The most long -lived dog breeds - name, description

The most long -lived dog breeds - name, description

What dogs live the longest? Maybe these are huge dogs and Caucasian shepherds? Or are tiny chihuahua more resilient? Read about this in the article.

Dogs are inaccessible, and no one knows how much life is measured for every dog. But there are dogs long -livers - breeds with stronger health than other dogs.

Surprisingly, the most long -live dog breeds - This is Chihuahua and others little dogswho live in lady's handbags. Such a dog, if she is lucky, will live up to 17 years old. But powerful Caucasian shepherds and others large dogs On average, they live much less than small ones, only 7-12 years. They have more the load on the joints and on the internal organs because of their dimensions too large for the dog.

Large breeds of dog dogs - name, description

We decided to divide our rating into two parts: long -lived breeds of large and small dogs. Here we will tell you what large breeds of dogs of centenarians.

Many, having started a large dog, and then losing it due to illness, are upset, and begin to blame themselves. Do not do that. Big dogs, contrary to the laws of the rest of the animal world, live less than small dogs.

No one knows why this is what happens. There is a version that when large breeds of dogs were removed from small ones, their bodies became more loose. And from this, health problems are coming.

So that you can navigate what a large pet can spend more time with you, we offer our rating, it includes large breeds of dogs of centenarians.

1. Alaskan Malamut

Alaskan Malamute is a dog that is very similar to Husky. But her eyes are never blue, the iris of these dogs are brown, the colors of tea brewing.

Alaskan Malamute is a breed of long -lived large dogs. The average life expectancy of these dogs from 13 to 16 years old.

These are sled dogs that are able to survive in the ice tundra, and even drag the harness in the snow. It would seem that everything is fine, but because of their endurance, the Alaskan malamuts can bring problems to the owners.

These dogs have a lot of energy, you need to try to walk with them at least an hour a day. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the dog will simply have nowhere to put himself, and she will gnaw your slippers and furniture. By the nature of the Malamuts, very cheerful and playful.

Alaskan Malamute - long -lived breed of large dogs
Alaskan Malamut - long -lived breed of large dogs

2. Australian shepherd dog

They cannot be mentioned in the ranking of the most long -living breeds of dogs. After all, it is the dog of this breed that the world champion in the duration of dog life. The most long life, a shepherd nicknamed Bluei from Australia is considered the longest life. She survived until 29 years and 5 months. The dog lived on the farm and guarded herds of sheep and cows for more than 20 years.

The average life expectancy of shepherd dogs from Australia from 12 to 15 years old.

They are slightly smaller in size of the Alaskan malamuts. Dogs are specially bred to help shepherds. They say that these dogs need to be careful with families with young children. They are unlikely to attack the baby, but the dog can perceive it as an animal from his herd. She can demand from the child so that he does not go too far, barking loudly and scare the baby. Older children in relations with this dog are fine.

Australian shepherd dogs have an interesting color. They have wool with gray villi on their body, as if with gray hair. But there are brown "glasses" of a bright color in the face. In some dogs, only one eye was circled, and others have both at once.

Dogs record holders for life expectancy
Dogs record holders for life expectancy

3. Standard poodle

Probably, in your understanding, the poodle does not apply to large dogs. Indeed, there are many breeds of small poodles, such as dwarf poodles or toy-poodles. But the standard poodle is a fairly large dog. In height, it reaches 50-60 cm.

And the poodles are dogs long -livers whose breeds were one of the most persistent. The average life expectancy of a standard poodle is 14-15 years.

Everyone thinks that if you started a poodle, you should go to Grumher almost every week every week. But caring for the wool of the poodle is not very difficult. They leave little wool around the house and sink little. And if there is no desire to mess with complex hairstyles, then you can make a poodle of a short haircut. Although with interesting hairstyles, the poodles are obtained by kings and queens of beauty.

Poodles can be included not only in the rating of the most long -lived dog breeds, but also by the list of the most intelligent dogs. They are easily trained, very affectionate and delicate. Poodles are thin natures, they are shy, and suffer when there is a lot of noise around them.

Standard poodle
Standard poodle

4. Chau-Chau

This long -lived dog of a large breed is a real curiosity. Chau-chau look like charming red or black cubs with folds on the face in which eyes are sinking. They are funny puffing and funny. And when the dog shows the tongue, and it is blue, it becomes a cherry on the cake. The surprise of children who first saw Chau-Chau has no limit.

The average life span is not very small for dogs, and is 12-15 years.

Chau-chau are quite serious. Despite the cute appearance - these are guard and hunting dogs. They have a good grip and hunter instincts. You need to educate chau-chau strictly, with a firm hand.

