The image of Napoleon in the novel “War and Peace”, in literature, painting, lyrics of Lermontov and Pushkin: composition, characteristics, opposition to the image of Kutuzov

The image of Napoleon in the novel “War and Peace”, in literature, painting, lyrics of Lermontov and Pushkin: composition, characteristics, opposition to the image of Kutuzov

In this article you will find several works about the image of Napoleon.

The personality of such a great person as Napoleon Bonaparte, had a huge impact not only on the history and policy of France, but also on the whole world. However, in addition to the fact that he was a charismatic leader, his actions changed human self -awareness. More details about the image of this person are written below. Such information is useful to you for essays, messages to the lesson, essays, reports. Read further.

The image of Napoleon Bonaparte in Russian literature, school textbooks, in the novel "War and Peace": Composition

The image of Napoleon Bonaparte
The image of Napoleon Bonaparte

In many novels and poems of Russian literature, the name of this great leader is traced. For example, “war and peace” and others. Here's the essay on the topic "The image of Napoleon Bonaparte in Russian literature, school textbooks, in the novel" War and Peace ":

In textbooks and literature Bonaparte It is described as a person that he was able to go from a simple sergeant to the emperor. Of course, this path was not simple. And Napoleon himself became a symbol of admiration for not one generation.

A.S. Pushkin:

This ruler was often described by writers and poets. Start worth it with Pushkin. In his early creations, he considers Napoleon a mysterious and special, bold and decisive, evaluates him from a moral position. However, after, after years, his attitude to Bonaparte There is no such open tenderness already, Alexander Sergeyevich begins to mention the emperor casually.

Let's say this happens in the novel "Eugene Onegin". But here “Napoleonism” rather contributes to the indulgence of the protagonist. As a result, exorbitant vanity and selfishness are born in it. Pushkin shows that Eugene sympathizes with Napoleon, because he even has his bust in his office.

F.M. Dostoevsky:

Thought about Bonaparte and Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky In works "Notes from the Underground"and "Crime and Punishment". The author condemns permissiveness, claims that it is impossible to revel in power, it destroys the soul of a person.

He believes that Raskolnikov, like Napoleon, is an incorrect, bloody path, which can only lead to nothingness. In his understanding, immorality will never make the world better. But moral law cannot be embraced by mind. Moreover, the new life of Rodion symbolizes the correction and abandonment of the “Napoleonic” doctrine.

L.N. Tolstoy:

This debunking of the personality cult continued Tolstoy in "War and Peace". The dispute about the pros and cons of this political leader begins with the first pages and ends already at the end of the epic. Accordingly, the image of Napoleon with a red thread passes through the entire work. Tolstoy believes that Bonaparte does not have the mind and conscience that he is not a ruler, but a smug egoist who uses his power, but cannot be an example to follow, because his words are false, and the actions are low.

In understanding Tolstoy, Napoleon Looks not at the souls of people, but by. His interests are far from the interests of the people, he seems to “hover in the clouds” and does not understand what is actually going on in the power that he controls. This greatness is imaginary. Indeed, in fact, Napoleon no one respects or appreciates - nor does he not appreciate human lives and does not respect anyone except himself. Moreover, in the understanding of the writer, this is a small and miserable person, and not a strong person. This is a very bold statement.

Satire about Napoleon:

In many literary works, Bonaparte is described from a satirical point of view:

  • Its appearance allows you to do this.
  • Napoleon is nondescript in appearance, small stature, he has a slightly loose body, thick thighs and caviar, he is quite clumsy, his voice speaks monotonous and mournful.
  • And this has its own effect - Napoleon in the literature ceases to be perceived as a formidable ruler, the emperor, and was known as a model of ridicule.

Of course, judging a person by appearance, superficially. But writers do not in vain go on personal. They evaluate the moral component of the commander - and he, alas, ugly neither externally nor soul. This is the executioner of his nation, which himself may be sacredly confident that he was a benefactor for people. Tolstoy claims that where there is villainy, there can be no talent.

Accordingly, the image Bonaparte And his doctrines are available in many works of Russian writers, each of whom sees the commander in his own way, condemns his moral position, accuses of immorality or openly supports. However, the latter are not enough. After all, Russian literature has always set the goal of educating a human person. And in Napoleone, alas, there are very few human qualities that I want to admire. Nevertheless, this does not at all detract from his merits as a ruler.

Napoleon in the novel "War and Peace":

A secondary character, which is mentioned as a historical figure, which has its position, which causes a lot of controversy.

