How does the dog choose the owner in the family: why does it choose one owner?

How does the dog choose the owner in the family: why does it choose one owner?

If you want to get a puppy, then you should know how the dog chooses the owner in the family.

Dogs have long been living with a person as pets. There are many theories explaining the cause of these animals in the house. The most common of them - a man tamed a wolf, and thereby acquired a defense and a friend, and the beast received shelter, food and care.

And you knew that they exist breeds of dogs that will not listen to another owner. These are 5 most beautiful and unique breeds.

Now it’s hard to imagine a modern world without dogs. Some people are afraid of them, but the majority treats love and respect. When purchasing a dog, it is important to immediately prioritize and let the animal understand who the master is in the house and who should obey. How do dogs choose their owner? How to make the pet choose you by the owner? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

Do the dog dogs choose?

Dog and its owners
Dog and its owners

The closest relative of the dog is a wolf. Animals live in flocks, and if relatives become its members for the wolf, the dog builds a hierarchy of relations in the family. Initially, the animal may try to win the place of the main one, but over time recognizes the power of man. The dog really chooses the owner.

There can not be more than one leader in the pack, so the dog considers that member of the family who initially took the dominant position. At the same time, certain roles are assigned to other people living in the house. The animal walks with one, the other feeds it, etc. It is worthwhile to understand that even if the dog is friendly with all the tenants of the house, it will obey only to those whom she recognized as a leader.

At what age does the puppy choose the owner in the family?

A dog chooses a master in a family in adolescence
A dog chooses a master in a family in adolescence

The first months of life for the dog are the most important period of socialization. She begins to know the world and her environment. Therefore, it is very important at this age to lay all the necessary attitudes in the pet. At what age does the puppy choose the owner in the family?

  • It is important to understand that the experienced negative experience of communication, if he was, will remain with the dog for her life. For example, a man that offends the animal so far it was a puppy, will always be an enemy for her.
  • A very small puppy does not understand which of the people is the main one. Therefore, it reaches for everyone.
  • In adolescence - about 5 months, The dog can determine the leader.

Respect is a person who spends a lot of time with the animal, plays, rightly punishes, trains and treats. No less important for the pet and how the owner behaves with other family members.

Why does the dog choose one owner?

The dog chooses one owner
The dog chooses one owner

The dog chooses a leader not only in relation to a person to her. In the dog’s understanding, members of the pack (family) are divided into several main niches:

  • Alpha. The most important member of the pack, making all decisions and responsible for offspring.
  • Beta. Flock members of the pack, replacing him if necessary.
  • Gamma. Young family members, these include children and the animal itself.
  • Omega. The elderly family members who need to be protected.

Why does the dog choose one owner? Answer:

  • Because in flocking animals it is laid down by instincts that there should be only one leader.
  • The owner of the dog, as the main in the pack, must fully fulfill the dominant functions: to protect, feed, treat and instruct its members.
  • Also, his solutions are always out of competition. In no case should you belittle the authority and increase the voice on the head of the family in the presence of a dog, especially in a puppy age.

Growing up, the dog may try to become an alpha. In the flock of Gamma-Sosobi claims the place of the main one. Young animals do better with the duties of the leader, because it is easier for them to get food and protect their flock.

How does the dog choose the owner in the family?

The dog and its master are similar
The dog and its master are similar

Everyone knows that the pet chooses the owner in the family at the level of instinct. But how does this happen in dogs?

  • Often you can see photos of pets, surprisingly similar to their owners. And this is understandable. In addition to the authority for the dog, the coincidence of energy with the owner is important.
  • An aggressive animal will be closer to an active and strong -willed person, a flexible dog will rather prefer a homebody.
  • In no case should the pet prove his role with the help of strength. You need to take care of the dog, protect it from dangers and over time it will begin to protect you.

Joyful wagging its tail and licking from head to toe does not mean at all that the dog considers you a leader. So these animals express their positive emotions.

How to determine, to understand who the dog chose the owner in the family?

The dog looks into the owner's eyes
The dog looks into the owner's eyes

Every family member should take care of the dog. The animal can be friendly with everyone. But how to determine, to understand who the dog chose the owner in the family? There are several signs that mean that the pet chose the owner of a particular person:

  • Eye contact. The dog looks directly into the eyes of the one whom he respects.
  • Joint sleep. Not necessarily in one bed, the animal can simply be nearby.
  • Chain yawn. The dog yawns after the owner.
  • Separation of toys. The pet brings his favorite toys to the owner.
  • Tactile contact. Dog "kisses", the animal often puts the muzzle on the host of the owner.
  • Obedience. The commands of the leader are always executed.

The dog can go to one, bring objects to another. But it is the totality of all signs that shows whom the animal chose the master.

There is a simple test that allows you to determine which of the family members the dog considers the main one. The dog is planted, people claiming the title of the owner, diverge from it at the same distance, and begin to call at the same time. The animal will run to the one whom he considers the leader.

