How to draw a family tree with a pencil with your own hands? How to make a family tree of your family: a sample

How to draw a family tree with a pencil with your own hands? How to make a family tree of your family: a sample

If a child at a school or kindergarten was asked to draw a family tree of his family, with the help of this article you can easily cope with the task.

Many people are drawn to their roots. They are interested in who their ancestors were, what their fate was. Therefore, the fashion for the pedigree and genealogical trees returned. The path of least resistance is to use the online program on the Internet or download the application that allows you to quickly design a colorful family scheme with a photo. But much more the soul will be a genealogical tree created with your own hands. It is often set to the child to make it.

How to draw a family tree of the family: template, scheme

The genealogical tree is a scheme of family ties within the family, sometimes depicted in the form of a tree with a barrel and a crown for convenience and beauty.

Important: in the conditions of a big city, it is not always possible to regularly communicate even with the closest relatives. Most of us know or remember the maximum great -grandmothers and great -grandfathers. Family ties are weakening and interrupted, but a person without a family, that a tree without roots is lonely and weak.

Genealogical Tree: an example of decoration.
Genealogical Tree: an example of decoration.

On the Internet today there are a lot of sites that allow using special programs to create a template genealogical tree with a photo. You can also download a frame for several photos and insert portraits of family members into it in Photoshop. It is fast, convenient and, of course, beautiful.

Genealogical Tree: an example of a children's framework for Photoshop.
Genealogical Tree: an example of a children's framework for Photoshop.

But the preparation of a generic diagram with your own hands has a lot of advantages:

  1. You have the opportunity to spend time behind the creative process yourself, with your relatives and children.
  2. You will pay tribute to the ancestors, return to the origins of your kind, learn or remember many interesting and curious stories.
  3. If you draw up a scheme with a photo, you systematize pictures of your family members.
  4. A beautiful and neat genealogical tree is an interesting interior decoration.
  5. If you make a family tree with the birthdays of relatives, with the designation of spouses weddings, you will never forget to congratulate them.

So where to start? How to draw a scheme correctly?

First of all, you need to figure out what kind it will have. After all, the tree is a conditional name. The genealogy can be depicted schematically, where male relatives are “leaves” in the form of squares, female - round “leaves”, and the connection between them is indicated by branches - arrows. If the tree is compiled with the child, it is worth considering his artistic design, portray it in the form of a tree, cut and stick on its branches photo portraits of relatives.
Next, decide what your pedigree will look like:

  1. The descending is the most common and convenient look. Such a tree begins to be composed from the most distant relative. Usually, this is a man, since traditionally the family is transmitted by the male line. The vertical “branches” of the tree pass down to its descendants, related ties between them are indicated by the “branches” of horizontal.
  2. The ascending is the type of scheme that is used when there is little information about human ancestors. In the "trunk" of the tree, they have the one for whom it is compiled. And at the top, ascending, they place his relatives in past generations. Designing a genealogical tree with the child (and it most often ends on great -grandmothers and great -grandfathers), stop on this option.
Pedigree: descending scheme.
The genealogy tree: ascending scheme.

Now take the pen and notebook, try to remember your relatives, if necessary, the dates of their birth, death, the date of marriage, other information. Perhaps for this it will be necessary to raise the documents.
No matter how detailed the genealogical tree may be, it will not be possible to indicate all the information about relatives on it. If you approach the question seriously, make a card for each relative with all the information known and important to you.
If you want to make an artistically designed genealogical tree with photos, choose in advance those that you will use.

Video: How to make a genealogical tree correctly?

How to make a family tree of your family: a sample

Are you an active Internet user? To compose a genealogy tree, use free programs:

  • "Simtree"
  • "Gramps"
  • "Geneweb"
  • "Geneotree"
  • "Family Chronicle", "Tree of Life" (only demo versions are free)
Genealogical tree in the Family Tree program.
The genealogical tree in the program "Chronicle of Life".

Pulls on independent creativity? Take one of these schemes as an example.

Credular tree: scheme.
The family tree of the family: Example.


A simple template of the family tree.
The genealogy under the old days.

How to draw a family of a family with a pencil in stages to a child?

In order to draw a tree of families with a child, you will need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • color pencils, felt -tip pens, paints
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • glue
  • photos of family members

Important: to draw a genealogical tree, usually asking students of primary school or preschoolers. In classes on the family, the child is asked to tell about all family members displayed in the scheme, so do not make the tree extensive. Show on it only those relatives whom the child knows about whom he can talk about.

  1. Put a sheet in front of you, better horizontally.
  2. Draw a tree trunk and branches with a simple pencil.
  3. Draw the crown. How realistic it will depend on the age of the child and his creative abilities.
  4. On the table at the top of the tree, indicate the place for the name and/or photo of the child.
  5. A little below, just precisely indicate his parents.
  6. On the branches of trees, place relatives from the side of mom and dad, respectively (grandparents, uncles, aunt, nephews, if any).
  7. Draw the family tree so that the generations are increasing by increasing each other: mom and dad, below - grandparents, even lower - great -grandmothers and great -grandfathers.
  8. Draw relatives from one generation near horizontal.
  9. Connect all relatives with horizontal and vertical arrows.
  10. Paint the background at the discretion, the trunk and branches of the tree with brown, the leaves - green. If there are frames for the photo, arrange them.
  11. Take the prepared photos, carefully cut the portraits of family members, stick them to the appropriate places.
  12. Sign the family tree. For example, “Family Tree Petrov”, “Anya Petrova and her family”, “My family”, so on.
Family Tree with a pencil: Step 1.
Family Tree with a pencil: Step 2.
Family Tree with a pencil: Step 3.
Family Tree with a pencil: Step 4.
Family Tree with a pencil: Step 5.
Family Tree with a pencil: Step 6.
Family Tree with a pencil: Step 7.
Family Tree with a pencil: Step 8.
Family Tree with a pencil: Step 9.
Family Tree with a pencil.

Important: frames for a photo of each relative can be made in the form of leaves, apples, so on, then the tree will turn out brighter and more beautiful.

We draw a tree trunk and branches.
We draw a crown. We schematically outline places - “apples” for family members.
Detail the drawing and color it.
We draw up the background. In the "apples" we enter family members or glue their photos.

Video: Drawing our tribal tree

Family family tree: a pencil drawing for children

Here's another example, how to draw a genealogy tree with a child with a child. The principle is almost the same, but the sheet is located vertically, and for the child the place is determined at the bottom of the tree.

Designing a descending family tree: steps 1-3.
Designing a descending family tree: Steps 4-6.

Go to the design of the genealogical tree for the child creatively. Use techniques:

  • quining
  • application
  • glittering
Genealogical Tree - Application.
Genealogical Tree - Application.
Family tree to a child in a kindergarten.

As an option, you can build a family tree from wire and fabric.

An example of the original design of the family tree.
An example of the original design of the family tree.

Video: DIY DIY DIY: Scrapbooking

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Comments K. article

  1. The tree grows from the bottom up and is not the other way around .. below the oldest. At the top are young ... and nothing else ... do not powder the brains of people ...

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