How to wash your hair instead of shampoo? Folk recipes of shampoos for oily, dry and thin hair

How to wash your hair instead of shampoo? Folk recipes of shampoos for oily, dry and thin hair

Modern shampoos for the most part consist of a number of components harmful to health. About how to safely wash your hair with natural means is described in the article.

Washing the head with store shampoo often causes a series of problems with hair. The most common consequences of improper care: dryness, brittleness, fat content of hair, the appearance of split ends and dullness of color.

Manufacturers of shampoos convince buyers that their product is not only harmless, but also extremely useful for people. As proof, they produce shampoos with essential oils, decoctions of herbs, honey, milk and other products. People present these funds as natural.

And it doesn’t matter at all that a dump of nettle, for example, shampoo contains only 0.01%. The very fact of its presence is important.

People rarely read the composition of food products, which is what to talk about care products. And in vain. If you look at the back of the jar from under the shampoo, you can find a whole table of Mendeleev there, and in addition a bunch of parabens, silicates and other garbage.

People are deceived by offering them a fully chemical product with the addition of natural components.

There is a way out of such a situation. In order not to be deceived - make shampoos yourself!

How can you wash your hair at home?

In addition to shampoos, there are many more products intended for washing hair. These include: ash, egg, mustard powder, soda, salt, clay, bread and flour.

Soundfic shampoos

  • If you cannot refuse shampoos or consider natural products unreliable, then the modern market offers you a new product - without sulfate shampoos. They are not so common, unlike ordinary ones, but every day fans of such shampoos are becoming more and more
  • Soundfish Shampoos contain much less harmful chemical compounds. In the first weeks of applying such a shampoo, perhaps your hair will look dim and lifeless
  • This is fine. Previously, their tone was supported by silicone, and now this very silicone is washed out. After some time, the hair structure will begin to recover, and the hair will return their former strength and beauty
  • But even when choosing salusfant shampoos should be extremely careful. Do not be lazy and look at the composition. Very often a screaming title - just an advertising trick

Folk remedies - hair shampoos: recipes for oily, dry, thin hair

Folk remedies always had their admirers, and this is logical. What washed to buy shampoo, hair mask or hand cream with any extract, when you can use this very extract in its pure form. In the latter case, there will be much more benefit. The same goes for shampoos.

Making shampoo at home is quite simple and cheap. Most likely, you have the products you need for this in the refrigerator. Nevertheless, only those shampoos that correspond to your hair type should be used.

Washing oily hair with folk remedies

It is quite simple to care for oily hair. It is enough to monitor the condition of the scalp, regularly cleansing it of the emerging fat.

  • Mustard shampoo. To prepare shampoo from mustard powder, 1 tbsp. The most mustard powder, egg yolk, 1/2 tsp. cosmetic oil (but any vegetable), water. So, mix all the ingredients and dilute them with water until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. We apply such a mixture to a slightly wet hair. Keep for 15 minutes under a hat and wash off with warm water
  • Soda shampoo. Soda is taken in half with water. There is 2 tbsp to the hair to the shoulders. soda. Soda is diluted in a glass with warm water and hair is washed with this solution. They are left with this state for 5 minutes, then washed with a large amount of water. It is recommended to rinse the hair after such a procedure with decoctions of herbs or water with a bite
  • Salt shampoo. This is not even shampoo, but a scrub for the scalp. Your task is to wet your hair and rub sea salt into the scalp with massage movements, distributing residues through your hair. Just be careful, do not overdo it, otherwise you can injure the scalp. Sea salt contains a huge amount of mineral substances, due to which it normalizes lipid metabolism. Hair stops getting dirty quickly

Washing dry hair with folk remedies

Dry hair needs careful care, so it is not suitable for washing soda or mustard.

