The images of the landowners in the poem “Who to live well in Russia” is good: characteristics, analysis

The images of the landowners in the poem “Who to live well in Russia” is good: characteristics, analysis

Descriptions of the images of landowners in the poem "To whom to live well in Russia." Such an outline will help you write excellent works on these topics.

The landowners are in the poem Nekrasov "Who to live well in Russia" - These are negative heroes. The author describes their relationship with the poor, and in some points, even becomes funny. The misunderstandings and irritation of landowners in relation to ordinary peasants are so acutely shown. Below you will find descriptions of these characters according to the Nekrasov poem. Read further.

The images of the landowners in Nekrasov’s poem “To whom to live well in Russia”: the characteristics of the image of Obolt-Obolduev, Utyatin and others

The images of the landowners in Nekrasov’s poem “To whom to live well in Russia”: characteristic of the image of Obolt-Obolduev

Nekrasov’s pans are cruel, unable to feel gratitude to the neighbors. And as mentioned above, they certainly are not positive heroes. Here is a description of the images of landowners in the poem Nekrasov "who live well in Russia",characteristics of Obolt-Obolduev, Utryatin and others:

Nekrasov considers the relationship between landowners and serfs perverted. Moreover, he openly condemns many of them. However, everything is known in comparison. Suppose the young lady that was scolding, it seems to be a humanist compared to Polivanov. Read more:

Gavrila Afanasevich Obolt-Obolduev:


Nekrasov is replete with diminutive-lactative words. In his description, the master of small stature, but full, has a belly and antennae. Fresh and blush. Almost always with a cigar in the mouth. He is about 30 years old, he is a flexor. Especially well you can view the external contrast between him and tall peasants. Obolduev causes a smile. As for nationality, he is Tatar. His mother’s ancestor was also not clean at hand - he tried to set fire to the capital to rob the treasury, for which he was executed.


The landowner is cowardly. Despite the fact that he humiliates the poor, he is actually very afraid of them. Noble origin does not make the master more significant. The character is more humorous.


The Obolt-Obolduev is sufficiently pampered. He even requires any benefits with a normal conversation, otherwise the conversation will not. The hero is nostalgic, loves to remember the past. The activity of the landowner in his understanding is absolute power, the power of the Lord God, who can both execute and mercy.

He is lazy, does not want to work on Earth, but at the same time, an understanding of his purpose does not reach him.

The images of the landowners in Nekrasov’s poem “Who lives well in Russia”: the characteristics of the image of Utyatin

Off - Utyatin:

So he was called the poor. The landowner does not believe in the abolition of serfdom. Moreover, he was even enough for him when he found out about it. Utyatin is a thin old man, pale, with a sharp nose like a bird's beak. Also has a mustache, seriously ill. Outwardly, this is the exact opposite of Obolduev, who was pouring by the health of Obolduev.

Utyatin Samodur. Moreover, both peasants and his family suffer from this. He does not value serfs and mocks them in every possible way. Substituting and absurd- for example, marries a 6-year-old boy for a 70-year-old woman and does many other bad deeds.

Landowner Shalashnikov:

Nothing like a person, conquers the peasants only with “military power” also imagines himself the master of life, for which we condemn the author.

German Vogel:

Sends the peasants to hard labor, offending them to the thread. A very unpleasant character, evil, vile, vengeful, ready for any abomination for the sake of his good.

As the poem shows the images of landowners: Analysis

The images of the landowners
The images of the landowners

According to the description of these people, one can understand what they are. But not everyone will manage to tell in more detail. If you were asked to make such a description at school, then read on. Here is a detailed one analysis, as the poems of landowners are shown in the poem:

The author evaluates the landowners from the position of a peasant, without encouraging soullessness, hypocrisy, cruelty. Despite the fact that all landowners are different, each of them is incredibly sinful. Everyone imagines himself the Lord God, who can dispose of the lives and fate of people, playing them like pawns on a chessboard. They forget that the peasants also have their own opinion, because these are living people, and not inanimate objects. The landowners are lazy. They are idle, mocking over a simple people.

This is how he recalls the past Obolt-Obolduev:

“The law is my desire!

Fist is my police! "

Regarding the names, the writer clearly demonstrates his neglect. The names of all Pan are speaking. As a rule, the rich does not honor the works of a common person, shows the arrogance and cruelty. This is an eternal confrontation - and, while the pans are burning, the poor people cannot be happy.

Video: Who lives well in Russia. Nikolai Nekrasov

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  1. Obolt-Obolduev is not 30 years old, but 60 ...

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