Hair restoration. Hair treatment from the inside, healing of hair, scalp care

Hair restoration. Hair treatment from the inside, healing of hair, scalp care

The article contains useful tips for caring for problem hair. Medical and folk methods of treating diseases of the scalp and hair.

According to the state of the hair, one can judge human health. Thin and porous hairs, split ends, dandruff, itching of the skin, hair loss - all these factors reflect the internal state of the human body. The primary task of the reconstruction of strands and bulbs is to find out the reason for their weakening, and only then resort to therapy with medicines or traditional medicine.

Causes of hair deterioration

  • Hereditary factor
  • Thyroid function disorders
  • Telegnum alopecia is a disease in which the hair, still in the growth phase, goes to the phase of rest
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Lack of iron
  • Acute lack of vitamins and minerals
  • Head of the skin of the head, such as dermatitis or seborrhea
  • Acute reaction to stressful situations
  • Hard effect on the hair: drying with a hairdryer, hair coloring, the use of shampoos with sulfates, as well as various modeling gels, varnishes, waxes
  • External factor: wind, frost, cold and so on
  • Environmental pollution

Important: a sign that the hair is sick is not necessarily becoming their loss or brittleness. The burnout of the strands in the sun, dryness or excessive fat content also indicate that your curls need help.

Causes of hair deterioration

Treatment of strands from the inside: vitamins and nutrition

The beauty of your hairstyle directly depends on what you eat. The transition to certain products will help to cope with the specific problems of curls.

If your strands are too fat, limit fried and fatty dishes for yourself. Your choice is lean varieties of fish, bird, as well as all the variety of vegetables.

With dry curls and skin of the head, add food to the diet with content sulfur (chicken eggs, onions and garlic, asparagus), copper (seafood, cucumbers, zucchini) and fatty acids (fatty varieties of fish, nuts, avocados). To get rid of the overdings of strands will help pure drinking water, if you use it in an amount of 1.5 liters per day.

When firing curls will save zincto which seafood, eggs, meat, milk, brown bread are rich.

In case of loss of hair color and a tendency to early gray hair, opt for bananas, avocados, milk. These products contain a special amino acid responsible for coloring the hair - tyrosin.

A trace element helps against hair aging silicon. This is the second most common element on the planet, but because of the poverty of soils on which crops are grown, hair suffers from its lack. Silicon rarely enters the pharmacy complexes of trace elements, so try to get it with food. The best sources of the element are root vegetables and fruits, especially soil -enriched soils, as well as brown rice, drinking water of medium rigidity.

Hair loss is due to deficiency gland, iodine, vitamin E. Iodine can be found in seaweed and seafood, iron - in chicken eggs, meat, liver, carrots, vitamin E - in vegetable and butter, in chicken eggs.

Starring vitamin A (retinol) The body produces its own collagen and fights signs of aging. The reginol regenerating abilities are indispensable for your curls. A lot of vitamin A is found in carrots, white cabbage, pumpkin, fatty fish, milk and dairy products, liver.

From a shortage vitamin C. The hair becomes dull, begins to break, to be interrupted on the tips, it is easy to damage and fall out. Ascorbic acid improves blood circulation in the scalp, so the curls grow more intensively, and the hair itself gains natural strength and natural shine. There is a lot of vitamin in cabbage (colored, white, Brussels), greens, rosehips, currants, mountain ash, apples, tangerines, potatoes, beets.

The use of seasonal vegetables in fresh form is a direct path to the strength and beauty of the hair

Extremely important for strong and even over the entire length of the hair, B vitamins B.