  • Egg shampoo. Such shampoo is suitable for owners of thin and dry hair. Egg yolk contains many healthy fats and vitamins that help restore the structure of the hair from the inside. To prepare such a shampoo, 2 yolks are required. They must be beaten and applied to slightly wet hair for 30-60 minutes
  • Bread shampoo. The action of this shampoo is especially noticeable on dry split hair. B vitamins contained in bread will return to the hair of the former shine. It is necessary to cut crusts from several pieces of rye bread (without bran), leaving only the crumb. The crumb should be poured with water or herbal decoction so that the liquid covers the bread, but was not above it. The mixture is left for an hour, it is possible more, after which it is wiped through a sieve so that there are no lumps, egg yolk and half a teaspoon of vegetable oil (peach, grape seeds, olive or wheat germ) are added. The bread is softened and now has a homogeneous consistency. The hair must be soaked and the mask of bread must be soaked, evenly distributing it to the roots and the entire length of the hair. If the hair is not wet in front of the mask, then the bread is not washed off with simple water. Bread shampoo is kept on the head from 15 minutes, after which it is washed off under a strong pressure
  • Herbal shampoo. The head can and should be washed with herbal decoctions of the owners of dry hair. Such a decoction can be made from oak bark, chamomile, nettles, calendula. You can experiment and try to wash your hair with a decoction of each grass separately, or you can combine them. For the preparation of herbal shampoo, 30 g of dried grass is taken and 500 ml of boiling water is poured. The broth should be infused for an hour, after which they just need to carefully rinse the hair, rubbing the hair roots. The effect of such shampoo is not immediately achieved, but after several applications, since the natural balance of the scalp is restored for a long time

How to wash thin hair? How to wash your hair with an egg correctly

Thin hair needs enhanced diet. They look lifeless and dull. The following home shampoos will help to make hair thicker:

  • Egg shampoo. For thin and for dry hair, you should use different options for egg shampoo. For thin hair, an egg is taken as a whole, beaten and filtered. Sea salt is added to it, a couple of drops of essential oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. All this mixture is applied to wet hair for at least an hour. Wash off with water
  • Rye shampoo. Rye flour contains more vitamins than rye bread. To prepare rye shampoo, take 2 tbsp. rye flour and mixed with water or kefir until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. If you diluted flour with water, you can add 2-3 drops of some cosmetic oil. If desired, you can add an egg or yolk, lemon juice
  • Clay shampoo. For this procedure, green, gray and blue cosmetic clay are suitable. Clay is diluted with water or milk until the consistency of liquid sour cream, then applied to wet hair. Keep a mask from 15 to 20 minutes. Otherwise, there is a risk of drying hair. Over time, you will understand which components should be added to clay to achieve an amazing result

How to wash your hair with shampoo and soap?

  • Shampoo manufacturers made their product very concentrated. It was understood that it would be much more economical. But few who understood it
  • To wash your head properly with shampoo, it is necessary to dilute the shampoo with water in a small jar or glass. For 1 part shampoo 3 parts of water. It will turn out the same shampoo, only in the triple volume. Good savings, right? Diluted shampoo is enough for 2-3 soaps
  • It is not recommended to wash your hair with soap to those who have sensitive scalp or brittle hair. But the owners of oily hair are ideal for laundry soap. Before use, the hair needs to be soaked with water, then well soap your hands and distribute foam over your hair. In general, the procedure is similar to washing hair with ordinary shampoo

General advice regarding hair washing: it is recommended during rinsing and washing the hair to always keep his head inclined. This will increase the blood flow to the hair follicles, thereby improve the growth and structure of the hair.

How to wash your hair for growth and density when hair loss?

To grow hair, they need food. If you want to grow thick hair, then refuse purchased shampoos in favor of home. Use egg shampoos, bread, mustard and rye. Before washing your head, you can carry out a procedure for scrubbing the scalp with sea salt

When hair loss, you need to be careful. It is important to know the reason for their loss. Perhaps she lies inside. In this case, it is recommended to first undergo a course of treatment. If you are sure that there are no such reasons, then use clay as a means of washing your head.

Choose either white, or blue, or pink. Mix it with water, add egg yolk. Do not hold the mask for too long. Maximum 15 minutes. Otherwise, it will dry out, and it will be problematic to wash it off without damaging her hair.

How to wash your hair to give them a shine?

  • Typically, dull hair is associated with a lack of vitamins in the body or with open hair scales. In the first case, a complex of vitamins will help you, and in the second it is enough to change the shampoo
  • To “glue” hair scales, it is necessary to influence it outside. In this will help you acidic products, such as lemon and vinegar. As the main shampoo, you can use egg, bread shampoos or sea salt. And rinse the hair after washing with diluted apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. 1 tbsp is taken per liter of warm water. juice or vinegar
  • If you opted for vinegar, be sure to choose a natural apple. Dining 3% and 9% is not suitable. Ideally, learn how to make your own apple cider vinegar at home. In the store, it is likely to buy a mixture of apple juice and table vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar. Of course, in this case, there can be no talk of any benefit for hair

What did the hair wash in the old days? Washing hair with soda, recipe

Now we are so accustomed to a huge variety of shampoos that we can’t even imagine what people had before, before the appearance of these miracle means.

