move along it to the exit. It is also necessary to bend down as low to the floor, you can even crawl. To relieve breathing, soak any tissue with water and breathe through it. If there is no way to get to the water, you can urinate on a rag. Wet fabric will filter smoke and facilitate breathing.
  • If you heard the smell of smoke from the entrance, do not open the front door, run out onto the balcony. Call to help any passers -by adults.
  • If a specific item has caught fire, for example, a TV, throw dense fabric material on it- Cover, a blanket, a carpet, or pour the earth out of a flower pot. Before these actions, the device, of course, must be disconnected from the network.
So that there is no fire
So that there is no fire

Note to parents:

  • Fireworks, fireworks, crackers, Bengal lights only along with children. So you will not only share the joy of the holiday with them, but also save from trouble.
  • Constantly remind children of fire safety rules, bring the algorithm of actions in the event of a fire to automatism. The child must clearly know the sequence of his actions.
  • Hang on the front door of an alarm numbers, and also, their numbers and data of the neighbors. If trouble happens, the child will not be confused and will not forget to call.
  • Follow the serviceability of the wiring and electrical appliances. Often the cause of the fire is short circuits, and the baby is in West not of his own free will.
  • Set the children the right example of a neat handling of fire, follow the safety measures themselves. Throw bad habits, for example, smoking. If you smoke, then do it strictly in specially designated places. Make sure that the cigarette is completely extinguished, and not just thrown into the urn or to the ground.
  • Organize in the class a meeting of rescue workers with guys. It is easier for children to listen to professional opinion.
  • Read with children the literature about fires, for example, works V. Bianchi "Forest Gazeta", E Perm "Fire-General Game", L.N. Tolstoy "Fire Dogs", S.Ya. Marshak "Fire".

To be confident in your children or to constantly be afraid for them is the choice for you.

We check the knowledge on the topic "so that there is no fire": questions and answers

So that there is no fire
So that there is no fire

You carefully studied all the rules. We check knowledge on the topic "So that there is no fire."Answer the following questions and choose the answers:

The younger brother asks you to show how the match is on. Your actions?

  1. I will explain that playing with matches is unsafe, a fire may turn out.
  2. I will suggest playing something else.

You are at home and heard the smell of smoke, and in the entrance you hear noise and vanity. How to behave?

  1. Do not open the door in the hallway, tightly plug the cracks in the doorway with a blanket or bedspread.
  2. Go to the loggia, shout to passers -by, which smells of smoke from the entrance.

Who needs to call in the event of a fire?

  1. Call firefighters or rescuers by phone "112" or "101".
  2. Call parents or other close relatives, neighbors.

What do you know about the profession of firefighter?

  1. This profession is very dangerous and honorable. No wonder the call of firefighters is in the first place among alarming challenges.
  2. Everyone knows the danger and rapid spread of fire, and the life, health and state of people's property depends on the professionalism of firefighters.
  3. I often hear about the heroic exploits of firefighters, because they have to risk their lives to save other people.

How to breathe correctly if you find yourself in a smoky room?

  1. It is necessary to wet any tissue material that you will find either with water or your urine. Breathing through such a rag will be easier.

Where do you need to hide if the fire started at home?

  1. It is forbidden to hide, otherwise it will be very difficult for rescuers in fire or smoke to find me and help to go out.

How much water do you need to pour into a burning bonfire if you leave the scene of a picnic?

  1. There is so much water so that there is not a single smoldering firebreaker. Then it is even better to sprinkle the place of the bonfire, for reliability.

Come up with conventional signs on the topic “Fire is not a joke! Be careful!"

So that there is no fire
So that there is no fire

What needs to be done if clothes have caught fire on you?

  1. If possible, drop it, and if it doesn’t work out, ride the ground and bring a flame in this way.
  2. If there is a reservoir nearby, get into it, dousise with water.
  3. It is forbidden to run and wave your hands. From the movement of air, the flame will flare up even more.

What is more dangerous - fire or smoke?

  1. Everything is dangerous.
  2. Fire destroys everything in its path, and smoke has more penetrating ability.

When a fire occurs, the main thing is to stay alive and help survive surrounding others.

Which phone number is called by firefighters?

