Treatment of joints and osteochondrosis of the spine with food soda: compresses. Food soda from joint pain: how to drink?

Treatment of joints and osteochondrosis of the spine with food soda: compresses. Food soda from joint pain: how to drink?

From this article you will learn how osteochondrosis and joints treats with soda and other procedures, and Dr. Neumyvakin.

The healing properties of sodium bicarbonate opened Roman healers in ancient times. The therapeutic effect of soda is simple: having entered the body, soda balances acid and alkali.

What other beneficial properties in our body gives soda:

  • The supply of alkali accumulates
  • Sodium with chlorine is actively displayed, and potassium remains

How does food soda treats joints and osteochondrosis of the spine?

If the disease is running, and it is unbearably painful when you walk, it is impossible to recover with soda. First you need to consult a doctor, and begin to be treated with medicines that he will prescribe, and then, when relief comes, you can improve the condition of the body with soda.

Correctly taking soda inside, making compresses or baths from it, soda improves the condition of sore joints, for example, with gout, osteochondrosis.

This is what Soda does:

  • Removes inflammatory conditions
  • The pain is reduced
  • The work of fabrics improves

How to drink baking soda for the treatment of cervical and spinal osteochondrosis of the spine and joints?

Soda for the treatment of joints and osteochondrosis

If you decide to take soda yourself, this does not need to be done, first you need to consult with your attending physician, since soda reduces the effect of some drugs such as aspirin, antibiotics.

Starting the treatment of joints and osteochondrosis with soda, so as not to harm, you need to adhere to some tips:

  • You need to start taking soda inside with small doses, no more than 1/5 tea. tablespoons, stirring it in warm water, and reach 0.5-1 teaspoon, but not more than 15 g.
  • Dissolved soda is drunk before meals for half an hour.
  • Take soda 2-3 p. for a day, 1 month.

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joints with baking soda: compresses with soda

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joints with soda

Soda is not necessary to take inward, you can make compresses, baths and baths for a sore lower back and joints.

Compresses. They need to be done with treatment in the clinic or after it. With the help of compresses, the blood supply to the joints improves, pain decreases. Compresses are made with the addition of other components to the soda.

Recipe 1

  1. We take equally soda with sea salt, honey and mustard in powder, and mix them.
  2. Apply on the sore joint, cover with a film, and then with a woolen scarf, wrap it up and leave it overnight. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Recipe 2

  1. We take a barn -in -law, prepared at home and ground rye crackers, mix them.
  2. Add soda, mix again and insist 6 hours in the warmth.
  3. We spread the mixture on a soft cloth and put on a sore lower back, joints of arms, legs.
  4. Treatment (minimum) 2 weeks or until the patient's condition improves.

Recipe 3

  1. We take soda, honey with kerosene (1:10:10), mix.
  2. We spread the mixture on a rag and apply to the sore joint for 45-60 minutes, until a tingling tingling is easy.
  3. Then we remove the compress, and the area where it was, lubricate with sunflower oil, can be cream, and wrap it in a warm thing. The compress can be repeated after 2 days.

Baths. If the limb of the arm or leg is affected by the disease, then it is advisable to make a bath of soda and sea salt equally. We add warm, comfortable water to these ingredients, and hold your hand or leg in the water for 15-20 minutes, adding hot water, as it cools.

After taking the bath, we wrap the limb with a warm thing in order to maintain heat longer. The course of treatment every day, 1 month.

Baths. In the bath, the concentration of salt with soda is less, and the water temperature is lower. We pour 150 liters of warm water into the bath and pour 200 g of soda and sea salt each. We climb completely into the bath for 20 minutes. We do the bath before bedtime, every other day, 1 month.

Food soda, salt, honey, iodine for joints: how to use?

Treatment of arthritis folk remedies with soda

If a crunch is heard when bending the legs in the joints, and they hurt - this is arthritis. With arthritis, the ointment that we will prepare ourselves helps well.

Sudge, soda, honey and iodine ointment

  1. We take 1 teas. spoon of soda, stone salt, honey and 7 drops of iodine, and mix. The ointment is ready.
  2. We use it like this: we warm the sore joints in warm water, apply a compress, and wrap it up, leave it for 30-40 minutes or at night. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine and joints of food soda: Professor Neumyvakin

Dr. I.P. Neumyvakin treats various diseases with soda

Dr. Neumyvakin advises treating osteochondrosis and joints comprehensively:

  1. Cleaning the stomach and intestines with soda
  2. Exercise, lying on the back
  3. Exercise, lying on the stomach
  4. Rubbing joints with ointments and rubbings
  5. Application of compresses
  6. Massage
  7. Bath treatment

Soda treatment

Joint treatment and osteochondrosis soda

I.P. Neumyvakin is a doctor of medical sciences, for more than 40 years he devoted to non -traditional medicine, which consists in the treatment of many diseases of soda.

