Credular scenarios. Family genogram. How to clear the birth karma and get out of the birth script? How to call for help the power of the genus?

Credular scenarios. Family genogram. How to clear the birth karma and get out of the birth script? How to call for help the power of the genus?

The influence of karma of the genus on descendants. Ways to work out and interchange of karmic nodes.

  • We are all connected with each other by invisible threads of kinship. Although often we forget about this, closing in the space of our house or in ourselves
  • Now more and more people are aware that without the blessing of the eldest, their business goes with a creak or crashes. Meanwhile, several thousand years ago, without the permission of the parent or mentor, the youngest literally did not step
  • Why is the strength of the family so important for us and what it manifests itself - let's talk about it in more detail

Transfer of hereditary information from generation to generation

Heredity in the genes of the group of people
heredity in the genes of the group of people
With the lessons of chemistry and biology, we remember that the transfer of hereditary information is responsible:
  • cell
  • dNA thread in it
  • genes
That is, each biological type of living creatures has differences in the set and structure of genes. The latter are encoded in a special way so that the heirs remain similar to their ancestors and convey the features of their appearance to descendants.
  • However, this view reflects only part of the issue related to the transfer of heredity. It affects only the physical body
  • At the same time, scientists agreed and proved that the soul lives in the body. She is a driver who controls such a complex living mechanism
  • The soul has the right to choose a planet, country, clan and the family in which it comes. It determines the purpose of embodiment for herself until this moment. Therefore, many souls feel kinship at a deeper level than a record in a passport or birth certificate
  • The Holy Scriptures contain information explaining the reasons for the embodiment of the soul in the human body
  • So the universal mind, or God, or the highest power, by its causeless mercy, fulfills the desires of its particles. And we just wanted to feel omnipotent, separate from the great father, to experience the gamut of emotions and feelings

Karmic connection between people

The invisible power of karma attracts a man and a woman
the invisible power of karma attracts a man and a woman
Carmic communication is energy-informational threads connecting souls among themselves with a specific goal due to their past actions.
Since the soul of each of us is eternal and already embodied billions of times, we managed to commit many actions.
The Ecumenical law of justice, or karma, states that in the material world, nothing without a trace arises and does not pass. The consequences are transformed in the future in connection with both tasks and lessons.
Depending on the quality of the actions of people, their karmic connections are:
  • positive, or bright ones - when people are connected by the threads of a blessed past relationship among themselves, for example, the victim forgave her executioner, the couple received a blessing for embodiment together
  • negative, or dark - when karmic debts are formed between people, nodes based on vibrations of lower emotions, for example, hatred, rage, anger, envy, pride, contempt
  • predetermined from above - when souls are combined together to solve a serious problem, organizing a joint business with benefit for a planet or a huge number of people

Power of the genus City Programs and Life Scenarios

Tribal tree and connection with the universe
tribal tree and connection with the universe
  • It should be noted that any scenario or birth program is aimed at preserving and avoiding misfortunes in the life of descendants. They were formed from the experience of their ancestors, who, with their emotional reactions, transmit information through the subtle body further along the gender tree
  • Have you noticed feelings of deja vu or a strange reaction on the eve of an important event? It can be the calls of birth programs. For example, a girl before marriage cries for no reason, and in her family women were unhappy in family life, and therefore gave her a woeful script
  • The genus consists of individuals, and the script is formed from their strong emotions, impressions, Samskar. For example, dispossession means violations of cash flows for descendants, and the war and death of a family of a clan leaves a deep trace of fear and fears
  • On the other hand, listen to conversations in your family more carefully or remember the words of the parents heard in childhood. What is repeated repeatedly is a life script that affects the formation of your line of fate
It is sometimes difficult to identify them, although you have heard the same speeches many times. Therefore, use:
  • your mind, pen and paper - remember and write down the repetitions of scripts of a kind
  • talk to a professional traffic police, a coach - he will qualitatively lead an interview with you and indicate what he heard
Since you have the right to choose, you can simply dismiss the family scripts and continue to live joyfully, or you can use the information received and consciously change your life and the future of descendants of your kind.
Check out the book of the same name by L. Dokuchaeva. The author analyzes in detail the influence of scripts and programs of the family on the life of specific people.

