Beautiful devices of the family for the coat of arms, sports competitions, in life, for competition in verses and prose. The motto of the family of famous people, royal families

Beautiful devices of the family for the coat of arms, sports competitions, in life, for competition in verses and prose. The motto of the family of famous people, royal families

The article offers you ideas for compiling original family motto and emblems.

Beautiful devices of the family for the family coat of arms to school and kindergarten in verses and prose

It is sometimes incomprehensible to a modern person what a family coat of arms is and what is a motto for? The fact is that in kindergarten or school they can invite the child to think about how significance his family has. As, for example, in the ancient centuries, families started their status, had a coat of arms and invented their own motto.

This is necessary in order to develop in his child a thirst for knowledge of history, a kind and love for his own family. After all, if the family is special-it will certainly be unique and the best. The child will also relate to himself - the native of a noble and noble family.

Family coat of arms and motto is a personal business of each family. There are no specific rules for their compilation. In the figure of the coat of arms, it is important to take into account the features of your family and depict paraphernalia, which often accompanies people in their daily and professional life. For example, if the parents are doctors, it will not be superfluous to draw a statoscope or some special medical tool if the dad is a hereditary miner-Kirka and helmet will also be in place.

There are a lot of symbols and images. It is important to think in advance what exactly you put in the figure. Write down words on paper in advance, symbolizing family values \u200b\u200band only then, based on them, make an image. The drawing should not be big. He should be organic and look whole.

Examples of family emblems:

Example of the family coat of arms No. 1
Example of the family coat of arms No. 1
Example of the family coat of arms No. 2
Example of the family coat of arms No. 2
Example of the family coat of arms No. 3
Example of the family coat of arms No. 3
Example of the family coat of arms No. 4
Example of the family coat of arms No. 4
Example of the family coat of arms No. 5

Family motto is a credo with which each family member goes through life. This is exactly what unites several people into one and forms values \u200b\u200bin life. In the motto, you can express your attitude to the world around us, list the merits of the family and the best qualities.

The motto can be poetic, it can be prose. The main thing is that it should sound good and in harmony with your family coat of arms. Such attributes (coat of arms, motto) will help your child understand how much you need to protect family values \u200b\u200band love your loved ones: special, important, loved ones and the best in the world!

Family motto options in prose:

  • Life is joy and we live in pleasure!
  • Our goal is to be more, stronger, stronger, better!
  • Family is mine!
  • I will turn the planet over, but I will make my family be happy!
  • The family is in the first place!
  • We are with each other, not against each other!
  • While we are together - we are invincible!
  • Family is what makes us be happy!
  • We are a happy family, because we are better than friends!
  • There is no family in the world more beautiful, our love is our happiness!

Family motto options in verses:

Family is an understanding,
Smiles, love, forgiveness,
Huge signs of attention
And only inspiration!

Study our family, you are our
Do you want along and across.
There is no more beautiful in the world
And you won’t find wiser!

We will stand for each other
We will answer for each.
Love gives us these forces,
Parents and children!

If we need victory
We are flying behind her
And in front of the edge of the world,
We have a lot of strength in us!

We smart and amazing
Our family is better in the world!
We are from the winners,
We will conquer all the white light!

Do you want to believe, do not believe
After all, our family is like a beast!
She rushes ahead
He will leave everyone behind!

Our family
Steel hardening,
No need for a gun
We shoot from the stick!

"Self -confidence and strength" -
Here is our slogan all in life.
We live easily, we live beautifully
The secret of victory has!

You, even if you want to find
Another such family,
You can't, we are alone in the world
And we rush to victory right!

Motto and name for a sports family in verses and prose

A sports family motto is required in cases where the family takes an active part in competitions and competitions. Such events are often held by a school, kindergartens, children's camps and sanatoriums, entertainment centers.

It doesn’t matter where the competition or competition is held: in the gym or in nature, an important part of the program is the presentation of its team in a friendly and folding motto that will reveal positive qualities and set the mood.

