How to independently find out the genealogy, genealogical tree of your family named: archival data, search on the Internet, on TV shows. Ways to search for ancestors and relatives by last name: Description. Where to start the search for your genealogy?

How to independently find out the genealogy, genealogical tree of your family named: archival data, search on the Internet, on TV shows. Ways to search for ancestors and relatives by last name: Description. Where to start the search for your genealogy?

The origin of the surname and your pedigree can be recognized if you know how to do it. Read the information in the article about where you can contact and on which sites to see the story of your family.

Currently, many people want to recognize their pedigree, where its roots come from. However, knowledge is usually limited only to information about great -grandfathers and great -grandmothers.

  • Now it is popular to draw a family tree of your family.
  • In addition, many people are sure that those who read and remember their ancestors will live a healthy and long life.
  • For religious reasons, you need to know the sins of your distant relatives and be able to repent for them in order to improve your life.
  • It is also important to know the genetics of the genus and a predisposition to certain diseases.
  • From this article you will learn information on how you can independently learn the history of your family, where the database is located, and whether it can be done for free, for example, on the Internet.

How to independently find out the genealogy, genealogical tree of your family by last name: where to start the search?

How to independently find out the genealogy, genealogical tree of your family by last name: where to start the search?
How to independently find out the genealogy, genealogical tree of your family by last name: where to start the search?

As folk wisdom says: "The most important thing is to start." If there is a beginning, clues will appear and it will be possible to look deep into the history of your family. So, where to start the search in order to independently find out the pedigree, genealogical tree of your family named? Instructions:

  1. Collect all the papers and documents Your grandparents, who they got from their relatives, parents or even grandmothers. Make an inventory of these papers: a list, description and summary. Do not restore dilapidated documents and photographs, just make photocopies.
  2. Talking with relatives. Ask grandparents, parents, aunts and an uncle about what they remember about their family. If relatives live in other cities, send your questions in a letter. Always go with a notebook and a pen, because perhaps you will meet some distant relative on the street, and in order not to ask for a visit, you can ask him about everything and write it down. Ask everything: who worked, where they served, what hobbies, traditions were, whether there are any special jokes in the family and words incomprehensible to other people.
  3. Dictionary of surnames, which is in any large library, will help to find out about the geographical area where the surname appeared. This will help a lot, since you will know where to move on.
  4. Explore family aspects related to participation in wars. “Book of Memory” is a complete collection of names of people who went through the war, missed or died during hostilities. This book is in libraries, museums and even in internet on this link.
  5. Search in the archive. After you found out in which area your ancestors lived, look for the archival data of this area. You can order a paid certificate from the archive according to the documents of interest.

Remember: All people recall the same event differently. They can call different dates of birth, confuse classes and settlements. Also, the names of strangers may not remember. But the picture will still gradually loosen, ready for subsequent studies.

Ways to search for ancestors and relatives by their name, father

Ways to search for ancestors and relatives by their name, father
Ways to search for ancestors and relatives by their name, father

The search for roots by last name is now actively conducted by scientists-historians. Various dictionaries, Internet resources and reference books help their research. There are several ways to search for ancestors and relatives by their name, father:

  • Reference books of surnameswho are in the reading room of each library, will help you find out the meaning of the surname. Previously, the surnames came from the professional kind of father’s occupations - this will be your distant relative. For example, the surname Bondarev is the son of Bondar. The princes had surnames like the names of the land - Vyazemsky, Shumsky. The surname could come from the clergyman who ruled the church in a particular city or from the location of the area where the person lived.
  • Appeal to the State Center for Genealogical Research. This center has its own site on this link. Here you can find information about your roots that go away in pre -revolutionary times. The database is constantly updated.
  • Search in the archives. You need to know the minimum data about the ancestors: where they lived, what they did.
  • Web search. Website Familyspace Contains unique information about genealogy. The search is made by profession, area of \u200b\u200bresidence, surname.
  • Search through television programs. Program website " Wait for me" can find this link. Follow whether someone is looking for you or apply for a relative search.

Advice: Look for your ancestors while grandparents are alive. The story of the family should remain for descendants, let them know their ancestors. As the people say: "The soul is alive while they remember it." Leave the photo, and after time, your descendants will know and remember you.

How to find information about relatives in the archive?

How to find information about relatives in the archive?
How to find information about relatives in the archive?

There are archives in every city and even village. To find information about relatives in the archive, you must first trace the biographies of your family, at least the minimum data - in which area they lived, where they worked. When you know the area of \u200b\u200bthe ancestor’s residence, you can contact the archive of this area with a request.

