What to do if an adult confused the day with a night, how to restore the regime, circus rhythms?

What to do if an adult confused the day with a night, how to restore the regime, circus rhythms?

A dream was lost from night for a day: how to restore night sleep, tips and recommendations.

The scourge of modern man is not in the sun and moon, but in floating work schedules, deadlines and force majeure, when nights need to be awake. Add stress to this, as well as the opportunity to take ourselves with interesting things and at 3 a.m. The result - the adult confused the day with night and cannot return to normal.

Why is it dangerous to confuse day with night?

If the adult confused the day with night - this is unambiguously dangerous for his health, especially in the long run. Please note that night shifts are always more paid, and also pays for harmfulness. But many independently drive themselves into a “trap”, justifying the situation by the “Owl” cycle or the inability to fall asleep before dawn.

If your dream occurs later than 22.00, it threatens you:

  • Your immune system weakens, and you are more susceptible to seasonal diseases;
  • When the immune system is suppressed, the risk of allergic reactions increases;
  • The risk of obesity, as well as type 2 diabetes, increases by 25%;
  • Hormones of cortisol and melatonin are not produced in sufficient quantities, which leads to a malfunction of the metabolism and impaired work of the whole organism;
  • If a person is forced to get up at 6-7 in the morning-constant lack of sleep, which leads to a deterioration in the brain and risks of the cardiovascular system;
  • Metabolism slows down and worsens the digestive tract.

If your dream occurs in the morning, even if you later sleep the required 8-9 hours, it threatens you:

  • Slow functioning of the brain;
  • Lethargy;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • The weakened work of the body and the inability to cope with enhanced physical activity;
  • With a low production of the hormone, leptin does not receive saturation signals, and the body overeats, which leads to deplorable consequences;
  • The body perceives late sleep as stress, and “saves” the body with additional rest, calories, and depression.

And as a result of all of the above, you may have the diseases below:

  • Type 1 or 2 diabetes;
  • All kinds of brain diseases, as well as the appearance of intracranial pressure;
  • Eye diseases, due to the fact that they spend most of the day in artificial light;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system, because a night lifestyle involves a larger amount of time spent in the room, and not in the fresh air;
  • Thyroid diseases, due to impaired hormone production;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, due to impaired sleep and rest mode, in conjunction with the diet and production of bile;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system, due to impaired hormone production.

In addition, when changing the sleep regime, you will have communication relations with friends and relatives, because they have a different regime of the day, and will also regularly arise, if necessary, to wake up during work, to the hospital, and any state institutions.

And in conclusion, statistics are inexorable: people who have a vast day with a night for a long time have a chronic sleep disturbance and shorten their lives by 20-25%.

It is dangerous to confuse day with night!
It is dangerous to confuse day with night!

The reasons why an adult confuses the day with a night

Now we will analyze the reasons that lead to the fact that the adult confused the day with the night:

  • The work schedule, especially the so -called “floating”, when shifts are constantly changing;
  • The desire to do more things “today”, and accordingly lie down later. Another bell that knocks down a biological clock and violates sleep;
  • Stress, as well as all kinds of experiences that do not allow to fall asleep in the evening, and then a person sleeps longer during the day;
  • The decree, due to the care of the child, is very easy to confuse the clock and sleep during the day, and at night “walk”, especially with an alarming child;
  • Lack of physical activity in the daytime;
  • Change of time zones;
  • If at 21 you are in bed, and the dream is not for a week - check the presence of vitamins and minerals in the body. With a shortage, going to bed will be delayed;
  • Also, the adrenal glands and thyroid gland are responsible for the complexity of falling asleep. The formula works in both directions. Late late - violate the work of these organs. The work of these organs was violated (for your fault or for other reasons that are beyond you) - you will fall asleep for a long time and problematic, and in the morning to experience the severity of awakening;
  • The work of the gall bladder is disturbed, complicated by digestion of fatty foods or fast food, eaten not only in the evening, but also during the day. Try to adjust the menu and watch your condition. Especially the rule works for those who cannot fall asleep, or wakes up from 23 to 1 in the morning;
  • Overflowing for dinner is one of the reasons for the late falling asleep, and as a variant of late awakening;
  • If you cannot fall asleep before 3, or even if you fall asleep early, wake up from 1 to 3 and you can fall asleep only at dawn - you have a clear problem with the liver. Undergo an examination and adjust your lifestyle;
  • If you like to engage in self -flagellation before bedtime, it is logical that your sleep and wakefulness schedule will be broken. “Rosting analysis” during the day, and evening and night - rest time;
  • An uncomfortable bed, mattress, pillow or blanket. The room is too hot or too cold. Look at the factors, change it comfortable and enjoy the rest on time;
  • Snore. Moreover, not yours, but your spouse, parent or other person who rests nearby. You cannot fall asleep during his sleep, and then “sleep” in the daytime. Only separate rooms and the correct organization of sleep will help here. An extreme case is buckets and overlays from snoring.
There is no sleep at night - you can’t sleep during the day!
There is no sleep at night - you can’t sleep during the day!