Important: on the day of the family, the day of sports or the day of a healthy lifestyle, the city or village often holds competitions for its residents to rally them and celebrate the date well. It is in such situations that you will need motto in prose and verses.

Options for family sports motto in prose:

  • We are sure that they are healthy and sports - our family does not know the limit of power!
  • Sports - health, health - love, and love is a family!
  • We really need sport, we are friends with sports!
  • Love lives in the soul, and the body is sport!
  • Our sports cannot be counted, our family is valor, activity and honor!
  • Sport is our power, we are easy and beautiful with sports!
  • We value sport and respect how we live without sports - we do not know!
  • Sport for us is not fun, sport is the road to success!
  • Sport, he is like a family member, we will leave you behind!
  • Sport lives in our family, we are doubly happy with him!

Family sports motto options in verses:

Our sports achievements
There is no more love and no more beautiful!
Our family is happy
Healthy, beautiful!

We respect, love sports
And do not enter the dispute with us!
We will win all in the world,
Believe me - we have enough strength!

Our sports family
There is no happier in the world,
Give the task soon
We want new victories!

We live with sports in life,
We respect and love him.
We are engaged at night and day,
We do not destroy our laziness with our laziness!

Health is very important for us,
Therefore, we respect sport.
We are strong, brave, brave,
There are thousands of roads before us!

Our family is sports,
Our family is worthy
Strong and beautiful,
Powerful, very persistent!

Sport is our pride,
We are not threatened with old age!
Our spirit and disposition - firmness,
Compete to the joy!

We are the wind along the way,
The obstacles are not afraid of us.
We are all stronger in the world,
Sport is our joy!

Family and sports are we,
We are ready to jump to the moon!
We are ready to drink the ocean,
All victory and glory to us!

There are no stronger in the world,
Search all the white light,
We are all for "you" with sports,
We are a dream of dreams!

Sports motto of the family

How to come up with a motto for a friendly family in verses and prose?

A friendly family motto will come in handy in any competition and competition. He will definitely highlight you against the background of others and raise the "morale".

Variants of motto for a friendly family in prose:

  • Our understanding gives us joy, we are a friendly family!
  • All are friendly as one, our family is invincible!
  • Friendship is our "horse", we are a family of friends!
  • We are friendly, necessary to each other!
  • Our family is friendly and cheerful, cheerful and good!
  • Friendship is our secret of happiness!
  • There is no friendly family in the world!
  • We have so much friendship that we are ready to share!
  • If you do not know what friendship is, you need to meet us!
  • We are very “friends”!

Variants of motto for a friendly family in verses:

To be friends for us is happiness,
To love each other is joy.
Any in the life of adversity
We turn into sweetness!

There are no more friendly families in the world,
We have a very friendly helmet hello to everyone!
We will divide the successes all we divide,
We are happy - we believe our strength!

Family for us is love and friendship,
We are necessary for each other every day,
We love all our friends,
We are proud of our family!

We are grateful to the whole world
Because we live cheerfully.
Friendly than us, believe me, no!
In the soul, love burns with fire!

Our family is a charge of positive,
A portion of friendship and a portion of the world!
We are waiting for huge, great victories,
We protect each other from troubles!

If you are not funny
Come to visit us!
We are happy and friendly
We will be very glad to you!

We will show you an example
Happy large family.
We do not want change
We love each other strongly!

We are friendly in any question,
We are friendly at any time.
And love for us like air,
Give us strength to victory!

No more friendly and happier,
We are the team - the family is beautiful!
We want to always be together
Our life is good, like a song!

The family consists of friendship,
Attention and care.
We will master any needs
Problems, labor and work!

The motto of a friendly family
The motto of a friendly family

How to come up with a motto for a healthy family in verses and prose?

A family that leads a healthy lifestyle is playing sports and actively resting, must definitely get a special motto, which will definitely come in handy.

Variants of motto for a "healthy" family in prose:

  • There is happiness and joy in a healthy family!
  • We follow our health and live with joy!
  • Easy in the body and joy in the soul - thanks to the health from our family!
  • There is a lot of love for your neighbor in a healthy body!
  • There is so much health in us that we are ready to share!
  • Though life is great, get acquainted with our family!
  • We are fans of health!
  • We have a healthy body and spirit!