  • Vitamin B1or thiamine, is responsible for the strength of the hair and its natural coloring. To replenish thiamine in the body, eat more nuts, legumes, potatoes, gross flour, bran, liver.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) prevents the dry cover. It is his deficiency that most often leads to itching and dandruff. In large quantities, B6 is present in beef meat, white cabbage, dairy products, meat offal, chicken eggs.
  • Vitamin is separate B7 (it is also called h or bIOTIN). His lack is the main reason for the sudden thinning of hairstyles and thinning of the hair. Biotin is contained in veal, lamb, pork, meat offal, dairy products, eggs, cereals, legumes, dark green vegetables, apples, oranges.
  • With vitamin B12, otherwise called cobalamin, the cells of the body regenerately regenerate, which affects the strength and density of curls, the health of the scalp. Vitamin is rich in seafood, meat offal, birds, soy meat, chicken eggs.

Important: the sufficient intake of the entire complex of vitamins B into the body will provide you with durable, brilliant, healthy hair, regardless of their length.

Today, pharmacies offer a variety of vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen hair and stop their loss. Doctors, as a rule, recommend a pantovigar - a complex that helps to restore health to curls for any reason for their weakening, except for hormonal ones.

Hair restoration vitamins

Vitamins A, C, E, Group B in capsules and tablets can both be taken orally or added to shampoos and other care products.

Important: Before proceeding with vitamins, consult your doctor. It is important to undergo a medical examination, and not talk about hair with a cosmetologist or hairdresser.

How to wash your hair correctly?

The first stage of caring for strands is to wash them. Cleaning curls every 10 days or daily - an individual decision of each, this does not affect the condition of the hair. However, if after washing you use varnish, gel, foam and other styling products, then cleaning the strands is better to make a more rare event.

Washing your hair with too hot or too cold water is not recommended. The temperature of 35-45 degrees is optimal for cleaning the strands.

How to wash your hair correctly?

Use shampoo correctly. Despite the benefit of massage of the head when foaming, you should not do too aggressive movements. Make sure not to injure your hair with too hard treatment.

Clean your head with shampoo twice to eliminate all fat and pollution.

Important: wash off shampoo, air conditioning and hair masks very carefully. The remnants of these products will be detrimental to the condition of the hair and scalp.

Hair restoration outside: cosmetics

To properly care for your curls, you need to find out their type. There are four types of hair: oily, dry, normal and mixed type. Guided by this information, and you should choose funds for care.

Choosing hair recovery products

Conventional shampoos contain sulfates - special substances that do perfectly with cleansing the hair and skin of the head, eliminating dry skin, dandruff. After the washing procedure with such a tool, the hairstyle looks, as a rule, really well -groomed. However, in the use of sulfate cosmetics there are pitfalls.

Sulfates completely wash off fat from each curl and skin, including the special fat that is necessary for the body as a barrier against mechanical damage and adverse weather conditions. Left without protection, the hairs lose their strength, become brittle, weak, porous. Thus, the pursuit of the momentary beauty of the hairstyle turns into real harm to the health of the hair.

Important: Choose shampoos marked "Sinifty". Hair needs to be used to this tool, but the result will not disappoint you. After all, only healthy curls can be really beautiful.

Series of Seefat Cosmetics Organic Shop, Russia's production
Series of Seefat Cosmetics Organic Shop, Russia's production

One shampoo, even if it contains only natural components for the reconstruction of curls. Additional funds are required that will give the hair softness, density, strength. For this purpose, barrier air conditioners and balms are perfectly coped, which can be used for each hair washing, as well as masks and means of special hair care.

For deep nutrition of the hair, restoration of its structure, strengthening the hair folikula, apply oils. You can buy the finished oil that goes in the line of hair care products, or conduct oil wraps on your own at home. When buying a finished product, pay attention to the composition. Specialists call burnt, castor, olive oils the most useful for hair. For the shine of curls, use also the ethers of the ylang-ylang, against dandruff-an extract of tea tree, for rapid growth-rosemary essential oil, for moisturizing-avocado oil.

Treatment and scalp care

The skin on the head, like the skin of the whole body, can be dry, normal and oily. Fatty and overdings of the scalp are factors that can cause diseases.

Important: to prevent dandruff, rashes, dermatitis and other troubles, soften water for washing your hair. To do this, it is enough to bring it to a boil.

