Women's haircuts for the full: choice of choice, photo. How to choose a haircut for a full woman?

Women's haircuts for the full: choice of choice, photo. How to choose a haircut for a full woman?

The article will help to choose the most advantageous haircut and hairstyle for full women, will give useful recommendations taking into account the length and structure of the hair, the features of a magnificent figure and shape of the face.

Hair is an undeniable element of female appearance. You can change your style, age and even visual perception of the body of the body with the help of hairstyle alone. Moreover, both for the best and for the worse. What does a woman with the size of the body need to know a little more than 90-60-90, when choosing a new haircut? We reveal professional tricks and share useful tips.

Features of choosing a haircut for full women

Undoubtedly, it is impossible to call a universal hairstyle, which will become a solution for any woman of large physique. In order for the haircut to be perfect, many factors should be taken into account:

  • face shape
  • age
  • image/style
  • body proportionality
  • natural hair data


For example, a young girl can afford sloppy strands, wicker braids or can play with hair color. Obviously, the status lady has a number of restrictions due to the social role assigned to her and cannot allow themselves these liberties.

In addition, the structure of curls, embedded genetically, should be taken into account. Rare or thick, straight or wavy - the initial hair parameters also affect the choice of a winning hairstyle.

Requirements for the main elements of the haircut with a rounded figure:

  • Length
    Hair level is usually associated with age. The older the woman, the shorter she chooses her haircut. This is explained by practical goals (it is more difficult to care for long hair) and a strict way of mature women (long hair gives some windness and romance).

However, there are always their exceptions. There are many examples when beautiful long hair refreshed the image of a woman and significantly underestimated her true age.

Staying on women in the body, in most cases, haircuts with an intermediate length between too short and long strands are suitable for them, i.e. Optimal will be slightly related to or covering the shoulders of the hair.

However, options with other sizes of hair can also be properly beaten.

In addition to age, the success of the chosen length of the haircut is determined by the proportionality of the face, the parameters of the cheekbones, the size of the forehead and the chin.

IMPORTANT : The length of the hair is directly dependent on the smoothness of the bends of the face. The smoother features, the longer there may be a haircut.

Read more about suitable hairstyles for different facial shapes below.

  • Volume
    The preferred option is air, voluminous, slightly disheveled hair on the crown and in the temple (cascade, ladder, etc.).

Important: the excessive volume on the head will turn the already rather large forms of a woman into even more noticeable roundness, so you should adhere to a sense of proportion.

As for the straight, reduced hair, tightly combed into the tail and other similar hairstyles - they visually reduce the size of the woman’s head, which in contrast will emphasize a disproportionately large body, which is not good

  • Bang
    The presence of a strand of hair on the forehead is able to beat the fatness of the cheeks and too round face. But you should choose oblique, slightly elongated bangs, not forgetting about the finishing. Direct, massive, as well as excessively short bangs, can be spoiled, on the contrary, by focusing on the overness and splendor of the lines of the face.


  • Parting
    Visual lengthening of the head can be achieved if the parting is moved from the center. The symmetrical “correct” hairstyle will not bring the desired result to a woman with voluminous forms, whose desire to hide rounded shortcomings

  • Palette
    The priority criterion for determining the color of the hair is the type of skin of a woman: dark, bright, with freckles, etc. In addition, it should be remembered that burning black has the ability to add age, excessively white blonde color does not always go to women in years.

Almost always on women with full forms, highlighted, colorful hair will look successfully, i.e. Lack of monotony on the head.

Important: the variety in the shades and length of the curls distracts attention and masks the roughness of the figure.

How to choose the right haircut in the shape of a face?

Tips for choosing an appropriate hairstyle for two people can be absolutely opposite due to the characteristics of their physiological structure, in particular the form of their front part of the head.

In a rough generalization, you can correlate this shape with the most similar geometric figure:

  • oval
  • a circle
  • rectangle
  • square
  • triangle

In the predominant number of cases, full girls and ladies aged are the owners of people round and square outlines. Despite this, we will briefly consider the existing tips for hairstyles for all basic types.

