What does it mean to see a falling star: a sign, dream book

What does it mean to see a falling star: a sign, dream book

Nowadays, falling meteorites, which are commonly called flying stars, not only do not scare modern people, but also attract. Darkly in dark evenings, hundreds of thousands of people look at heaven in search of the same star, which is considered a guide for the fulfillment of the cherished desire.

Today, science proving that not a single meteorite is able to fulfill any request, even the smallest, and sincere faith in miracles, are closely intertwined in our world. Some people rely only on scientific research, others believe that there is nothing wrong with making the desire “just in case”. However, this was not always the case.

Star falls: the sign is negative according to the ancestors

  • In ancient times, when people did not know what climate -forming factors are and how they affect the climate, they considered their behavior a decisive element in the weather.
  • It seemed to many that falling stars was a sign that warning about dangers, and some perceived this event as the danger itself.
Previously, the falls of the stars were afraid
Previously, the falls of the stars were afraid
  • In one of the first settlements, the stars were considered by the Angels of the Guardians and, when a person saw a falling star, took it on his own expense and was waiting for troubles that did not force himself to wait. The situation and others were overtaken. With such people they stopped communicating and contacting, afraid to transfer part of the reckoning.
  • Because of the experiences, the person was lost and no longer the point of striving to strive for something, which later really led to a deterioration in the quality of life and confirmed this theory.
  • Another sign says that falling stars are the souls of dead menwho visited their widows after death in order to take them with them. Since, in fact, what was seen was part of the natural phenomenon, no one led women anywhere. But they remained so intimidated that after some time they simply lost their minds and died. Thus, this terrible theory also found its confirmation.
  • There were days in Russia when people were afraid to look at the skyso as not to attract trouble to yourself. Such days were March 5 and July 28. According to legends, these days the stars are the souls of the dead, who could not find peace after death. Every year at this time they were allowed to return to Earth and pray forgiveness from the living. And since they were already evil spirits, by negligence they could not only not earn mercy, but also cause trouble.

Falling star like a good sign

  • Of course, each rule has an exception to our ancestors - the Slavs believed that the sky could do good deeds. They perceived the stars in the form of souls of dead people. It was believed that if a person constantly does Woles being alive, his soul can help after death.
  • When the first stars were getting dark and in the sky appeared, people went out into the street and looked at the sky to say their cherished desires to themselves, asking for help from their dead relatives. According to the signs, if you make a desire correctly when a star falls, it will certainly come true.
  • Thus, the modern tradition of making a desire at the sight of a falling star was born.
During the fall of stars, they often make a desire
During the fall of stars, they often make a desire

Falling star and guessing desires: technology for fulfilling desires

  • Many contemporaries, interpreting ancient signs of falling stars, complain that they seem to do everything right, seeing a falling star, but their desire still remains unrealistic and therefore, this method does not work anymore.
  • However, they forget that in order for the request to be heard and fulfilled, there is too little to simply say it to herself. It is necessary to adhere to a number of rules.


  • It will be very sad if suddenly a falling star caught my eye quite unexpectedly. In surprise, you will abruptly forget what you dream the most and ask for something insignificant. It will be even more offensive if the request is fulfilled, but you don’t even remember her.
  • Therefore, in order to avoid such a trouble, it is necessary to present the situation in advance if the star will fly, what exactly you want to make. The more conscious and brighter the dream will be, the more likely it is that at the time of confusion it will not fly out of the stream of thoughts.

Correct wording

  • One of the decisive elements performed by a made -up desire is a clear wording.
  • The details need to be considered so specifically that you can approximately say what time and under what circumstances the request should be executed.

Knowing of limits

  • Since almost every day somewhere you can see a falling star, it is better to focus on the consistent implementation of one desire after another.
  • Each time make the same desire until it is fulfilled. And only after that go to the next. In this case, quality is important, not quantity.


  • While your request is not fulfilled, you should not tell others about it.
  • Other people will not be able to give great importance to your dreams and knock you out of the way.

Why dream of a falling star from the sky?

Stars that fall can bring good or warning signs not only in reality, but also during sleep.

The falling star in a dream promises a lot of changes
The falling star in a dream promises a lot of changes
  • If in a dream you saw how the star falls to the ground and managed to make a desire - this is for luck in reality.
  • A falling star in a dream against the backdrop of a dark sky is fortunately.
  • If the star flew on the left, it portends adversity, sadness, tears.
  • If the star flew on the right - wait for a surprise, a pleasant event.
  • In the case when many stars flew at the same time - to troubles in work and household chores.
  • To show in a dream on a falling star - to illness.
  • Seeing in a dream how falling stars in water are reflected - to an increase in service.

Belief in signs of falling stars or not is the matter of each person, but if you still want to check this theory of fulfillment of desires, then it is best to do this in August. It is during this period of the year that in the sky you can notice the brightest light from the movement of celestial bodies.

We also recommend reading about interesting signs:

Video: desire and falling stars

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