Large dogs that live longer than others
Large dogs that live longer than others

5. American Elsa Shepherd

Instead, a German shepherd could be included in our list of long-lived dogs, it also lives on average 9-13 years. But German shepherds are familiar to everyone, and the Alzac are special. They are similar to real wolves with long hair of gray color. At the same time, the soul in the Elsa dog is not at all a wolf. These are kind and loyal dogs similar to German shepherds. Alsa dogs were taken by crossing German shepherds and malamuts, which occupy the first place in our list of dogs of long -livers.

The average life expectancy of the Alsar dog 9-14 years old.

Elsa dog
Elsa dog

Interesting: to make dogs long -livers, it is better to cross the breeds. Such dogs, born from parents of different breeds, take the best for the quality of quality from the father and from the mother.

The life expectancy of ordinary unfortunate mongers is also quite solid. They live up to 15 years. This is associated with the fact that mongrels have a wide variety of genes.

Breeds of dogs of long -livers among small dogs - name, description

Who would have thought that small, almost bald and thin to the impossibility of Chihuahua would be the most resilient among dogs. They are drunk in warm clothes and worn in a bag, but Chihuahua can travel in a ladies bag for 17 years. The pen in the list of dogs of long -livers and the breed of the smallest dogs, they occupy for a reason. It is these babies that are the strongest health and the strongest genes.

1. Chihuahua

These dogs are of two types: short -haired and long -haired. They come from Mexico. This is terrible, but some historical sources say that ancient Aztecs bred these dogs to eat them. The customs of the ancient peoples were harsh. The average weight of Chihuahua is 2.7 kg.

This is an unconditional winner in the ranking of the breed of long -livers among dogs. Chihuahua live on average from 14 to 17 years old.

Chihuahua is a tiny dog \u200b\u200bwith a huge character. These kids are active and fearless. Sometimes they plunge into confusion of large dogs with the firmness of their intentions and confidence in their innocence. Chihuahua has a stable nervous system, and this is a rarity for dogs of small breeds. They have high intelligence. Wanting to achieve what is desired, Chihuahua can go to all sorts of tricks and actively persuade its master.

Short -haired and long -haired chihuahua
Short -haired and long -haired chihuahua

2. Dachshund

Everyone knows what a dachshund looks like, but not everyone knows that this is a hunting breed of dogs. Short legs on hunting allow you to penetrate the holes and pull out the prey from there. The dachshund is devoted to its master, loves children, friendly.

The lifespan of the dachshund 12 - 16 years.

Short paws of dachshunds do not prevent her from running quickly. But the long body creates an additional load on the intervertebral discs. The consequence of this may be health disorders, especially after strong physical exertion, for example, from a long run.

Dachshund - dog long -liver
Dachshund - dog long -liver

3. Yorkshire Terrier

A very popular dog for maintaining an apartment. The Yorkshire Terrier has a body weight of about three kilograms and a long wool cover. From this wool, the owners are very fond of making hairstyles for dogs. A variety of bows often flaunt on the head of the Yorkshire Terrier.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a breed of dogs of centenarians. Their average life expectancy 13 - 16 years.

Interestingly, initially the Yorkshire terriers were brought out for hunting rats and mice in mines and mills. And then these dogs liked the noble ladies because of their beautiful appearance. However, noble ladies of those times also had problems with rats and mice. Clothing of some dogs: overalls, dresses, pants, are not inferior in elegance and originality with outfits of exquisite fashionistas. This dog can be called a toy dog. She is bathed in expensive shampoos, led to a hairdresser and sometimes to a personal dog fashion designer.

Yorkshire Terrier - Long Living Dog
Yorkshire Terrier - Long Living Dog

4. Dwarf poodle

The dwarf poodle is a friendly, loving children and games of a dog. Initially, poodles were brought out like a dog for hunting in swamps. These beautiful dogs instead of their owners climbed into the dirty water and brought them ducks and other birds. But then the poodles turned from hunting dogs into dog dogs.

Dwarf poodles live from 12 to 16 years.

The dwarf poodles were very fond of the French Queen Maria Antoinette. A whole flock of dwarf poodles could be seen in the royal palace and near it. They were trimmed and combed in a different manner. Now there are entire clubs of fans of poodles. And the poodles are also a circus dog in Russia. Trainers appreciated the ability to teach poodles.

Dwarf poodle lives 15 years
Dwarf poodle lives 15 years

This article does not list all the long -lived dog breeds. You can list them for a very long time. Long -live dogs include Pomeranian spitz, terriers, and Maltese bolones. Dogs who live up to 15 years and delight their owners for a long time - not very rare.

Video: long -lived dog breeds

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