Karmic force

Cype of birth and death provided for in karma
cype of birth and death provided for in karma
Karma is the consequences of our actions in the past, for which we pay in the present. Payment happens:
  • in the form of tests, diseases, problems in communicating with loved ones and building a family
  • light joyful movement in fate, when everything conceived develops in the best way
In the first case, the reasons are sins, serious mistakes without repentance, low -frequency emotions.
In the second - accumulated piety from previous incarnations:
  • for doing good deeds
  • remorse and faith in God
  • charity
  • life for other people
  • work on eradicating destructive character traits
Karma is the powerful power of the material world. However, from its influence you can get out, but very difficult. For example, the saints are noted by a special fate and the universal law of causes and consequences does not apply to them. Thanks to severe asceticism and serving God, they overcome their fate, turn to face other people with a good loving heart.

Family genogram

An example of a family genram
an example of a family genram
This is a scheme with the symbols of the ancestors and their features of life, namely:
  • marriages, divorces
  • strong, weak, destroyed ties
  • repression, prison conclusions, participation in hostilities
  • the number of children, including aborted and adopted
  • outsonings, forgotten people
  • Since every ancestor with his life, values, important events and attitude to them affects the descendant, the second unknowingly has to bring to logical completion everything that was first begun
  • For example, a descendant lives the life of an aborted child or plays the role of a tormentor-rogue, whom in the past the family deleted from memory. In any case, this state of affairs prevents descendants from living their lives
  • The output is a kind of genogram in order to identify destructive beliefs, scripts, influences, as well as resources for living tests in life. For example, the stories of happy families, honestly acquired wealth, disclosure of talents and their implementation by previous generations of relatives
  • Often people turn to archives to search for the missing link in the history of the family, to professional genographs
  • First, try to draw a tree of life and relationships of a kind and analyze its influence on your fate
  • Conduct a qualitative interview with all relatives, find out more about the life of their parents and grandparents. Remember, it is not worth it to crush and seriously, communication should be easy and comfortable for everyone

How to get out of the birth scenario - getting rid of tribal karma?

The karmic connection is torn
the karmic connection is torn
Surprisingly, in order to get out of the influence of the birth script, you need to see it and want to do it. And also to be prepared for long -term internal work, to develop a conscious perception of yourself and situations.
Sometimes it happens that the script is convenient and familiar, the person himself does not want to change anything, he is ready to pull his strap and constantly complain. Or do not notice all this at all and not think about the reasons that caused them.
But those who have been baked, who want to live their lives and realize their tasks: can:
  • make a geneological tree
  • participate in the arrangements on B. Chalinger to eliminate white spots in the history of ancestors
  • study books and trainings about birth scenarios and karma
  • listen to meditation, read prayers
  • consciously come to faith in God, people, nature
It is important to stock up on patience and faith in the victorious result. Even better to enlist the support of a spiritual teacher and higher powers in order to clearly feel and hear yourself, the voice of the soul.
Nowadays, many coaches and followers of the schools of psychology and genealogy offer their help to those who want to understand the interweaving of generic scenarios and get out of their influence.

Working on tribal karma

Elaboration of karma of the genus by meditation
elaboration of karma of the genus by meditation
After identifying and understanding the scripts of the genus, a logical question will become how to work them out and change to creative, happy.
In the vastness of Runet, you will find interpretations of various trainers on this topic. In general, they come down to:
  • accepting and recognition of each family member
  • forgiveness of the genus for installations and events
  • repentance in its denial and rejection of some aspects of the history of the genus
For the implementation of all the points, work with the Rod is suitable:
  • meditations with a pleasant voice
  • visualization of positive events and states of ancestors and your personally
  • practice of worships to ancestors and parents
  • records of identified attitudes that respond during a wakeful time
  • elaboration by pronouncing aloud these attitudes
  • diary and cooperation with a spiritual mentor
The last moment implies the way out of karmic ties and negative scenarios by working on themselves, educating the creative features of character and eradicating those that trigger generic repetitions in fate, that is, changes in their character, and therefore fate.

