How are plants and animal forests interconnected: arguments for the lesson "The World"

How are plants and animal forests interconnected: arguments for the lesson

Life on our planet on estimates of scientists originated 3.8 billion years ago. Since then, plants, insects and animals that live on land and in water are components of the Earth's biospheres. Their lives are firmly interconnected.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The meaning of water for the life of plants, animals and humans". You will find arguments for the lesson "The world".

The disappearance of even one species of the plant will entail the extinction of one or even several species of animals. How strong is the connection between the animal and the plant world? Look for answers to this and other questions in the article below.


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What benefits do the plants of forests bring to animals - how they are interconnected: arguments for the lesson "The World"

In nature, everything is interconnected. Any living creature in the forest depends on the other, as well as on the plant world or insect. What benefits do plants bring to animals? How do some help others? How are they interconnected? Below you will find arguments for the lesson "The world".

Forest floors
Forest floors

On the 1st floor (on the ground), many predatory (wolf, fox) and herbivores (moose, deer, roe deer, hare) live, which do not know how to climb trees.

Plants play a crucial role in animal life:

  • Representatives of the plant world produce oxygenthat all animals breathe not only on Earth, but also under water. Pisces, like other living creatures, is necessary for breathing. Water in reservoirs is saturated with oxygen as a result of photosynthesis of plants such as mud and algae.
  • Flora - a source of food of herbivores (herbivores feed on plants)who, in turn, enter the food chain of predators (predators eat herbivores). Therefore, the disappearance of plants will lead to the mass extinction of the whole fauna.
  • Plants are a house for animals and birds. For example, in the hollows, bird nests and some representatives of rodents and mammals settled. Bears, building a den, using branches and grass.
  • They help herbivores to hide from predators. Their foliage or needles are excellent masking and give a shadow in which you can hide in hot weather.
  • These are animal medicinesexperiencing health problems. They eat grass and mushrooms of specific species, helping their body cope with the problem. Scientists have proven that with the help of fly agaric moose struggle with intestinal parasites.
  • In hot countries, plants are not only a source of food, but also water. Where lakes and rivers can be found extremely rarely, it is in plants that representatives of the animal world are looking for moisture and fill the daily need for water.
Who needs trees in the forest?
Who needs trees in the forest?

Scientists believe that without plants of life on Earth would not be at all. And what helps to survive the representatives of the flora? Read further.

What benefit to animals of forest plants bring - how they are interconnected: arguments for the lesson "The World"

Surprisingly, it is the representatives of the fauna (animals) that provide the processes thanks to which the flora has not yet disappeared from the face of the earth. What benefits do animals of forest plants bring? How are they interconnected?

Animal groups
Animal groups

Here are the arguments for the lesson "The world":

  • In the process of breathing, animals absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is so necessary for plants.
  • Waste of life of the representatives of the fauna (animals) enriches the soil, increasing its fertility.
  • Animals loosen the soil, which helps plants grow freer and more abundant.
  • They purify the bark of trees from parasites. Everyone knows that the woodpecker mines itself in the bark. And if insects are food for a feathered, then for wood it is pests that can destroy it.
  • Representatives of the animal world ensure the safety of the species of plants and their distribution of habitat (reproduction). So, for example, insects pollinate flowers, and birds and animals carry seeds, fruit bones through the territory or even other continents.
  • Each animal feeds on certain species of plants. Thanks to this, the balance between species remains in nature. It is believed that if it is violated, many representatives of the flora (animals) will simply disappear.
  • Some types of insects feed on dead organic, which is contained in the soil. Thus, they purify the fertile layer, preventing the excessive accumulation of natural debris, and bring useful organics into it.
  • Farm animals, eating plantar, regulate their numbers, without critically reducing the number of representatives of the flora. And eating corpses, animals protect the area from infections.
  • Rodents breaking long moves in the ground loosen it, enrich them with organicism, and also saturate the soil with moisture and air. In such a layer, plants grow more abundantly.
  • Eating a plant, animals eat extra shoots. Thanks to this, the bushes begin to grow faster and give more seeds. Herbivores also destroy dry or infected branches, making life easier for the plant.
The role of insects in pollination of plants
The role of insects in pollination of plants

Of course, some representatives of the fauna can harm plants. But the benefits of them are still incomparably more.

Interaction of living and inanimate nature

On our planet there is a living and inanimate nature. The first includes all those organisms that breathe. And what is inanimate nature?

  • Scientists attribute that it does not breathe, does not move, does not propagate and does not grow to the inanimate nature, and also does not need food.
  • This is water, celestial bodies, air and earth.
  • They are immortal and once appearing once, they will no longer disappear, but they can go to another state. For example, water under certain circumstances can go into a gaseous shape or become solid.

Scientists believe that the emergence of objects of inanimate nature on Earth made it possible to emerge lives. Over time, their interaction created the conditions on the planet, thanks to which microorganisms, and then plants and animals at first arose.

A connection that is formed between objects of living and inanimate nature is incredibly durable.

  • Plants for existence need soil, light, water and wind. The latter spreads the seeds through the territory, which allows you to maintain the population.
  • Animals, like plants, need air, water and heat. The disappearance of at least one of these elements will certainly lead to disaster.

A special role in the interaction of living and inanimate nature is played by the soil:

  • Animals and plants decompose after death. As a result of this process, the soil receives trace elements that have favorably affect its fertility.
  • From such soil, plants take everything necessary for their growth. After the sprouts saw the light and strengthened, they become a source of food for herbivores, and those in turn for predators.
  • Here is such a continuous cycle that ensures the existence of all living things on the planet.

The animal and plant world from the very moment of their appearance interact closely with each other. Thanks to their connection, many vital processes on the planet function uninterruptedly, which allows all living things on the planet not only to exist, but also to evolve. If at least one link from this chain disappears, the world will cease to exist in the usual form. It will change beyond recognition and living in it is unlikely to become possible.

Video: natural science. Grade 3. What a connection exists between plants and animals /19.10.2020/

Video: The world around the world 1 class (Lesson No. 15 - How do plants and animals live?)

Video: The world around the world grade 3 (Lesson No. 10 is the world of animals. Project. Task "Diversity of nature of the native land")

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