Advice: Make a paid request, for example, through a notary public, then the search will be faster and will be more productive.

Television program "Wait for me" - Search of people: Database

Television program
Television program "Wait for me" - Search of people: Database

It is much easier to look for a person if experienced and professional genealogies help in this. In the television project " Wait for me»Search for people is made on different databases. Specialists of this television program perform seemingly the most hopeless search. But people are located, a new genealogy is found and written.

As mentioned above, this project has its own site on which you can put a person’s wanted list by last name, name and age. To find information about a person, you must first register on the site. Then click " Search"And fill out the form.

Television program
Television program "Wait for me"

If any search data appears, then you will be informed about this from the specified contacts. By finding people on this television program, several million people were found. More than 5,000 volunteers help to search. Therefore, if you turn to this project for help, be sure to find the necessary information.

Search for people on the Internet by last name for free: Instruction

When contacting a TV show, you will have to wait some time while information appears if it is not in the database of the project. But I would like to fulfill the search instantly, enter the name and find the right person. Such a search for people on the Internet by last name is engaged in the site for free Familyspace. Instructions on how to use the search on this resource:

Go to the main page site on this link. Click " Register". Go through the whole procedure from beginning to end.

Search for people on the Internet by last name for free: Instruction
Search for people on the Internet by last name for free: Instruction

Then click the button " To start searching».

Search for people on the Internet by last name for free
Search for people on the Internet by last name for free

You can also search from your page. At the top there is a window in which you need to enter the surname for the search. Type in it the name of the desired person and the site will instantly give the results. You will only have to view the profiles of people with the same surname and name and find the one they were looking for.

Search for people on the Internet by last name
Search for people on the Internet by last name

If such a search did not give out the necessary results, try to look in the archives. Cross by this link And you will see archives of past centuries, state archives and reference books of cities and regions.

Search for people on the Internet by last name: Instruction
Search for people on the Internet by last name: Instruction

This site has great opportunities for searching. There are more than 6 million registered users, and perhaps most people have already found their ancestors or distant relatives.

The history of my parents, their roots: how to find?

The history of my parents, their roots: how to find?
The history of my parents, their roots: how to find?

The start of searching for forgotten villages will help to find the roots of parents, grandfathers and grandmothers. Previously, the villages were called provinces, then they were renamed in the pre -war time and again gave new names after the war.

  • Therefore, many people come in when searching for a genealogy to a dead end, especially if the issue relates to the geography of the surname.
  • How to find the history of the village? Geneologists have long been talking about the fact that you need to return the old names to villages and villages. This will help to find the roots of the genus more simple and fast.
  • Currently, old villages can be found in stationary and electronic libraries.
  • There is also an edition " Lists of villages of the Russian Empire", In which the names and whereabouts of the provinces of that time are published. Thanks to this publication, you can find, as previously called any modern village.

Important: When searching, take into account that the boundaries of the provinces have changed, and therefore many villages will have to be sought in neighboring areas.

On the Internet there is a site on which there is a catalog of populated places of the Russian Empire. He is at this address. In the tab " All lists»You will find a list of Russian provinces in alphabetical order.

History of the village of my parents, their roots
History of the village of my parents, their roots

Whatever you choose the way to search for your ancestors, any of them will provide good results. Your descendants will be grateful for the search for such information, because with each generation it is more and more difficult to find information about any distant ancestor.

Video: “Simple solutions”: how to make a genealogical tree

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  1. Yaba wanted to know who my relatives were and who I will become

  2. Who were my mother -in -law on the maternal line

  3. I was kind of 1959 10 07 Volkov Evgeny Vlodimirovich, I at least find out my maternal related natives.

  4. I was born on 06/06/1998, grandfather for dad Tyuvakin Vladimir Vladimirovich 10/19/24 Kuibyshev region, sisters left for Ashgabat. Grandmother Prosvirnina Emma Petrovna - her mother Prosvirnina Anastasia, dad Peter Prosvirnin. I want to find relatives !!!

  5. I am Niyazov Suleiman Ismailovich was born in 1985. Grandmother called Niyazov Tutar Nabievna, grandfathers called Niyazov Ansar Niyazovich, grandfather and grandmother, they are both until 1943. They lived in the Caucasus somewhere in Georgia. I want to know my pedigree.