  • On the one hand, this is a powerful, recognized lord who performs human destinies.
  • But, on the other hand, this is a miserable person who goes to his goals, ignoring spirituality and morality, builds the empire on blood and does not like anyone other than himself.
  • At the same time, Tolstoy does not deny the thought that Bonaparte is an erudite person, with life experience, he knows how to lead people, understands strategy and tactics.
  • Nevertheless, accusations of despotism and cruelty are in red thread.

Ugly, hollow man of smallhaving a loose body and a little female, wide hips.

  • The author repeatedly describes the emperor both externally and internally, so that the reader forms his opinion on a given person.

Here's another description Napoleon In the novel:

  • Self -confident, selfish, arrogant, franchial, indifferent to other people's suffering, tyrant.
  • Dry in communication, often resorts to ridicule, insults.
  • Explains moral scarcity and inferiority.
  • It praises its greatness, but in fact, this greatness is a kind of mask, behind which the essence of a miserable person is hidden.
  • The figure that the writer seeks to “debunk” to show the reader her true face.
  • Brought suffering and death to Russia.
  • Despite all the disadvantages, a talented commander.
  • Actor. The writer hints that Napoleon’s reign is like a role in the theater, which he learned to a fight and masterfully plays out.

Napoleon in the epic "War and Peace" was a clearly negative character. This is traced throughout the work.

The image of Napoleon Bonaparte in history: how did Napoleon come to power?

The image of Napoleon Bonaparte
The image of Napoleon Bonaparte

After the death of his father, young Napoleon completes his studies ahead of schedule and begins to serve in Artillery regiment. At first, he has the rank of junior lieutenant. There is constantly not enough money in the family, despite the fact that the newly -minted military sends all the salary of the mother. What is the image of Napoleon in history? How did Napoleon come to power?

At first Bonaparte He wanted to “switch” at the Russian imperial army, but refused this venture - she threatened with a decrease in the rank. He supported the appeal of Corsica in the administrative unit together with the brothers. However, his political life began on this island. Little by little Napoleon He rose to the lieutenant colonel of the National Guard. After he witnesses the fall of royal power.

On Corsica, his family is on the side France. The promotion of the military ladder took bonaparte 10 years old. He received the rank of general, became the commander of the Italian army. To improve the condition of the soldiers, he begins to cooperate with the enemy. The army, which now lives at the expense of the enemy, breaks the troops of Sardinia and Austria.

Conquers Italy. The Pope pays indemnity. Napoleon carried a banner in an attack on the Arkol bridge. Particular popularity Bonaparte He received in the Italian army. Thus, France cherished the dreams of creating an outpost in order to attack the British in India. However, after the French were taken by surprise Nelson, and Bonaparte remained in Egypt cut off from the world. He tried to capture Syria and agree with the local population. The coming to power followed after Bonaparte secretly returned to France.

This was followed by the Austrian campaign marked by a series of victories. In Italy and Germany, Bonaparte began to dominate after the Luneville world, and the state structure of his native France after that underwent significant, positive changes.
However, then Bonaparte was still a consul. The emperor was proclaimed in 1804, After recognition new constitution.

The image of Kutuzov and Napoleon in the novel "War and Peace": Composition

The image of Kutuzov
The image of Kutuzov

Russian commander, statesman - Kutuzov. In the novel "War and Peace" He appears to the reader a restrained, modest, but great and strong leader. Here's an essay on the topic “The image of Kutuzov and Napoleon in the novel“ War and Peace ”:

The writer does not describe the appearance of the commander in detail - only speaks of old age and fullness. U Kutuzovand difficulties with movement and two wounds - on the face and temple. As a result of this, he leaked one eye. To the military Kutuzov Reensing with warmth. Not like Napoleon. He appreciates the life of people who are entrusted to him.

The commander is careful - before going into battle, he evaluates the risks. Nevertheless, he speaks calmly about the loss. But this does not mean that he does not empathize with the dead. It seems that he is perspicacious - he knows everything about everyone. It can cry if something has been touched. Social - tries to talk with each before the battle. The soldiers consider him like his father and trust him.

Nonetheless, Bolkonsky At first it does not really complain him. But then he changes his opinion. We condemn Kutuzov became the commander in chief after the appointment. Nobody likes what he pleases the emperor. However, by himself Alexander I He did not love him.

Outside the commander in the novel was seen only a few times. He rarely loses his temper. His soul always hurts for his subordinates.

