“Not correct” or “wrong” - how to write: rule, examples of sentences

“Not correct” or “wrong” - how to write: rule, examples of sentences

The rule of spelling of the word "not correct" is simple. As this word is written, you will learn from this article.

The spelling rules are what helps us remember how to write words in sentences. The spelling of simple words is easily remembered. But, if the spelling of the word depends on the context, then often schoolchildren, and even many adults, confuse and make mistakes.

"Probably or probably" - how the word is spelled correctlyRead in another article on our website.

For example, "wrong" or "not properly" - How to write - together or separately? In this article you will find rules, as well as examples of writing this word in a sentence. Read further.

How is it written “not correctly” or “wrong”: together or separately?

Word "not properly" It is used in human speech almost daily. It is used both in simple and complex sentences.

But few people know that this word can be written together or separately depending on the text. Many people consider the alleged option the only true one. However, everything is not so simple. Separate spelling format "wrong" - It also has the right to exist. But only in certain cases. When? Read further.

Spelling of the word "wrong": rule

"Not properly" - This is a dialect formed from the adjective "wrong". Synonyms are the words: erroneous, wrong, inappropriate, etc. The rule is the following spelling:

  • If instead of a word with the particle "not" you can substitute any accessible synonym, then "not" It is written together.

For example:

  • Look, he again incorrectly tied the laces! (erroneously)
  • Having correctly solved the problem, you will spoil your certificate! (wrong)
  • This is wrong, I think you better start again. (wrong)
  • She does not believe that this is wrong, but, in fact, lives in the power of contradictions. How can we dissuade her? (inappropriately)

Below you will find even more examples. Read further.

How it is written "incorrectly": examples of sentences

Teachers often at the school after explaining the new topic, set to come up with proposals on the learned rule. This helps to better understand and remember the material. Here are examples of sentences to write a word "not properly":

  • I believe that it is wrong to judge people by their prosperity or appearance. Even among homeless people are sometimes good personalities.
  • She received a deuce not because she did not know the topic, but because she misunderstood the task.
  • Listen, this is wrong. We cannot meet, because our parents are against. This will bring many problems. Of course, so we sacrifice our own happiness. But so far I do not know how to influence them.
  • The device did not work, since the wires were incorrected incorrectly. I had to unwind and isolate everything again.
  • If you do something wrong, then, as a rule, this always has to be redone.
  • “Correctly” and “wrong” are quite controversial concepts. What seems correct to one person can be unacceptable for another.
  • I believe that it is wrong to treat homeless animals. Suppose this red -haired three -leafed street dog has not done anything bad to you yet. Why are you throwing a stone at her? And you will be pleased if you are thrown at you?
  • He believed that it was wrong in his youth not to worry about anything, and then grab onto his head. Michael believed that the dress was protected by Delow, and the honor was a young man.
  • For five answers out of 30, I answered incorrectly, but my result, nevertheless, counted.
  • This is wrong, to love one, but to meet with the other.
  • I was understood incorrectly, but I was not going to explain my position. I did not care. Let these people think what they want.

Now let's analyze the rule about writing the word "not correct." Read further.

Spelling of the word "not correct": rule


Adverb "right" With a negative particle "not" shared when there is a contrast and union "a". For example:

  • Martha did not do the right thing, but as she herself wanted.

According to the rule, separate spelling is permissible in cases where there are words that enhance denial are words “At all”, “far”, “by no means” etc. For example:

  • Of course, I cannot tell you, but you are doing now it’s not at all right.

The third version of separate spelling according to the rules of spelling: those situations when there are pronouns and adverbs that suggest denial: "Not at all", "no way", "not at all" etc.

  • You understand me not right! - exclaimed Galya. But it was too late.
  • Sergei turned abruptly and walked in the opposite side of the girl, towards the boat station. It was not right in any way.
  • It became obvious that it would not be possible to make peace with him and this is not at all right in relation to himself.

Below you will find more examples of offers. Read further.

How it is correctly written "not correctly": examples of sentences

First, carefully read the sentences below. Then try to make others yourself. This will help to better remember the material. Here are examples of sentences that will help to understand how and when it is written correctly "wrong":

  • Leaving Paul one in this state was not at all right.
  • I think that teachers should act on students by persuasion. Use physical force is by no means correct.
  • To blame others in their failures is far from right. You should start with yourself.
  • It’s not at all right to laugh at the elderly and people with disabilities.
  • To play on a computer all day, and in the last 5 minutes to do your homework - not at all right.
  • I think it’s completely wrong to swear in love, and then betray.
  • This is not at all right to forget about loved ones.
  • Even if this is not at all correct, I still will not revise my decision. For too long I went to this. So sorry! I will act as I consider necessary.
  • This is completely wrong - to criticize famous musicians when you yourself do not know how to play any instrument.
  • You can say which album you did not like. You certainly do not have moral right to call them mediocrity, and this is not at all right. At first, learn something yourself!

Spelling rules "not" With the adjective, a little different. Read further.

Incorrect or not correct: how to write correctly?

It is important to remember how to write “not” with adjectives. How do you spell "wrong" or "Not correct"?

  • "Not" The adjective is written separately only if there is a contrast (for example, "Erroneous") or amplifiers of denial. They are words “Not at all,” “not at all,” “not at all.”
  • If there are no such conditions, the spelling will be alleged. The synonym is the word "incorrect".

For example:

  • She made the wrong choice by rejecting this pleasant person.
  • Your solution is by no means correct, it has a lot of mistakes.
  • Perhaps I am a wrong person, but I like loneliness.
  • You consider yourself perfect, but your act is by no means correct: she loves you, and you play her feelings.
  • I knew that my answer was not correct at all, but I still did not want to go to this university, so I just passed the examination work and left.
  • I understood that her opinion was by no means correct, but out of respect I agreed with her.
  • If you understood that your position was by no means correct, could you think and reconsider it? - No, hardly.
  • “Forgive me, I'm so wrong,” Zhenya pressed again to his shoulder - tell me, are you not holding my evil?
  • This is not at all the right act that I famed on the exam.
  • People often do wrong things. But life is alone. Therefore, they gain experience already in the process.
  • If a person had been given several lives, he would better know how not to do wrong actions. But, alas, this is only utopia. The taste of life is precisely that everything happens for the first time.

You need to know about possible mistakes in order to prevent them. Read further.

Erroneous spelling of the words "not correct" and "wrong"

In this case, you can make mistakes depending on the context. Where the rule says that you need to write separately, people make an inventory and write together. Here is an example of erroneous writing words "Not right", "not correct"and "Wrong", "wrong":

  • "My answer is by no means incorrect"
  • "Your act is by no means wrong"
  • "Your opinion is completely wrong"

And vice versa:

  • "She did not do the right thing that she left him"
  • "He did everything wrong"
  • "Varya did not correctly approach the solution of the issue"

Now you know how these words are written. Repeat the rule and make a few examples to remember the material covered. Good luck!

Video: How to learn to write without errors? How to teach a child to check his mistakes?

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