What is nail prosthetics on the arms and legs and where is it done? Lessing of nails on the legs with a fungus

What is nail prosthetics on the arms and legs and where is it done? Lessing of nails on the legs with a fungus

With a fungus or severe damage to the nail, prosthetics of the nail plate are used. What is this procedure - read in our article.

Every woman dreams of being Ideal and irresistible. In the image, everything is important to the slightest details: clothes, shoes, perfumes, hair, nails. But, sometimes, our nails it is difficult to call the ideal. As a result of lack of vitamins, injuries, diseases, unsuccessful manicure procedures, nails lose beauty and health.

Do not despair - even nails that have an ugly form from birth, can change. You can always find a solution to the problem on the path to beauty and self -confidence. That is why in our time it has gained wide popularity nail prosthetics procedure.

The essence of the procedure of nail prosthetics

Nail prosthetics - The procedure for replacing a damaged or absent nail on the arms or legs using artificial materials. The nail is completely replaced and attached to the remaining of the nail plate special plastic materials.

Nail prosthetics are a medical procedure
Nail prosthetics are a medical procedure

Sometimes as a result of injury or illness the nail is completely or partially destroyedLeaving a cosmetic defect. This problem is not fatal and, in principle, does not harm health, but causes discomfort. This defect is especially excited about the beautiful half of humanity.

If for some reason you do not have a nail, it is deformed or split-it does not matter, prosthetics will perfectly cope with this task and you will feel comfortable again. After prosthetics, the nails will look like natural.

You should know that the procedure for restoration of nails using prosthetics has nothing to do with nail extensions In manicure salons. All of us, known gel, acrylic and other materials are categorically not suitable for prosthetics.

When prosthetics of nails, medical plastic masses are used
When prosthetics of nails, medical plastic masses are used

The materials used by the masters of manicure are too dense and completely non -plastic. With a load, they can be damaged by themselves and injure the nail bed. Materials that are used in prosthetics - nail masses.

These materials contain a large amount of plastic substances that create strength, but at the same time flexibility as in natural nails. Also the prostheses contain components that will not allow under the leak of the nail bind the fungus and bacteria.

With the help of a nail prosthesis, you will achieve the following results:

  • The nails will look beautiful and natural again
  • Fingertips are protected from injuries and loads
  • The sensitivity to the fingers on the hands is returned if prosthetics are carried out on the toes
  • The feeling of support is returned, which is lost, together with the nail.

Video: Nail prosthetics with medical gel

Causes of nail prosthetics

We have to resort to the nail prosthetics procedure If you have:

  • Injuries in which the growth and development of the nail is completely or partially disturbed
  • Fungus that can lead to the destruction of the nail
  • Nail stratification
  • Congenital anatomical nail defects. For example, spoon -shaped nail
  • Flewing nails
  • Consequences of nail operations
  • It is necessary to create an additional space for a growing nail
  • Clipping the nail. Can be longitudinal or transverse
  • Violation of the growth of the nail
Prosthetics are carried out when a natural nail can no longer fulfill its function
Prosthetics are carried out when a natural nail can no longer fulfill its function

Contraindications to nail prosthetics:

  • Open wounds on the fingers or on the nail bed - the procedure can be carried out after healing the wounds
    • Inflammatory and purulent finger diseases - the procedure is carried out after treatment
    • “sharp” period of nail fungus - you can not prosthetize the nail if the fungus was not treated
    • The complete absence of the nail - not a single prosthesis will be kept simply on the skin. For prosthetics, it is necessary to have at least 3 mm of your nail plate.

Lessing of nails on the legs with a fungus

A lot of people around the world are sick with fungal nail diseases. This is perhaps one of the most common diseases on our planet. What affects the fungus Nails and arms and legsLeaving behind not pleasant consequences.

Prosthetics is often used for fungus
They often resort to prosthetics with a fungus

In addition to a bunch of costs of drugs, regular nail treatment, shoe change, the fungus leaves us deformed, dry, Resentless nails.

Our nails thicken, crumble, become yellow. Even after the course of treatment, the fungus is very long wait for the nails to grow And they will find a normal look. Prosthetics of nails will come to the rescue in this situation.

With fungal diseases, prosthetics of nails should only be carried out After the course of treatment of the fungus. This can be treatment with tablets, creams, sprays, as well as hardware treatment methods.

Before prosthetics, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment from the fungus
Before prosthetics, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment from the fungus

When treating the apparatus, the affected part of the nail it is processed with a special tool, a cutting “bad” area of \u200b\u200bthe nail and, using radiation, kills a fungus, which is located under the nail and in the deep layers of the nail plate.

After treatment, you can proceed to the extension procedure. It is very important to use materials With the addition of antifungal drugs!

If you make prosthetics on a patient with a fungus, then a complete destruction of your own nail is possible. It will be impossible to fix this, because the prosthesis is only attached on the remainder of a healthy nail plate.There will be no artificial nail on the skin.

Prosthetics - fast and painless procedure
Prosthetics - fast and painless procedure

Prosthetics methods:

  1. Methodology "Glue+Kopolin" - Using the finished nail mass
  2. Ungizan - The method is founded by the use of hardening mass.
    3. Gel “Gevol" - a method of prosthetics with a light -core gel

All these methods differ among themselves The cost of the procedure and expediency for use in each case. Which one to use always the doctor decides, after all, each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages and only a specialist can correctly weigh the pros and cons.

