Do I need to add salt to the dog: which, what should be considered? What is the danger of an excess of salt in food?

Do I need to add salt to the dog: which, what should be considered? What is the danger of an excess of salt in food?

Do you add salt to the dog? Look for the answer to this question in the article.

Many dog \u200b\u200bowners are wondering: "Is it possible to suck food for a pet, in what quantity and will it harm him?". Salt is harmful even to humans, especially in large quantities, and for the pet, as many people believe, it can be fatal in general. Is it so?

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From this article you will learn how and in what quantity you need to suck food to dogs. We will also talk about whether it is necessary to salt food to old dogs or puppies. Read further.

What is salt and what is its benefit?

Passing salt for dogs
Passing salt for dogs

Salt is a mineral compound that looks like colorless crystals. In natural conditions, it is in sea water. Often the salt consists of impurities, so it looks different. What is the benefit of salt? Read more:

  • If you use it in reasonable quantities, then you can even benefit from it.
  • For example, it is useful for helping the internal organs of both humans and animals.
  • Sodium and chlorine, which are contained in salts that are also useful for people and pets.
  • Sodium is actively involved in the formation of gastric juice, regulates the work of the muscle and nervous systems.
  • But chlorine attracts toxins, removes from the body, and holds water in the body.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Do you salt food for the dog: can the dog give salt?

Dogs, like people, need sodium chloride in a small number, so that there is no dehydration, failures in the work of the heart and the problems of hematopoiesis, the development of seizures, and the fragility of bones of digestive disorders. Do you salt food for the dog, can you give it salt? Read more:

  • When the issue concerns feed nutrition, then it is not necessary to salt, since salt is already present in the composition of the feed.
  • But if we are talking about natural feeding, then there are nuances. If the dog is fed with food from the store (cottage cheese, milk, meat, vegetables, fish), then food needs to be drunk.

In fact, everything is simple - cook the food yourself, then arrange, give the finished food - salt is not needed. Read more more.

Do dogs need salt in food: do I need to add?

Although the salt in the diet of your four -legged friend is necessary, the need for pets in it is six times less than people. Do dogs need salt in food, is it necessary to add? Read more:

  • If the dog is fed with full-fledged feed, then they already have a sufficient number of chlorine and sodium. At the same time, salt does not have to be in some components, it can initially be in raw materials.
  • When the diet of a dog is composed of a person based on fish, seafood, raw meat and vegetables, then a pet does not need salt, because these products already contain the right number of trace elements. However, it is not forbidden to annoy food in this case.
  • When feeding a pet, boiled food, part of the product goes into the fluid when boiling. If you put salt when cooking, then it is better not to suck the finished food, since you can overdo it.

If you give a pet even boiled food, then the diet will have all the necessary vitamin-mineral complex, which includes all important trace elements, including chlorine and sodium. Therefore, if the dog eats with pleasure unsalted food, then do not put the salt additionally. If the pet eats poorly or he is accustomed to salted food, then you can slightly salted.

Do animals get salt in the wild?

There is also salt in the wild
There is also salt in the wild

Some people think that in the wild animals do not receive salt at all, but this is far from the case. This mineral is always present in the diet of the animal in one form or another. So, do animals get salt in the wild? Read more:

  • Mountain goats, for example, for the sake of salt can climb to the highest and most inaccessible places.
  • Sometimes it also happens that moose and other forest animals go on the road in search of salt that carriageways “bring” on their tires. But this does not always end good.
  • But the wolves are much simpler - they have enough of the salt that they receive from their prey.

In order to avoid the death of animals, the foresters arrange the so -called salt lines. They put wooden troughs or feeders in which salt is poured. Animals are happy to eat from these feeders.

Can a dog add salt when cooking food?

So, we have already talked about whether the pet or not. Now let's look at whether the dog can add salt when cooking food.

  • If the pet eats products from your refrigerator in the form of cheese, sausages of other purchased “goodies”, then there is no need to salt food when cooking.
  • But if the dog is on natural nutrition, but at the same time it eats mainly porridge, broths, or soups, and not raw meat, then you need to salt, but in reasonable quantities.

Remember: Salt needs very little, somewhere four times less than a person consumes.

How to understand that there are too many salts?

Naturally, you are worried about your pet. And you want to know for sure whether you transplant a four -legged friend. How to understand that there are too many salt? Signs of salt oversaturation are the following factors:

  • Violation of the water balance. Sodium is delayed in the cells, which absorbs a large amount of water. Therefore, excessive thirst appears. Regardless of weather conditions, the pet will drink a lot.
  • Trying to remove excess salt, the kidneys begin to work more intense. But the fact is that if one organ begins to work in an “accelerated mode”, then others begin to do as well.
  • The kidneys can work in this mode for a very long time, but the cardiovascular system can not. That's why extra salt in the body is a lot of water, and this is already a load on the heart. This organ begins to malfunction, as a result of which swelling of the limbs, neurological seizures and oxygen starvation appear.
  • Intestinal disorder (diarrhea, vomiting) There may also be a signal that there are too many salts in the body.