A comparative analysis of the images of Kutuzov and Napoleon Bonaparte in the novel “War and Peace” - characteristics, opposition: composition

The image of Kutuzov
The image of Kutuzov

Kutuzovaand Napoleon It is often compared, although these are completely two different people. They are both leaders, waged troops. These are great people. Here's an essay on the topic "Comparative analysis of the images of Kutuzov and Napoleon Bonaparte in the novel" War and Peace "with characteristics and contrast:

It is easy to guess that these images are contrasting. At first it seems that Napoleon describes more than Kutuzov. Many scold him, laugh at him, humiliate him. Others condemn him - of course, only behind him. But Kutuzov and Napoleon are great commanders who have a different strategy. If Bonaparte is more oriented towards his own greatness, he is indifferent to the fate of the soldiers, then Kutuzov is human, and tries to take care of every military.

Napoleon is more arrogant, cruel and rude. Kutuzoin more kind and loyal - although it cannot be called "holy simplicity." The commander will never miss his own. Each of them defeated the enemy with his means. In the same way as to describe their characters, the writer used different visual means.

Both the thoughts and characters of the heroes are radically different. BonaparteRather, it goes through tyranny, and Kutuzov - a path of humanism. The reader’s task in this case is to determine on whose side he is.

It is noteworthy that Tolstoy He does not compare Emperor Napoleon with Emperor Alexander (whom, he considers much weaker than the Frenchman in every sense), but contrasts him with Kutuzov, as a person opposite in his views, but equal in status and reputation.

However, if Bonaparte seems to be a young and active commander, then Kutuzov is more apathetic and passive. This is another evidence of the contrast between them. Unlike a quick and decisive Napoleon, Kutuzov’s wisdom forces him to calculate his every step, act carefully.

Images of Napoleon and Kutuzov through the eyes of Tolstoy: Characteristic

The image of Kutuzov
The image of Kutuzov

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy describes the images of these leaders differently. He condemns one, elevates the other. Here is a detailed one characteristics of the images of Napoleon and Kutuzov through the eyes of Tolstoy:

Napoleon Bonaparte:

Tolstoy condemns the attitude Napoleon To his soldiers. He considers them “cannon fodder”, consumables and the commander does not at all appreciate human life. The main task of Bonaparte is to achieve their goals, seize power throughout Europe (and especially in Russia), subjugate the whole world. And he confidently goes to his dream.

The writer does not hide that Napoleon - A strong personality and a great commander, but, at the same time, condemns the lack of humanity in him. After all, Vladyka is not going to put up with anyone except her opinion, and this is an absolute truth for him. He goes to power on the corpses of people.

The writer believes that Napoleon is cynical, cruel, calculating, uncompromising. And also very cunning. By the way, negative qualities are outweighed. Tolstoy does not deny Bonaparte's ability to lead the troops, but condemns him as a person.

Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov

This is a kind old man who has repeatedly checked his courage in battles. And he is his own father to soldiers and officers. Unlike Bonaparte, titles Kutuzov He does not boast, and does not see anything bad in “fraternal” relations with subordinates. For this, the commander is important not the rank of man, but his moral qualities. And, in this case, this person is much closer to Tolstoy.

It is noteworthy that on his soldier, Kutuzov He always looks with a gentle smile, he is always ready to listen to suggestions and requests. Unlike Napoleon, for whom human personality means nothing. Kutuzova Easy to move. Especially when it comes to human grief. He always worries about the outcome of the case and his people. Often he makes the right decisions, believes in victory.

How Napoleon managed to gain popularity in the world, how Napoleon 3 came to power: composition

Napoleon managed to gain popularity in the world
Napoleon managed to gain popularity in the world

In literature, they often set to write essays on the topic Napoleon. For example, here are the topics that teachers use to draw up a program at school: “How did Napoleon manage to gain popularity in the world?”, “How did Napoleon 3 come to power?” - essay:

Rebellion 1793 He became a “starting point” for the reputation of Napoleon. He dispersed the directory what the bourgeoisie contributed to him. His conquests of this stratum of the population were extremely beneficial. Thus, entrepreneurial activity began to develop, and the peasants did not lose their land. This increased Bonaparte's popularity.

Tyranny Napoleon caused a lot of discontent. But the Frenchman himself repeatedly said that he retained revolutionary interests, having expelled the theory. Watching the organization of the police. Success helped to achieve what he put on the main post of a spy and a skilled provocateur. In general, during the time of Napoleon, almost everyone was a spy. And any deviation from the norm was strictly punishable. This is a good way to achieve popularity. Indeed, in some cases, respect is based on fear. Many people gladly supported his ideas - because France As a dominant worldwide, the state arranged not only its natives themselves, but it was beneficial from a political point of view.