What to do if an adult confused day with night: light and darkness

Melatonin and cortisol - a couple that is produced exclusively in the dark, and only at night. In case of violation of metabolic processes in the body, they are produced hard and not in full. But if you confused day with night, sleep with light, etc. - Their production, and a couple of hours after waking up you want to sleep again.

The cyclical process leads to the fact that you want to sleep during the day, you are disconnected from powerlessness, and after that at night, you are awake, which further exacerbates the situation until the critical phase comes.

So, you want to fall asleep correctly and during - to restore the cycle you need certain actions aimed at the darkness for your brain:

  • For 21 days to go to bed at the same time, no later than 22.00;
  • On the windows are dense curtains, lack of light in the bedroom, as well as silence or light relaxing music for sleeping;
  • If you experience fears relative to the darkness in the room, buy a mask to sleep and leave a nightlight. Thus, your body will rest, and if you have a bad dream, you can easily find yourself in the light again;
  • Disconnect all the equipment, and if possible, take everything out of the bedroom, except for the alarm clock. If you are worried about calls and messages - put on flight mode.
Dream with a child during the day - lack of sleep at night
Dream with a child during the day - lack of sleep at night

What to do if an adult confused the day with night: a day's taboo

The hardest thing is to overcome yourself for the first few days. They asked for a solution to the problem: the adult confused the day with the night, and how to restore the cycle? The hardest and most effective is to prohibit yourself from 8.00 to 21.00. Even dozing, even 15 minutes.

It is worth noting that the first days will be very difficult to concentrate and perform mental work. Take the weekend or perform the simplest mechanical work.

What to do if an adult confused the day with a night: you can’t lie in bed just like that

So, if the adult confused the day with the night, he excluded daytime sleep, but at night there is still no dream - you should not be in bed for more than 20 minutes. You can’t fall asleep-get up and start doing something. Light stretching, meditation, evening yoga, etc. When you feel the urge to sleep, go to the bed and try to fall asleep for 20 minutes. They did not fall asleep - again in relaxing evening techniques.

It is forbidden: watch movies, watch social networks and leaf through pictures on the phone, get out at home or start work (this is a trap, and you will go to bed in the morning).

The phone at night exacerbates sleep disturbance
The phone at night exacerbates sleep disturbance

What to do if an adult confused the day with night: a little about sleep hygiene

And now, in the question, when the adult confused the day with the night, a little about hygiene of sleep and its observance:

  • Provide the silence in the bedroom, music for sleep and relaxation, as well as white noise, are allowed. If your neighbors are loud, and you can’t do anything with them - get comfortable bears;
  • After 12 days, refuse coffee, tea and all drinks containing invigorating ingredients;
  • Comfortable bed: quite elastic, and at the same time not a very soft mattress without lumps and hollows, a comfortable pillow of comfortable size and blankets for the season;
  • Morning exercise, sport at lunch and evening relaxing stretching or yoga will provide a strong sleep at night.