Fire service call
Fire service call

Let's repeat once again and remember what number of the phone calls firefighters:

  • 112 or 101

These phone numbers should be in a quick set on the phone of a child or hanging at home in a prominent place.

Memo for children and their parents, so that there is no fire

Memo for children and their parents, so that there is no fire
Memo for children and their parents, so that there is no fire

Feeling an adult and independent is the natural need for a younger child. Children are prone to self -confidence and risk. Often they do not realize all the dangers of life. And the task of the adult is to instill in the child the elementary rules for the safety of life, including when handling fire. Here is a memo for children and their parents, so that there is no fire:

  • The children left unattended, uncleaned matches, indulging in children's requests to light a fire or light a match can lead to a fire.
  • A personal example is of great importance. Parents should demonstrate a reasonable, cautious attitude to fire, electrical appliances and flammable liquids.
  • Children tend to copy adult behavior. Teach them by your example to correctly breed and extinguish the fire, monitor the serviceability of electrical appliances.
  • Show that fire is dangerous, and requires a reasonable relationship.
  • Teach the child to leave the difficult situation as safe as possible if it has already happened.
  • Before automatism, learn the numbers of emergency phone numbers, and say an algorithm of action in a fire.
  • Demonstrate a careful attitude with fire, do not leave the children unattended, strictly suppress any pranks that can lead to a fire.
  • Control the behavior of children, do not allow playing at abandoned construction sites, in basements, in places where it is difficult to trace what the children are doing.
  • In the event of a fire in such places, the culprits of the incident are usually lost and receive terrible burns and injuries.
  • Older children must be taught to use a fire extinguisher.

Guys, remember - you can’t joke with fire! An annually careless attitude with fire leads to terrible fires that take hundreds of lives, destroy property and cause irreparable harm to nature. The burned forests, the burned fields and the entire settlements destroyed by the flame are terrible consequences of careless handling of fire.

Often the cause of these disasters is the human factor:

  • An unlucky bonfire, an abandoned smoldering cigarette, children's pranks with fire and, as a result, scorched hectares of forest.
  • And if peat bogs lit up, then it is even more difficult to extinguish them.
  • The burnt forest is restored very slowly and difficult, because all nutrients for plant growth burn in burned soil.
  • For many years it will take place to restore the soil cover before plant life can arise again in this territory.
  • Forest is a living organism, and for its complete restoration after a fire, nature needs at least two centuries.
  • Remember these terrible numbers when breed a bonfire in the forest.

Fire is no less dangerous in the house:

  • Do not overestimate your strength and do not allow a careless attitude to the fire.
  • You are very mistaken if you think that at any moment you can stop the emerging fire, since the rate of spread of fire is very high and often cannot be controlled.
  • Do not play with matches and electrical appliances. Any innocent prank can lead to fire.
  • If you still allow the fire and the flame spreads around the house, seizing more and more new things-do not hesitate, call firefighters and call adults.
  • If during the fire you burned your hand or leg, substitute them under a stream of water.
  • Do not self -medicate, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation. Seek medical help immediately.

Children and parents, carefully read the memo and constantly remember the rules of fire safety. Caution and reasonable attitude to the fire will protect from trouble.

Read the story “The Bonfire Burns” in the book “Giant in the clearing”: verbally answer questions about that there is no fire

"Giant in the clearing" The story "Burning Bonfire"

To fix the material on the topic "So that there is no fire", teachers ask to read stories and answer questions about them. Read in the book "Giant in the clearing" story "The fire is burning."Verily answer the questions:

Questions and answers about the fire based on the story
Questions and answers about the fire based on the story

Invent and draw signs for the memo "so that there is no fire"

If you have learned the topic, then come up and draw signs for the memo "So that there is no fire". You can portray the following:

Signs to the memo
Signs to the memo "so that there is no fire"
Signs to the memo
Signs to the memo "so that there is no fire"
Signs to the memo
Signs to the memo "so that there is no fire"
Signs to the memo
Signs to the memo "so that there is no fire"
Signs to the memo
Signs to the memo "so that there is no fire"

Learn all the above rules. Show the memo to your parents. Remember that matches are not a toy. If there was a fire, then immediately call adults to the aid. This will help save life. Explain to all your peers that playing with fire is dangerous.

Video: Heat! Fires! Fire safety rules for children | Lesson OBZh | EMERCOM

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