In general, any excess is harmful to any organism. There should be a measure in everything and in the use of salt as well. Read further.

What is the danger of an excess of salt in food?

Salt excess is dangerous for a dog
Salt excess is dangerous for a dog

We have already told the above what is dangerous for the body to overabundance of salt in food. This also leads to irritation of the digestive tract, violation of mineral metabolism and constant thirst. If you overdo it with salt for a pet, then with a high probability the animal will have diseases of the kidneys or bladder.

Salt in its pure form can lead to signs of poisoning and vomiting, so you need to give it a carefully.

Salt food to the dog or not every day?

If every day the pet eats products in which salt is already present, then it is not necessary to introduce it. Salt food to the dog or not every day? Read more:

  • If the animal is fed with factory feeds, then the need to salt additionally disappears.
  • If the dog eats food from the table, but at the same time it is still fed with delicious ones, additionally salt in the food that you cook is not necessary to put.
  • If you strictly monitor the diet of the dog, and not feed with delicious food, then salt must be put in food only in a small number, about 4-6 times less than a person eats.

As you can see, everything is simple. Below even more useful information. Read further.

Which dogs are impossible at all?

But there are also cases when dogs cannot be consumed at all, and even a minimum of this mineral can be deadly for a pet. Do not add salt to the dog, if she has:

  • Pathology of the kidneys
  • Ailments associated with bones and joints
  • Chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system
  • Gall bladder and liver diseases
  • Dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract

Such animals should only be prepared for fresh food, and it is necessary to exclude products from the human table containing salt. Canned food, sausage, sausages and other goodies should be prohibited.

What salt can dogs be given?

It is useful to use purified sea salt
It is useful to use purified sea salt

It is worth noting that healthy four -legged friends, salt can be put in food, but a little. There are different types of this mineral on the shelves. What salt can dogs be given? Salt is divided into varieties, and sodium content in it can be different - from 97% to 99%. In addition, other components, such as potassium sulfate, chloride, etc. may also include. carbonates, iodides, fluorides. Animals that suffer from a violation of the functions of the thyroid gland are undesirable iodized salt, and Extra salt after processing contains few useful substances.

The best salt is sea. It contains many valuable minerals that are necessary for any living organism. It includes:

  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Iodine
  • Zinc
  • Silicon and others.

These trace elements are involved in different processes that occur in the body. For example:

  • Iron Participates in the transportation of oxygen.
  • Zinc and manganese Support the protective functions of the body at the right level.
  • Magnesium He takes part in cellular metabolism, acts as an anti -allergenic and anti -stress element.
  • Potassium It is needed to resolve processes inside the cells.
  • Calcium It contributes to the formation of a bone skeleton, participates in blood coagulation, prevents the body from the development of infectious diseases.
  • Selenium Protects the animal from oncology.
  • Bromine Need for the nervous system.

Thus, it can be understood that salt is not just a food supplement to food for a pet, but also useful trace elements that animals need. The main thing is to choose useful salt and give it in small quantities. Read more.

Do old dogs need salt in food?

Older dogs need special care. And feed them better with proven feeds. In particular, you should not give food from the table. Be sure to check the health of the pet with the veterinarian, and follow his advice. Keep in mind if the pet has any diseases, and refer to this when choosing food.

Old dogs are also necessary in small quantities. But, if the pet has pathologies of the kidneys or cardiovascular system, then it is better to refuse to add sodium to food. Moreover, it is forbidden to feed the pet food from the refrigerator - sausage, cheese and other similar products.

Do I need to add salt when feeding puppies?

Experts argue that at a young age of dogs, a lack of chlorine and sodium leads to a deterioration in the growth of the skeleton. Do I need to add salt when feeding puppies?

  • Sodium is a trace element that contributes to the formation of bone tissue, a cartilage skeleton, and basically this happens at the age of one year.

Thus, it is clear that at this age a small amount of salt must still be introduced so that the puppy is enough for normal development.

What should be considered so as not to harm the pet?

Salt is useful for the dog, but in small quantities
Salt is useful for the dog, but in small quantities

Many owners of tailed friends in their heads have a question: is salt useful for dogs, and is it necessary to give it at all? Let's summarize. What should be considered so as not to harm the pet? Read more:

  • If the dog is fed with dry feed, salt should be completely excluded from the diet. In all feeds, there is originally salt, so it should not be given anymore.
  • You also need to think about how often a pet to feed from the table. If an animal often falls a piece of cheese, fish, sausages, then definitely the norm of salt is already in the body of a pet and this is enough.
  • No need to salt food if food for a pet is prepared from products purchased in the store.

Remember: Water for a dog should always be in the public domain. If there will be too many salts in the animal’s body, then this will immediately be clear by the amount of water drunk. If he drinks a lot, you need to review the diet.

Is it necessary to salt food to the dog or not, only the owner decides. But you always need to remember that all the good should be in moderation. Good luck!

Video: Is it possible to salt food to dogs when cooking?

Video: How can you not feed dogs?

Video: Why do cook salt eat in food?

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