What is a lethargic dream - truth or fiction? How to distinguish a lethargic dream from ordinary, coma and clinical death?

What is a lethargic dream - truth or fiction? How to distinguish a lethargic dream from ordinary, coma and clinical death?

Even scientists have not yet been able to penetrate all the secrets of the onset of lethargic sleep, what can we say about ordinary people! But this question is interested in almost all of us, because already from one mention of lethargy it blows something mystical, misunderstood, shrouded in the mysterious flaber of the other world, and some of us endlessly frightening the prospect of being buried alive.

With bated breath, listening to numerous mystical stories that excite our imagination, we all cannot but wonder: is it about a little death, or a lethargic sleep - is this more than life itself?

Lethargic sleep: what is it, the reasons for the appearance

  • According to scientists, if a person does not eat, does not drink and does not spend energy, then he cannot exist, except for cryogenic frost (animoia). But in this case, it is considered alive formally, because the anabiosis is equated with clinical death, which has the time of awakening is delayed.
  • And what is a lethargic dream? Scientists do not have a definite answer about this. Therefore, it is generally accepted that in some cases certain unidentified factors may affect a person (metabolic disorder, sleep pathology, damage to some parts of the brain), because of which he flows into a long lethargic sleep (fourth stage of sleep). Many experts studying this phenomenon claim that such a state usually precedes stress, hysterical seizures, severe blood loss, overwork, shock.
  • Physiology explains lethargy in this way (from Greek lethe (oblivion) \u200b\u200band Argía (inaction)): a painful condition similar to a sleep that is accompanied by immobility, lack of reactions to all external irritants and a sharp decrease in all signs of life. "Imaginary death" or "small life" - They also say so when they mention lethargy.
  • Outwardly, it looks like this: a person suddenly fell asleep for an unnaturally long time - it can last days, weeks, and in some cases tens of years. No one can predict when exactly he will wake up.



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Symptoms of lethargic sleep

  • In a person who fell asleep in a lethargic dream, the muscles remain relaxed, it breathes evenly, and the heart rhythm slows down. If the case is too heavy, then a person breathes so weakly that even a mirror may not pipe from his breathing. The walls of his abdomen and chest stop fluctuating under the influence of his breathing - at least it is impossible to see them with the naked eye; The heart can hardly be listened to; The skin becomes pale and cold.
  • Physiologist Pavlov had a patient named Kachalkin, who overslept from 1898 to 1918. The doctor, measuring the temperature of his body, determined that it was very slightly different from the ambient temperature, the reflexes were not completely and strongly slowed down all the functions of the body. Its heart was reduced only 2-3 times per minute (usually 70–80 beats), and he was breathing rarely and barely perceptibly - 1–2 inhalation per minute.
  • Letargia resembles miasthenic crisis (the extreme form of muscle weakness), in which a person becomes beyond the power to perform any active actions.
  • It is organic damage to the brain that can lead to lethargic sleep. A similar state called stress cardiomyopathy can lead an impressionable person and strong experiences (women are mostly subject to this).

An interesting fact: people, being in a state of lethargy, are aware and hear everything, but they cannot know this to others, since their will is completely crushed. At least, this is stated by people who have experienced this state on themselves.

  • But, nevertheless, during the war, when bombing occurred, some people, being in a lethargic dream, allowed themselves to be taken to asylum. That is, when the danger of their life arose, temporarily motor activity was returned to them. When the plaque ended, it stopped again.
  • In the old days, the resurrection of the dead was considered a miracle. But then did not take for the dead people of the living, who simply fell into a lethargic state? It is impossible to exclude the fact that it was the awareness of the approach of an imminent death that “resurrected” people who were considered dead. Those who miraculously avoided burials alive, then told their loved ones that they were perfectly heard by the words of the funeral prayer spoken above them, and in horror they realized that they would soon betray them to the earth. Most likely, it was the shock state that deduced such “dead” from lethargy.