Variants of motto for a "healthy" family in verses:

Health is our strength,
Health is our everything!
Let's get to the finish line beautifully
Everything will be fine with us!

We have been friends with health for a long time,
For our family, this is important!
We need a victory today,
We will deserve it bravely!

Each of us is good
Each of us is beautiful!
Let you throw you trembling
From our spirit and strength!

In a healthy body healthy mind
And this is at all, friends, not a hearing.
Our family is an example of imitation,
We will show you how to win!

We are an example and advertising for you,
Our family has become the best!
We sacredly believe in our success,
We are more beautiful and healthier than everyone!

Health is more important to us,
There are no more healthy families!
We proudly go forward to success,
We are obsessed with the victory easily, with a laugh!

(Surname) Ahead!
We have health and strength in us
So that we won!

Our slogan is simple,
Strong and important:
“The one goes forward
Who is healthy and courageous! "

Be faster and stronger,
Be more successful, wiser.
Our family strives for ours,
She is more successful and more beautiful!

Health in us
Brozen and dust
Everyone is health
We breathe out of us!

Devices for a family that adheres to a healthy lifestyle

How to come up with a motto for a young family in verses and prose?

Variants of motto for a young family in prose:

  • We are young and energetic, strong and pretty!
  • Our youth is our power!
  • We are young with soul and body!
  • Youth gives us strength to win!
  • We are youth and strength!
  • We are young and we are invincible!
  • Our power is in youth and self -confidence!
  • We have a huge charge of youth and positive!
  • Youth and energy will lead us to victory!

Variants of motto for a young family in verses:

We are a young sprout in the ground,
What breaks out.
We have confidence in the family,
And we will not destroy her!

It helps us to win
Energy and youth,
We are ready to "jump" all
At the fastest speed!

We have youth in the body,
Nesy is youth in the shower.
Love for relatives - in the heart,
Reasonability - in the head!

We are good, of course, that
That young soul and body.
We rush to the problems
We will help in a word, even deed!

The victory is to be won
Our youth will help.
The wind blows along the way
And gives strength to experience!

We are young, strong, beautiful,
In any struggle, irresistible.
We have a large supply of victories,
We have a huge hello to you!

You are confident young
We get it to the star with your hand
We are the center of the world and the universe,
I do not like to be secondary!

In our family, youth rules youth,
Our family is our pride!
We are correctly going to success,
Problems are not a hindrance to us!

We are healthy, strong, young,
We are ready for everything and for a lot!
Not very wise by age,
Roads are open to us!

We have a clear advantage,
Youth is our main power!
We are capable of everything with him,
We are easy and free with her!

The motto of the young family
The motto of the young family

How to come up with a motto for a reading family in verses and prose?

Variants of motto for a reading family in prose:

  • Knowledge is power, invincible mind!
  • We read - we are developing!
  • The books are hiding in books!
  • On the pages of books, the meaning of life is hidden!
  • We read a lot, the road to our knowledge!
  • The book is power, the book helps to win!
  • We love knowledge, the mind is the secret of the universe!
  • We are drawn to knowledge, they are our secret of victory!
  • We are smart and cunning because they are read!
  • You cannot kill the book, but you can win your mind!

Variants of motto for a reading family in verses:

We read - it's true
This is the success of our secret.
We slowly go to victory,
But we will correctly find her for dinner!

We love training for the mind,
They will not be harm from them!
They will give you knowledge
Success in any competition!

We read a lot of books
They took a lot of ideas from them.
Today we will come to victory reasonably,
Of all the teams, we are the smartest!

The secret of victory and success
There are books for us, they are not fun!
They develop our thinking,
Give advance in life!

Our family has one secret:
We read books, found an answer
How to be winners in life,
Successful to make any thoughts!

Devices for a reading family
Devices for a reading family

How to come up with a motto for a large family in verses and prose?

