Safety rules for children at home "The World": a memo for a safe childhood

Safety rules for children at home

A house is a place where a person feels safe. But sometimes it happens that people need to protect themselves from dangerous phenomena at home or in an apartment, especially this applies to children. They often stay at home alone and should be safe.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The meaning of water for the life of plants, animals and humans". You will find arguments for the lesson "The World".

"The world" - This is a school subject, which also helps to teach children security rules, both at home and on the street. The teacher should tell about them. But you can study them yourself. Here are the rules that need to be followed if you are left alone. Read further.

Safety and household appliances: Basic rules for children, "surrounding the world"

Safety and household appliances
Safety and household appliances

No need to turn on household appliances without need and simply out of curiosity. It is life -threatening. This is written in all textbooks on "The world around him". Gas and electrical appliances are best used under adult supervision. If you still need to do this yourself, then there are basic rules for using safety precautions and household appliances for children.


  • It is forbidden to stick metal objects and fingers in sockets, only forks of electrical appliances.
  • You need to turn on and turn off household appliances, holding on to the fork, and not by the cord.
  • It is forbidden to use sockets that fall out of the wall.
  • Use the gas stove extremely carefully: do not turn on the burners to the maximum and do not forget to turn it off after use.
  • Make sure that food or water does not “run away” and do not extinguish the gas.
  • Do not touch the cloth of an iron included in the network or still hot
  • Take the pots from the stove with the help of tacks.

Too many working electrical appliances can lead to a voltage jump. Then the electricity will turn off in the whole house or apartment. And if there is a closure, a fire may happen.

Dangerous substances and objects at home: Safety Rules in everyday life for children "The World"

Dangerous substances and objects at home
Dangerous substances and objects at home

In everyday life, people use household chemicals, medicines, various igniting objects (for example, matches). There are many dangerous substances and objects at home. AT "The world" Safety rules for children at home are spelled out when using such hazard sources in everyday life. Here is some of them:

  • Do not play with matches and lighters.
  • Do not light firecrackers, fireworks and Bengal lights at home.
  • In no case do not take unfamiliar medicines: if something hurts, tell your parents, they will give the right pill.
  • Do not taste detergents, even if they smell very pleasantly.
  • Do not play with sharp objects (knives, scissors, needles), use them only as intended and extremely carefully.

The liquids and powders that are stored in the bathroom or pantry may turn out to be poisonous. Do not touch them without the permission of adults. If you decided to help mom and wash the dishes, ask which tool you need to use.

Balconies, windows and basement in the house: safety regulations, "surrounding world"

Balconies, windows and basement in the house: safety regulations
Balconies, windows and basement in the house: safety regulations

In some rooms, a house or apartment needs to behave with increased caution. In the textbooks on the school subject "The world" Safety rules are spelled out, how to behave on the balcony, near the window or basement in the house. Here are the most important of them:

  • Do not lean over the railing and fencing of the balcony, even if some thing fell down
  • Do not sit on the windowsill by the open window
  • Do not get down to the basement of the house alone
  • NOT LAZ on fire stairs of houses
  • Do not close in the pantry, especially if there is a lock: the door may not open from the inside

If you live in an apartment building, do not go into electrical panels, technical rooms and the like, even if the door is open and there are people there. It can be dangerous to health and life.

Water supply: Rules for the Security of the House

Water supply: Rules for the Security of the House
Water supply: Rules for the Security of the House

It seems that water at home cannot harm. Perhaps this is so, all the same, when using the water supply, you should be careful. Here are safety rules:

  • Make sure that the crane remains closed and does not drip after you used it.
  • If you need to fill some kind of container, do not leave pouring water unattended.

If you saw that water flows from the pipe to the floor, then you need to inform adults about it.

Rules for safe behavior in the entrance and elevator at home for children: “The world around us”, a memo

Rules for safe behavior in the entrance and elevator at home for children
Rules for safe behavior in the entrance and elevator at home for children

When you go to classes, you return home, take out the garbage or go down by mail, observe several important rules of safe behavior in the entrance and elevator of the house. Such a memo is spelled out for children in a textbook on the subject "The world":

  • Do not enter the elevator or entrance with strangers: even if a person seems calm and does not cause suspicion, he can lead himself in an unexpected way.
  • Before leaving the apartment, look in the eye: if there are outsiders on the site, wait until they leave.
  • If a light bulb has burned out in the entrance, use a flashlight on the phone, or better call home and ask you to meet. Do not go into the dark entrance to the touch.
  • If there was a person nearby who seems suspicious, it is better to stand so that there is a wall behind him.
  • If the stranger persistently invites you to enter the elevator with him, say that you forgot the book at home and return to the apartment.

