The image of the author in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”: composition, plan

The image of the author in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”: composition, plan

The image of the author in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is clearly traced. Look for detailed information in the article.

The author is in the novel "Eugene Onegin" acts as a wise person who treats the life and actions of characters with irony. In this work, he is not hidden, but declares himself in different ways. A detailed description of the author’s image in this creation, look below. You can write an excellent essay on it. Read further.

Disclosure of the image of the author in the novel "Eugene Onegin": a plan for an essay

Disclosure of the image of the author in the novel
Disclosure of the image of the author in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

To write an essay, you will need to first draw up a plan for him. If it is made incorrectly, then the composition will turn out to be ugly and will not convey the meaning. Therefore, teachers demand from students to write plans for work correctly. This helps to develop imagination and logic. Here is a detailed plan to compose on the topic "Disclosure of the image of the author in the novel" Eugene Onegin ":

I. A person operating with rhymes as a member of society and an adviser - this is the appointment of the author in the novel.

  • A work as a reflection of the author’s soul.

II. Pushkin as a direct participant in events.

  • The author is like an inner voice.
  • The poet empathizes with his heroes.
  • The author goes beyond to describe the life of a native country in all possible manifestations.
  • Compositional parallelism.
  1. 1. The interaction of Onegin and the author:
  • Contempt for the Higher Light
  • The path to the better
  • Love for those personalities than the mind is cool
  • Books and Onegin (he more superficially perceives them than the author).
  • Science (Onegin tries himself in this, but the manuscripts are boring to him and he cannot complete anything, the author criticizes this).
  • Attitude to poetic subtleties (the author understands them, Onegin Superficent).
  1. 2. Author as a satellite and a person empathizing with Onegin’s stories, the contemplator:
  • Love for Tatyana.
  • Letter and its storage.
  • Employment of Lensky.
  • Pity for Onegin.
  1. 3. Author in the role of the hero:
  • The past and attitude towards him.
  • The narrator’s thoughts about rural life.
  • Inspiration from the stage of the theater (1 chapter).
  • The censure of sentimentalism.
  • Hopes to write a masterpiece in prose (3 chapter).
  1. 4. The ideas of the author that are reflected in the narrative:
  • Condemnation of serfdom.
  • Fleaning people of the landlord.
  • Thoughts condemning the position of the intelligentsia regarding some issues.

III. What delights me in the position of the narrator? What can be refuted?

Quotes to the composition:

“Here is all life, the whole soul, all his love; Here is his feelings, concepts, ideals. ”

“We think that there are novels, which the thought is that there is no end in them, because in reality there are events without a denouement, existence without a goal, creatures are uncertain, not understandable to anyone, even to themselves ...”

V. G. Belinsky.

What is the image of the author in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”: Composition

The image of the author in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”
The image of the author in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”

The author in the novel is not present as a kind of “all -seeing eye” that follows the heroes, encourages them or condemns them, but as a separate person. It can be seen that he is much older than Onegin. This is a friend of his father. Here's the essay on the topic “What is the image of the author in Pushkin’s novel“ Eugene Onegin ”:

The author skillfully operates with memories with a bias in the lyrics. He says in the same manner as Pushkin himself, as phrases are talking about "my faithful friend." Moreover, the author indicates that, together with the young man, they survived a difficult period, that they are akin to Splin and disappointment in life.

As for the attitude of the author to TatyanaThis is rather sympathy than antipathy. At least, he justifies her ardor. But the misses in love attributes to inexperience, admits that the girl is inclined to make mistakes. He trembledly keeps a letter of the girl with recognition. At the same time, the author explains not only the act Larinabut also the actions of all other characters.

Contrasts with experience and wisdom, not such a great age of the author. He mentions in the text about the thirty years. Nevertheless, the fact that at that time people lived much less and began a serious relationship much earlier, allows us to admit that the author is an experienced man and a skilled narrator. He likes women beautiful and slender. However, in his lifetime, he had seen them a lot. And different. The author knows all girlish tricks and techniques in relationships by heart. Moreover, it is quite observant. Prone to self -irony. Nevertheless, the author is not needed for the sake of relations for relations.

There is about the novel 25 lyrical digressions, in which it is divided not only by its plans, but also by personal things. He condemns many things - including the way of secular life, fashion, etc. It seems that even the link attracts him more than urban noise. And, surprisingly, he is more comfortable in this position.

The author is self -critical. He understands that he did a lot in life incorrectly, was far from always fair to people, and was far from always useful to society. He plans to devote his life to writing. This person has a sense of humor and natural charm.

