Hair extension is cold and hot. Types of cold and hot hair extension

Hair extension is cold and hot. Types of cold and hot hair extension

Building is a hairdressing service that has firmly occupied a confident position in the beauty industry. You can change your image, become the owner of luxurious curls or get hairstylethat they only dreamed about.

The fair sex always wanted to look irresistible. With the advent of beauty salons, this task was somewhat simplified, because there have been many ways to emphasize its natural beauty. Including hair extensions, which allows you to become the owner of long and well -groomed hair, supplement your image or completely change the style.

Hair extension in the cold way: Benefit and harm

Using cold extensions, you can not only increase the length of the hair, but also add volume to it. A feature of this method is the lack of chemical or thermal exposure, so it can be safely used on short haircuts. Owners thin Or weakened hair is recommended precisely this method of building, as the least traumatic.

The benefits of hair extension are primarily aesthetic:

  • Fast shift image and imagethat is sometimes practically necessary
  • Improving self -esteem
  • Long hair without long wait
  • Attention from the side male Half of humanity

Cold building entails a number of advantages:

  • Native hair is not exposed to harmful effects
  • Enlarged hair can be frizz and paint
  • The strands look natural
  • Artificial hair is not afraid of chemical exposure

Important: Before you decide to make an extension, remember - this is an unnatural hair procedure that can do a lot of harm to your native hair.

The harm of hair extension:

  • A ban on the adoption of a sauna or bathing in sea water
  • In addition to extension costs, keep in mind that correction is an equally expensive procedure
  • It is difficult to restore health of native hair After building
  • Not everyone can cope with discomfort from the presence of foreign materials

Important: hair extensions have a number of contraindications (weakened hair, sensitive skin, dermatitis, taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs, headache).

The benefits and harm of hair extension

Spanish hair extension technology cold

The Spanish building technology has acquired its name thanks to the “Rueber” glue in Spain, which is used to attach strands. This method is famous for its sparing effect, because it excludes hair heat treatment. In addition, the glue does not cause allergies, and the extended hair can be stacked with fearlessly, paint and frizz.

With cold increase, strands with glue capsules on the root are used, with which they are attached to natural hair. Therefore, Spanish technology is also called capsule building. Before starting the procedure, the glue softens, then fasteners are formed from it.

Artificial strands are removed very simple and painless and can be used many times. So correction will require less material costs than the initial extension.

Important: glue capsules can be noticeable, so the cold extension method is more suitable for owners of blond hair.

Spanish hair extension technology

Cold hair extension with metal beads

  • This method of building also eliminates the thermal effect on the hair, but it can cause mechanical damage. Therefore, before building it is worth to treat Hair or lamination
  • Artificial strands are attached to the hair with the help of metal beads selected through the color of the hair through which the hair is attracted. Then cermet beads clamp, making them flat
  • A feature of this cold extension is that it can be done on short hair, because the beads are attached near the roots. The result is maintained depending on the condition of native hair from 2 to 4 months
  • Enraged hair does not require special care. You can swim, use any hair care products, do styling without fear hair loss

IMPORTANT: When combing and laying, follow caution to avoid combing donor hair by affecting beads.

Building with metal beads

Hair extension hot

The hot method of hair extension is carried out through the effects of high temperatures on the capsules, which attach donor strands to the hair.

The main disadvantage of hot increasing technology is that the hair is afraid of the effects of ultraviolet radiation, salt water, and high temperatures. Consequently, the hair extended with a hot way requires more care.

Hot hair extension: before and after

English building

Donor strands are attached using keratin -containing resins and the effects of high temperatures on them. The resin is applied to the joint of artificial and native hair, then melts with tongs. As a result, a compound the size of a grain is formed, which is hidden by the upper layers of the hair.

The method is very convenient in that when hair grows, artificial strands can be removed and attached closer to the roots.

The result of building does not require correction to four months due to the fact that the mounts are hidden by the native hair on the occipital and temporal part of the head.

IMPORTANT: With English building, native hair also amenable, which inevitably leads to varying degrees of damage.