It is better to go to school and from school with friends - it is safer.

Communication with strangers: Rules for children's security

Communication with strangers: Rules for children's security
Communication with strangers: Rules for children's security

Parents probably told you about communication with strangers. You can’t speak with strangers on the street, agree if you are offered to “give up”, “take your mother to work”. There are several more children's security rules that will protect you from attackers.

  • Don't call anyone your address And do not talk about the daily routine: outsiders should not find out at what time of the day no one is at home.
  • When you are at home alone, It’s better not to ask a knock on the door "who is there?" And do not respond to the bell of the intercom.
  • If you live in an apartment on the ground floor, do not talk with strangers through the windows, do not open them at the request of strangers. If a person says that he wants to convey something to parents, call them and specify if they are waiting for the parcel.
  • It may happen that strangers will try to penetrate the apartment. Do not open the door to unfamiliar: they can introduce themselves to parents, neighbors and try to find out who is still at home. Answer that dad \\ mom sleeps or is in the bathroom. Tell me, to go later and be sure to call your parents and ask you to urgently return home.
  • If, rising to the floor, you see an outsider at the door of the apartment, do not come to her and do not speak with this person. Go out of the entrance and call your parents. Turn to the concierge if he is in your house. Also act if, going to the door of the apartment, you found that it is open.
  • Hearing someone bursting at the door, trying to open the castle, Call faster parents living nearby relatives and hide in the far corner of the apartment, in a secluded place.
  • If outsiders entered the apartment and attacked parentsDo not try to fight them. Try to run away: call for help, knock on the door of neighboring apartments, shout "fire".
  • If you can’t open the door (for example, the castle was stuck), do not give the keys to outsiders, do not ask strangers to help you get into the apartment. Contact your parents and explain the situation.
  • Leaving the apartment even for a few minutes, close the door.
  • Do not answer calls on a mobile phone from unfamiliar numbers. This rule applies to messages in messengers and social networks. Be sure to report such calls and SMS to parents.

Remember, if an unfamiliar person approaches you on the street and seems to be a friend \\ familiar / relative of parents does not need to talk to him, go somewhere at his request or accept some things from him. It is better to seem impolite than to be in danger. And do not forget to say about this case to adults.

What to do in an emergency according to the rules for the safety of children's behavior at home: "The world around us"

In an emergency, according to the rules of security of children's behavior, emergency services need to call
In an emergency, according to the safety rules, you need to call emergency services

Even an adult, when some incomprehensible situation appears, may be confused and not know what to do. The children are small, and if they remain unattended, it is dangerous for their life and health. When the child is left alone, he must know what to do in an emergency according to the rules of safety of behavior of children at home. All this is spelled out in the textbook "The world".

Various dangerous situations may arise at home: fire, rush of water supply, domestic gas leakage. Therefore, every person needs to know the numbers of emergency phones:

  • If the apartment is a fire - call 101
  • If someone tries to break into the door-102
  • If you feel very bad - 103
  • If the smell of gas appears - 104
  • In any emergency situation - 112

In all these cases, as well as in any other incomprehensible situation - call parents or other older relatives (grandparents).

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Emergency employees always have a lot of complex and responsible work. Do not call them for pranks: false calls take time, and parents can be fined.

Safety Rules for a fire and in other situations at home for children: a memo for a safe childhood

How to behave in a fire?
How to behave in a fire?

If a fire arose at home, the main thing is not to panic.

