Which dog is better to buy: a girl or a boy? Pros and cons of dogs of girls and boys

Which dog is better to buy: a girl or a boy? Pros and cons of dogs of girls and boys

Which is better if you have a dog or you don't have it? Which dog to buy for an apartment? And which one for a private house?

If you decide to get a dog, you probably care about the question - which dog is better to buy, a girl or a boy? Read in our article about the pros and cons of dogs of girls and dogs of boys.

Which dog is better to buy, a girl or a boy when keeping her in an apartment?

If the choice of the dog’s breed is already made by you and it remains to decide which dog is better to get a girl or boy, follow the call of your heart.

Sometimes men choose a friend of dog dogs, and women of dog dogs. Each option has its pros and cons. Why are dog dogs good?

Almost all dog breeders consider dog dogs more intelligent and more smart than boys.

Advantages of girls dogs:

  1. Girl dogs adapt faster to life in a city apartment.
  2. They are easier to teach to celebrate natural need during walking.
  3. Adult bitches do not strive for constant mating, they need this only during estrus.

If a lonely woman starts a girl, a girl, That she acquires a friend and a family member who understands her mistress with a semi -glory. After all, smart dogs can not only remember the main teams, but also understand the speech of their mistress or master.

If a lone man turns a lonely dog, Then he wants to see in him a faithful friend and comrade. If a family wants to get a family with young children , then the choice of a puppy is almost always for children. The character of the dog depends not only on whether the boy is or the girl. An important role is played by the upbringing of a puppy and breed of a dog. If you need a companion dog that will live in an apartment, do not choose dogs that need to run and move a lot.

In a closed space, from a sedentary lifestyle, dogs can begin to spoil furniture and things. Especially often this happens during the absence of owners in the house. You can’t blame the dog in the pogrom if it is left alone in the apartment. After all, she can gnaw at the furniture and she can simply from the fact that she moved little in a small apartment, and she was bored.

Having bought a small, amusing puppy, the owners are not aware of what awaits them ahead:

  • Wiping puddles and cleaning piles in the most inappropriate places of the apartment.
  • Collecting torn things, slippers and other shoes.
  • Barking in the morning and night when you want to sleep.
  • Walking the dog twice a day in any weather.

Now even in district cities you can find work on dog walking. It is so difficult for some owners to walk with the dog, especially in the snow and frost that they are ready to pay money to a person for this service.

In any version, either with a dog-girl, or with a boy, you will not be sad and lonely. Dogs can cause many positive emotions and joys. The pranks of dogs can overshadow this joy. After all, they are animals, albeit domesticated. As a result, the owners begin to think that they needed to have a dog, but an aquarium with fish. Fish and furniture do not spoil, and do not bark in the morning, and do not ask for a walk to the street in any weather.

Video: Which dog is better to buy?

Pros and cons of dogs of girls and boys

When choosing a dog’s floor, it is good to know the pros and cons of dogs of girls and boys.

What are the advantages of dog dogs:

  • Girl dogs are more smart than boys-boys.
  • They are more attached to the owner.
  • They are easier to accustom to walking twice a day.

Cons of dog dogs:

Two times a year, and sometimes more often, dog dogs will have an estrus, the result of which will be either puppies, or depression and health problems if there is no pregnancy.

What are the advantages of dog dogs:

The only plus of boys dogs can be considered the absence of estrus and pregnancy. In all other indicators, boys-boys are inferior to girls dog dogs.

Cons of dog dogs:

  • Very often eagerly.
  • In the absence of a good walk - damage to the master's good.
  • A constant desire for mating.
  • The desire to “mark” their territory, raising paws to furniture and other objects suitable from the point of view of the dog.

There is an opinion that with dogs of small breeds, less and trouble. But, it is precisely small dogs who are loudly and loud to react and loudly react to any noise. Therefore, if you like silence and peace, choose cats or aquarium fish.

Small dogs, like any other small representatives of fauna, are more active. Compare, for example, fussy sparrows and important geese. A small monkey is also more fussy than a large gorilla. The same is manifested in the character of small dogs. They bark more and bit more often than large thoroughbred dogs.

But an important plus and factor when choosing can be that small dogs live longer than big.

Which dog to choose: a boy or a girl?
Which dog to choose: a boy or a girl?

Which dog is better to buy, a girl or a boy when keeping her in the yard?

The content of the dog in the apartment differs from the maintenance of it on the courtyard. When keeping in the apartment, the owners will need to think about how to accustom the puppy to the toilet? Such a problem does not care about the owners who hold dogs on the street in dog booths.

Those who contained dogs in the courtyard for a long time know that dog dogs deliver more trouble to the owners than boys. After all, endless instruments of puppies can torture even the most humane and patient owners.

If you hope that you will not jump over your high fence, you will have to be upset, since there is no guarantee in this case. Striving for mating male, who caught the smell of ready -made bitch ready for real miracles. They jump over two -meter fences and sink into impassable holes.

As a result, your dog leads five to seven puppies twice a year, and you will have to work hard to give them out at least for free in good hands. Therefore, many refuse the content of dog dogs.

Kobels striving for the bride are capable of miracles
Kobels striving for the "bride" are capable of miracles

The boys are less trouble. This is nothing that adult males constantly strive for mating and trying in every possible way to break the chain. Some of them howl at night and prevent their owners from sleeping. If you never kept the dog seven times think about all the pros and cons, then start it. Because in particularly severe cases you will have to either come to terms with the shortcomings of your dog, or give it to a dog shelter.

When choosing a dog, you need to take into account whether you can take responsibility for her life and health, because we are forever in the answer for those we have tamed.

Video: Which dog is better to buy: a boy or a girl?

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