Which doctor treats nail fungus on the arms and legs, what is it called? How do experts treat nail fungus with ozone, laser, pills, ointments, iodinol?

Which doctor treats nail fungus on the arms and legs, what is it called? How do experts treat nail fungus with ozone, laser, pills, ointments, iodinol?

How to treat the foot fungus? Are folk remedies effective? What are the dangerous pills for mycosis?

Which doctor to contact with the fungus of nails on the legs and arms, what is it called?

Nail fungus is a sensitive problem. Many are embarrassed by him and pull the visit to the doctor to the last. But remember that mycosis (namely, this disease is called in medicine) does not go through in itself. Despite the vigorous advertising slogans, it is almost impossible to cure it yourself.

First of all, you need to contact the therapist. He will analyze your history and redirect to another specialist. In some cases, the fungus is a consequence of diabetes, and then you will need the help of an endocrinologist. If your medical history is not burdened with anything, then a dermatologist will help you.

If the fungus has moved into a neglected form, then you cannot do without the participation of a mycologist. If the disease was only indicated, then the therapist will be able to offer you help.

The sooner you consult a doctor with the problem of mycosis, the easier the treatment will pass
The sooner you consult a doctor with the problem of mycosis, the easier the treatment will pass

Medical treatment of nail fungus

Micosis of nails on the legs can be treated using two tactics:

  • with the help of local funds (only with a mild, barely outlined form of the disease)
  • combining local and general drugs (most often, when you noticed a developed fungus, you already need to use both therapeutic varnish and tablets)

It is difficult to get rid of the fungus. System drugs (tablets) are usually very toxic, they have a poor effect on the liver. But this does not mean that you need to refuse treatment. The course should be carried out under the constant control of the doctor. He will monitor the state of the liver, and, in the case of a dangerous situation, will cancel the drug or prescribe another.

Almost all pills for mycosis are very toxic, then their correct use is not dangerous
Almost all pills for mycosis are very toxic, then their correct use is not dangerous

Doctors say that mycosis is easier to prevent than cure. The key to healthy nails is careful hygiene. But do not confuse cleanliness and sterility.

“Often, both mushrooms and bacteria are on the skin of a healthy person,” explains the famous doctor and TV presenter Evgeny Komarovsky. “But they are in a state of competition.” What does it mean in our understanding of "ensure cleanliness"? This means killing all bacteria. When we actively kill microbes with disinfectants, mushrooms lose their natural competitors and begin to grow rapidly. ”

Treatment of neglected shape of the nail fungus with a laser

If the traditional protocol for the treatment of mycosis scares you, you can turn to innovative methods. True, it will be expensive (even more than the course of medicines, which is also expensive). One of these means is a laser. This is a painless and fast method, it has no side effects.

If you are afraid to treat the fungus using official medicine, try new but unverified methods
If you are afraid to treat the fungus using official medicine, try new but unverified methods

The laser warms up the nail plate, reaching its deep layers and affecting the nail bed. It is difficult to achieve such penetration from ordinary drugs. And disputes lie there. Under the influence of high temperature, they are damaged.

The doctor himself will calculate for you a schedule of visits. It usually requires at least three procedures. Between them you need to wait from a week to a month.

Treatment of nail fungus ozone

Another non -traditional method for treating nail fungus is ozone. The tissues around the affected nail are chosen with small injections with this substance. It is believed that due to this it is possible to suppress the activity of the fungus and restore the nail plate. True, official medicine is sure that it is impossible to restore the affected nail.

Ozone treatment is a method to which official medicine is skeptical
Ozone treatment is a method to which official medicine is skeptical

There are no reviews about getting rid of the fungus with this method yet. And the doctors themselves, who advise ozone treatment, admit that it must be combined with traditional medicines.

Fleet fungus tablets

There are many tablets for the treatment of fungus. But all of them are different trade names of several active substances. There are not so many substances themselves. Most often, doctors prescribe one of these drugs:

  • terbinafin
  • fluconazole
  • itraconazole
Mycosis tablets are an effective tool, but they have many side effects
Mycosis tablets are an effective tool, but they have many side effects

All of them are equally effective (of course, if a doctor prescribed them to you, and, moreover, he advised the corresponding local remedy in addition). They can be sold under dozens of different names, including those popular as Lamizil, Mufungar, Flucostat.

But in order to choose the cheapest medicine in the pharmacy, it is better to remember the international rather than a trade name.

Treatment of nail fungus iodinol

Yodinol is an alcohol solution of iodine. Many patients themselves “prescribe” this remedy for nail fungus. It is applied to a cotton swab and treated with the affected area from 2 to 4 times a day.

Iodinol is able to disinfect, but not treat the nail plate
Iodinol is able to disinfect, but not treat the nail plate

Official medicine does not recognize Yodinol as an effective means of combating mycosis. All myths about its effectiveness are built on the ability of this solution to disinfect the skin. But disinfection is effective only as the prevention of mycosis. For treatment, the drug should penetrate into deep affected tissues, and iodinol does not have such properties.

Ointments for the treatment of nail fungus (link to drugs)

Local tools for nail fungus are produced in different forms. There are varnishes, drops or ointments. Each of these forms has its own characteristics.