Hot English hair building, video

Hot Italian hair extension, video

  • Italian building

Italian technology has much in common with English. The main difference is that the exposure to high temperatures occurs only on the roots of donor strands without affecting the hair. In addition, clean is used for fastening keratinWhat is much less harmful to the health of native hair.

Moreover, capsules with keratin Already applied to the roots of donor strands, which makes the work of the master much easier and accelerates the extension procedure.

A set for hot hair extension. Which to choose?

A set for hot hair extension includes a number of necessary tools. You can buy a whole set or, better, choose your own tools and collect your set that meets all your requirements:

  • Forceps for the formation of capsules
  • Tagging hair
  • Keratin for Italian extensions or resin for English - when choosing keratin Pay attention to its color and size. High -quality keratin has a blue hue and has the appearance of small (like beads) grains. A cream or yellowish color indicates not the quality of the product.
    When choosing resin, give preference to natural materials that do not contain toxic substances
  • Strands - choose the necessary color according to the palette, pay attention to the production of hair. For example, Slavic hair is of good quality. For one increase, you will need 150-200 strands. If you choose a material with capsules on the roots, you will not need to purchase keratin separately
  • A glue gun for English building - serves to warm up the resin, from which the master manually makes capsules. Pistols differ in size and diameter. For example, if you increase your hair in the temple area, choose a smaller diameter apparatus (it releases the resin in smaller portions)
  • Division - serves to separate the strands to which donor curls are attached

If you are ready to spend a tidy sum and simplify your task, purchase a laser apparatus for building or an ultrasound device. Both devices minimize hair damage and significantly accelerate the extension procedure.

Enlarge tools

How to choose forks for hot hair extension?

Depending on the type of extension and the task, several types of forceps are distinguished:

  • Spearms with a thermostat - have a flat surface. Pieces with the function of constant maintenance of the selected temperature gained great popularity.
    There are forceps with a dense surface and rounded ends, they form capsules of various shapes.
    They differ in size. To build up standard strands, choose 4mm, for thick - 6mm, and if you need to get microcapsules, then purchase a 2mm tool
  • Ultrasonic forceps (ultrasonic apparatus) - act on the capsule with an ultrasound wave, which has less harm to hair than high temperatures. It differs in high cost
  • Capsules removal

Of great importance when choosing tools is quality and manufacturer. At the moment, the ideal price-quality ratio is represented by LOOF. In addition, the forceps of this company are easy to circulate, so they are suitable even for beginners.

Important: when choosing forceps, take into account a number of factors: the formation of capsules manually or forceps, the density of native hair and the thickness of donor strands.

Hot hair troops

Which is better: hot or cold hair extension?

Hair extension is a serious step, so you should weigh the pros and cons. Both cold and hot increasing have pros and cons.

  • pros
Hot increasing Cold building
  1. Strong mount
  2. Invisible capsules
  3. Durability
  1. Lack of thermal exposure
  2. The speed of execution
  3. Simplicity of correction
  • Minuses
Hot increasing Cold building
  1. Exclusion of the influence of UV and salt water
  2. Thermal and physical impact
  3. The need to avoid high temperatures
  4. Caution selection of care products
  1. Mechanical exposure
  2. Can only be used on thick hair
  3. In view of the mounts, the hair is often combed out

It is impossible to completely avoid the risk of damage to your own hair, with any increase, exposure to the hair. Therefore, if you have thin, weakened or brittle hair, you should postpone the procedure and return to this venture after recovery and treatment your hair.

Capsular building

Hair extension cold and hot: Tips and reviews

If you want to make an increase, try to adhere to some requirements:

  • In advance Safehair
  • Study the nuances of various types of extension or seek advice to a professional
  • Before building up wash your head
  • Check out the rules for the care of your hair extended

Subject to these simple rules and a professional approach to the procedure, you will not have any problems. Following reviews of the negative result is received by girls who entrusted their hair to an amateur using low -quality materials, or neglected the recommendations for care.

Building: before and after

Video: Hair extension of hot technology of the Europa Hair studio

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