Test - family drawing for preschoolers with answers. The results of a psychological test with a family pattern

Test - family drawing for preschoolers with answers. The results of a psychological test with a family pattern

Deciphering the test My family. Examples of decryption drawings.

Small children are very sensitive and can perceive the situations and behavior of adults in their own way. Sometimes, according to the parents in the family, a favorable atmosphere, but the child is quite aggressive and stubborn. The psychological test “My family” will help to talk about the true state of affairs.

Family tests for preschoolers with answers

This is one of the simplest and most informative tests. There are no special indications. It is necessary to explain to the baby how, and what needs to be drawn.

Test instructions:

  • Give your child a simple pencil and a sheet of paper. Ask to draw your family and directly himself.
  • Do not move away from the child, monitor who the baby draws first of all and how much it presses on the pencil.
  • Do not conduct a test after the baby quarreled with his mother, father or sister. The preschooler should be in a good mood.
  • Ask for something else to draw something else. Additional items will help to better understand the baby.
Family drawing for preschoolers
family drawing for preschoolers

Decoding of the picture:

  • Pencil pressure. The effort with which the baby presses the pencil speaks of his self -esteem. If the child is weakly pressed, the lines are not clear and bright, this indicates a low self -esteem. If normal, with uniform pressure, then the child is calm and balanced. With very strong pressure, one can judge the aggression of the baby and his impulsivity.
  • Lines and strokes. If there are no extra strokes and ditch, then the child is adequate and balanced. If many fuzzy lines and strokes, then the baby is uncertain and constantly fluctuates.
  • The location on the sheet. If the drawing is above, then the baby loves himself very much. The location below speaks of underestimated self -esteem.
Family drawing for preschoolers
family drawing for preschoolers

Family Drawing Test Revolutions: Figure options, Examples with Interpretation

In fact, it is very simple to decipher the drawing, for this it is not necessary to be a psychologist.

Main characteristics:

  • Details. If the figure has few additions and details, then the child is secretive and experienced. If a lot, then the baby is restless and hasty.
  • Family members. Pay attention to the lines that a father or mother is drawn. The difference from the rest of the family should alert. If dad is painted with a very thick line, then the baby is afraid of it.
  • Dimensions. If the cat is more than mom or dad, then this suggests that the child loves a pet more. If dad is more than mom, then the baby likes to spend time with his father. If the baby drew himself very small, this indicates a low self -esteem. If the character is large, then the child is confident in himself.
  • Location. That member of the family that is closest to the baby is the most beloved and valuable. Often children draw themselves hands with their mother or father. This speaks of attachment.
  • If someone is absent in the figure, this indicates a hatred of a family member or complete indifference to him.
  • Senses. A person without ears does not hear the baby. If the child painted an open mouth to someone, this speaks of a threat and fear. If one of the family members has a click, this indicates his confidence and independence. The big head speaks of the mind.
  • If someone in the figure is drawn away from the whole family, this indicates insignificance for the baby. Often such a hero is wiped with an eraser.
Family drawing tests
Family drawing tests

Signs of well -being in the family:

  • The child painted everyone strictly in the center, the same height and with equal pressure on the pencil
  • If the child drew all the characters with the hands
  • If there is a minimum barbell and all the heroes smile
  • If the baby is happy to complete the task and draws a family with a smile
  • Bright colors

Signs of anxiety:

  • The kid in the figure is very large, small or stands aside.
  • If you have not drawn anyone except himself
  • If the image begins with the feet, not from the head
  • If the baby drew himself with his mouth open, or with his face closed with his hands
  • If all family members are painted in cells
Family drawing tests
Family drawing tests

We will analyze the drawing of a five -year -old child:

  • It is worth noting that the entire drawing is made by bright colors, which means the child is relatively satisfied with the family.
  • Of the anxious signs: mom and dad are painted together, and the baby is a little to the side. This says that parents are trying to look like authorities and listen little to the child’s opinion.
  • At the same time, parents have no ears. This means that the baby does not hear and give him the right to choose.
  • Mom is higher than dad. This suggests that in the family of Mariarhat. The narrow eyes of the pope indicates his independence. Perhaps he earns well.
  • A lot of strokes and sketches. The child is hidden anxiety.
  • Big eyes in the baby are talking about his fear. In addition, the baby has a self -esteem. He considers himself the smartest. This is evidenced by the biggest head.
Drawing a five -year -old child
Drawing a five -year -old child

Characteristics of the Figure Figure:

  • Parents do not hold hands, the hands are hidden behind their backs. This indicates some prohibitions in the family. Perhaps the parents are very modest and restrained.
  • The girl’s brother is aside. This suggests that parents participate little in his upbringing.
  • The fact that the girl is drawn between her parents says that they communicate through her. Perhaps between parents of disagreement.
  • The straight line of the mouth of the father speaks of a possible aggression. The sun testifies to warm relations in the family and goodwill.
  • Poorly drawn feet indicate a lack of stability. Perhaps the family does not have enough money or one of the family members does not work.
Figure of the third -grader
Figure of the third -grader

As you can see, with the help of the psychological test “My Family” you can learn about the state of the child and the climate within the family.

Video: Decoding Family Family

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