What to do if an adult confused the day with a night: rejection of a late dinner

Another important nuance, if the adult confused the day with the night to adjust the diet. The first thing to do is to force yourself to eat half an hour after sleep, even if you don’t want to, then at least a light snack. Breakfast triggers the body and helps to establish a biological clock.

The next step is not to eat 2 hours before bedtime. If you want to eat, a light protein snack. It is not recommended how to dine tightly and stop eating at 18.00, and go to bed with a sense of hunger.

Food and sleep are incompatible
Food and sleep are incompatible

What to do if an adult confused day with night: circus rhythms

Scientists have found circus rhythms in animals that have a response in humans. When changing the clock poles, with severe stress, diseases, when the animal brain does not work, biological rhythms are astrayed. This rule also works in humans. Thus, at the World Summit it was revealed and approved that if the adult confused the day with night and the circadian rhythms are involved, the normal regime is simple: to restore the normal mode:

  • Fasting within 12-16 hours;
  • After it, you can not eat daily after 16.00 until the rhythms of +7 days are restored;
  • Next, control your awakening, for example at 7.00. Breakfast at 7.30, which means dinner 12 hours before - at 19.30;
  • After restoration of sleep and wakefulness, adhere to this schedule in order to control the sleep.
Circus rhythms
Circus rhythms

What to do if an adult confused the day with a night: a difficult occasion solution

Do you know how the nature is magical of us magically? So, if the adult confused the day with the night and nothing helps - it's time to collect backpacks, or move out of town to a house without civilization. Literally for a week. No Internet, phone, TV. Only fresh air, a lot of movement and the starry sky after sunset.

It is easier to wake up for bird singing, and it is easier to fall asleep under the noise of trees with night air. In addition, even if everything seems to be awkward-nature allows you to look at the situation in a new way.

What to do if an adult confused day with night: a day without sleep

The standard scheme, if the adult confused the day with the night: night without sleep, the eyes are sticking together in the morning, and if it does not fall asleep in the morning, then falls asleep to dinner. And even if he thinks that for an hour, opening his eyes, he understands that he overslept half a day. The result is obvious - the circle is closed and, it seems, there is no way out.

And the output is simple - take two days off:

  • After a sleepless night, do not sleep during the day. It will turn out a day without sleep. If the eyes are closed - engage in physical exercises;
  • In the evening, about 21 you can go to bed, but start the alarm at 6.00 and ask you to be woken up;
  • Before going to bed for 2 hours, there is no light dinner before. Water and liquids as little as possible;
  • The next day, do not sleep in the afternoon (he will drive after lunch) to 21. Lie up during and so to establish a cycle.
The value of sleep by time of day
The value of sleep by time of day

What to do if an adult confused day with a night: going to the hospital

And in conclusion, if an adult confused the day with a night and no ways help - it's time to consult a doctor. Not only lack of sleep leads to health problems, but also a change of day and night in sleep mode.

The doctor will prescribe a complete examination of the body, after which he will be able to attribute the necessary course of treatment, as well as medical recommendations for sleep restoration.

What to do if an adult confused day with night: tips and recommendations

Inna: while I was on maternity leave, my rhythms lost and were more like minced meat from a meat grinder. I was in constant lack of sleep, and when the kids grew up, I used every opportunity. And having rested, I found that in the afternoon I had no time to deal with myself, and decided to "cheat". When the children fell asleep, my mother turned into a woman. The "cunning" ended quickly, the change of day and night. It was difficult to return to normal, only 16 hours of starvation helped. Girls forgive help, and do not “take off” time for yourself at a dream.

Makar: Night shifts with a floating schedule many calmly tolerate years. Me not. In the afternoon I immediately fell asleep, and at night, even after a day, I could not close my eyes. At work, problems began due to worsened concentration, the health of the problem, and I quit. But it is very difficult to get a new job if you sleep all day! I had to change everything, but it was possible to restore the dream only after a week's campaign in the mountains. But the first days was hell, during the day they “caught” me so that I would not fall asleep, and at night grumbled so that I was already sleeping. Thanks to friends for support.

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