The professor claims that when taking soda, diluted with water, you can get rid of the following ailments:

  • Salt deposits
  • The occurrence of cholesterol plaques
  • Kidney stones

According to Dr. Neumyvakin, violation of the acid-base balance is one of the main problems of mankind.

Recipe for taking soda inside from Professor Neumyvakin

  1. We pour a quarter of a teaspoon of soda with half a glass of boiling water, when the soda dissolves, add another half a glass of cold water to get 1 cup of a warm solution of soda. We drink 1 time.
  2. A day, young people are recommended to drink 2 glasses of water with soda, an elderly - 3 glasses.
  3. We take such a concentration of soda for 3 days, then 3 days a break.
  4. Then we continue to drink a solution of soda, increasing the dose to 1 teaspoon of soda, and then 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Exercises, lying on the back

Exercises for the treatment of joints and osteochondrosis lying on the back

These exercises can be done in the morning, lying in bed:

  • We grip our hands on the back of the head to the lock, raise our shoulders and head, raise the legs at an angle of 45 °, not bending at the knees, and hold it as long as possible.
  • We grip our hands in front of us, take one knee with them and pull them as close to the stomach as possible, we take the chin knee. Then we do the same with another knee.
  • We embrace the bent legs at the knees with our hands, and swing back and forth and from left to right.
  • Lying, raise our arms and legs up, shaking them and reach for the ceiling. We do the exercise for 2 minutes or more.
  • We do the exercise on the floor lying. Hands right down the torso, bend the legs in the knees, the angle is 45 °, tilt our legs in one direction until they touch the floor, and then into the other.

Exercises, lying on the stomach

Exercises for the treatment of joints and osteochondrosis lying on the stomach

We also do these exercises in the morning on the floor.

  • Lying, stretching our arms forward, we also stretch our legs, bend in the lower back, stretch out with the whole body, sway in different directions.
  • Lying, bend our arms in the elbows, hold our legs straight, straighten our arms, raising the upper body, bend in the back, turn the head left, look over the shoulder on the right heel, and then we do the same, only turn the head to the right.
  • Lying on the stomach, raise our legs up, take out the ankles with our hands with our hands, hold them and in this position, ride on the stomach.
  • Standing on all fours, we bend in the lower back, like a cat, and then we stretch to the chest with a chin, and the back of the head to the back.

Ointments and rubbish for the treatment of spine osteochondrosis

Ointments and rubbish with the addition of soda for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine

Professor Neumyvakin, with back pain, advises to shoot them with folk remedies - ointments and rubbish.

Masi recipe 1 from Dr. Neumyvakin

  1. In a jar (preferably from glass), mix up to a uniform state of 1 raw egg with 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar, 100 g of butter oil and 1 tbsp. spoon of flour.
  2. We put the mixture into a cool place for 3-4 days.
  3. Then we remove and throw out the film that formed on top, and mix the ointment and smear the sore back.

Masi recipe 2 from Dr. Neumyvakin

  1. Grind 60 g of bay leaf into a powder and 10 g of juniper needles.
  2. Add to powder 120 g of butter and rub. The ointment is ready. It is well anesthetized with osteochondrosis.

Masi recipe 3 from Dr. Neumyvakin

  1. Mix half a glass of honey with a quarter of a glass of vodka, ¾ part of a glass of grated black radish, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of stone salt.
  2. The ointment can be used immediately, smear your back with severe pain with osteochondrosis.

The recipe for the infusion from Dr. Neumyvakin

  1. Mix sunflower oil with kerosene (250 ml).
  2. Pour this mixture of 10-12 bitter peppers, and insist in the warmth 9-10 days.
  3. We rub the sore spots with a ready infusion.

Compresses from Dr. Neumyvakin

Compresses with the addition of soda for the treatment of joints and osteochondrosis

On the advice of Dr. Neumyvakin, we make compresses on the sore back with osteochondrosis of the spine.