The only thing that slowed down his path to the top was complete indifference to people. Napoleon did not see friends and associates, for him the military were weapons, a means of achieving the goal. Surviving them like pawns, he did not feel compassion and torment of conscience. Bonaparte He appreciated only his own position, so he used any methods to achieve power.

Nevertheless, one cannot deny his talent of the commander and military successes. Suppose a profitable solution was a conjunction for the maintenance of soldiers in defeated countries. In this way, Napoleon He strengthened the combat effectiveness of the military, which suffered from a lack of public funds and attracted many new persons into the ranks of his fellow soldiers. Bonaparte He believed that the war should feed itself. The indemnity is its brilliant move, which no one had thought before.

Napoleon's image in art, in painting: Briefly

The image of Napoleon in art, in painting
The image of Napoleon in art, in painting

Probably, interest in this historical figure will never disappear. Writers, poets and artists often recalled Napoleon, condemning his tyranny, but glorifying the general qualities. Here the image of Napoleon in art, in painting briefly:

In painting, the emperor remained thanks to portraits for centuries. Given that to your personality Bonaparte I had great respect (not only that, it was even narcotic), then they wrote it often. However, other paintings written during the reign of the emperor can be evaluated.

In general, using the example of "Napoleonic" portraits, one can evaluate the culture of that era. It is also very interesting to reflect on what a person thought at the time of writing a picture.

Of course Napoleon It was portrayed in different setting - both in home and on the battlefield. Accordingly, emotions were different everywhere. From childhood Napoleon It seems irritable, but rotary. He remained the same in adulthood. It is noteworthy that the painters do not embellish his appearance, leaving with the imperfections that she had.

Quite often, looking at the paintings where this ruler is depicted, it is very difficult to discern in an unpleasant, low person with a loose figure, a charismatic leader, a tyrant, who at one time enslaved entire states, sacrificed people without delay and built his empire on blood.

The image of Napoleon in Lermontov’s lyrics: essay

The image of Napoleon in Lermontov's lyrics
The image of Napoleon in Lermontov's lyrics

Lermontov often in his works mentioned the name of this conqueror. Here's an essay on the topic "The image of Napoleon in the lyrics of Lermontov":

The poet was always interested in the "Napoleonic" theme. Perhaps the interest multiplied because Lermontov Partly imitated Byron. In his lyrics Bonaparte - This is a romantic rebel. Despite the fact that Lermontov’s vision of the commander has his own, he partially relies on the authoritative opinion of A. S. Pushkin and V. A. Zhukovsky.

This poet Bonaparte Evolutions along with poetic thought. He rebels in thought about the glory and its absence, about the problems of humanism and heroism. We can say that Lermontov Blaces to the military qualities of this commander. For him, this is a superman, a person committed in every sense that even after death will remain invincible.

The author believes that to glory Napoleon Not people or actions brought, but rock. This is a great man with a difficult fate, whose greatness wants to sing. But at the same time, Lermontov sees the meaning of a person’s life in achieving happiness. And in Napoleon, this happiness was based on blood, deaths and not always good deeds. Nevertheless, the writer does not condemn him - but, on the contrary, praises. Dual sensation.

We can say that the poet turns to the problems of ethics and philosophy, as well as the analysis of the role of personality in society using an example Napoleon. He does not condemn a tyrant, who, in his understanding, appears as a person truly unique, extraordinary.

Pushkin’s image of Napoleon: Composition

Pushkin's image of Napoleon
Pushkin's image of Napoleon

Like Lermontov, Pushkin He is in no hurry to condemn Napoleon For his despotism. For him, this is a “mighty pamper of victories” and “exile of the universe”. Here's an essay on the topic “Pushkin’s image of Napoleon:

As in most cases, Alexander Sergeyevich with his inherent expression, giving his feelings, exclaims:

“Oh, whose blood of the bloody world will be full for a long time ...”.

He turns to the life path of Napoleon, finds out what contributed to the emergence Bonaparte in the political sky and admires it. However, Pushkin does not deny the fact that Napoleon has disadvantages. Suppose the poet openly indicates that the emperor "humanity despised" and deceived the hopes and aspirations of the people.

Accordingly, the look Pushkin On this personality, you can also be called sober. He is somewhat similar to Tolstoy's gaze-both literature figures are focused on humanism and moral component, which for Napoleon I played far from a paramount role.

In the understanding of the poet, "debunk" Napoleon Only Russia was able to: "The bloodied snow proclaimed their fall." Thanks to the triumphal victory of the Russians: “Everything, like a storm, boiled; Europe was captured by his captivity, "and until the last, all the insults are paid to you, tyrant!"

“May he be overshadowed by shame, who will outraged his debunk shadow on a crazy with a crazy!”