1. Oval
Representatives of the oval type of face can be proud of the largest assortment of their haircuts that suit them, since they do not have the task of optical correction of the external form of appearance.

As for the rest of the face, then figuratively, each of them, thanks to the arsenal of the most advantageous options for haircuts, externally strives for the conditional standard - oval form.

2. Circle
If the shape of the face resembles a circle, you should visually stretch your head in a vertical plane and hide part of the cheeks.

  • Yes: volume in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown, oblique, airy (susten) bangs, parting on the right or left of the center of the head, asymmetry, multi -level locks
  • Not: Central parting, curls behind the ears, a short haircut to the level of the extreme point of the face with tips twisted to the chin, short horizontal bangs
  • Haircuts: cascade, classic ladder, inverted bob with below chin with curls, asymmetric square with diagonal bangs, etc.

A circle

3. The rectangle
A large forehead, coupled with an elongated chin, should be visually reduced in length.

  • Yes: volume in the area of \u200b\u200bcheekbones, long to eyebrows smooth bangs; If you prefer short haircuts, then choose no lower than the lip line, the widest element of the hairstyle should be in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe ears

  • Not: long straight or upward hair without strands on the forehead, open zone on top of the eyebrows and undisguised ears, a vertical parting in the middle


  • Haircuts: middle level, curly curls, lush strands along the cheek line

4. Square
To get closer to the treasured oval, you need to smooth out the corners and increase the length of the head.

  • Yes: Soft lines, asymmetry, curling curls on the side, graduated haircuts, shifted and uneven parting, side bangs

  • Not: Parallel bangs, bilaterality, open ears, strands raised upwards with an open frontal zone, straight hair to the lower edge of the face

  • Haircuts: asymmetric bean, profiled ladder, short, voluminous in the temporal zone of haircuts

5. Triangle
To bring a wide forehead and a narrow acute chin in the harmony of the missing volume from the bottom or visually reduce the upper part of the head.

  • Yes: The most voluminous element of the haircut at the nose level or 1-2 cm below, the bangs on the eyebrows, the parting can be different
  • Not: tall, raised hairstyles upstairs, small bangs, smooth whiskey
  • Haircuts: square is just below the line of earlobes with rounded tips, curls, bob


Hairstyles for full women with a double chin: choice

The priority installation should be distracting attention from the chin, i.e. Masks are flawless.

The cornerstone principle: The haircut is not recommended to end the chin on the border, and that even worse the ends should not be touched to the chin, bare whiskey is also prohibited. This position will only harm, the face will increase, the chin will visually become more bulky.

  • In the presence of long hair, a high tail will look advantageous
  • With short -haired hair, you should switch your attention to the top of the hairstyle so that the eye does not lower to the chin. A great solution can be called a square with slightly raised roots and a short bean

Short haircuts for full women: choosing tips

Excessively short hair leaves the face unprotected, open, which is unprofitable reflected in the perception of the size of the face. It is not masked in any way and seems large.

  • It is best to give preference to cascading, wavy hairstyles, ladders with careless, slightly disheveled locks
  • For straight hair, a bob hairstyle with lengthening in front will look great. A good option can be a square
  • For figurative narrowing and stretching the appearance of the crown should be raised, the bangs should go to the side, the locks should framed the cheeks, hiding part of the volume
  • Asymmetry in the hairstyle, the absence of the right straight lines is welcome

Important: If you are a happy owner of a large bust, short haircuts are not the most successful choice, it is better to prefer the length just below the shoulder and a voluminous air hairstyle.

Average haircuts for full women: choosing tips

The requirements for a successful hairstyle with a lush figure remain the same. The hairstyle should be made moderately voluminous and multi -level.

