Do I need to add an egg to cheesecakes: how much? Is it possible to cook cheesecakes without an egg?

Do I need to add an egg to cheesecakes: how much? Is it possible to cook cheesecakes without an egg?

It is better to add an egg to cheesecakes - so tastier. But there are several nuances.

Golden and magnificent cheesecakes are a favorite dish of babies and adults. Prepared easily, eaten quickly, the necessary products are available. There are many recipes. The main ingredients are cottage cheese, flour, sugar, salt and eggs.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What is the difference between soft, childish, layer, granular, crumbly, low -fat cottage cheese from ordinary?". You will also learn what curd product is, how it differs from cottage cheese.

Many housewives ask themselves a question - do you need to add an egg and is there an alternative. The answers to these questions can be found below. Read further.

Why add eggs to cheesecakes?

Despite the fact that some housewives consider eggs unnecessary for this cottage cheese dish, the product performs an important function. To get high -quality and tasty cheesecakes, you need to “glue” all the ingredients into the total mass. This role is played by eggs. And besides this, the moisture test is added.

But this does not mean that the connecting product is added at their discretion. The basis is the recipe. If you neglect the information and add more eggs, then the overkill will make the mass of liquid, and the cheesecakes will blur during frying. And no tricks will correct the situation without harm to quality.

Is it necessary to add an egg - a yolk or a whole egg to cheesecakes: how much?

So, for cheesecakes, an egg is necessary, but with some reservations. To 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, one whole chicken egg is added. But the advantage is used by yolks. They do not give so much unnecessary moisture as proteins, thereby get a real cheesecake, and not a clot of dough. For 1-2 packs of cottage cheese, one egg yolk is quite enough.

Is it possible to cook cheesecakes without an egg: what to add instead of an egg?

Syerniks can be fry without eggs. But add another product that will fasten the ingredients, that is, perform the function of the yolk. You can put it instead of eggs:

  • 1 banana
  • 2 tbsp. School of decoy
  • A couple of spoons of oatmeal
  • A little rice flour
  • 100-150 g of sour cream

You can put wheat flour.

A recipe for delicious cottage cheese cheese rods in a pan with a lush manka: how to do it?

Delicious cheese cheese cheese in a pan with a lush mank
Delicious cheese cheese cheese in a pan with a lush mank

The main goal of the recipe is to get lush and tasty cheesecakes with crispy crust that will decorate the family tea party. How to make them? Here is a recipe for cottage cheese cheese in a pan with a mankoo:


  • Cottage cheese - 0.2 kg
  • Egg
  • Sugar-sand-Art. l.
  • Sanny cereal - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Flour and vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • A pinch of salt

A few tips:

  • Preparation of products begins with the purchase of the necessary ingredients. Buy cottage cheese of high fat content. Flour of the first or second grade. A pack of cottage cheese will need 1 small egg, for example, categories C2. If selected eggs (C0) are enough yolk.
  • For the preparation of cheesecakes, select a pan with a thick bottom and anti -stick coating. Using frying oil, use vegetable refined, not burning and not foaming.
  • Prepare the necessary products in advance. They should have the same temperature. Review the cottage cheese. In the presence of grains, grind through a sieve.


  1. Connect the egg and cottage cheese. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Enter sugar and salt. Repeat the mixing.
  3. Pour the semolina. Mix. Wait for her swelling (10 min.). The dough will become denser.
  4. Prepare the panic, for which mix the rest of manna and flour.
  5. Form cheesecakes and regain.
  6. Heat the oil in a pan.
  7. Distribute the cheesecakes, slightly reduce the fire.
  8. Fry for about 10 minutes.
  9. Turn over. Slow down the fire to a minimum. Stew until cooked. You can with a closed lid.

Serve with jam, condensed milk or sour cream. Of the declared number of products, 4 portions of a wonderful dessert will be obtained.

Recipe for cheesecakes in the oven from cottage cheese: how to cook?

Prepare cheesecakes in the oven according to the following recipe. You will get a treat that the household will be appreciated. Guided by the recipe, you can maintain the shape and taste of baking. Pay attention to the lack of eggs. We will bake them in the oven.


  • 5% cottage cheese - pack
  • Sanny cereal - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar-sand-2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt

In addition to these products, do not forget about flour and crackers, which are used as a breading. You will need a bowl for dough, baking dish, bakery paper.


  1. Put cottage cheese, semolina and sand in a common container.
  2. Mix products with a spoon.
  3. Set aside the dough for 15 minutes so that the cereal swells and absorbs the liquid that appears.
  4. Divide the dough portionably, roll up a few bunks.
  5. Press each bun above and below to give the shape of the washer.
  6. Roll every blank in crackers or flour.
  7. Transfer to a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
  8. Heat the oven (you can in advance) to a temperature of 190 ° C, transfer the baking sheet. Bake.
  9. First fry, on the one hand, until the crust is formed. It will take about 10-15 minutes.
  10. Then turn the cheesecakes and bake to readiness (the same amount).
  11. Gently transfer cheesecakes to the dish.

Decorate the berries. Season with sour cream, submit boiling, honey, other seasonings. Enjoy the taste of healthy cheesecakes.

Pp cheesecakes: recipe

Pp cheesecakes with egg
Pp cheesecakes with egg

A dish for those who adhere to proper nutrition (PP) or want to lose weight. For baking, low -fat or low -fat cottage cheese, a small amount of sugar is used. There is completely absent oil. And the apple will add juicies. Here is a recipe for pp cheesecakes:


  • Fatfound cottage cheese - 0.5 kg
  • By a pair of eggs and apples (preferably solid varieties)
  • Sanny cereals and sugar-sand-1 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilin, cinnamon to wish

Since the dish is prepared in the oven, you will need a mold (baking sheet) for baking, a leaf of bakery paper or another substrate. And, of course, a vessel for kneading.


  1. Pass the cottage cheese into a vessel for the dough. Wipe the grain through a sieve.
  2. Remove the skin from apples, remove the seeds, grate.
  3. Send the resulting apple puree to the cottage cheese without delay. Mix thoroughly with a fork, without waiting for the darkening of the apple mass.
  4. Pull the eggs. Culinary cooks recommend adding exclusively proteins. The calorie content increases from the yolks, which for this PP dishes is not forcredible. Mix.
  5. Enter flour, sugar, salt, seasoning into the curd-clamp composition. Knead the dough.
  6. Cover the mold with paper, slightly smear with vegetable oil, otherwise the products will stick.
  7. Dip the spoon into cold water, then distribute the dough with it on a baking sheet.
  8. At this point, warm the oven to 190 ° C. Add a baking sheet with blanks.
  9. Bake over medium heat for a third of an hour.
  10. Cool slightly.
  11. Lay the napkin on the dish and shift the cheesecakes.

Syerniks will decorate any meal. They are happy to eat children and adults. The main thing is that when cooking, do not overjoy from the outside and bake from the internal side.

Video: The best cheesecakes in your life in 5 minutes!

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