Letargic sleep: Examples

The world seemed to be divided into two camps: some of us unconditionally believe that a lethargic dream at any moment can defeat a person, but there are also inveterate skeptics that deny the very existence of such an effect. Let us bring to the attention of both the first and the latter - not only the boulevard press, but also scientific literature recorded such cases.

Here is some of them:

  • 1919. Norwegian middle -aged, which was called Linggard, fell into a lethargic dream, which lasted 22 years. This is considered the longest lethargic dream. According to witnesses, she received neither food nor water. After her awakening her the appearance remained the sameAs if there were no long years! However, a year later she began to look at her present age.
  • 1954. Our compatriot Nadezhda Lebedina seriously quarreled with her husband. Being in the fierce emotional stress, she fell into a lethargic dream, and her awakening occurred after 20 years of deepest sleep. A lethargic dream of Nadezhda Lebedina was documented and entered into the Guinness Book of Records.

Well, do such facts excite the imagination? Still would! But what about the statement of witnesses that none of the women during her long -term sleep received food at all? After all, scientists argue that none of us, mortals, can exist for a long time without food and drinking. In this case, either witnesses were still cunning, and women introduced nutrients and vitamins into the body, or we are dealing with something that is beyond our understanding.

Here are still shocking examples:

  • Already in our time, a story happened in China, frightening all others. As if in the horror film, an elderly man who was taken to the place of his last rest, suddenly sat in a coffin and asked in surprise asked the relatives who fell into a stupor, for what reason he was there.
  • There are unique people (of course, there are few of them), flowing into a lethargic condition almost every week. In the UK, for example, one of the ministers of a religious cult fell into a state of lethargic sleep weekly, and woke up only on Sunday and went to church for service.
  • Of course, classical literature could not bypass this topic that excites the minds of mankind. For example, Edgar Alan’s pen owns the work “The Secret of the House of Asher”, the plot of which is based on the fact that the main character happened to transfer a real shock: he buried his sister, who fell into a lethargic dream.
  • And Nikolai Gogol had a psychosis based on a panic fear of being buried during such a dream. It was because of this psychosis that he died-at least that the people around him affirmed. But what about the fact that when in 1931, during the reburial of the ashes of the Russian classic, it was found that his remains in the coffin were in an unnatural position? Has the great writer foresaw his terrible death and Gogol was buried in a lethargic dream?
I was very afraid that he would be buried alive
I was very afraid that he would be buried alive

How to distinguish a lethargic dream from ordinary?

  • Scientists estimated that an ordinary person gives out for 23 years for his life, and only 47 is awake (this is if it is 70 years old). During normal healthy sleep, human brain activity is minimized, and the body's reaction to the influence of external stimuli decreases.
  • The usual dream consists of 4 phases in which brain activity proceeds differently. During the first and second stages, a person is in a shallow superficial dream (the 1st stage is called Dretoy). In a deep dream, a person is in the third and fourth stages - it is then that the processes that restore our brain and return vigor to the whole body are turned on.
  • During the phase of sleep, which was called “fast”, the human brain has already awakened, and the rest of the body still continues to sleep. That is why images, pictures, some actions arise in our brain, and then we say that we “saw” a dream.
  • Scientists have found that dream in all its phases is controlled by many parts of the brain. They are responsible for the dream: hypothalamus, thalamus, Varolium bridge, an oblong brain and the bark of the large hemispheres of our brain.
  • And when some of the above cerebral parts are damaged as a result of various diseases or injuries, a person can either lose the ability to sleep, or, conversely, fall asleep with a lethargic sleep.

How does a lethargic dream differ from coma and clinical death?

  • Although there is some similarity between them, lethargy differs from a coma state. In lethargy, the body itself retains the vital functions of all organs, and death does not threaten it, metabolism is simply very slow down.
  • By clinical death means finding the body between life and death, its beginning occurs from the time when the central nervous system, blood circulation and breathing cease to function - this takes a short period of time. Coma (this word comes from ancient Greece, and it means “deep sleep”) has signs of clinical death. Both lethargy and coma are very similar to each other, and both of these diseases still remain unsolved for doctors. They differ among themselves by the degree of disconnection of the brain. If a person is under the influence of lethargic sleep, his brain is awake, even dreams can dream. And the coma occurs if the brain is completely turned off.

