Hair straightening with keratin, lamination, ironing: pros and cons of

Hair straightening with keratin, lamination, ironing: pros and cons of

The article describes all types of hair straightening that will help you change your appearance and give your hair beauty and new style.

At all times, beautiful and silky curls were the most desirable dream of women. And although the fashion is the lady is changeable and each time new styling methods and styles of haircuts appear, the proper hair care remains unchanged.

Hair straightening in hairdressing art appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to attract the attention of many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. This is a magnificent method to change your image and look at yourself from a new angle. It is no less interesting for those who strive for the most gentle method to get rid of a chemical curling or straighten their curls donated by nature.

Perfectly smooth, properly laid hair can emphasize the woman’s business style, they always look well -groomed and stylish.

Meanwhile, beauty salons offer us several methods of hair straightening, including:

  1. keratin hair straightening;
  2. hair straightening by lamination;
  3. hair straightening with an iron;
  4. permanent or chemical hair straightening.

Keratin hair straightening pluses and minuses

Based on the name of the procedure, keratin hair straightening is carried out through natural keratin, that is, natural protein obtained from sheep wool.

Keratin straightening is suitable for any type of hair, their color and structure.

Keratin hair straightening. In the photo, hair before and after the procedure.
Keratin hair straightening. In the photo, the hair is “before” and “after” the procedure.

Any type of straightening the curl is carried out exclusively on clean hair. A specially prepared keratin solution is applied along the entire length of the hair, retreating from the roots by 1 cm. Using a nozzle, gently dry the hair. In the process of the procedure, keratin molecules penetrate the structure of the hair, filling all the pores, aligning the scales of the barrel. Warm up to 200-250 degrees with an iron, the master neatly smoothes the curls, thereby sealing them into an invisible film. The duration of the procedure takes no more than 2 hours.

Important: Keratin’s effects can not only neatly leve naughty hair, but also improve her. This is especially noticeable on severely damaged curls. After the procedure, they become even and smooth, acquire a natural and beautiful shine, a silky structure.

Subject to proper hair care, as well as depending on their structure, the effect remains up to 5 months, after which the procedure can be repeated.

What does the hair lamination procedure look like?

For several years, the procedure for laminating hair has been especially popular among women. Moreover, you can make it not only in beauty salons, but also at home with the help of ordinary food gelatin.

The lamination procedure allows you to protect and restore hair along the entire length, make it more elastic and smooth, and the hairstyle is beautiful and voluminous.

It should be noted that in the beauty salons for this purpose, branded compositions are used, which are applied to the entire length with a spatter in several layers. As a result, an enveloping film is formed, which can pass air to the hair. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 5 weeks, subject to proper care.

Professional set for lamination of hair in a beauty salon
Professional set for lamination of hair in a beauty salon

Before carrying out the procedure, the master’s master selects a special shampoo, with which it performs deep hair cleaning of pollution with subsequent careful rinsing.

A special composition is applied to slightly moisturized hair for 15 minutes - this is the first procedure that saturates it with nutrients, envelops with silicone and protein along the entire length. Its masters are called a hot phase, because during the procedure the hair is heated by a special lamp.

After that, the oil is applied with a special spray, which immediately penetrates the structure of each hair, restoring it and forming a protective film.

And finally, the curls are treated with a regenerating composition, which makes them smooth, gives them beautiful shine and silkiness.

At the end of the lamination procedure, the hair is washed, the balm is applied to them, dry it and laying it with an iron.

Laminated hair in a beauty salon with professional compositions
Laminated hair in a beauty salon with professional compositions

A good straightening effect can be obtained at home, conducting a lamination procedure with ordinary food gelatin. But before the start of the procedure, it is recommended to cut the split ends of the hair, so the hairstyle will gain a more spectacular look.

Hair lamination at home

The lamination procedure at home requires preparing a gelatin powder that restores balm and water - 1 tbsp. Dilute the gelatin in water and put in a water bath. Add the restorative balm and mix well.

Hair lamination at home
Hair lamination at home

Apply the finished product to washed and slightly moistened hair and distribute it along the entire length. Wrap your hair with a warm towel and hold the composition for 40 minutes. Then rinse it with water, dry your hair with a hairdryer and carefully lay it.

