Night awakening: reasons, what diseases do they warn us about?

Night awakening: reasons, what diseases do they warn us about?

Chinese folk healers are convinced that night awakening is a sign that a lot of negativity has accumulated in the human body that can cause diseases. To understand why you wake up at night, you need to take into account the exact time of awakening.

Read more the reasons for frequent night awakenings will be discussed in this article.

Frequent night awakening: Reasons

If you go to bed early and cannot fall asleep, check the thyroid gland
If you go to bed early and cannot fall asleep, check the thyroid gland

Night awakening from 23:00 to 1:00

  • If you wake up in this period of time, this suggests that you prevail the emotion of disappointment. According to oriental exercises, this explains the problems in the field gallbladder. When a person sleeps, the brain tries to restore all the internal systems that have been obscured during the day. The active process of restoring the gallbladder begins somewhere closer to midnight.
  • If you fail to fall asleep at this period of time, or you wake up, then you emotionally disappointed. Such thoughts will prevent healthy sleep, and provoke problems with the gall bladder. First you need to consult a doctor to examine the gall bladder, and get recommendations on quality treatment.
  • You can also use the recommendations indicated in Chinese medicine. Life energy is called qi. She constantly circulates through her body. As soon as a person faces an experienced, it begins to increase. To calm down, you need to lower the energy a little.
  • To do this, imagine that there is an energy flow inside youwho moves behind your hands. Sit on the bed and hold your hands at face level. Think about how you lower energy. To do this, lower your hands. After returning to the starting position, and repeat the exercise several more times. If everything is done correctly, you will immediately feel drowsiness.

What are the night awakenings associated with 1 hour to 3 in the morning?

  • Awakening during this period of time is associated with emotion of anger. She has a direct connection with the liver. To understand this reason, seek a doctor’s examination. You can also use a simple and effective exercise.
  • First of all, try to complete Complex "Qigun", aimed at the spine. The technique will take only 15 minutes, which will lower energy, and cope with the emotion of anger.
  • You can also drink a glass of cold water. If everything is done correctly, your body is relaxed, and you will immediately want to sleep. The main thing is not to use gadgets or books. They will only distract your attention.
  • If you have been faced with night awakenings for a long time, after the Qigong complex you can use a detailed equipment. Promise for yourself that repeat the practice if you cannot fall asleep within 15 minutes. It often works. You will fall asleep quickly and will not wake up.

Night awakening from 3 to 5

  • If you wake up during this period of time, this indicates problems with the emotion of sadness. It is connected with the lungs. If your night awakenings occur at this time, you should think about the health of the lungs.
  • Refuse smoking and sign up for the pool. Before making a swimming, consult a doctor, because there may be contraindications. You can also perform a simple set of exercises “qigong”, which will relax the chest, and normalizes breathing.
  • After opening the chest, you will breathe well, which will reduce the level of sadness.
Understand and work out your sadness
Understand and work out your sadness

You can also perform a fairly simple exercise that will take only a few minutes:

  1. Sit on a solid chair, and lean your back against the back of the chair.
  2. Take your head back and spread your hands on different sides.
  3. Breathe deeply. During your breath, feel what other parts of the body you can relax so that it becomes easier to breathe.
  4. When you relax, you will immediately feel drowsiness. It is better to go to bed right away.
  5. Dessert will also help to cope with sadness. Before proceeding with the exercises, use a candy, a piece of cake or cookies. If you follow the figure, you can use a dried fruit (dates, dried apricots or prunes).
It is important to pay attention to the colon
It is important to pay attention to the colon

How to get rid of night awakening?

If you constantly wake up at night, or you can’t fall asleep for a long time, adhere to such recommendations:

  1. Try to spend less time in bed. Many people mistakenly think that early going to sleep will increase its duration. To cope with insomnia, go to bed 1-1.5 hours later, however, wake up at the same time. In a few days you will fall asleep much faster, and you will not wake up at night.
  2. Do not doze in the afternoon. The more time you doze off during the day, the less you will sleep at night. Doctors allow you to relax during the day, however, the duration of sleep should not exceed 20 minutes. This is better to do up to 2 o’clock in the afternoon. This is enough to gain strength.
  3. 2-3 hours before bedtime refuse alcoholic beverages, smoking, physical activity and use of heavy foods. All these factors can provoke night awakening.
  4. Refuse the consumption of drinks, which contains caffeine, per 7-8 hours before bedtime.
  5. If you can’t fall asleep for a long time, do not try to lie in bed further. You can walk around the room, do a quiet job. At the same time, do not turn on the electrical devices, and do not pick up the phone.
  6. Do not follow the time on the clock. During the calculations of the amount of time remaining to sleep, you begin to worry. This will block drowsiness, and you cannot fall asleep.
  7. Control stress and anxiety. Do the exercises that are aimed at relaxing. Meditation may come to the rescue.
  8. Try to avoid complex conversations 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  9. Before going to bed, ventilate the room, turn off the lighting, TV and phone. If you are afraid to wake up at night due to the noise of the neighbors, use the bers. In order not to wake up at sunrise, hang tight curtains on the windows. As an alternative, use a blindfold.

Now you know that night awakening is not an accident. Often they talk about the availability of health problems. If you regularly wake up at night, seek a doctor’s advice. Take the examination to find out the true reason. After you need to treat the disease, according to the doctor’s prescription.

Reasons why you wake up at night: reviews

  • Diana, 37 years old: She began to notice that in a week I wake up at 3 nights already 5 times. It frightened me a little, and I decided to see a doctor. After the examination, it turned out that hepatitis began to develop. Now I am at the stage of treatment, and I hope that everything will work out.
  • Christina, 20 years: Often I woke up at 4 a.m. and I can’t fall asleep. And before the alarm call, only 2 hours remain. After awakening, I feel tired and unaware. In the process of examination, it turned out that the lungs were clogged with resins. I had to quit smoking. A week later, everything has normalized, and now I don’t wake up at night.
  • Zhanna, 32 years: Despite the fact that I went to bed at 22:00, I wake up every 2 hours at night. On the network I found a technique that allows us to lower qi energy. Already 3 minutes after the exercises fell asleep. However, I decided to undergo a medical examination, and it turned out that cholecystitis was developing. After the treatment, everything has passed, and now the night awakenings do not bother me.

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  1. These are all nerves. I woke up in front of the graduation daughter every night at exactly two hours, it’s very difficult to fall asleep again. She took the Evalarovsk express formula for sleeping, as part of the passiflora, glycine - the nervous system is strengthened, and reduce overexcitation. In the evening I accept, I fall asleep literally for half an hour, but if I wake up at night, then I will absorb two more tablets, they do not need to be washed down.

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