Cold compress from Dr. Neumyvakin

  1. We pour dry mustard on a wide bandage.
  2. We cover with a second layer of bandage, and twist them into a not very dense tourniquet.
  3. We wrap the back with a harness, put on warm clothes, and walk like that for 3 days, and then, if the improvements do not come, we prepare a new tourniquet.

Application of yolks and honey from Neumyvakin

  1. Mix 2 raw yolks, salt on the tip of a knife with 2 teas. spoons of honey.
  2. We spread this ointment with this ointment, cover with cotton wool, wrap it with a bandage, wrap it with a woolen thing on top and go to bed.
  3. After sleeping, wash off the application with water.

Aloe application with honey from Neumyvakin

  1. Grind the leaves of aloe (50 g), mix them with 100 g of honey and ¾ part of a glass of vodka.
  2. We insist in a warm place for 4 days.
  3. We make compresses on the sore back.

Kerosene applique with household soap from Neumyvakin

  1. We moisten the soft rag in kerosene, squeeze, soap with soap on one side, and apply to the sore back, not soaped.
  2. Cover with oilcloth, and then a warm thing, and leave for 1-2 hours.


Massage for the treatment of spine osteochondrosis

Dr. Neumyvakin advises patients with osteochondrosis of various massages, but massage with honey and mummy (100: 1) helps especially well. This mixture draws toxins, toxins from the spine.

If you cannot visit the massage office, then you can do with improvised means - a stick or a rocking chair.

Massage You can make yourself applying a stick. The stick behind behind, throw bent hands at her elbows, and press it to the back. Then we move the stick and so massage the whole back.

Also for back massaging Suitable dough kitchen. We lie down on the floor, put the rocking chair under the back so that it lay across, push it off, roll the back of the neck to the holster with a rocking chair.

Therapeutic baths

Medical baths for the treatment of joints and osteochondrosis

On the advice of Professor Neumyvakin, baths should be taken with decoctions of herbs:

  • Chamomile
  • Air
  • Spores
  • Horsetail
  • Lavender
  • Valerian

For baths, it is also suitable:

  • Hay Truha
  • Oak bark and coniferous trees
  • Chestnuts
  • Mine nuts
  • Needles
  • Bran

To make the bath better with osteochondrosis and joint pain, add sea salt to it with herbs, you can dry mustard.

Treatment of joints and osteochondrosis of the spine with food soda: Contraindications

Contraindications to use soda

It should be remembered that not everyone is suitable for treatment with soda.

From taking soda need to refuse With such diseases of the body:

  1. Gastritis with low acidity - constipation can develop.
  2. Gastritis with high acidity. Heartburn is removed only at the beginning of soda, and then, with prolonged use, a stomach ulcer can develop.
  3. Allergy to soda.
  4. Diabetes mellitus, since with it the alkaline environment in the body is already.
  5. Cancer at 3 and 4 stages.
  6. Pregnancy.

Attention. Taking soda, you need to do this carefully so that it does not get into the respiratory tract, as it can cause a chemical burn.

So, now we know that a solution of soda, compresses and baths from it can reduce the lower back pain and joints with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis.

Video: Soda. How did I use food soda? Effects

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Comments K. article

  1. I can’t say anything about the folk recipes for the treatment of osteochondrosis, since I like the medical approach more. I need to consult with the doctor, read the articles of medical, the topic of nutrition with this disease.

  2. I also tried to be treated with soda, but it did not go. I still go to physiotherapy and Kolya Alflutop, this is a chondroprotector like this, this all helps a long remission, and Soda is the same as an auxiliary remedy and that is not suitable for everyone.

  3. Galya, are you doing injections straight to the joint? Doesn't it hurt?

  4. Olya, well, a little unpleasant, but no more, but after the course of Alflutop, the joints do not bother for a long time, it also stimulates the restoration of the joint tissue, respectively and the pain passes.

  5. It was interesting to read. I move little and work in my office, so I sit for almost a day. Then the joints began to bother, I somehow decided to play it safe and go to the doctor, otherwise you never know what. The doctor prescribed me a dietary supplement for food glucosamine maximum, it contains the right amount of chondroitin and glucosamine, and if these substances are not enough in the diet, then the joints hurt. Well, you have to at least walk, movement is life.

  6. I have not heard about compresses with soda. So far I am saved by medicines, exercise therapy and baths with an emulsion of Skipar. It helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the composition contains essential oils of coniferous trees

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