Tolstoy claimed that Napoleonhe does not understand that the world cannot exist only to satisfy its desires. About the same speaks and Pushkin. Both actively condemn the ruler for vanity, selfishness and cruelty.

Why is romantics attracting the image of Napoleon?

Romantics attracts the image of Napoleon
Romantics attracts the image of Napoleon

It doesn’t matter whether the person is still uninhabited, when maximalism and youthful ambitions give birth to a desire to change the world and subjugate it to themselves. Or in more mature years, people admire BonaparteAs an uncompromising and calculating politician. In both cases, a figure is plain in appearance before the eyes, but the ingenious and forever remaining in history. Why is romantics attracting the image of Napoleon?

Regardless of the censure or support of his tyranny, many would like to be in place of this commander. Indeed, in childhood, reading adventure and historical books, many dreamed of exploits and glory. By the way, this was the time and Bolkonsky. However, years have changed Andrey, forced to look at life differently - he realized that military victories and loud ranks did not bring happiness.

As for the romantics, they usually focus not on the mind, but on feelings. Accordingly, such people do not see the minuses of this ruler, but evaluate him only as a strong personality, as a famous figure, a talented commander. In fact, this person, albeit an outstanding personality, is far from the most worthy example to follow. He is selfish and does not put other people in anything. And if you take one of the commanders as an example to follow, let it be better Kutuzov.

In general, the main reason for admiration Napoleon - This is his rapid seizure of power, thoughtful decisions and a fairly successful policy that brought many advantages not only Francebut also to other states. But, of course, a Russian person Bonaparte A positive hero cannot appear.

Balzac: Napoleon's image

Balzac: Napoleon's image
Balzac: Napoleon's image

Napoleon of this writer is mobile, he cannot be in a static position. Even if his body sits or lies, his limbs still tremble. Here are in detail napoleon's image of Balzac:

The commander always speaks loudly (so that, it seems that he reports someone), often raises his voice to those who are younger than the rank. Usually, Bonaparte It is shown as a person to whom “everyone owes something”, but forgetting that even with all the desire, the world will not rotate only around any one, specific personality.

A distinctive feature is also the fact that wherever the Vladyka appears, everyone immediately begins to make noise and discuss. Nonetheless, Napoleon Balzac is strong -willed, he knows how to negotiate with people.

In general, the writer speaks of the so -called "Napoleonic" type. There are such personalities everywhere. They feel good to work as advertising managers or trading agents. Under the "Napoleons" Balzac He understands cunning people who cannot sit still, can persuade anyone to anything if efforts make.

The type of Zhukov is similar - but the latter “brake” still has. While the Napoleons often confuse boundaries and limits. As a rule, the Napoleons do not care about the needs of other people. For them, the main thing is their own satisfaction.

Balzac devotes a lot of time to "ethics of emotions." People like Napoleon, in his understanding, very bright, they seem to spark. The main thing for them is to feel important. Even if they are not such.

The difference in vision Balzac From other writers that he considers Napoleon Not only as a historical person, but also as a collective image, as a type of person, that has its pros and cons and exists in modern society.

Pierre Bezukhov and Napoleon: characteristics of the image in the novel "War and Peace"

Pierre Bezukhov
Pierre Bezukhov

Another hero of the novel "War and Peace" - Pierre Bezukhov. This is the main character of the work. Here is the characteristic of the image in the novel "War and Peace":

The son of the count, who was born outside the Union, appears at the secular ball. This is a fairly high, but at the same time, a hollow young man with glasses. The main disadvantage Pierre You can name naivety. Despite erudite and good education, it is easy to circle around the finger.

At first, the young man leads not a very decent life full of worships and amusement. However, subsequently, he throws an unfaithful wife, becomes a Mason. Little by little youthful gullibility Bezukhov It is replaced by a tendency to analysis and thoughtfulness. He seeks to understand the human purpose in this world and his own purpose.

Fate sends Pierre to war. At first he is even inspired NapoleonBut then he has a desire to deprive him of his life. Bezukhov It becomes prisoner with the French. And it is in captivity that he understands that a person was created for happiness. And dissatisfaction with life does not come from the fact that everything is not enough - but from the fact that everything is in abundance. Therefore, only an ascetic lifestyle makes sense.

At the initial stage Bezukhov It is described as kind, responsive, respectful, condescending, but somewhat cowardly and very naive. Subsequently, the author changes his attitude to him - he manages to see over the years Pierre A strong and self -confident man. Nevertheless, even after a change in priorities, the hero remained the main features - kindness, sincerity, humanity.

Video: Kutuzov and Napoleon in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

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