How to draw a coat of arms of the family for school with a pencil in stages? How to draw the coat of arms and the flag of your family in kindergarten, school?

How to draw a coat of arms of the family for school with a pencil in stages? How to draw the coat of arms and the flag of your family in kindergarten, school?

Features of the creation of the coat of arms and the family of the family with a pencil on instructions from a school or kindergarten.

The baby adapts in society by interacting with other children and adults. The latter, in turn, try to convey knowledge to him and support creative abilities.

School or a task from a kindergarten to create family coat of arms and flag is interesting from different positions:

  • child - as a transfer of their sensations and creativity to paper
  • educators/teachers - to deepen the understanding of each baby
  • parents - for rallying a family, adding new traditions to everyday life

Let's talk in an article on the nuances in the creation of family heraldic attributes, the meaning of their constituent elements.

How to draw a coat of arms of the family for school with a pencil in stages?

Three different emblems of families painted by children to school
three different emblems of families painted by children to school

Drawing a coat of arms of the family is collective creativity.
Collect the family council in the evening or on a general weekend and take the time for this task of the child. Perhaps you yourself dreamed of making a similar attribute to your family.

To draw the coat of arms of the family with a pencil, consider a number of points:

  • Gather information about relatives to the fifth knee or at least to the third. It will give you the opportunity to systematize the lifestyle, talents, characters prevailing in the family.
    On the other hand, a child of early school age may wish to portray the coat of arms of the family with a binding to the traditions that has prevailed in it, personal creative perception.
  • Pay attention to your last name. If it clearly indicates a family of classes, a natural phenomenon and similar things, they can be portrayed on the coat of arms schematically. For example, for Tkachenko - a piece of fabric, for frost - a snowflake.
  • The geometric shape of the coat of arms.
    The most clearly heraldry was represented in the Middle Ages, a time of chivalry. Perhaps, for this reason, the form of family emblems was akin to the geometry of the shields.

As an example, look at such ...

Coat of arms2

  • The presence/absence of divided areas inside the coat of arms. These are wide stripes at different angles that share those values \u200b\u200bthat are honored by the family.

For example, the stripes are located like this

The location of the strips on the panel of the coat of arms at different angles
the location of the strips on the panel of the coat of arms at different angles
  • Animals, objects, symbols of different activities. The main thing is to follow the rules of conciseness so that the coat of arms does not turn out to be oversaturated with symbols and drawings.

If you decide to insert the silhouettes of animals and birds, then consider their meaning:

The value of some animals that depict on the coats of arms
the value of some animals that depict on the coats of arms
The meaning of trees, animals and birds that are used in painted coat of arms of the family
the meaning of trees, animals and birds that are used in painted coat of arms of the family
A number of characters used in the creation of the coat of arms of the family, with values
a number of characters used in the creation of the coat of arms of the family, with values
  • Availability/lack of space for the motto of the family. The child is clearer than the child in his native language, although in Latin a number of winged phrases are easy to learn and remember.

Read more the theme of the family motto will be disclosed in a future article, and now we give several examples.

A selection of motto for use when drawing the coat of arms of the family with a child
a selection of motto for use when drawing the coat of arms of the family with a child

In the case of the possibility of coloring the coat of arms of the family by felt -tip pens/paints/pencils, take into account the values \u200b\u200bof colors, for example, yellow emphasizes generosity as the quality of the family and justice as the main value, and red - courage, courage and love, respectively.

The value of the colors used to color the coat of arms of the family
the value of the colors used to color the coat of arms of the family

The process of drawing the coat of arms of the family looks like this:

  • prepare Watman, several simple pencils of different hardness, ruler, gum,
  • with light lines, mark it inscribed in equal sectors,
  • in the center, depict the shield of the selected shape,
  • add other attributes of the coat of arms - signs, symbols, animals, birds,
  • pull the lines of the shield circuit and the boundaries of the zones,
  • if there is a place for the motto, enter it with a soft pencil,
  • sipe the markup,
  • if desired, let the child paint the finished drawing.

How to draw a family flag?

Painted color flag of the family
painted color flag of the family

The family flag is easier to draw after work on the idea and its images in the form of a coat of arms.

Pay attention to the following details:

  • color scheme. It is ideal that she is repeated with the one that is on the coat of arms,
  • the presence of a letter, symbol, sign, animal. Place any of the listed options, for example, in the center of the canvas or in the upper/lower free corner,
  • think about the form. There are flags in the form of a rectangular canvas, with a gear free end, triangular.

For example, such flag options:

The child’s drawing is a knight and a number of flags of different families
the child’s drawing is a knight and a number of flags of different families

Coat of arms of the family for school and kindergarten: Drawings with a description

Ready drawings of the emblems of families on the board at school
ready drawings of the emblems of families on the board at school

Below, we consider several options for the emblems of the family, which were drawn by children-schoolrs and younger.

Image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 1
image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 1
Image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 2
image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 2
Image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 3
image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 3
Image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 4
image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 4
Image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 5
image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 5
Image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 6
image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 6
Image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 7
image of the coat of arms of the family with a child and a description of its meaning, option 7

So, we examined the nuances of compiling a family coat of arms and flag, their images with a pencil. They helped the child choose attributes and a color scheme to complete this task.

If your baby has not yet brought home a similar request from the teacher or teacher, work as ahead. Then the child will have more time to fly fantasy, and you have to buy a beautiful frame for a family heraldic attribute and the choice of a place on the walls of the house.

Inspiration to you and a fruitful family council!

Video: How to draw a family coat of arms for school?

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