It turns out that in Russia it was customary to wash the hair with ash. Since in those days everyone had stoves in the houses, there were no problems with ash.

RECIPE: To wash your hair ash, you must first wet it well, then dilute ash and water in a glass in a 1: 1 ratio and rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots. The remains must be evenly distributed along the entire length and “mole” hair.

The following components are needed for washing hair with soda:

Recipe 1: Two jugs are prepared. Both are poured with hot water (60-70 degrees). In the first jug, they add 2-3 tbsp. soda, and in the second 1-2 tbsp. lemon juice or vinegar. In a jug with soda, a neutralization reaction will be held, in this form, soda is harmless to the hair. Now the procedure itself: soak your hair with water and gradually pour a solution of gaman soda on them, as if soaping the hair. After the first jug is empty, rinse your hair thoroughly with water. Now rinse your hair in a pelvis with a solution of vinegar. So your hair will gain shine and strength.

Recipe 2: About half a pack of baking soda is poured into a basin (20 l), water is added so that its level reaches the middle of the pelvis. Lower the hair into this solution and washed thoroughly. This method is much easier than the previous one. Soda solution is washed off with ordinary clean water. After this procedure, let your hair dry on your own.

How to wash your hair after keratin straightening?

A fashionable hair straightening procedure with keratin takes a leading place in the ranking of salon procedures. After it, the hair becomes strong, shiny, light and very soft. However, such hair needs special care.

In order not to wash keratin from the hair, exclude the use of shampoos with sulfates. This is the vast majority of shampoos in the market.

Ask your master what kind of means he made you keratin recovery. If this is a special series of one company, then it probably has shampoos for use after this procedure. It is advisable to use all the hair care products of one line to extend the effect of beautiful hair.

How to wash your hair to a child?

  • Children are stronger than adults allergies, so do not accustom them from an early age to chemistry
  • Breasts are recommended to wash with simple clean water. Sometimes you can add the most harmless baby soap that will not cause an unwanted reaction
  • Since the sebaceous glands of infants work less intensively than in adults, it is advisable to carry out the bathing procedure no more than 2 times a week

If you decide to use shampoo, then choose a children's one. It has the least different chemistry. At the same time, you need to apply shampoo carefully, avoiding a child’s eye or mouth.

Washing hair: tips and reviews

How to wash your hair correctly:

  1. Wash your hair only as you get dirty
  2. Use natural shampoos
  3. Before washing your head, comb your hair. So they will not confuse
  4. Never comb raw hair. The tips will begin to split and get
  5. Massage the scalp during the hair washing procedure. This improves blood supply

Yana, 38 years old, Rostov-on-Don

All her conscious life, except for the last three years, washed her hair with shampoo. By the age of 30, a miserable tail remained from my chic hair, and by 35 I almost lost my hair. Doctors said that the body reacts to chemistry in shampoos. Then I switched to home shampoos. The mustard did not fit me, but thanks to the bread, I have hair again. And not just hair, but healthy and beautiful curls.

Natasha, 24 years old, Novosibirsk

My childhood dream is to have hair to the waist. But I was not lucky with genetics: my hair grew up to the shoulder blades, then broke. The egg shampoo saved me, who was taught by my friend (trichologist by education). Now for a year now my head is only happy with them. My hair does not split and that ill -fated “barrier” has long grown out. Very little more and my dream of long and strong hair will come true!

What will happen if the hair was washed by Coca Baby?

Few will dare to take such an experiment, because everyone knows about the harm of Coca-Cola. However, if you wash your hair with this drink, they will get a noticeable shine, become soft and curly.

But this is a one -time effect. Performing this procedure more often, you risk losing your hair forever. Therefore, be careful.

Video: Homemade rye flour shampoo



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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you very much for such cool shampoos recipes, I will definitely try. I buy myself without a sulfate shampoo with keratin and oatmeal, I make masks with oatmeal, my hair is cleaner and obedient longer.

  2. I washed my hair with a mustard-vic mixture of flour and a month later my hair became magnificent, but an erection disappeared and now I am a complete impotent because of this, the penis hangs with an unnecessary element ... That's what amateur performances.

  3. Bird milk is best for washing walrus crap ...

  4. Thank you🤗🤗🤗

  5. For hair care, I often use a horse oil and a mask of the balm of this series manufacturer Twins TEK. By the way, it is inexpensive. In their composition, oil, trace elements and hyaluronic acid. Actively protecting the hair from external factors. Nourishes and moisturizes the hair. Small -shaped appeared quickly enough hair. My hair is now obedient.

  6. Thank you for the article!

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