Registration and payment of customs duty, customs clearance of goods from China with Aliexpress: Documents. How much do customs duties take from the parcels of Aliexpress in 2023?

Registration and payment of customs duty, customs clearance of goods from China with Aliexpress: Documents. How much do customs duties take from the parcels of Aliexpress in 2023?

Not for all parcels with Aliexpress You need to pay a customs fee. Read the article what customs rules exist in our country.

On Aliexpress People buy goods not only for personal purposes, but also to replenish the assortment of their stores. Wholesale buyers must pay a customs duty if they purchased a one -time product more than 1000 Hebo or the weight of their postal items exceeded 31 kg. Only this provision is in force until April 1, 2023.

Read in detail in this article on our website.

  • If you are just going to open your own business and want to sell goods from China, but you still do not have your own account on Aliexpress, Then read the articleHow to register here correctly.
  • After registration, you can start ordering the goods, issue it, pay and receive it at the specified address. But do not forget about the customs duty if you order the goods in bulk and in large quantities. Read information about existing customs rules in this article.

Customs clearance of parcels from China with Aliexpress: tax amount, customs rules in 2023

In 2023, in terms of customs limits and duties, everything will remain within the same limits as at the end of 2022. However, the situation can be revised after April 1, 2023.

It is important to know: Any buyer Aliexpress It may refuse the goods if he was issued an account for the payment of customs fees. To do this, contact the Support Support Service and explain the situation. The goods for which the tax was not paid is returned to the seller.

If you still need a product for your business, then you will have to customize the design of parcels from China from Aliexpress.

  • Customs regulations All countries that are participants in the Customs Union must comply.
  • In Russia, the amount of tax in 2023 when exceeding the rates of the cost of the parcel prescribed in the customs rules is 15% from the difference between the value of the goods and the limit amount in 1000 euros, but not less 2 euros per 1 kilogram of weight If the weight rate is exceeded.

For example:

  • If you ordered goods worth 1300 euros weighing 29 kg - this is the excess of the norm in the monetary indicator and the difference is 1300-1000 euros \u003d 300
    300 euros x 15%
    =45 euros - We'll have to pay the customs fee.
  • If you ordered a product worth 930 euros weighing 37 kg - This is the excess of the norm in the weight indicator and the difference is 37-31 \u003d 6 kg
    2 euros*6
      kg=12 euros - You need to pay customs tax.
  • When exceeding goes to both indicators, then the calculation is performed in two formulas and the largest amount is selected for payment.
  • In the event that you order goods with paid delivery, then the delivery amount is added to the price of the goods. For example, you ordered a laptop with a total cost
    15,000 rubles, and the amount of delivery per month was 800 rubles, then for calculating the customs duty, the customs value of the goods should be calculated: 15,000 rubles + 800 rubles \u003d 15,800 rubles. Accordingly, the customs duty will be calculated from this amount in foreign exchange equivalent.
  • All these calculations are true for single orders. Within a month in 2023, you can make orders in any amount without tax, but 1000 euros and not more than 31 kg each.

Remember: The non -payment of customs fees entails administrative and even criminal liability! Therefore, timely execute all the documents and pay taxes.

Execution and payment of customs duty from China with Aliexpress: Documents

So, you ordered goods with Aliexpress For an amount exceeding the limit, it means that you need to draw up documents and pay for the customs fee from China. At the time when the design occurs, the goods will be sent to the customs warehouse for temporary storage, and you will be sent a notification with a request to provide evidence of the value of the goods.

It is important to know: If you do not want to collect documents and send them to customs, you can give written consent to ensure that the customs service independently evaluates the cost of your parcel.

Remember: The cost of the goods will be market, that is, much higher than the one that you paid to the seller, which means that the amount of tax will be higher.

Documents for customs clearance of the parcel:

  • A photocopy of your passport.
  • Statement from the bankthat you paid for the purchase if the calculation was made by a plastic card. If payment was made by the electronic payment system, then you need to save the screen of the page with payment.
  • For some types of equipment (cameras, smartphones, etc.), notification may be neededwhich you can see on the website of the Eurasian Economic Commission.
  • Order screen on Aliexpress.
  • If the goods are purchased at a discount, then you will need a screen with the proof of the discount provided.
  • Statement indicating the purpose of the purchase of a particular product.

The parcel can be obtained at customs after the provision of all documents and payment of customs duties. The design process takes no more than 15 minutes. But, if there is a queue in the customs department of work with customers, then the design process can drag out up to 1.5-2 hours.

Video: customs restrictions on purchases from China

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