  • As mentioned earlier, women in the body are best in the middle length, which successfully hides the imperfect features of the figures
  • Hair reaching the shoulder line is enough that the cheeks and neck are hidden in curls, and the voluminous profiled top visually extended her face
  • Falling on the shoulders, slightly curled curls will create a wonderful image

  • Cascade and graduated ladder are the most popular haircuts for this hair length
  • Creating a multi -stage haircut, you should not make the first level too low, it should be higher than the chin
  • Preference should be given by oblique, asymmetric lines, avoiding horizontal, to whatever element this belongs: bangs, parting

Asymmetric haircut for full women

The word asymmetry has been mentioned more than once among the recommendations when choosing a suitable haircut for women seeking to hide their weight. Indeed, asymmetric hairstyles due to different lengths of the strands allow you to stretch out a square or rounded face, not focus on puffy cheeks or wide -diluted cheekbones.

  • The most charming asymmetry looks on medium hair, where there is an opportunity to fantasize and play with curls
  • As a rule, an asymmetric haircut implies a parting on the side, as well as the scythe

In other words, such a haircut embodies all profitable bonuses for female representatives with roundness.

A haircut for a complete woman with a short neck: choice of choice

  • If you want your neck to become visually longer, you need to choose short haircuts. However, one should not forget about the shape of your face, since in pursuit of a beautiful neck, you can flaunt excessively round cheeks
  • As an alternative, it is better to consider the idea of \u200b\u200ba square with long framing curls in front. At the back of the neck will be open, in front of the face thanks to the locks will seem less. This will solve two problems at the same time

  • In conditions of long hair, it is possible to open the neck using high hairstyles. For example, you can tie a tail from above. It is even better if the bangs are elongated and oblique
  • If it seems to you that your neck is not long enough, forget about low tails, bundles, braids and lush curls on your shoulders. These elements will make it even shorter

Haircuts for full women with thin hair

So that a rare hair does not spoil the appearance, you should achieve a visual increase in their volume. To this end, you can use the advantages of haircuts cascade, when shorter strands of the first level create a voluminous crown, and the rest of the layers add a feeling of careless disheveled and lightness.

The winning solution for fat women with a thin structure of hair can be offered to the square, standard and reverse bean.

A bang, which is also able to give the desired volume, should be an obligatory attribute of the hairstyle. The main thing is to abandon the direct horizontal bangs, which, firstly, is contraindicated in full women, and secondly, it looks ugly on thin, deprived of volume of hair.

Evening hairstyles for full women: photo

When choosing an evening hairstyle option, first of all, you need to build on the existing proportions of the face and style of the evening dress.

  • For example, for an air, chiffon, scattered dress, not tight, light curls are more suitable, but for a case dress - highly collected hair
  • With a raised hairstyle, special attention should be paid to the bangs leaving towards the cheek, if there is no bangs, it is advisable to leave a couple of strands to frame the face to make the face more narrow

  • As an option, you can afford a braid woven to one side, not forgetting about a sufficient volume of hairstyles from above or at the temples
  • If you stopped on natural or twisted long hair, you can make a small comb on top and stab the bangs through the top to the back of the head

Hairstyles for complete: choices of choice

  • Take into account the individual shape of your face: if the chin is narrow, compensate for this with the volume of the face, with wide - on the contrary, avoid haircuts to the chin border

Important: make sure that the widest part of the face does not match the level with the most voluminous element of the haircut.

  • Avoid central parting and straight bangs
  • Prefer the haircut with steps and multi -level locks
  • Raise the roots from the crown

  • Remember that the hair pressed to the head makes it unnaturally small in comparison with the rest of the body, as well as the excessive volume - too large, emphasizing lush forms
  • Constructing basic recommendations and observing the above criteria for a successful haircut, strict hair restrictions on hair length can not be held

Thus, following the small tricks of hairdressing, you can prettyly embellish your appearance, highlight the pluses and disguise the imperfections.

Video: Fashion hairstyles and haircuts for full women

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Comments K. article

  1. An article for Russian -speaking, and women in the photo, foreigners, not at all Slavic appearance. Darkness, here is not at all in place. Therefore, the benefits are zero.

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