Characterization, analysis of the image of the author-storyteller as the hero of the novel “Eugene Onegin”: what is its function, meaning, briefly for the message to the lesson, abstract, report

Characterization, analysis of the image of the author-storyteller as the hero of the novel
Characterization, analysis of the image of the author-storyteller as the hero of the novel "Eugene Onegin"

 The author has a novel "Eugene Onegin" Own roles and function is very interesting and ironic. Here is a detailed characteristic, analysis of the image of the author-storyteller as a hero of the novel "Eugene Onegin" - What is its function, meaning, briefly for the message to the lesson, abstract, report:

The author in creation is a spiritual and personal teacher. This is a person, wise with relations who made mistakes more than once, but at the same time, he realizes them. He seems to direct the main character. His judgments are in wealthy and logical. Pushkin As if it takes care OneginNevertheless, it admits the idea that, like himself, the hero has the right to some experience as errors.

This is an attractive man with a very interesting past, well -known women and gravitating towards creativity. The author of the author plays in "Eugene Onegin" important role. This is a kind and wise adviser, who inspires trust and exudes sincerity. He is familiar with the young man personally and was once in his place. It seems that Pushkin writes a novel not about a fictional person, but about a friend whom he knows very well and wants to instruct the true path.

The author's quote image in the novel Eugene Onegin: Description

The author's quote image in the novel
The author's quote image in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Using quotes of the work, one or another image can also be described. It will turn out even much more beautiful than with the help of ordinary expressions. Here is the quote image of the author in the novel "Eugene Onegin" With characteristics and quotes:    

  • The narrator calls Eugene his “kind friend”: "Onegin, my good friend."
  • Pushkin asks readers to agree with his point of view: “I am always glad to notice the difference / between Onegin and me”, “As if it is impossible for us / write poems about something else, / as soon as about myself.”
  • The author and Eugene were still familiar when Dad Onegin was alive. They were brought closer to the fact that they were both not gravitors to fun: “I made friends with him at that time / I was embittered, he knew the game / Passion, we knew both / languished the life of both of us / in both hearts the heat faded away.”
  • Both heroes are cold in relation to life: “Sad, cooled” (author about yourself), “in a wilted heart”.
  • The author stopped communicating with Onegin after the death of his father: “But soon we were fate / divorced for a long time. / His father died then. "
  • Bares a letter to Larina: "Tatyana’s letter before me / I am holy shore / read with a secret longing / and I can’t read it."

As you can see, the author’s image is revealed well. These quotes help to express and characterize the strangeness of the people of that time, their conversation and the language of the author of creation.

The image of Tatyana Larina and Lensky in the novel Eugene Onegin: the meaning of the image of these heroes and the author

The image of Tatyana Larina and Lensky in the novel
The image of Tatyana Larina and Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

The image of Tatyana Larina is distinguished by integrity and attractiveness. Here the image of Tatyana Larina and Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin", the meaning of the image of these heroes and the author:

We can say that the heroine went from an innocent young lady, who was in the first part of the work to a mature, independent woman, whom even after herself did not recognize Onegin. It was thanks to the author that its moral and personal growth occurred. This is the female embodiment of love and incredible fidelity.

Of course, Onegin In creation also changes - but there is no second chance to return the relationship. The past has become dust, and each of them (both Onegin and Tatyana), now go their own way. If we consider Pushkin’s attitude as a hero - the narrator to this heroine, he feels sympathy for her. No, not the sympathy that he felt Onegin “She is pleasant to him as a person like a person.” As for the love letter that he stores, we can say that this paper serves as an edification of Eugene, gives an impetus for what needs to be changed. However, the young man understands this too late.

As for Lensky, the author introduces this hero into the narrative for many reasons. On the one hand, this is a friend Onegin, on the other, its complete opposite. Young people think differently, act differently. Lensky does not give a relationship with Eugene analysis. But something foreign clearly invaded his usual world.

When Lensky tries to find contact points, Onegin With all appearance shows that he does not need it. Friends do not talk about childhood, do not warn each other from error, do not dream together. However, Eugene himself knows little about Lensky. Nevertheless, he respects him.

But respects in his own way, without any ostentatious gestures and pathos words. He also does not know the true nature of his friend. If for Onegin Love is an empty phrase, Lensky refers to this feeling more reverent. Lensky dies for his honor, but knows that the cause of his death is not enmity, but the stupidity of Eugene.

Attachment to Lensky or public opinion - this is what choice is facing before OneginAnd he does it. But, as in the case of Tatyana, subsequently, he realizes unlawful, but he can no longer change anything.

Video: Image of Evgeny Onegin in the novel by A.S. Pushkin. Russian literature grade 9. Infoor

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