  1. Varnishes are easy to apply to the affected areas. They do not require frequent updating. At the beginning of the course, you will have to use a means of two days. When the fungus is almost defeated, you can use once a week.
  2. Drops are also quite easy to use. They are quickly absorbed and dry, but they will have to be updated twice a day.
  3. Ointments and creams are an outdated form of release. They are the least convenient to use. To treat the damaged area, you need to apply the product to a cotton swab, treat the nail, and then seal it with a patch. The procedure will have to be repeated twice a day.
Local funds are effective only in combination with tablets
Local funds are effective only in combination with tablets

Most often, such active substances are found in ointments and creams:

  • mikonazole
  • amorolfin
  • terbinafin
  • bifonazole

They are produced under the brands of Lamizil, Mikonazole, Bifosin.

Duration of treatment of nail fungus in a specialist

Treatment of nail mycosis is a long -term matter. Whatever the product you use, you will have to wait until a healthy plate grows. Nail growth rate is an individual feature of each person.

But most often this process takes about six months. Therefore, you need to prepare for prolonged treatment. It is important not to throw the work begun in the middle, at the first signs of improvement. Otherwise, the fungus can develop resistance to the drug prescribed to you. And it will have to be treated already with large doses, or even more toxic medicine.

No matter how great the temptation is, do not succumb to the promises of charlatans, assuring that you can recover faster. The body will not be completely free from mycosis until the clean plate grows.

Folk treatment of nail fungus

Traditional medicine fights with a fungus, as it can. For this, the most bizarre tools are used:

  • rubbing pieces of tea mushroom
  • copper sulfate and goose ointment
  • glycerol and tar
  • lotions with vinegar and chicken protein
Folk remedies can reduce the onset of the disease, but not cure
Folk remedies can reduce the onset of the disease, but not cure

Many funds have no reason. The biggest thing they can do is disinfection. If you carefully monitor cleanliness, then the external manifestations of mycosis can really decrease by some time. But it is impossible to eliminate the cause without medical treatment.

So, mycosis is a complex and delicate disease. But do not be shy, in the hope that the fungus will pass by itself. Having noticed the manifestations of the disease, see a doctor immediately. Then the treatment will pass faster and easier, and the drugs will be less toxic.

Video: The fungus of the foot and nails - danger, causes, paths of infection, symptoms

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  1. Yes, I think with a fungus you can cope at home. Now, when I ran into such a disease, I dripped Mizol and made baths with soda- in the end and without any doctors, everything went very quickly. Now there is no nasty smell, and the nails are beautiful, as before, without yellowness)

  2. Such a problem as a fungus is really very unpleasant, since getting rid of it will not work quickly, it takes time. But in general, basically when the fungus begins, a pair of legs in salt, and I put Mizol medicine on the nails, so after a couple of days, itching and peeling, and the fungus itself disappears faster. There were no side effects after this, although the price is more budget than many analogues

  3. The sister had a fungus on her legs. They bought an infinite number of ointments, creams, liquids in pharmacies. The dermatologist appointed pills several times to drink courses. Well, nothing helped. They began to search for effective treatment in Kyiv.

    Found !!! Nogots, like a glass - clean, even, smooth. Who has a problem, contact the clinic. An external set, plus internal treatment at the same time, and the sister simply had an improvement in front of his eyes. True, you need to work hard (soar your legs, clean and scrape your nails, lubricate and apply ointment). But this treatment gives the result.

  4. Somewhere in the pool I picked up a fungus on the nails of the thumb on his legs. For three years, he treated to no avail with all sorts of pharmacy drugs. Nothing helped. Once on the Internet I read a review about the Medical Center "Resonance" in Kyiv, where they successfully cure the fungus. I was going for a long time. Finally began treatment. There they offer simultaneous and internal treatment at the same time. The outer one -it is necessary to soar your legs every day, scrape the nail plates and apply all sorts of ointments to the remaining nail, and internally take once a day at the time of the tension of the herbs, which was previously picked up to me. True, I had to work out seriously, but after 5 months everything became fine. The nails are clean, even, as before infection. I am satisfied with the result, even very much. I recommend. Truth. If you are not in Kyiv, you can write them to the email address, they will explain everything and can send a set to your address.

  5. Nail fungus could not be removed for years, although he did a lot
    attempts. I tried almost all the pharmacy products, then I tried the laser. The nails a year later became even worse. It was difficult to even walk in closed shoes. They crushed his thumbs. The nails after laser processing became tuberous and rough. In general, he suffered. Even after the army in 1997, from where I generally brought this very fungus, it was much better. Now I finally found the institute of the resonance chronicle in Kyiv, where they help to solve the problem with this ill-fated fungus.
    He turned to the institute after he read on the Internet. I called and decided to try it. After all previous unsuccessful attempts, I took care of treatment again. I acquired a set, which was proposed at the Institute of Chronomedicine Resonance. They connected even internal treatment, take the tinctures of herbs according to the scheme. Treatment, of course, helps a lot. The nails were already cleaned to very thin ones. But before the end, it is still necessary to begin to grow healthy nails. Anyway, I receive such fundamental and effective treatment for the first time.

  6. I treated my nails at home myself. I have a friend of a subsurrent doctor who is engaged in cracked heels, calluses, corns and a fungus of nails and not only .... She advised me to the cream from the nail fungus of the nails 911 Twins TEK. It is intended for softening and painless removal (removal) of the nail affected by the fungus. The nails then grow up healthy.

  7. When the fungus began, I did not know just where to put myself with anger, because the summer was just on the nose, but then I nevertheless went to the joke, and began to use the medicine that he attributed to me, it is called Mizol. I applied it twice a day on damaged nails, and over time, a completely healthy plate began to grow over time. And his price is absolutely low.

  8. with such a problem, it is better to go to the doctor right away. Often they prescribe both medications and folk methods with a complex, I told me ointment with propolis, smear my mouth, and do the baths with celandine, after a month a good nail has grown up

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