Muslim signs for sneezing: what should I say when sneezing in Islam to the one who sneezed?

Muslim signs for sneezing: what should I say when sneezing in Islam to the one who sneezed?

Islamic belief is so multifaceted and in detail that it is not only a way of life, but also a set of rules that regulates almost every physical or spiritual movement.

And even such a seemingly absolute and involuntary action, like sneezing, has its own meaning and interpretation.

What does the hadith say about how to sneeze in Islam correctly?

  • The hadith, who incorporated the traditions regarding the words or actions of the Prophet Muhammad, clearly tells that Allahu like sneezing and unacceptable yawning: “Truly, Allah loves sneezing and does not like yawning,” according to Abu Horera. In addition, he says that the Prophet believes that sneezing comes from Allah, and yawn is saturated with shaitan. And then, the same specific recommendation should be given praise to Allah after sneezing - as Ahmad claims.
  • That is, sneezing, the Muslim must thank the Lord, and the one who is nearby and hears it is to answer. In addition, the hadith says that sneezing (or a person who felt the signs of an approaching attack of sneezing) must cover his face, and especially his mouth, with two hands, and also - if possible to lower his voice.

What should I say when sneezing in Islam to the one who sneezed?

  • As the Prophet Muhammad tells, gratitude to Allah should be expressed as follows: the sneezer must say "Alhamdulillah" (This literally means that a person thanks God). Anyone who will hear these words, according to the teachings of the prophet, must answer: "Yarhamukyalla"What does the wish of the health and mercy of Allah mean.
  • And one more phrase-adherenticity completes this ritual: the one who sneezed must thank the health that wished him and ask the Lord to instruct him on the true path, making him better and smarter. "Yachkiykumullah wa Yuslikh Baalyakum" - So this phrase in Islam sounds.

Are Dua accepted during sneezing?

  • In one version of the hadith - Rivaite - you can find words that if a Muslim sneezes while reading Dua, then this is a moment that the Dua is accepted by Allah. This hadith is marked with one of the most authoritative and revered interpreters of the Qur'an Taberani as reliable.
  • It is also true that sneezing and thanking Allah for this, Muslim Thus, he also reads a certain Dua, which the Lord wants and is accepted by him. According to legend, the Prophet, next to which two sneezed at once, read Dua for only one of them.
  • "I made a dua for the one who elevated gratitude to the Almighty", - this is how the Prophet explained his actions. You can read about this with the author of the collection of Hadis Muslim, who called for a prayer to the Almighty for the one who “sneezes and praises Allah” and not pray for the one who neglects this.
  • Hadis Abdullah ibn Masud, Bukhari and other interpreters of the Qur'an emphasize that among the most important duties of a Muslim to his co -religionists - a mandatory reading of the DUA for the sneezer.
About sneezing
About sneezing

What is the meaning of the request for mercy while sneezing in Islam?

  • In addition to the generally accepted concept of gratitude to Allah for every action that takes place by his will, there is another great wisdom of turning to the Almighty for someone who sneezed.
  • According to one of the most famous and revered experts in the hadiths, Imam Ibn Hajar, another meaning of appeal to Allah with a prayer give mercy, consists in the fact that sneezing, like any action affecting the facial nerves, can cause their paralysis. To avoid this, Muslims turn to Allah, asking them to maintain their health and guise.

What to do if a non -Muslim sneezes?

  • When it happens that the Muslim is next to the Gentile, and he sneezes, according to Islam, you should turn to the sneezing with the words "yachdikallah", which means the wishes of the wise instructions of Allah.
  • Thus, the Muslim demonstrates politeness, but at the same time does not ask the Almighty for the Gentle, as he would do for a co -religion.

What to do if a child sneezes in Islam?

  • A child in Islamic beliefs is any person who has not reached puberty. Usually, after sneezing, they do not want the mercy of Allah or his wise instructions.
  • Muslims wish a child who only comprehends the concepts of good and evil, bad and good, saying the blessings of Allah, saying: "Barakallahu fica/ficks" or "Anshaaallahu Inshaan Salikhan", What does the wishes mean to grow pious, thanks to Allah.
Child's sneezing in Islam
Child's sneezing in Islam

What gives praise to Allah during sneezing?

  • The hadith says that if a Muslim pronounces "Alhamdulillah", especially before a person has time to sneeze, he will receive the protection of Allah from dental and ear pain, as well as from diseases associated with the stomach.
  • If such words were not spoken, then other Muslims should not turn to the Almighty with a request for mercy to the sneezer. And if the standing one did not hear, the praise was pronounced to Allah after sneezing, then he should ask the mercy of the Almighty for the one who praised him, or remind you of the need to do it.
  • If the praise is uttered, you need to ask the Almighty to provide mercy to the sneezer.

What to do if the Muslim sneezed more than once?

  • It happens that a person sneezes repeatedly. If sneezing is nothing more than three, then mercy is asked for him after every time, as he sneezes and thank Allah.
  • If sneezing lasts longer, then in Islam it should be wished for Allah healing him, pronouncing him "Shafallah". If sneezing occurs not in a row, but at certain intervals of time, then the mercy of Allah is asked after each sneezing.
  • Abu Huraira spoke about this, noting that more than a threefold sneezing means that a person caught a cold, and then the wish is not pronounced.

What to do if sneezing in Islam occurs during prayer?

  • In this case, all the words are sneezing and the one who asks the Almighty for him, pronounced in the same order. At the same time, the one who sneezes during the prayer should turn to Allah not in his thoughts, but to pronounce the words aloud, but quietly - so as to hear himself.
  • If the Muslim while he sneezed, he read Fatih, he should not only thank Allah, but also repeat Fatiha first, since the sequence of reading and his continuity was broken.

What will happen if the praise of Allah does not have praise after sneezing in Islam?

  • The sneezer must necessarily praise the Almighty, this is his duty, as a believing Muslim in Islam. The departure from this canon is sinful, and then the anger of Allah will be brought on the head of the sinner. Also, as a sin, as the Prophet says, is not to answer the sneezing as described above.
  • Facial paralysis - This is one of the consequences that can lead to sneezing, and therefore it is so important to ask the Almighty for mercy so that he helps to avoid the disease.

When you do not need to ask Allah for mercy for the sneezer in Islam?

  • According to the Islamic theologian, Ibn Dakik al-Ida, you do not need to contact the sneezer if it is read at this time friday sermon. According to the scientist, this leads to disagreements, because in order to turn to Allah with a request for mercy for the sneezer, the Muslim must distract from the words of the imam, and this cannot be done.
  • Pronounce “Yarhamukalllah»You can after the sermon is completed. It should also be done if Imam sneezed himself - you can ask for mercy for him either after the end of the reading, or if a pause caused by chichi comes.

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