Whatever the method your attending physician chooses for prosthetics the nail plate is prepared:

  1. Grind and treat the nail roller, because in the absence of a nail it replaces it
  2. If there are exfolved parts of the nail, then they are removed
  3. Immediately before applying the prosthesis and its fixing, the natural nail plate is degraded.

Nail prosthetics according to the Bauman method

When using this type of prosthetics, two -component Polymer Ungizan. Its composition includes powder and liquid, when mixing which a mass forms for prosthetics.

According to the Bauman method, prosthetics are produced using a polymer
According to the Bauman method, prosthetics are produced using a polymer

Also used pouring method, when the doctor floods the mixture on the nail bed and gives it a form, polishes it. This method is best used for fungus.

The second use of this drug is creating "record"When a finished nail plate for a particular patient is created from the polymer. This method is perfect for prosthetics of nails both on the arms and on the legs.

The only condition for using Ungizan is the presence of a remainder healthy nail plate, which should be at least 3 mm.

Method "Clay+Konolin"

This is the most difficult method of nail prosthetics. During such prosthetics, glue and Konolin are applied to the nail in layers. Konolin - This is a natural, “breathing” material. The number of layers required to the normal thickness of the nail is applied. Next, the surface of the prosthesis is polished, polished.

After creating the nail plate, the nail grinds and does not differ from natural
After creating the nail plate, the nail grinds - it does not differ from natural

An artificial nail is obtained by a natural look and very durable. This method is best used when prosthetics of nails on the legs and fungal lesions, as the gap contains antifungal drugs.

Gel gel for prosthetics

Gevol gel - This is a special light -hardened substance, freezing the polymerization gel. It is simply applied to the damaged nail bed and freezes. It is created very thin and Elastic layer. Then the specialist gives him the desired shape.

The advantage of this method is what prosthetics are significantly easierthan previous species.

Gevol prosthetics is the most popular method
Gevol prosthetics is the most popular method

Also, at the request of the patient, a color gum is used. Exists Three shades - Pink, transparent and opal. Mixing these colors allows you to create a natural -colored nail prostheses. Another plus of Gevol - it has antifungal components. In addition, the gib is recommended to be used for talling, broken and deformed nails.

After completing the procedure of prosthetics, the nails can be painted - the gum is not afraid of acetone and varnishes. When growing, there is no line of the transition between the prosthesis and its own nail.

Care for the prosthesis of the nail

Having made nail prosthetics, you need to remember that nail prostheses have their expiration date and need care:
• with serious problems with nails, the growing of your own nail can drag out up to 1 year, and the prosthesis on average serves 1-3 months. It is necessary to constantly be under the supervision of a doctor who conducted the procedure and follow all his recommendations

The nail prosthesis requires special care, and after 3 months it must be changed
The nail prosthesis requires special care, and after 3 months it must be changed

• It is important to treat the nail prosthesis antifungal sprays(Clotrimazole, triclosan, tea tree oil). After all, the prosthesis is fixed to the remnant of its own nail and does not fit to the skin. There is always a gap between the prosthesis and the nail bed in which bacteria and fungus can be started
• You can not often wear narrow shoes. If the prosthesis is always compressed, this will lead to its deformation and injury to the nail bed
• To improve blood circulation in a damaged nail bed, you need to do a daily massage of the base of the nail. You can do this yourself. Just apply the cream in your hands, first, ruin it well, and then, alternately massage the base of each nail, pay special attention to the damaged finger. The same procedure should be done with the legs.

Where can you do nail prosthetics?

Nail prosthetics are engaged in specialized cosmetology clinics. There are special rooms and specialists trained in procedures to create nail prostheses . Most often they do this podologists.

In any case, nail prosthetics - this is a medical procedure. Therefore, to preserve your own health, it is better to carefully choose an institution and specialists.

Nail prosthetics should be carried out only in medical clinics
Nail prosthetics should be carried out only in medical clinics

When prosthetics, it is necessary to use nails high quality materials and special tools. It is very important that all the materials used are sterile and disposable.

The use of brushes is unacceptable, since they cannot be completely sterilized and, together with the prosthesis of the nail, you can get fungus or bacterial infection. Only disposable spatulas can be used.

Stepstick prosthetics, reviews

Most reviews about nail prosthetics are positive. The main thing is to find competent specialistthat will make the whole procedure neatly and correctly. After that, it is important to clearly follow his recommendations for the care of the prosthesis and come to consultation on time.

Most of the women who have passed this procedure are focusing on the fact that after prosthetics their nail grows even and strong, and the prosthesis lasts an average of 4 weeks - 3 months. It depends on the pace of its own nail grows.

Lessing of nails on the legs has many positive reviews
Lessing of nails on the legs has many positive reviews

They also note that a prosthesis can varnish of any shades And without problems shoot them with acetone. The material of the prosthesis is not painted and does not deteriorate. Most of the reviews suggest that after prosthetics, the nail roller on the legs stopped rough, the skin has become soft and more sensitive.

In conclusion, we can say that the nail extension procedure will help to solve problem with damaged nails And he can give self -confidence and the impeccability of your image. Do not be afraid to consult a doctor and decide on to prosthetics. The procedure is safe and absolutely painless.
Be healthy!

Video: Landing of the nail plate

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Comments K. article

  1. The video was very surprised: a professional will never use brushes! They themselves wrote a sterile instrument (!) Or disposable. Neither a brush nor a brush are one.

  2. if the nail needs to be prosthetics on your hands, also to the extension?

  3. Deter Baumann is my boss. And he will never allow the nails affected by a fungal infection! Do not write such information! A fungal nail prosthesis is harm to health! And yet - Ungizan Dater Baumann also does not work!)

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