  6. I was born on February 28, 1954 in Kazakhstan Karaganda-Sortirovoye station. My parents: Papa Perelygin Vasily Timofeevich March 18, 1927. According to his stories, the parents were dispossessed from Poltava and sent to Kazakhstan to Akmola (Astana). Mom Perelygina Raisa Vasilievna - girl Kichaeva was born on September 12, 1933, born from Ulyanovsk, Kuibyshev region Russia. Grandfather Kichaev Vasily Fillipovich Grandma Stepanida Mikhailovna I don’t know the name Devichy, I remember from the stories she lived in the workers there and met her grandfather and that the grandmother was 4 years older than her grandfather and that they lived in Ukraine for some time. There was still a living one of my aunt, their daughter Kovrigina Zoya Vasilievna, at this time, lives in the Volgograd region, I do not know the village. I want to find my pedigree. Help!

  7. I'm glad you are helping people. Thank you!

  8. I will be grateful to you for your help !!!

  9. Bovdin Sofia Vasilevna on 10/11/1924 was born as I know what city she was born and who my relatives

  10. Bovdin Sofia Viilevna 10/11/1924 was born in which city and my relatives who is my grandmother

  11. I would like to know her mother -in -law on the maternal line by the mother of Goncharova Tamara Ivanovna born on March 7, 1958, Mom Temryuk Anastasia Frantsevna was born on May 4, 1934, and died on May 3, 1984. Dad (my grandfather), Ivan Ivanovich Goncharov, was born on June 16, 1938 alive before Still, but does not remember his relatives.

  12. i would like to know her mother -in -law on the maternal line Spinov’s mother Lyudmila Nikolaevna on October 11954, Zhuravleva Mama Volya Yakovlevna was born on December 10, 1927. And she died 5mart1993. Papapazhuravlev Nikolay Pavlovich was born on May 10, 1923. 25 Juna 1995.

  13. i will be grateful to you for your help. I hope you will find some kind.

  14. thank you for giving at least some hope.

  15. I would like to know everyone. Who lives under the name Teleshkin in the village of Vyatskoye, the Yaroslavl region of the Nekrasovskyrain, all the roots along the line of my grandmother from there from there. Three brothers-Alexey, Pavel and Konstantin Teleshkina. Sestra-Alewina-my grandmother. Their parents are Maria Vasilievna and Nikolai Alexandrovich, I have a second certificate of marriage issued in 1949. All of numerous relatives from Vyatsky and were buried there.

  16. Mamin cousin, Telshkin Vasily Alekseevich, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, died in the battles of the city of Dyendezh in Hungary. The mass grave is a smonor of the mass grave. Photos of the monument, I have no only photo of Vasily, he also comes from Vyatsky. Help me find other living tee. My mother-Chizhova Maria Loginovna died in 1998 in 1946 she graduated from a school in the village of Vyatskoye. Tetushka-Elizaveta Loginovna 91 years old.

  17. My name is Korkina Irina. Iazhiva in Almaty. It began to compile a genealogical tree a few years ago. I took evidence of the irrigation and death of my relatives who lived and died in Leningrad. Now the turn is for the Yaroslavl relatives. Help my comments in the two previous articles.

  18. I want to find relatives of my father Smirnov Alexander Nikolayevich born on 01.02.1949

  19. I was born on August 5, 1961. In the Vologda region, Nikolsky district, a forest room of Kem. Father was born in 1928, in the Arkhangelsk region, Kotlas. I want to know about my father's birthdays. My father: Sokolov Yuri Mikhailovich.

  20. I am looking for relatives

  21. I ask for your participation in the disclosure of my father Ralovets Nikolai Nikolaevich who was born on January 9, 1916 in St. Petersburg. Mother (grandmother) called Vera, father (grandfather) Nikolai. They later lived in Moscow. Papa (Ralovets N.N.) studied at the Moscow school (?). Then, a short time in (?) The flight school, later at the Art School. I was born and live in Kazakhstan, dad died at the age of 48. I want to find out about my grandparents, if possible.

  22. Search for a pedigree

  23. Ufa, Bashkortostan. I compose a genealogy-demonstrations of the immigrants from the Vyatka province came for cheap lands in 1880-90. They settled near now Pavlovsk El. Stan-in Bedeeva Polyana. Agafonovs, deaf, hell ...

  24. Thank you so much for the valuable information! I have long wanted to start searching for relatives and did not know where to start!

  25. thanks for the info

  26. Chukhlebov Methodius Moiseevich, born on 02.26.1926 , a native of s. Smagleevka. Looking for a relative.

  27. We need how to find out your origin by a family for free

  28. I want to buy how to find out my origin by name free

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