How to call for help the power of the genus?

Help of the genus from the spiritual world
help of the genus from the spiritual world
A clan is an egregor uniting people with tasks, a way of thinking, beliefs and attitudes.
  • The more conscious the family members, the more strength and movement of energies in the clan tree
  • Когда мы забываем традиции предков, отказываемся от них, желаем самостоятельно действовать, то это похоже на одинокого муравья или птицу
  • They do not know the laws of life, they cannot build an anthill or fly to winter in the warm edges without the help of brothers. So with a person happens. Karma and not worked out scenarios of the genus are piled on a heavy block and in the end the person gives up
  • To resume the flow of energy from the elders to the youngest in the family, accept your parents. Replace all claims, resentment, expectations for gratitude, respect, obedience
  • Ask sincerely forgiveness for everything that was in the past, repent and get a blessing retroactively
  • Understand the reasons for the actions of the parents and remember that they always wish only good and happiness to you. Find excuses for their actions, words, without condemnation, accept them
  • Our ancestors, the Slavs, left us a unique heritage in the form of traditions and knowledge. No wars and rejection of faith, artificial cutting of roots are able to erase our genetic memory
  • Listen to yourself, for example, information about a strong state of hyperborea and the resettlement of its people into other continents responds into you? This is how memory, hidden on a thin energy field of all living creatures
  • Look at your family. Each person in him has his own talents, classes, character, actions, habits. This means that you also possessed in past incarnations. Therefore, your coming to this family, family, nation, country, planet is not accidental

How to clean the birth karma?

Morning meditation of the girl to cleanse the birth karma
morning meditation of the girl to cleanse the birth karma
  • The karma of the genus consists of the actions and attitudes of each of its member. It as a snowball is growing and transmitted to the next generation for study and change, for passing exams
  • Scandals, quarrels, fights take a lot of effort and splash out sexual power to nowhere. And already born children suffer from this
  • So our material world is arranged that the law of cause and investigation works strictly and clearly for each being. Only the adoption of their fate, repentance, forgiveness and love are able to create a miracle and heal the most terrible and heavy tribal sins. Examples of this - the lives of saints in all religious denominations
You can call for cleansing the birth karma from negativity:
  • living believing relatives
  • the ancestors passed away, regardless of whether they believed in God or not. After the loss of the physical body, all souls believe
And be prepared for the daily work of the soul - prayers to the saints and God. In them, you should sincerely repent, ask for forgiveness, protection, instructions, glorify the Higher Forces and thank them for everything that you have for you to see the mercy of the sins of the family and stand on the path of healing.
Because we are all united and interconnected. If one person is bad in the family, then they feel it all, and if well, then lightness, harmony and prosperity come to everyone.

Prayer for the forgiveness of the genus and karmic debts

The girl prays
the girl prays
From the foregoing it follows that your easier and more free life is possible after the return of all karmic debts and the transformation of the genus of the genus from destructive into creative ones.
To do this, I decided on the strategy of my actions. Examples of it can be:
  • forty -day morning prayers of our Father, Glory to the Virgin Mary, to forgive the genus
  • repetition of 90 and 50 psalms, a symbol of faith, repentance and a request for forgiveness of the Rod and Lord
  • prayer of the Transfiguration by V. Sinelnikov, its daily listening and repetition within 40 days
  • the practice of visualization of the genus of the genus in the form of two trunks - maternal and paternal lines, forgiveness of oneself and each member of the clan up to 7 knees. If you do not know their names, then the type of related connection should be indicated. For women, you should always start with women of the genus, for example, mothers, grandmothers, great -grandmothers
If you belong to another religious denomination, then ask her spiritual representative of the Council before starting work with karmic debts and origin.
Our planet is amazing, she is our mother and place of working out the scripts and lessons of the life of every living creature. Only on the level of our awareness, the desire to be useful to society, it, the Higher Forces, largely depends on the happiness, prosperity and prosperity of our descendants, improve the existence of ancestors even after their departure to the spiritual world.

Video: Prayer of the Transfiguration of V. Sinelnikov

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