Hair straightening with an iron
Hair straightening with an iron

You can achieve the effect of hair straightening thanks to such a hairdresser as an iron. Modern manufacturers offer us a wide assortment of such a tool, so in order not to damage the hair structure you need to be familiar not only with the basic rules of choice, but also directly with the basic stages of the procedure. So where should you start? First, read a small list of necessary drugs:

  • Balm;
  • Mask;
  • Mousse;
  • Spray;
  • Comb-Bracing;
  • Elastic bands or hairpins;
  • Iron.

If you are the owner of enough curly hair, then before the straightening procedure, apply balm to wet hair and immediately rinse it with warm running water.

After that, apply the mask and hold it according to the instructions on the bottle. This will allow you to maintain the effect of smooth hair for a longer time.

Then, immediately before laying the hair, treat them with a special spray or mousse. Dry them with an air hairdryer, using a special comb-braching for this, stretching your hair from top to bottom. It is advisable to use brushing with natural bristles for this purpose. If you have long enough hair, then divide it into small strands, fixing it with elastic bands or hairpins. After that, it will be more convenient for you to cope with the hair straightening procedure with an iron.

To straighten your hair, use irrigation ironing irons.

To keep hair styling for a longer period, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Basic requirements for hair straightening

  1. In order not to damage the hair structure, experts do not recommend straightening the hair with an iron more than 2 times a week.
  2. Smoothly move the iron along the entire length of the hair, without holding it in one place for more than 3 seconds.
  3. Do not straighten dirty and wet hair. By this, you risk damaging the hair structure!

What does the hair look like after a chemical hair straightening?

When the “war” with naughty hair begins to act on your nerves, sooner or later you will want to apply more radical methods. And then, of course, you decide to visit the beauty salon and resort to the method of chemical hair straightening, which will help you once and for a long time to cope with their obedience. What is a chemical hair straightening? This is the same chemical curl, but vice versa.

Chemical hair straightening
Chemical hair straightening - before and after

First, Master Dolgen is well combed with hair and distribute it on strands, on which a special straightening agent with the content of ammonium thioglyclate or sodium hydrolyclate will apply.

The composition is kept on the hair for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water and a special fixing agent is applied. In order to restore the pH level, at the end of the procedure, a neutralizing agent is applied, washed several times with warm water and dried with a towel. Then an ordinary hair straightening procedure is already carried out with an iron.

After an unsuccessfully conducted chemical curl, you can straighten your hair with a keratin procedure. In this case, it is not recommended to use chemical hair straightening in order not to destroy their structure completely.

Hair straightening - reviews

Eugene 21 years old

I am already the second to spend the hair straightening procedure with keratin. Thanks to this, I gained obedient hair that sparkle with their beauty under the rays of the sun. Hair is easily combed, easily fit and pleasant to the touch.

Svetlana is 22 years old

After the hair straightening procedure, my hair improved. Previously, they were dull and had an untidy look, and after unsuccessful staining, they also became brittle. Now I am proud of my hair. They are not only beautiful and even, but as if there were more. I recommend to all!

Tanya is 25 years old

I conducted a hair lamination procedure at home using gelatin. The effect is amazing! The hair has become beautiful, silky, easily fit and pleasant to the touch. The procedure was carried out immediately after dyeing the hair (on the advice of a friend), and I do not regret it. The paint looks more beautiful, does not wash off and I hope it will delight me for some more time. The only advice is that do not use an iron to straighten hair immediately after lamination! By this, you will only make all your efforts to naught.

Marina is 23 years old

I tuned in a chemical hair straightening for a long time, but still decided. Tired of daily morning hair straightening procedures with an iron and I decided to straighten my hair with a more radical method. And I do not regret. For the third week, I have easily combing my hair, I don’t see a shock of hair in a mirror reflection in the morning, but only beautiful and even hair. I was satisfied with the result, so I recommend to all curls. Do not worry - the hair remains healthy, softer and obedient.

Hair straightening: conclusions

As you can see, to cope with curly and naughty hair and give them a beautiful and stylish look, simply and accessible to each of us. To do this, you just need to decide on the choice of a straightening method, which will be suitable for your type of hair.

Video: Chemical hair straightening


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