Treatment of lethargic sleep

  • There are still no reliable methods for treating lethargy. If its mild cases and hysterical sleep can still be cured by means of chocoction or hypnosis, then complex ones are an unresolved problem.
  • Until the twentieth century, in such cases, it was used blooding And superimposed leechesBut the situation was only aggravated from this, since from such a “treatment” already low blood pressure in patients fell even more. In the 30s of the twentieth century. They used peculiar shock therapy - sleeping and exciting drugs were simultaneously administered into a vein. But such radical methods aroused the patient only for a few minutes, and then he fell asleep again.
  • Currently, doctors have left their attempts to save a person from severe lethargic sleep. Such a patient is not hospitalized, he remains at home with relatives and friends. Medications are also not needed. Nutrients and vitamins in dissolved form are introduced to the patient. Proper care of the patient (hygiene, temperature mode) - This is the most important in lethargy.
Treatment still does not exist
Treatment still does not exist

How not to fall into a lethargic sleep?

There is no unified methodology for the treatment and prevention of this disease yet.

But doctors believe that people who are afraid to fall into a lethargic dream must follow the following rules:

  • do not be under the influence of direct sunlight if the weather is hot or wet;
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • sweet foods and products containing starch should be limited;
  • the diet should contain products containing vegetable fiber;
  • sleep about eight hours a day - both lack of sleep and too long sleep are harmful to health;
  • prevent the simultaneous use of drugs and alcoholic beverages;
  • keeping their nerves “in UES” - emotional breakdowns and depression did not bring anyone to good even.

How to call a lethargic sleep?

  • The chance to fall into a lethargic dream is small. Rather, this is an incident that happens with one person by several million.
  • Statistics, unfortunately, do not account for such cases (but, believe me, there are very few of them) who are still studying and discussing leading somnologists and neurologists.

Can a person sleeping a letters sleeping?

  • Let's say right away, let you not be afraid of the prospect of being repoyed alive, since modern medicine has in its arsenal a product that can distinguish a lethargic dream from death.
  • But in the past centuries, this case was not so smooth. For example, in 1801 The doctor of medicine Johann Elizen published the work of “medical news about the premature burial of the dead”, in which he described 56 cases of people buried alive.
  • In the same century, in Boston, for unknown reasons, he died William Busterwho turned only three years old, and a family crypt was the place of his repose. His mother, who was beside herself from grief, as if in reality saw that her boy was alive and beating in the coffin, not having the opportunity to get out of him. Her visions turned out to be a reality: unable to withstand such moral torture, the parents opened the crypt and saw that their son was alive.
  • When the remains from the old English cemetery were reburied, coffins opened. The poses of 4 skeletons inside the coffins caused bewilderment present, so they were unnatural for the dead. Whether these people were once buried alive, or did they turn up under the influence of some natural forces? No one can solve this secret.

Even medieval doctors from many European countries realized that before the funeral of man should look for reliable signs of his death. They concluded that the most reliable guarantee of death is the presence of cadaveric changes.

  • They tried to avoid the hasty funeral, waited for the body of the deceased to be covered with cadaveric spots. Such measures saved a considerable number of people from the burial alive, and among them was Francesco Petrarch, a famous poet from Italy. He was considered dead for 20 hours, after which he suddenly came to his senses.
  • Major workers argue that the most severe lethargy differs from death. Experienced forensic experts and pickers are sure that even in the old days they rarely buried people alive. And they explain the remains found in the graves in the graves by the fact that it was either putrefactive processes so acted on the corpse, or the coffin was carelessly tilted, or the cemetery was flooded with the waters so much that they completely flooded the coffin.

As you can see, there is no chance of being buried alive in the conditions of modernity - our doctors will not allow this in any case!

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