How and how to treat shoes from nail fungus and feet? How to treat shoes from miramistin, chlorhexidine, formalin, formalin, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide for disinfection?

How and how to treat shoes from nail fungus and feet? How to treat shoes from miramistin, chlorhexidine, formalin, formalin, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide for disinfection?

Analysis of the effectiveness of funds and the rules for processing shoes against the fungus.

The fungus is a tricky disease that is difficult to treat.
One of the important stages of the prevention and treatment of this is shoe disinfection.
You can take medications for years, rub the feet and nails with medicinal products, stroke socks, but without taking measures to “treat” shoes, and remain with this disease for life.

How long does the fungus live in shoes?

Without disinfection, in a "frozen" state, the fungus can live until the end of the wear of shoes.
Therefore, even after the most effective treatment, one can again become infected with this disease from your own shoes. And to wear shoes with someone else's leg is a very big risk.

How to treat shoes from foot and nail fungus for disinfection?

How to treat shoes from the fungus?
  1. Aggressive solutions that destroy bacteria (vinegar, formalin)
  2. Drugs: napkins, solutions, sprays (Gorosten, Micostop, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine)
  3. Special devices with ultraviolet radiation

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Is it possible to process shoes with a mushroom of a foot miramistin?

Treat shoes from miramistin fungus
One of the most fictional and safe means, which will primarily advise any mycologist - miramistin.

  • To disinfect shoes, use a 0.1% solution
  • The drug has an antibacterial property, does not have a pronounced smell.
  • The disadvantage of this tool is too high the price, which questions its use for antiseptic goals of shoes.
    The consumption of the product is quite large, since the shoes absorb the liquid well and has a large surface of processing, and the bottles, most often, have a small packaging at a large cost

Processing of shoes from the fungus of the foot chlorhexidine

Processing of shoes from the fungus of the foot chlorhexidine
Miramistin and chlorhexidine - This is the same drug with different firms manufacturers and names. Only chlorhexidine is many times cheaper.

Processing of shoes with formalin from the fungus of the foot and nails

Processing of shoes from foot and nail fungus formalin
A magnificent effect on the destruction of the fungal bacteria has a 25%solution formalin.

It has disadvantages:

  • Since this is a very dangerous tool, it is not possible to find it on sale
  • And having processed shoes, it is very difficult for them to get rid of a sharp unpleasant odor, which can be killed by wiping shoes with ammonia again
  • The product is very toxic, working with it is necessarily carried out in gloves and mask

Formidron for processing shoes from nail fungus

Formidron for processing shoes from nail fungus
Although it is possible to purchase the drug without difficulty. But very low formalin content in the drug does not make it possible to fully disinfect shoes. He is completely not effective For this procedure.
Formidron - intended to combat active sweating, as a means with an antiseptic effect

How to treat shoes with vinegar from the fungus?

Process shoes from the fungus vinegar

Since, 40-70 % Essence is a very aggressive liquid, very often this method is not used correctly. Yes, not to spoil the shoes, cotton wool soaked in vinegar, put in a toe of shoes, clogging for a day. This is not enough For complete disinfection.


  • Pull out insoles and wipe them on both sides
  • Disinfect the entire sole and inner part of the shoes, in the flesh to the sock
  • And only then put a cotton wool with vinegar, packed in a day in polyethylene

Important: with such processing, shoes are losing a quality appearance. Stains or stains on the skin may appear

  • We use acetic acid correctly or do not use at all, choosing another method
  • Do not forget to ventilate, after processing

Video: shoe disinfection at home. We protect our legs

Hydrogen peroxide processing of the nail fungus

Peroxide is also used in the fight against mushrooms
Hydrogen peroxide processing of the nail fungus

Hydrogen peroxide - A great drug for disinfection of wounds and cuts.

  • But unfortunately, it does not fit to combat fungus bacteria
  • Despite the fact that folk healers practice this remedy for the treatment of fungus. This is a very protracted process, in combination with other folk remedies
  • Medicine also does not refuse peroxide with joint treatment with medications.
  • That is, for handling shoes it can be used in the complex. But is it worth it?
  • After all, the property of the drug to oxidize the material will not lead to anything good. The color of the shoes will change to unpredictable
  • Therefore, it is better to look for other disinfection methods

How to treat shoes with a spray from nail fungus?

How to treat shoes with a spray from nail fungus?

You can certainly process shoes with described methods. But unfortunately, almost all the solutions used have an unpleasant odor and a tendency to deteriorate the quality of shoes after their processing.
A good alternative will be modern sprays for shoes. They not only relieve an unpleasant odor, but protect and save shoes from the fungus, having a pleasant aroma or its complete absence.

These funds should be used in this order:

  1. Remove insoles
  2. We apply a spray on both sides
  3. We impregnate a cotton swab or sponge
  4. We distribute throughout the inner and outer surface of the pair
  5. Packing in a plastic bag
  6. Leave in this form at night
  7. Then we remove the packaging and ventilate

How to process and how to disinfect shoes from the fungus with folk remedies?

In addition to sprays, all the described methods of disinfection can be called folk. Since they are not directly designed for processing shoes for fungi.
Add to this you can still disinfectant such as alaminol, according to the manufacturer, it is very effectively fighting with the fungus

  • Dissolve it in water: 1: 100
  • Pour shoes with a solution
  • We pull out insoles and put in the same solution
  • We withstand 1.5 hours
  • Rinse with cold water
  • Dry

General rules for processing shoes with folk remedies:

  • Previously, I wash and dry shoes
  • We wipe well from the inside well from the inside with a swab.
  • We pull out insoles and wipe separately
  • Put the swab in the toe of the shoes, pack it in a plastic bag
  • We maintain 24 hours
  • Then the shoes are ventilated until the smell disappears. According to the evaporation of which, the completion of the processing can be determined

Important: disinfection should be carried out before the treatment of the fungus. Then in the process of treatment monthly. Finally - upon completion of treatment.

In order to prevent re -disease with this incident, it is necessary to wipe the shoes with disinfectant solutions or special sprays systematically. This is much easier to do than subsequently intensively fight an unpleasant disease.

Video: how and how to disengage the shoes from the fungus?

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  1. After the fungus, she treated all the shoes with chlorhexidine, and her legs with gel mizol so that the fungus of 100 percent would not return. A gel based on the outfit and plus it contains tea tree oil (who does not know, this is an excellent antiseptic), so it works effectively. I make an order for

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