What to do to make the dog choose you by the master?

The dog chose the owner
The dog chose the owner

One who takes on all the functions of an exemplary “parent” will be able to become a leader for the dog:

  • Will take care
  • Develop
  • Treat
  • Walk
  • Be in love

But sometimes I want the pet to prefer you to the leader.

Important: At a certain moment, the pet may try to conquer leadership, this must be immediately suppressed. But, in no case by physical strength. It is forbidden to beat the dog so that it does not.

The dog chose the owner
The dog chose the owner

What to do to make the dog choose you as the master, recognize the main thing? Here are the tips:

  • Go to the place unknown by the pet. Leading in an unknown territory is a leader.
  • Do not show the animal your fear. Dogs feel sharply uncertain or fright, and a real leader cannot have these qualities.
  • Do not let the pet look at you from top to bottom. Leaders are always more than other members of the pack, you should not let her run up the stairs in front of you, so you will seem less than you really are.
  • Bring the case to the end. Demanding the execution of the command, do not retreat, because the leader always achieves submission.
  • Play the tug of things. The dog will feel that you are stronger than her, while not showing aggression.
  • Do not let the dog show aggression directly to you. The animal can be angry and bite the towel with which you wipe it, or the clawer, but not you.
  • Be sure to do the upbringing and dressing of the dog. You show her your mind and experience.
  • Stop undesirable behavior. Use soft pressure methods: a reproachful look or formidable intonations.
  • Do not punish the dog for no reason. Alpha is always fair and cannot clean evil on the animal just like that.
  • Do not postpone approval and censure. Immediately praise for a good act and punish for disobedience.
  • Do not chase the dog. The leader can catch up with a member of the pack only to punish.

Only a person who is confident in his abilities can become a leader. Treat the dog with love, but do not forget about severity, then the animal recognizes you as a leader.

The dog chose another owner: what to do, can it be?

The dog chose another owner
The dog chose another owner

You acquired a puppy, but he does not recognize the leader in you. The dog chose another owner. What to do, can it be?

  • Most likely this is because in the family you are not a leader.
  • Often dogs are made for children, but the animal treats them as equal, and it is almost impossible to change this.
  • Alpha is always the strongest and most brave, all family members are subordinate to him and he is respected.
  • Therefore, demanding recognition from the animal is useless.
  • Do not forget that dogs, like all animals, live in instincts, feeling a leader and obeying him.

A situation is possible when the dog recognized you as a leader, but after some time another family member became a leader for her. This can happen for several reasons:

  1. You have offended the animal greatly. For example, hit or left for several days. The leader never leaves his flock and does not allow himself to show aggression to its members.
  2. Your authority was belittled with a dog. For example, they raised a voice on you in her presence or swung. Such an attitude towards the leader is not permissible.
  3. You are not engaged in a dog. Training, feeding, treatment, walks - your direct responsibilities in relation to the animal. Having shifted care to another family member, do not be surprised if the dog recognizes his leader.

In general, these animals are very devoted creatures. The change of the owner is stress for them, therefore, having chosen one leader, the animal ceases to consider him such in very rare cases. But having offended the dog, you risk not only losing her respect, but also become an enemy for life.

How does a homeless dog choose the owner and choose?

Homeless dog chose the owner
Homeless dog chose the owner

Dogs become homeless from birth and because of unscrupulous owners. In the first case, making friends with the animal and tame it will be quite simple. In the second, it is worth considering the circumstances because of which the dog was on the street. If the previous owner beat the animal and mocked him, then faith in people will be very shaken. And it is very difficult to restore this trust, but possible affection, care, love.

How does a homeless dog choose the owner and choose? When the animal from the street falls into the family, it chooses the leader according to the same principles as the teenage puppy, which was raised by the smell. The person who enjoys respect is distinguished by a strong -willed character and who is obeyed in the family will be the master for the dog. You will see this in the puppy eyes that look at you and the implicit execution of the teams.

It is also worth considering:

  • It happens that the previous owner of the dog died, and the pet was on the street.
  • In this case, get ready for the animal to yearn.
  • After all, everyone is known about dog devotion.
  • No need to be offended and jealous, give the pet the time and surround with care and attention, over time the dog will definitely appreciate this.

It is more difficult to accustom stray dogs to life in the family than thoroughbred. It will take a lot of patience, time and effort. It is better to take very small puppies, to raise them much easier.

Important: The dog, selected on the street, hardly gets used to life in the house, but getting used to it, becomes the most devoted friend forever.

It is not without reason that the dog is a friend of man. It is difficult to find a more contact and loyal pet. You can start a dog if you are confident in your abilities. Get ready for certain difficulties: attempts to conquer authority, aggression, spoiled furniture. But having gone through all the difficulties, and taming the animal, you will acquire a faithful friend who will never betray and leave. Good luck!

Video: How to become a leader for his dog in 3 minutes?

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