Exactly determine the type of your curls and use cosmetics exclusively by type of hair. With an increase in the sensitivity of the scalp or its fat content, contact a dermatologist or trichologist (a specialist in the field of hair treatment) who will select treatment for you.

Hair restoration at home. Hair Masks: Recipes

Hair restoration at home. Hair Masks: Recipes
  • Mask against falling out. For a mixture, you will need pepper tincture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy and castor oil. Connect 1 tbsp. each component. Rub the mixture in the skin of the head, put on a plastic cap, wait 2 hours and rinse the strands thoroughly.
  • Mask for strengthening hair. Grind the onion head with a grater, add 1 tsp to onion. melted in a water bath of honey. At 1 hour, apply the composition along the entire length, rinse with warm water.
  • Mask for hair restoration from the inside. 1 tbsp. Dilute the yeast powder in 1 tsp. warm water. Add foamed egg protein to the yeast. Distribute the mixture on curls and scalp, leave for 1 hour.
  • Mask against fat content. Apply kefir or yogurt to dirty hair (before washing your head), leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

Important: any mask will be even more effective if, in addition to a polyethylene cap, to warm your head with a towel, a knitted hat or a scarf.

Hair rinsing

Hair rinsing

Rinse the hair after each of their washing. It is best to do this with acidified water. Such water protects against many ailments of the skin and hair: fat content and dryness, dermatitis, dandruff, itching, rashes.

  1. Recipes of rinses for normal hair:
    • 2 tbsp. vinegar 9% per 1 liter of water;
    • juice of one lemon or grapefruit per 1.5 liters. water.
  2. For shine, add 1 tbsp to the water. apple cider vinegar or half a teaspoon of citric acid.
  3. You can dry oily hair with the help of decoctions of chamomile, nettles, plantain, sage, St. John's wort, rosemary.
  4. For dry hair, use strong tea, cooled to room temperature, with the addition of mint.

Hair restoration advice and reviews

And finally - several valuable hair care tips.

  • If you do not buy shampoos from natural components and do not cook them yourself, opt for professional hair cosmetics. Such funds almost do not differ in price from ordinary ones, but the percentage of natural ingredients in them is much higher.
  • If you do not imagine your hairstyle without laying a hairdryer, take care of the presence of cold air function in it, because it will injure the hair much less hot exposure.
Hair restoration advice and reviews
  • If you like curls, replace thermal shutters with papilloks - soft stripes in which the strands stretch with a hook.
  • Metal combs spoil the scalp and hair. Use wooden massage brushes or pork stubble accessories.
  • When striking your hair, do not try to comb them, again and again, leading them with a brush. Raste the knots with your hands.
  • Start combing the strands from the tips, gradually rising to the roots.

Important: trying to get long hair, many ladies refuse to regularly level the ends of the strands. Cut the ends, even if you are in the stage of hair growth.

You can treat hair with both medicines and folk remedies. But it is better to avoid these measures and regularly engage in the prevention of hair diseases. To do this, select the correct cosmetics for your curls, eat balanced and diverse, and also do not neglect special care - masks, oils, and therapeutic compounds for strengthening hair.

Video: Trips of a trichologist

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Comments K. article

  1. To restore my hair after winter and improve their condition, I began to take Natubiotin once a day. These are Swiss mono vitamins with Coenzym R Coinzim. I drank exactly a month and during this time the hair is good for the industry and do not break at the ends.

  2. In general, I try to eat right, this is still directly reflected on my hair. I also drink such additives as a muddy omega 3 Evalar and complex vitamins. Well, I use barrage shampoos

  3. I do not often do hair masks myself, I think that beauty and health come from the inside, so the intake of vitamins is more effective. I accept Natubiotin in the offseason. These mono vitamins made my hair strong and healthy.

  4. Shampoos do not solve the problem of brittle hair ... Alas. The trichologist told me to turn the food, add fish to the diet and fermented milk products, plus Natubiotin to drink for a month to nourish the hair from the inside. Really helped.

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