Variants of motto for a large family in prose:

  • Happiness is hiding in the eyes of our children!
  • The more children, the more happiness!
  • These are not just children - this is our pride!
  • The more children, the better parents!
  • Our family collects children!
  • Each of our baby is partly a little angel!
  • We are happy parents because we have a personal kindergarten!
  • We are always loved by each other!

Variants of motto for a large family in verses:

We love children - no secret,
For us, there is no more important family!
Family - love, warmth, attention,
We are superior to expectations!

Parents and children are best friends,
We always love each other, we help each other.
We are a very harmonious and friendly family,
And how to live alone, alas, now we don’t know!

Children are the pride of parents,
They are smart, delightful,
They give a lot of strength
So that the family won!

We are a large family,
We are like the best friends!
We love loved ones to help
We want to become successful!

Our children are our pride,
They give us youth in life.
They are beautiful and smart
Worthy of our praise!

Motto for a large family
Motto for a large family

How to come up with a motto for the family Day in verses and prose?

Options for family motto for the Day of the Prose:

  • Family Day is a day of happiness for parents and children!
  • We are loved and relatives on the day of a happy family!
  • We will be wider and stronger on the day of the family!
  • On the day of the family, we become more dear!
  • We love the day of the family - this is a favorite holiday for relatives!

Options for family motto for family Day in Verses:

Family Day is a very important date,
Our family was born once,
She is very glorious and sweet,
May life be fresh and beautiful!

Mamai dad - my parents,
You are dear, delightful!
I love you all the soul,
I cherish you with my love!

Family is a joy every day
I am not too lazy to love my family!
The family will help me in any task,
Will support at a distance!

Devices for the day of the family

How to come up with a family’s motto for a competition in verses and prose?

Family motto options for a competition in prose:

  • Family is what gives strength and inspiration!
  • The secret of my success is hiding in my family!
  • I do not know the family in the world as beautiful and strong as mine!
  • Family is a diamond among gray stones!
  • Family is a gift of life if you loved the world!

Family motto options for a competition in verses:

I want to admit everything -
I have a family from God,
She will relieve problems
Show the right road!

Family is an understanding,
Family is the signs of attention,
The family helps to be the first
She gives wisdom, faith.

I am sure that people
They cannot live without a family.
They always love each other in it,
Even if you were in Dali.

More important than family happiness
There are no joys of others.
She is in the soul of bad weather
Give you a sea of \u200b\u200bsweets!

Devices for the family

How to come up with a family motto in life in verses and prose?

Family motto options in prose:

  • Family is a source of love and strength!
  • Wherever you are - remember the family!
  • Mom is the heart of any family!
  • Take care of the family and value, like a bullion of gold!
  • Family is inspiration and self -confidence!

Family motto options in verses:

Family - the confidence of the seed,
She is a reliable amulet.
Any day, an hour, at any time,
She will save me from troubles.

Family is a source of power,
With live, clean water.
She carries me on the wings
She is always and everywhere with me!

When a gloomy day comes,
The family will save me from sadness.
With her better, brighter, more fun,
She will not allow me to be angry!

Children's motto on the theme of the family in verses

I love my family
I keep my family.
There is no more important and better,
She drives a cloud from the sky!

Family for me is more important for me in the world,
It is like flowers, like a spring wind.
I am proud of her every day stronger,
It allows me to be stronger!

I have a beautiful mom
I have a very strong dad
I have a big family,
I don't know other happiness!

Poems and motto about a happy family

Devices of the family are short in verses and prose

Short family motto in prose:

  • Family is the strength of the heart!
  • Family - "7" I!
  • Family is a joy for me!
  • My family is my love!
  • Love is me and the family!

Short family motto in verses:

I will tell you not embarrassed
I love my family.
I don't know how to live without it,
Without her, I can't!

Family is confidence
In itself,
Have a family
Happiness on Earth!

I have
Big family,
She really needs me -
I'm happy!

The motto of the family of famous people, royal families

Famous family motto of secular and royal families will help you get a portion of inspiration to write your own.


Video: "Making the coat of arms of the family"

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