"The World": How to make a genealogy tree?

In grade 2, the child should be able to compose a genealogy tree for the object "The world around him". To do it is simple.

How to teach a child to be interested in his birth? Today, knowledge of the history of your family is a real disaster. People ceased to communicate closely with each other and lost the connection of generations. Not all children are able to answer elementary questions about the closest relatives. Compilation of the genealogy tree helps kids learn everything about their family.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “Family scenarios. Family Genogram ".

The genealogy will introduce interesting facts about the ancestors - who they were and what they did. Drawing up a family tree - This is a useful and creative activity. Read further.

What is a genealogy tree?

Family tree
Family tree

The genealogy tree is a business card of each family. In the second grade of the school there is a task to compose a family tree of its family. Its goal is to teach children to know information about their relatives. The genealogy shows generations of childbirth.

  • The family of their family, most people want to know. So you can love and begin to appreciate all relatives. Each family has its own story and tradition. These stories are unique and unique, cannot be the same.
  • The family must be able to appreciate. People often lose her, without hesitation, that it is difficult to find her later. The tree is usually associated with something powerful and strong. He was specially chosen for personification with a whole.

It is believed that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a genealogical tree came to us from Europe. In the Middle Ages, the intelligentsia has a new fashion. Their houses began to decorate the family tree of the family. All family ties and the number of relatives were clearly shown. They were issued in a variety of versions.

Fundamentals of drawing up a genealogy tree according to the project on the "surrounding world", grade 2

Genealogy - scheme
Genealogy - scheme

Family tree can be created as you like. The modern world provides a choice of different options. Here are the basics of drawing up a genealogy tree according to the project for the "surrounding world", grade 2:

  • You need to start with the collection of information.
  • The child can find out the main part of his mother or father. Perhaps they will show him a photo or video about the family.
  • It will be necessary to raise family documents or various certificates.

There is official website called the "All -Russian Directic Tree". With it, you can find relatives or roots. There, people corresponded by last names and look for their ancestors.

We note a few advantages why it is worthwhile to start the design of the tree:

  • This is a creative process. The collection of information will inspire and bring closer to all family members once again.
  • Rare memories and different stories will pop up. Good events and various achievements are often remembered.
  • A beautifully designed tree will become a valuable decoration of the interior in the house.
  • All significant dates will be clearly before your eyes. They will not allow you to forget about family holidays and significant events.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Work plan on the preparation of a genealogy tree for the "surrounding world"

The work is complex, but fascinating and interesting. As in any business, children will need patience and painstaking.

The work plan on the preparation of a genealogy tree in the "surrounding world" may be as follows:

  1. Write an introduction to what a genealogy is.
  2. Tell about your last name. There are some features.
  3. The story about the family. From whom your family consists of. How many people, brothers or sisters are you.
  4. Paint 3 generations of your relatives. Tell about them.
  5. Draw a conclusion. For each family, it will be special.
  6. Clearly show an example of work.

Imagine that you have turned into historians. The process will have to devote a certain amount of time, but the result is worth it. In the beginning, all the names of relatives, date of birth or cause of death are recognized. For example, grandmothers or brothers, sisters and parents. Family archives, photographs and videos will help in this matter. Materials are selected by the most diverse. You can specify any facts.

How to create a genealogical, family tree of the family?

The family tree of the family is designed in any format. It all depends on the taste and desire of the author. There are simple options for schoolchildren. When this is just a drawing, we take basic tools:

  • Pencil and eraser, a sheet of paper, what will be drawn on the family tree
  • How you will draw - paints, felt -tip pens
  • Scissors, glue, ruler
  • Family photos

There are different techniques for creating a genealogical tree that can be used for design:

Family tree
Family tree
  • Quilling technique

Quilling is a technique of working with special paper. A certain effect is achieved due to special twisted curls. It looks unusual and original.

Family tree
Family tree
  • Toldering - Work with Brashpen Handles

When the line goes down, it is necessary to press them hard on them. If the line goes up, then on the contrary is lightly. The result is original inscriptions. You can sign names in this technique.

Family tree
Family tree
  • Application is a well -known type of work

Despite simplicity, many people love and often use it. Its appearance also looks original.

In modern times, children love to use various gadgets. Some teachers themselves offer the design online. There are programs by which you can print the genealogy in finished layouts. These are quick and universal options. Here are 5 programs for decorating a family tree:

  1. Photoshu Pro
  2. Genopro
  3. Family Tree Builder
  4. Tree of life
  5. Relatives

When information about all family members is collected, all data and materials are collected, you can start preparing the work itself. How to make a family tree? We turn on the imagination and creativity. Do you have to start with him? We decide in what order our scheme will be filled out. In what order will family members be shown.

Usually, the chief chief of the genus is placed on the barrel, as the thickest and strongest part. It is clear that they will be a man. The following generations begin to be located from him. His children are on the same level. Then, in the next row, there will be grandchildren. If there is, the next great -grandchildren will go and so on.

Family tree
Family tree
  • One generation must be shown in one row.
  • Instead of shooters, branches are drawn.
  • On the branches, instead of leaves, photos of relatives are placed.
  • This is called the ascending type of family tree. The tree grows from below and grows up.
Family tree
Family tree
  • The descending type is drawn the other way around.
  • On top at the very top, the first compiler of the genus is placed.
  • Everyone else will go down from him.

General rules are quite simple. Each generation occupies one level. Marriage pairs are connected by horizontal lines. And their children are connected by vertical lines.

Work evaluation: conclusions after compiling a genealogy tree

We get a good and high -quality result thanks to the artistic style of work and reliable information. All facts on the tree should be clear and accurate. You need to write the most important thing. What is considered important.

When the genealogical tree is ready, schoolchildren talk about their kind before the whole class. It is permissible to tell who helped when compiling: mom, dad or grandfather. Who asked for advice. Even if the child does not understand everything, the task of adults to support and show errors.

When the child does this work, he will feel himself, part of a large interesting project. To learn new things about close relatives is the task of all second -class schoolchildren.

Genealogical, genealogy Tree: drawing, templates

Let's study our roots and love your family. This is extremely important for all of us. You need to be proud of your genealogy. The memory of our ancestors is an incomparably important factor. During the study, ties with relatives will be given. Here are the drawings and patterns of the genealogical, genealogy tree:

Family tree
Family tree
Family tree
Family tree
Family tree
Family tree
Family tree
Family tree
Family tree
Family tree

It is important that the children know about the heroes of their ancestors. They did not forget and honored family traditions. Let's leave our mark for the future generation. Historical roots affect us throughout our lives. They connect the strong ties of the kinship of all people.

Video: How to assemble your pedigree? Personal algorithm and experience | Genealogical Tree | Genealogy

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