How to check the gall bladder, what tests to pass?

How to check the gall bladder, what tests to pass?

The gall bladder is an organ in which, unfortunately, stones are often formed. In case of violations, the gall bladder makes itself felt by aching heaviness after taking a certain food.

At the same time, the gall bladder is closely related to the work of all digestive organs, therefore, with pain in it, a standard examination complex is usually prescribed.

How to check the gall bladder, what tests to pass?

To check the gall bladder, the following standard studies and tests are needed:

  • Ultrasound of the organs of the peritoneum
  • Fibrogastroscopy
  • Conducting a general blood test
  • Blood chemistry
Checking is extremely important
Checking is extremely important

In addition, the doctor may prescribe blood tests for antibodies to infections causing diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, giardia, causing inflammation of the gallbladder. Complex and magnetic resonance imaging with contrasting of the bile ducts will be complemented by the picture.

  • A more detailed picture will be shown alaninenaminotransferase enzymes and aspartateaminotransferase, whose activity is normal in blood serum should not exceed 40 units/l. The reduced level of albumin, fibrinogen, gaptoglobin and other proteins and, on the contrary, increased content may indicate a progressive disease.
  • Content Gamma-Glutamiltransferase Increased - there is also a problem with the gallbladder. An increase in the content of alkaline phosphatase enzyme indicates impaired patency of the bile ducts.

Bilirubin is a bile pigment, and its increased level is evidence of a violation of the outflow of bile. The same applies to cholesterol synthesizing bile acids.

It is recommended to take tests for the state of the gallbladder to everyone who is concerned about bitterness in their mouths, nausea, swelling, as well as people who have close relatives suffering from diseases of the gallbladder.

So, having examined the composition of the blood and after conducting an internal examination, you can find out in what condition the gall bladder is located. He needs to pay special attention to those people who keep posts. The intake of rough simple food makes the gall bladder not work in full force, which can lead to the formation of stones in it.

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Video: How to solve problems with the gallbladder?

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Comments K. article

  1. For problems with the gallbladder, it is necessary to observe a diet, visit a doctor in a timely manner and something else is important to listen to the doctor's recommendations. The doctor of Osteon appointed me. With it, you can remove the spasm and clean the bile ducts. As a result, the symptoms are not naught a little in small.

  2. We must take care of yourself. And as for the work of the biliary, like the entire gastrointestinal tract - proper nutrition is the most important.

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