Here memo according to the safety rules for a fire for children:

  • A small flame can be tried to put out quickly. To do this, throw a dense blanket onto the hearth to block the access of oxygen to the fire.
  • If the burning thing is not connected to electricity, you can pour it with water.
  • If an electric device caught fire, you need to turn it off by pulling it out of the outlet, and only then put out with water, wet cloth and other improvised means.
  • If the fire failed, run out of the apartment, call for help, call firefighters ( phone 101).
  • Do not forget the younger brothers and sisters if you are at home with them. Run together.
  • Remember that it is forbidden to use the elevator during a fire, you need to go down the stairs.
  • When you are safe, call your parents.
  • Leaving the apartment, close the front door to slow down the spread of fire along the floor. But do not close to the castle so that it is easier for firefighters to enter.
  • In a fire, smoke appears. He is very dangerous, they can be poisoned or suffocated. A wet towel will help to protect against smoke: close your mouth and nose, breathe through it.

If the fire arose in another apartment or on the stairwell, you must not let smoke into your apartment. To do this, close the door tightly and fill the cracks with wet rags. In this case, be sure to call firefighters: they evacuate people not only from a burning apartment, but also all the closest ones. When there is no way to call, open the window and call for help.

Here memo for a safe childhood if at home it smells of gas:

  • The apartment needs to be ventilated - open the windows.
  • Then check if the gas stove is turned off, check all the handles on it.
  • On the gas pipe there is a crane for overlapping of gas - turn it so that the handle is across the pipe.
  • If the apartment is felt in the apartment, it is forbidden to turn on the light, light matches, use electrical appliances.
  • Perhaps a fairly large amount of gas has accumulated in the room. Then he can explode from any spark.
  • If after ventilation the smell of gas did not disappear, call the gas service specialists ( phone 104).

Broke the water pipe? Here is a memo for children:

  • First of all, you need to block the water with special valves, which are on the pipes of cold and hot water.
  • After that, call your parents. They will decide what to do next.
  • If water flows from the ceiling, this means that the accident happened among the neighbors from above. This is also necessary to inform parents as soon as possible.
  • If a stranger knocks on the door and says that your apartment flies from below, check if the water on the floor in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If there is dry, most likely this is a provocation, and a person wants to fraudulently get into the apartment. Say that they will soon go down to him and call adults.

In any situations where you can face danger, try not to panic. Remember, the most valuable is your life. Do not be afraid to ask for help from neighbors and other people you know. Be sure to talk about all the extraordinary incidents that have happened to your parents.

Rules for the safety of children at home for parents: Memo

Tips that parents should give to children
Tips that parents should give to children

It is necessary to explain the safety rules for the child at home, starting about three years old. Information is gradually absorbed by the time when you decide that your son or daughter can be left alone for a while, they will already have an understanding of what can and what cannot be done in the absence of adults. The time of independent stay of the child at home needs to be increased gradually from 15 minutes to a whole day. What should parents teach the child? Below is a memo according to the safety rules for children.

This is what the child should know about household safety:

  • It is forbidden to play with sockets, sharp tools, flammable objects.
  • It is forbidden to include an electric and gas stove without the permission of adults.
  • It is forbidden to try detergents, perfumes taste.
  • It is forbidden to talk with outsiders on the street and let them into the apartment.
  • The rules apply not only to your own apartment, you also need to behave visiting my grandmother, at school, etc.

Here's how to make housing safe for a child:

  • Determine which items and objects in the house cause an increased interest in the child. Use protective options for them: silicone overlays on the corners of furniture and door handles, removable handles and blockages on window frames, plugs for sockets, clamps on the cabinet doors.
  • Chemistry, medicines, animal leashes and dangerous products (for example, vinegar) store in an inaccessible place.
  • Do not start at home toxic and thorny indoor plants.
  • Take care of a decrease in injury hazard: remove the wires to the cable channels in skirting boards, attach anti-slip pads to the carpets, in a shower or bathroom, lay anti-slip mats, choose children's furniture with rounded corners.
  • Show the older child how to block gas, water and turn off the electricity in the apartment.

Be sure to instruct the child who to call in a non -standard situation. Enter not only your mobile, but also work phones, as well as the numbers of grandparents, grandmothers or other adults that you trust you. Ask your colleagues not to forget to inform you if the child called the work issue.

To tell children about domestic dangers, but without intimidating. Try to build a trust. The child should feel your care, not just control. Explain that you warn about threats to protect, because you love and worry about his life.

Video: Security Lesson "Rules of House Conduct"

Video: Magic Book of the Ministry of Emergencies. Rules for the safety of the house. Animated series from the Ministry of Emergencies for kids

Video: Rules for the safety of children when they are alone at home

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